More and more children in US hungry...Obama's policies beginning to have an effect

The liberty bell? Since when did Liberals stand for Liberty anymore?


“Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides.”
― André Malraux

Liberals have always stood for liberty. Maybe we need to explore your understanding of what liberty is?

It sure as hell isn't what Obama and company are doing right now. Maybe it is you who should be reevaluating that definition. Bigger government? That's counter to liberty. Government dependence? That's also counter to liberty. Gun control? Yep, that's a counter to liberty. Giving women this notion that they can choose? Yeah, filling someone with a false idea of freedom is counter to liberty. In this instance you have a government fighting for the right to tell a woman what she can or cannot put into her body. Government mandated healthcare? Counter to liberty. A liberal president issuing executive orders and overriding Congress? You guessed it, a counter to liberty.

So tell me, who stands for liberty these days?

Liberty, for liberals, stands for having the liberty to be libertines.
I find your avatar excessively disingenuous as you side with executioners.


There is no sin except stupidity.
Oscar Wilde

The liberty bell? Since when did Liberals stand for Liberty anymore?


“Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides.”
― André Malraux

Liberals have always stood for liberty. Maybe we need to explore your understanding of what liberty is?

Liberals may stand for liberty. Actually, I know they do. But their definition of liberty is skewed, in my eyes. Liberals stand for liberty at the expense of the liberty of others. If they dont care for something, the seek a reason to ban it...and they lobby to have it banned.

If a conservative doesnt like something, it simply says do what you want, just dont ask me to condone it or pay for it.

Now...dont toss in the gay marriage debate. That is a situation where those that support it, want the law saying it is legal. Those against it are saying "do what you want, but dont make me change the definition of my marriage. Call it anything you want. Just not marriage."
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Is the biggest problem child hunger, or child obesity? More children in school are hungry because what obama allows them to eat is inedible. The government's response is that the children aren't hungry nearly enough because if they were, they'd eat what was permitted to them.

Obviously there is no real child hunger in the US.

I guess the biggest question is can you still be obese and be starving?

Honey, calories aren't nutrition. You can get a crap burger at McDonalds for a buck but their salad costs four.
Is the biggest problem child hunger, or child obesity? More children in school are hungry because what obama allows them to eat is inedible. The government's response is that the children aren't hungry nearly enough because if they were, they'd eat what was permitted to them.

Obviously there is no real child hunger in the US.

I guess the biggest question is can you still be obese and be starving?

Honey, calories aren't nutrition. You can get a crap burger at McDonalds for a buck but their salad costs four.

But if you have the money to buy calories, you have the money to buy nutrition. Burgers are less becuase it is their main lure. They offer salads as a courtesy to those customers that want it, but it is not cost effective at a lower price based on the quantity they sell.

If one were to go to the local supermarket, they would be able to put together a much more nutirtious meal with less money than they would spend at Burger King for a Whopper Meal supersized.
I guess the biggest question is can you still be obese and be starving?

Honey, calories aren't nutrition. You can get a crap burger at McDonalds for a buck but their salad costs four.

But if you have the money to buy calories, you have the money to buy nutrition. Burgers are less becuase it is their main lure. They offer salads as a courtesy to those customers that want it, but it is not cost effective at a lower price based on the quantity they sell.

If one were to go to the local supermarket, they would be able to put together a much more nutirtious meal with less money than they would spend at Burger King for a Whopper Meal supersized.

A hamburger that costs $1? You can't beat that cost trying to eat a nutritious meal, you just can't.

Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Big Fat Asses …

Those in greatest need, furthermore, tend to be both poor and fat. We know, for instance, that the lower your income, the more likely you are to inhabit an "obesogenic" environment. Food options in poor neighborhoods are severely limited: It's a lot easier to find quarter waters and pork rinds on the corner than fresh fruit and vegetables. Low-income workers may also have less time to cook their own meals, less money to join sports clubs, and less opportunity to exercise outdoors.
Honey, calories aren't nutrition. You can get a crap burger at McDonalds for a buck but their salad costs four.

But if you have the money to buy calories, you have the money to buy nutrition. Burgers are less becuase it is their main lure. They offer salads as a courtesy to those customers that want it, but it is not cost effective at a lower price based on the quantity they sell.

If one were to go to the local supermarket, they would be able to put together a much more nutirtious meal with less money than they would spend at Burger King for a Whopper Meal supersized.

A hamburger that costs $1? You can't beat that cost trying to eat a nutritious meal, you just can't.

Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Big Fat Asses …

Those in greatest need, furthermore, tend to be both poor and fat. We know, for instance, that the lower your income, the more likely you are to inhabit an "obesogenic" environment. Food options in poor neighborhoods are severely limited: It's a lot easier to find quarter waters and pork rinds on the corner than fresh fruit and vegetables. Low-income workers may also have less time to cook their own meals, less money to join sports clubs, and less opportunity to exercise outdoors.

one burger does not make one obese.

To have a fair debate, we must compare apples to apples seawytch.

Those that get obese by eating at McDonalds daily are not spending a dollar a meal.
I can feed my family for less than I spend at McDonald's for lunch. A lot less..and it's more, better food...with leftovers, usually.

But of course you have to plan it. It isn't a drive through proposition.

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