More Americans want states to ignore federal courts

More Americans want states to ignore federal courts

More Americans? Did we find more Americans hiding in the closet that we thought were not there???
It is true that a lot of religious Americans are having a hard time wrapping their brains around this and probably wouldn't object too much if their state ignored what the Supreme Court decided. They'll get over it
They have had it their whey so long they can't see the error of their wheys, and they wonder why people riot....
Also keep in mind there are even some black people who are anti gay rights because ignorance comes in all shades
More Americans want states to ignore federal courts

More Americans? Did we find more Americans hiding in the closet that we thought were not there???
It is true that a lot of religious Americans are having a hard time wrapping their brains around this and probably wouldn't object too much if their state ignored what the Supreme Court decided. They'll get over it

They did get over that the world is not flat...well at least most of them will someday...LOL
More Americans want states to ignore federal courts

More Americans? Did we find more Americans hiding in the closet that we thought were not there???
It is true that a lot of religious Americans are having a hard time wrapping their brains around this and probably wouldn't object too much if their state ignored what the Supreme Court decided. They'll get over it

They did get over that the world is not flat...well at least most of them will someday...LOL
They are really pissed that Jesus will now need a '69 Ford Mustang instead of a white steed when he returns...
More Americans want states to ignore federal courts

More Americans? Did we find more Americans hiding in the closet that we thought were not there???
It is true that a lot of religious Americans are having a hard time wrapping their brains around this and probably wouldn't object too much if their state ignored what the Supreme Court decided. They'll get over it
They have had it their whey so long they can't see the error of their wheys, and they wonder why people riot....
oh well. As each day passes that generation dies off more and more and the new generation accepting of fairness and what's right will replace them. Eventually that ignorance will die out I hope. I know there will always be racist and homophobic but if we could lower their numbers that's all I'm asking for now. Maybe we can evolve those things out of us
More Americans want states to ignore federal courts

More Americans? Did we find more Americans hiding in the closet that we thought were not there???
It is true that a lot of religious Americans are having a hard time wrapping their brains around this and probably wouldn't object too much if their state ignored what the Supreme Court decided. They'll get over it
They have had it their whey so long they can't see the error of their wheys, and they wonder why people riot....
oh well. As each day passes that generation dies off more and more and the new generation accepting of fairness and what's right will replace them. Eventually that ignorance will die out I hope. I know there will always be racist and homophobic but if we could lower their numbers that's all I'm asking for now. Maybe we can evolve those things out of us
I am sure the GOP will use it with a passion as a wedge issue in 2016...
More Americans want states to ignore federal courts

More Americans? Did we find more Americans hiding in the closet that we thought were not there???
It is true that a lot of religious Americans are having a hard time wrapping their brains around this and probably wouldn't object too much if their state ignored what the Supreme Court decided. They'll get over it

They did get over that the world is not flat...well at least most of them will someday...LOL
They are really pissed that Jesus will now need a '69 Ford Mustang instead of a white steed when he returns...
I believe already three churches are rethinking their position on gay marriage and the whole gay being a sin concept. It may be rare in our species but it is not a sin wrong bad or immoral.
I am sure the GOP will use it with a passion as a wedge issue in 2016...

Good luck with that...

Young Republicans favor same-sex marriage Pew Research Center

You support Uncle Tom and house slaves? You do know black men served the South in the Civil War right?

You use the term Uncle Tom and accuse me of racism? You're too stupid to live
I can show you a rich gay Black Muslim atheist rich Republican. What do they all have in common? The greedy gene.

and that makes them different from almost any democrat, how?
I or we care about the poor even though we are not poor ourselves. We don't lack empathy like you do. That's the difference

Democrats have no qualms about using other people's money to support the poor, when it comes to putting up their own is where they stumble
Democrats have no problem putting up their own money
You use the term Uncle Tom and accuse me of racism? You're too stupid to live
I can show you a rich gay Black Muslim atheist rich Republican. What do they all have in common? The greedy gene.

and that makes them different from almost any democrat, how?
I or we care about the poor even though we are not poor ourselves. We don't lack empathy like you do. That's the difference

Democrats have no qualms about using other people's money to support the poor, when it comes to putting up their own is where they stumble
Democrats have no problem putting up their own money
My brother is Rich and he always says he doesn't mind paying a little more to help poor people because he knows that's how a proper society is run. For example do you want crime to go up? Then take away money from social programs that help the poor. That's a good way to do it
A lot of rich people don't mind a progressive tax system. Most of the Republicans on this message board don't realize they're arguing for a very small minority of greedy rich people who prey on the masses ignorant and greed. Most Republicans on this message board have lottery mentality. Rather than argue for a tax system that benefits everyone fairly their greed makes them think how would they want it if they were rich would they want to pay for other people? Absolutely not because they're greedy selfish bastards
This goes to Justice Scalia's dissent when he said "each decision...unabashedly not based on law the court moves one step closer to being reminded of it's impotence".

Pound Sand, Your Honor! More Americans Want States to Ignore Federal Courts

While dissenting from the recent Supreme Court decision rubber-stamping same-sex “marriage,” Justice Antonin Scalia warned his colleagues that with “each decision ... unabashedly based not on law” the Court moves “one step closer to being reminded of [its] impotence.” And a new poll shows that another such step has in fact been taken, with more Americans supporting the idea that states should have the right to ignore federal court rulings. WritesRasmussen Reports, “A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 33% of Likely U.S. Voters now believe that states should have the right to ignore federal court rulings if their elected officials [dis]agree with them. That’s up nine points from 24% when we first asked this question in February.Just over half (52%) disagree, down from 58% in the earlier survey. Fifteen percent (15%) are undecided.”

This shift is clearly influenced not just by Obergefell v. Hodges (the marriage ruling), but also a late June ObamaCare decision so contrary to the “Affordable Care Act’s” text that Justice Scalia lamented to the Court, “Words no longer have meaning.” Not surprisingly, there was an ideological divide among poll respondents.

Pound Sand Your Honor More Americans Want States to Ignore Federal Courts

Wow I can see why you are so excited- 33% agree with you!

Meaning 67% disagree with you.........

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