More Bad News For Obama&Chicago Thugs, North Carolina Is More Red Than DNC Thought.

Mar 16, 2012

Did anyone hear the story coming from Rush today? Today on his show he got a report on the state of North Carolina, and now the DNC is in that "Should Of,Could Of,Would Of" dilemma being North Carolina is a lot more "Red" than we thought. Hmm, isn' that what Bozo and Biden said in 2009 when they didnt create any jobs from the stimulus?
From the statistics Rush gave today on his show, North Carolina has a 10% unemployment rate, and Yobama only won the state by about 100 illegal votes.
Guess we can add North Carolina to the Romney list now, and lets see if Wasserman decides to move the convention elsewhere,,,,maybe even Kenya?
we can only hope that all polls show romney ahead in August (in the NC Polls),,,,,at least I wont stop laughing.
Well, NC was red back in 2008. It's just that way too many people got caught up in the Obama fantasy. I can't blame them. Obama was charismatic, cool, fresh (at the time). He COULD have been the greatest US president ever, had he taken the right approach. But then the phony exterior was removed and we see how dumb and radical he really is.

But looking at the run of candidates like Clinton, Bush, Gore, Kerry, McCain, etc, it's no suprise that many got caught up in the new, fresh, cool, inspiring candidate who wasn't really saying shit except "Hope, change!" and the media refusing to report his baggage.

More states than NC will shift back to default now.

Did anyone hear the story coming from Rush today? Today on his show he got a report on the state of North Carolina, and now the DNC is in that "Should Of,Could Of,Would Of" dilemma being North Carolina is a lot more "Red" than we thought. Hmm, isn' that what Bozo and Biden said in 2009 when they didnt create any jobs from the stimulus?
From the statistics Rush gave today on his show, North Carolina has a 10% unemployment rate, and Yobama only won the state by about 100 illegal votes.
Guess we can add North Carolina to the Romney list now, and lets see if Wasserman decides to move the convention elsewhere,,,,maybe even Kenya?

Where is your proof that Obama won the state through voter fraud?

Did anyone hear the story coming from Rush today? Today on his show he got a report on the state of North Carolina, and now the DNC is in that "Should Of,Could Of,Would Of" dilemma being North Carolina is a lot more "Red" than we thought. Hmm, isn' that what Bozo and Biden said in 2009 when they didnt create any jobs from the stimulus?
From the statistics Rush gave today on his show, North Carolina has a 10% unemployment rate, and Yobama only won the state by about 100 illegal votes.
Guess we can add North Carolina to the Romney list now, and lets see if Wasserman decides to move the convention elsewhere,,,,maybe even Kenya?

Every day the drugster Limbaugh is trying to convince ditto heads that NC might go republican is a good day for Obama. With a good Republican candidate NC should not be an issue.

Did anyone hear the story coming from Rush today? Today on his show he got a report on the state of North Carolina, and now the DNC is in that "Should Of,Could Of,Would Of" dilemma being North Carolina is a lot more "Red" than we thought. Hmm, isn' that what Bozo and Biden said in 2009 when they didnt create any jobs from the stimulus?
From the statistics Rush gave today on his show, North Carolina has a 10% unemployment rate, and Yobama only won the state by about 100 illegal votes.
Guess we can add North Carolina to the Romney list now, and lets see if Wasserman decides to move the convention elsewhere,,,,maybe even Kenya?

If the Republicans are seriously worried about NC, they've already lost.

Again. In order to be competitive- Romney has to win FL, VA, OH, and NC, and he's still going to be five EC's short.

Obama just has to win the states Kerry or Gore won, and one of those. And he's leading in the three that aren't NC right now.
I hope the next bad new Obama gets is that Wisconsin is leaning red,,,we just have to wait and see what happens with the recall election in June. like I mentioned in a post about a week ago, if Walker wins in the vicinity of a 10 point margin,,,it could be another blow for Barry.
I dont doubt, however, that we have enough fucking idiots in our country to re-elect Obama though.

I mean for God's sake, this is the same population pool that made Jersey Shore a top rated show, and made Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian famous for......being whores.

With that logic, of course our president would be a man like Barack Obama.
I dont doubt, however, that we have enough fucking idiots in our country to re-elect Obama though.

I mean for God's sake, this is the same population pool that made Jersey Shore a top rated show, and made Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian famous for......being whores.

With that logic, of course our president would be a man like Barack Obama.
we can only pray, Romney needs to convince College Grads that Obama 2012 is the end of America as we know it,,,we may as well move to Canada or Australia.
And you idiots voted for Booosh, 10X worse...Thanks for the depression and the worst war ever. Total incompetence, just like dittoheads...
Bush sucked; no doubt. He was so bad that the people voted for a silver tongued socialist - anything but Bush. North Carolina sees Obama for what he is - a socialist. They will not make the same mistake again! Everyone who wants further socialism is scared - that is easily perceivable. He has lost his charisma with most. The only support he has now are morons, and lovers of socialism - more morons!
when Bush was president, didn't most Americans work? and even for a few years, we had more jobs than people. that hasn't happened since Bozo took office.
Still waiting for your evidence that he cheated in North Carolina last time.
Virginia is more Blue than GOP thought. Obama ahead of Romney by 8.
Every poll has Obama even with Romney, or up a few points. Did Rush mention where he was getting his information?
Obama won due to the Research Triangle and the huge number of yankees that moved in to escape the oppressive regimes of their home states. Times are different now with high unemployment and dimples or dumplin' whatever her name is, the governor not running for re-election. The North Carolina outcome will be interesting.
I hope the next bad new Obama gets is that Wisconsin is leaning red,,,we just have to wait and see what happens with the recall election in June. like I mentioned in a post about a week ago, if Walker wins in the vicinity of a 10 point margin,,,it could be another blow for Barry.

No, it just means people didn't want to remove the governor.

The problem is, there's not much enthusiasm for either of the alternatives the Democrats are putting up.

The GOP has not carried wisconsin since 1984 in a presidential election. they'll elect a moderate GOP guy like Thompson, but not a guy who has appealled to the far right like Romney has.

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