More Black Men May Be Taking Bar Exams Than Are Behind Bars


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
While running for president in summer 2007, Barack Obama told a crowd at an NAACP forum: “We have more work to do when more young black men languish in prison than attend colleges and universities across America.”

Last December, Charles Barkley, a broadcaster and former NBA player, told Bob Costas: “You know, we’ve got more black men in prison than we do in college, and crime in our neighborhoods is running rampant.”

Barkley and Obama are merely two among many prominent Americans, black and white, who, while arguing for creation of stronger opportunites for African-American males, have promulgated the idea that more black men are behind prison bars than on college campuses.

There’s just one problem in that plea for action: The assertion isn’t true.

More Black Men May Be Taking Bar Exams Than Are Behind Bars
awesome news.

Yes it is because this lie has been repeated time and time again, this false study was used to justify why more money needed to be spent into building prisons vs building more schools, particularly in the Black Community.

Now first and foremost the President needs to be educated on the truth so he can stop believing this lie and especially spreading it too.
I stand with my oppressed Black brothers and expect Dear Leader Obama to give Presidential Pardons to all of them very soon.
So, are these aggregate numbers? Are they saying that over 600K blacks have taken the bar exam (or attend college-whatever it is a very misleading title) in just one year? Or is that number over time?

I've read the article and tried to follow some links but I'm not finding the methodology.
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