More and more children in US hungry...Obama's policies beginning to have an effect

Is the biggest problem child hunger, or child obesity? More children in school are hungry because what obama allows them to eat is inedible. The government's response is that the children aren't hungry nearly enough because if they were, they'd eat what was permitted to them.

Obviously there is no real child hunger in the US.
We're going to see real starvation. The schools are already seeing it. Kids who truly don't eat at home. We'll have an increase in malnutrition-related illnesses probably within the year...certainly within two.
Ohhh increase in malnutrition! That's for sure. We have that now, most of the people considered obese are malnourished. But, no we aren't seeing it in school because on that score, the government is correct, the starving will eat anything. They'll eat garbage. I certainly did when I was little and we were starving. Glad to get it too.

Child hunger has more than one cause. A child with parents who are drug users will be hungry with food in the pantry.
I think what we are seeing is MORE government not more hunger. They changed the poverty guidelines and expanded the USDA food program and here in our area they even have a van that goes around in the SUMMER to give out free lunches. WOW that's a lot of local government - that's what I see happening since he got in. The Messiah and his dempostles are using their authority to heal the sick and feed the poor! :eusa_angel:
I think what we are seeing is MORE government not more hunger. They changed the poverty guidelines and expanded the USDA food program and here in our area they even have a van that goes around in the SUMMER to give out free lunches. WOW that's a lot of local government - that's what I see happening since he got in. The Messiah and his dempostles are using their authority to heal the sick and feed the poor! :eusa_angel:

Sen. Lindsey Graham: Republicans ‘not generating enough angry white guys’
I think what we are seeing is MORE government not more hunger. They changed the poverty guidelines and expanded the USDA food program and here in our area they even have a van that goes around in the SUMMER to give out free lunches. WOW that's a lot of local government - that's what I see happening since he got in. The Messiah and his dempostles are using their authority to heal the sick and feed the poor! :eusa_angel:

That's true too. Once the standards were lowered, more people became eligible for food programs. Those who were doing just fine, ran down for free struff. When I lived in Nevada, we had a social worker come twice a month to the apartment complex just to make sure we were all getting our free stuff.
I think what we are seeing is MORE government not more hunger. They changed the poverty guidelines and expanded the USDA food program and here in our area they even have a van that goes around in the SUMMER to give out free lunches. WOW that's a lot of local government - that's what I see happening since he got in. The Messiah and his dempostles are using their authority to heal the sick and feed the poor! :eusa_angel:

More government creates more hunger. The rising cost of food, the increasing unemployment, the continued *shut down* mentality when it comes to production and industry lead to hunger.

I'm seeing more and more people who will say outright, "I don't have enough money to buy food for the month" and mean it..including people who are receiving foodstamps.
Is the biggest problem child hunger, or child obesity? More children in school are hungry because what obama allows them to eat is inedible. The government's response is that the children aren't hungry nearly enough because if they were, they'd eat what was permitted to them.

Obviously there is no real child hunger in the US.

I guess the biggest question is can you still be obese and be starving?
Not technically, but I imagine obese kids have other issues as well, that can be attributed to poor diet.

Honestly, I have two kids in elementary school, and I don't see kids daily that I think "omg, that child is fat." But I see a lot of realllllly skinny, hollow-eyed, sallow/pasty skinned kids that make me want to feed them....
I've maintained since his first term that during this term, we would see a sharp increase in child hunger culminating in the return of starvation in America. And I was right.

In U.S., Child Poverty and Hunger Rates Remain Alarmingly High - BCNN1

The high rate of children going hungry in America is notable, especially considering that the U.S. regularly ranks high in global lists measuring quality of life. In the most recent human-development index released in March by the Human Development Report Office, the USA ranked at number 3, behind only Norway and Australia.

Yet U.S. families with children continue struggling despite steps being taken to negate the economic recession that started late last decade. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania, the African-American child poverty rates are close to double and sometimes triple the national child poverty rate.

Read more at Child Poverty, Hunger Rates in US Remain Alarmingly High

What Obama policies do you blame KG? Be specific.
First and foremost, Obamacare...which has led to hour reductions and lay offs for the working poor.

His continued war against fossil fuels and coal, which has led to every increasing energy costs...and which is driving food prices up, up, up...while at the same time making it more difficult for people to travel in order to purchase inexpensive food. The result is people aren't just hungry...they're also cold because they can't afford to heat their homes.
Not technically, but I imagine obese kids have other issues as well, that can be attributed to poor diet.

Honestly, I have two kids in elementary school, and I don't see kids daily that I think "omg, that child is fat." But I see a lot of realllllly skinny, hollow-eyed, sallow/pasty skinned kids that make me want to feed them....

Outside of my job a fat guy who said he was homeless asked me for money to buy food, he was supposedly obese and "starving".:eek:
And for all the lip service he does regarding "entitlement" programs...he has done nothing but rape them since coming into office. Yes, you can get insurance more easily now...and you can get disability more easily...but at the same time, your insurance will be crap and your disability won't support you.

So the people who currently HAVE disability (for real issues) are getting cuts and weird money grabs...I've spoken to 3 people in the last 3 months who have been frantically trying to figure out why their disability checks were being cut. In every one of those cases, SSD has advised them that they were overpaid at some point, and now the admin needed to get the money back. So suddenly $674 is $400 a month.

In one case, the social sec. admin had been underpaying clients (this was a misadministration of benefits based on lack of understanding of what the state funds..and the misadministration was taking place at the federal level, obviously). So they paid a small sum back to the clients, then cut their benefits because the pay-back put them over income.

Anyway, I digress....

Ironically, "the president has actually impeded our efforts to alleviate childhood hunger," according to Craig Gunderson, a professor of agriculture and economics, and an expert on food insecurity at the University of Illinois.
"Taking money from SNAP for healthy eating initiatives hurts," Gunderson said. "Healthy eating is good, but it has nothing to do with keeping children from going hungry."
"As a result of the change, families of four will see a cut in SNAP benefits of around $25 a month, Zaebst said. After Nov. 1, SNAP benefits will average about $1.30 per person per meal, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities."

Obama's pledge to end childhood hunger by 2015 is struggling -

Obama claims that he is the stalwart defender of government programs...and he threatens us with their removal whenever he has a policy he wants pushed through....but in the end, he rapes them anyway. He stole billions of dollars from Medicare. He's stolen money from the military education programs. He's stolen money from the TANF program (that resulted in the virtual elimination of job readiness programs, one of the few programs that have actually WORKED within the welfare system)....
Not technically, but I imagine obese kids have other issues as well, that can be attributed to poor diet.

Honestly, I have two kids in elementary school, and I don't see kids daily that I think "omg, that child is fat." But I see a lot of realllllly skinny, hollow-eyed, sallow/pasty skinned kids that make me want to feed them....

Outside of my job a fat guy who said he was homeless asked me for money to buy food, he was supposedly obese and "starving".:eek:

Perhaps he has a liver problem, lol.

In Oregon, over the past 5 years I've seen something I've never seen before...families, with little kids, begging at rest stops along the freeway.
Is the biggest problem child hunger, or child obesity? More children in school are hungry because what obama allows them to eat is inedible. The government's response is that the children aren't hungry nearly enough because if they were, they'd eat what was permitted to them.

Obviously there is no real child hunger in the US.

I guess the biggest question is can you still be obese and be starving?

No. But you can be obese and malnourished. You can be both skinny and overfat at the same time too. Very thin people often carry more fat than muscle.

We don't know what starving is in this country because we've never seen it. Starving means 30 minutes late for snack time.
I think what we are seeing is MORE government not more hunger. They changed the poverty guidelines and expanded the USDA food program and here in our area they even have a van that goes around in the SUMMER to give out free lunches. WOW that's a lot of local government - that's what I see happening since he got in. The Messiah and his dempostles are using their authority to heal the sick and feed the poor! :eusa_angel:

Sen. Lindsey Graham: Republicans ‘not generating enough angry white guys’

I'm doin my part! Why I never miss a chance to bash The Comorger an chief, lol.:razz:
Is the biggest problem child hunger, or child obesity? More children in school are hungry because what obama allows them to eat is inedible. The government's response is that the children aren't hungry nearly enough because if they were, they'd eat what was permitted to them.

Obviously there is no real child hunger in the US.

I guess the biggest question is can you still be obese and be starving?

No. But you can be obese and malnourished. You can be both skinny and overfat at the same time too. Very thin people often carry more fat than muscle.

We don't know what starving is in this country because we've never seen it. Starving means 30 minutes late for snack time.

For adults, maybe.

Not for kids. They always starve before the adults, and we're beginning to see the beginnings of will get worse.

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