More and more Republicans breaking away from Trump's lies

Donald Trump may be leaving, but Trumpism is going nowhere…
Donald Trump may be leaving, but Trumpism is going nowhere…
Trumpism is going down in history as the biggest threat to our democracy since the Confederacy. Like the Confederacy, it will go down as defeated. An evil political movement led by a disgusting human being taking advantage of desperate, stupid people.
Your obsession with Trump is already noted and we realize how much you love him. I am sure he will be thrilled by you and your attention. Keep up the work, idiot!
Perseverance until the piece of manure is gone along with his pathetic followers
More and more Republicans breaking away from Trump's lies. Mitch McConnell says the RNC was wrong for censuring Cheney and Kinzinger and declaring 1/6/2022 was "legitimate political discourse." Lindsay Graham, the ultimate Trump butt kisser, says Trump is wrong for suggesting he would pardon 1/6 rioters if re-elected. Pence said Trump was wrong to say "VP can overturn election".
Another sign that Trump and Trumpism is on decline. More and more rats are jumping off the sinking Trump ship.

Keep listening to MSNBC and believing everything they tall you. Now Republicans are turning on Trump. You mean because he dropped below what 95% Republican approval?

This is going to be a hard couple years for you coming up. Be sure to believe MSNBC as long as you can first
the lie that the virus was equivalent to the flu;
That's no lie. Most people don't even have symptoms, why do you think they want to test you even if you feel great? But when they do, most describe them as being cold and flu like. No cookie for you.

I've never heard that even one time from anyone on the left or the right except maybe way back in the Spring of 2020 when it first hit before we had very much info on the virus yet! But I DO remember Nancy being down at Fisherman's Wharf after Trump had cut back travel from the east and instituted restrictions telling everyione to come out and shop there was nothing to worry about! Or in 2020 when Joe promised to smash the vaccine not the economy if elected (as if Trump had). So no cookie for you.

Name another virus where we had to change the way we lived, worked, ate, shopped and got educated? Still no cookie for you.

Wow, you really are a Trump-shithead TDSer aren't you? Can you prove it WASN'T the best speech they ever heard, Ace?

Who cares? Who was hurt by any of that? Are you worried that Uncle Joe claims he found out his son was making millions working for a Ukraine gas company he knew nothing about from the newspapers? STILL waiting for one Trump lie that scales anywhere near the harmful whoppers told by the Left that have injured millions. No cookie today.

Gee, you're a real space cadet. Maybe you ought to stop reading the internet and get yourself some real help.
How about the other 30,000 lies I referenced. You are the ultimate braindead Trump excuse making minion. Trump could detonate a nuclear bomb destroying the world and you would make an excuse that there was nothing wrong with what he did.
Trumpism is going down in history as the biggest threat to our democracy since the Confederacy. Like the Confederacy, it will go down as defeated. An evil political movement led by a disgusting human being taking advantage of desperate, stupid people.

Wow, look at the vagina on that bird, LOL. What a douche.

Poor guy, there there ...


On the bright side, your vagina is coming in nicely ...
How about the other 30,000 lies I referenced. You are the ultimate braindead Trump excuse making minion. Trump could detonate a nuclear bomb destroying the world and you would make an excuse that there was nothing wrong with what he did.

Yes, Democrats were documented 30,000 times lying about what Trump said. Good question. What are you going to do about that?
What we do to idiots like you to make you write posts like this alone makes it all worth it, LOL. What a pussy
Ouch, that is a horrific, nasty comment to say about me. I will never say anything negative about Trump or any of the disgusting, dumbass, braindead, asshole Trump minions like you.
Wow, look at the vagina on that bird, LOL. What a douche.

Poor guy, there there ...


On the bright side, your vagina is coming in nicely ...
Said like a true stupid desperate Trump supporter. You are quite the word smith.
Ouch, that is a horrific, nasty comment to say about me. I will never say anything negative about Trump or any of the disgusting, dumbass, braindead, asshole Trump minions like you.

Um ... sure.. Here's a pity rim shot for ya ...

How about the other 30,000 lies I referenced.
Let me check them all and get back to you. You still have not produced ten lies which did the harm of one of Obumma's: "You will keep your doctor and save $2500," one Joe's "Vote for me and I'll smash the virus!"

You are the ultimate braindead Trump excuse making minion.
Is THAT your excuse for coming up empty handed? Trump exaggerates harmless claims but Joe Biden is famously known as a pathological liar and plagiarizer.

Perseverance until the piece of manure is gone along with his pathetic followers
He is your boy and you are obsessed but to each his own. I moved on from him in November of 2020, so I am not concerned about you, your manure, but you do carry a lot of shit as luggage.
He is your boy and you are obsessed but to each his own. I moved on from him in November of 2020, so I am not concerned about you, your manure, but you do carry a lot of shit as luggage.
There are multiple hundreds of millions of people willing to carry the luggage until the shit Trump and his shitheads are neutered.
There are multiple hundreds of millions of people willing to carry the luggage until the shit Trump and his shitheads are neutered.
I am glad you like to carry it around with you, congrats for carrying Trump's shit. I myself think you are a really stupid moron, so you getting neutered would be good for you. You are a bit of a kook but hey, you seem to love it carrying it. To each his own.
Let me check them all and get back to you. You still have not produced ten lies which did the harm of one of Obumma's: "You will keep your doctor and save $2500," one Joe's "Vote for me and I'll smash the virus!"
Where's that "beautiful" Obamacare replacement from Lyin' Donald?
Trumpism is going down in history as the biggest threat to our democracy since the Confederacy. Like the Confederacy, it will go down as defeated. An evil political movement led by a disgusting human being taking advantage of desperate, stupid people.
Hyperbolize much?

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