More Black on Asian Hate

Blacks seem to be exempt from a lot of things in America (and indeed the UK) at the moment.
They are the most protected people on the planet just now for political reasons, while the world burns due to them.

Blacks seem incapable of surviving without special privileges and protections from progressives in government, which makes government the new slave owners of the country!

As long as BLM and other black groups follow orders and go out stiring unrest and violence in society, their masters keep those benefits coming.
hollywood doesnt give blacks enough jobs dancing on tv...we need more dancing on tv
Blacks seem to hate E. Asians. Anyone know why?

SIMPLE: Asians are a lesser minority than Blacks with all the same issues and problems but whereas the Blacks lay around in the ghetto having welfare babies crying discrimination and lack of opportunity, the Asians come here, knuckle under, get right to work and open a successful business supporting themselves, proving all the black arguments are only excuses to keep getting handouts!

Put another way, Asians blow the cover on blacks who don't want to work, want everything handed to them and want to cry victim on everything.
My comment is facetious. I'm not a believer in hate crime laws, but we know had this been a white man calling a black cop the n word, he would have unquestionably been arrested and the Twittersphere would be all aflutter hunting down his identity and ensuring his employer shit cans him. We know this because it's already happened.
No, "we" don't know that.

Well now you've been schooled. Welcome to the 3rd grade. In another 103 years you'll be up to high school level.
Blacks seem to be exempt from a lot of things in America (and indeed the UK) at the moment.
They are the most protected people on the planet just now for political reasons, while the world burns due to them.
Blacks seem incapable of surviving without special privileges and protections from progressives in government, which makes government the new slave owners of the country! As long as BLM and other black groups follow orders and go out stiring unrest and violence in society, their masters keep those benefits coming.
hollywood doesnt give blacks enough jobs dancing on tv...we need more dancing on tv

Funny that in 1935, this was considered happy fun and good entertainment. Nearly 100 years later and Blacks have discovered they are still slaves, still dependent and still angry.
Growing up I’ve witnessed blacks pick on Asian Chinese food delivery guys and fruit store owners. I’ve also seen them pick on Arabs and Jews. The only ones they leave alone most of the time are Hispanics, but i‘ve seen blacks clash with them as well.

Now let me be very clear it’s a minority of the blacks causing trouble, but it’s an even smaller minority of whites causing trouble against blacks, and that’s always the hot topic conversation. If we can talk about white violence against blacks how come we can’t talk about black violence against other groups, which happens more frequently?

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