MORE BLACK Murderers will be imprisoned WHEN SYG repealed..GOOD!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The efforts to repeal the "stand your ground" (SYG) law will mean MORE blacks will go to prison!
Isn't that what you "repeal SYG" supporters want?? YOU want more blacks in prison?
Because that is what will happen if the law is repealed!

The Florida law started in 2005.
After 8 years there have been 135 FATAL SYG cases in Florida,
of the 135 cases where deaths were involved:

44 blacks were accused;

of the 44 BLACKS accused,
11 BLACKS or 25% convicted; now in jail.

of the 44 BLACKS accused,
24 BLACKS or 55% justified ; THEY WERE NOT CHARGED!

24 blacks were not put in prison! 24 Blacks walked away! BUT If SYG goes away THEY WOULD BE IN prison or possibly executed!

and 9% of the BLACKS charged in SYG cases are pending.

By repealing the law, the 24 BLACKS found "justified" would be convicted and imprisoned!

Tell me you want more BLACKS convicted of killing because the "Stand Your Ground" law is repealed!

Stand your ground law, Trayvon Martin and a shocking legacy | Tampa Bay Times
All these people quite frankly are doing is obviously showing the lack of capacity in reading!

In the 8 years 135 deaths by stand your ground cases, this averaged 16 cases per year.
Then out of that 11 blacks were NOT convicted.

Meanwhile...more than 500 people were killed in Chicago last year!
Singer and activist Harry Belafonte helped lead a sit-in protest of Florida's 'Stand Your Ground' laws Thursday in order to have more BLACKS convicted of MURDER!
This apparently new group I belong to of white hispanics don't give a f*ck about stand your ground laws. I'm going to stand my ground period and if that means shooting one of the protected classes of people I don't really give a sh*t.
Ole well i guess ole redean will complain, again. Those darkies can't get a break as long as we have racist like redean in the world.
The efforts to repeal the "stand your ground" (SYG) law will mean MORE blacks will go to prison!
Isn't that what you "repeal SYG" supporters want?? YOU want more blacks in prison?
Because that is what will happen if the law is repealed!

The Florida law started in 2005.
After 8 years there have been 135 FATAL SYG cases in Florida,
of the 135 cases where deaths were involved:

44 blacks were accused;

of the 44 BLACKS accused,
11 BLACKS or 25% convicted; now in jail.

of the 44 BLACKS accused,
24 BLACKS or 55% justified ; THEY WERE NOT CHARGED!

24 blacks were not put in prison! 24 Blacks walked away! BUT If SYG goes away THEY WOULD BE IN prison or possibly executed!

and 9% of the BLACKS charged in SYG cases are pending.

By repealing the law, the 24 BLACKS found "justified" would be convicted and imprisoned!

Tell me you want more BLACKS convicted of killing because the "Stand Your Ground" law is repealed!

Stand your ground law, Trayvon Martin and a shocking legacy | Tampa Bay Times

Your premise is nonsensical because it assumes that everyone will behave the same even if the law were no longer in place.

In short, you remain an idiot.

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