More bad news on the Thwaites Glacier

It's gonna be a hoot in this forum come November when progressives get a 20 megaton nuke dropped on their dome. :popcorn:

Rocks might not find out until Christmas....he's out in the middle of some forest in Oregon that takes hours to drive out of. They still use the Pony Express up there....

The forested side of Oregon, like that of Washington State, is full of demented bat shit crazy Progressive Moon Bat kooks that would be dumb enough to beleive this silly ass AGW scam.
Never expected to see major coastal flooding in my lifetime, now it looks as if that is a distinct possibility;

LOL, this scaremongering is dishonest since it is an Ice SHELF (The predicted collapse area) which means it is already on the water and anchored by the GROUNDING line.

There is an active VOLCANO underneath it contributing to the melting of the underside of the main ice field.
This is an Official Warming on STALKING My Threads, and now individual posts as well.
I am very good at getting justice officially or unofficially.

It's a public message board. It's not your private message board. If you don't want people to reply to your posts, don't post.

Apparently you want to imply CO2 is responsible for glaciers melting during an INTERGLACIAL cycle without someone pointing out that we are in an interglacial cycle and it is quite normal for glaciers to be melting.
It's a public message board. It's not your private message board. If you don't want people to reply to your posts, don't post.

Apparently you want to imply CO2 is responsible for glaciers melting during an INTERGLACIAL cycle without someone pointing out that we are in an interglacial cycle and it is quite normal for glaciers to be melting.

Seeing your handle at the end of All of my threads/postings within 1 minute is beyond 'public posting' it/s Stalking.

(Edit: About the 10th in this 1/2 hour below.
By any means necessary is now in effect)
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Seeing you name at the end of all of my threads/postings within 1 minute is beyond 'public posting' it/s Stalking.
Again... Apparently you want to imply CO2 is responsible for glaciers melting during an INTERGLACIAL cycle without someone pointing out that we are in an interglacial cycle and it is quite normal for glaciers to be melting.
Ever hear of the Milankovitch Cycles? We should be slowly descending into the next ice age, not rapidly warming. When you go flapping yap about geology, you should at least have a minimal knowledge about it.

We ARE descending into another Glaciation phase it has been for THOUSANDS of years now how come you didn't know this information of which I learned back in the late 1970's?











You are wrong so often.....


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Again... Apparently you want to imply CO2 is responsible for glaciers melting during an INTERGLACIAL cycle without someone pointing out that we are in an interglacial cycle and it is quite normal for glaciers to be melting.
That ^ was a genuinely cool example of staying on topic! 👏
We ARE descending into another Glaciation phase it has been for THOUSANDS of years now how come you didn't know this information of which I learned back in the late 1970's?

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You are wrong so often.....
The ice core data really is the data to use. After all... when the planet heats up and cools down it does so primarily at the poles and higher latitudes. AGW proponents want to use global averages because it hides the fluctuations.


A Walk on the Natural Side


Monday, February 21, 2022

Jim Steele


Welcome back to this examination of Half Truths About Retreating Glaciers in part 6 of How Pressure Systems Control Climate.

There is no question what-so-ever that most of the world's glaciers have been retreating. However because the elites at believe rising CO2 is causing all the earth's warming, they mistakenly assume it iscan also be blamed for retreating glaciers, stating

"the most dramatic evidence that earth's climate is warming is the retreat and disappearance of mountain glaciers around the world."

So, the public is fed half-truths about a CO2 climate crisis causing glacier retreat.

In contrast, there is wealth of opposing, peer-reviewed, published, scientific evidence demonstrating that changing patterns of moisture transport control the ebbs and flows of glaciers - not global average temperature. So here I will share just a small portion of that science for you to follow.



There is a great section about the Glaciers on Kilimanjaro variable snow and ice cover strongly related to variable moisture flow over time the current glaciers are no older than 200 years.

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