More Children Die From the COVID Shot Than From COVID

Bright on your scale? You are bright enough to answer the question.
You spread anti vaxx lies. Some people believe you and don't get vaxxed . Some of those people die. No one here including you has presented evidence from a credible source that largenumbers of people havean adverse reaction to the vaxx Now what part of that did you not understand?
You spread anti vaxx lies. Some people believe you and don't get vaxxed . Some of those people die. No one here including you has presented evidence from a credible source that largenumbers of people havean adverse reaction to the vaxx Now what part of that did you not understand?
You have no idea if they are lies. There is no hard truths about Covid out there.
It has everything to do with your delusions amd/or lies about the vaxx killing children when some deranged fuck believes you and acts on it. You have blood on your hands.
It is not about me. The evidence is overwhelming that the vax is bad news for children.
You think that you're a real wiz kid don't, you?
First of all, your source is highly biased

Yes we know that the vaxx is less efective against Omicrom, buut given the source, I do not trust the percentages or belive their contention that booster make no sense

But more importantly, this thread is about children dying from the vaxx, a claim that you have been pushing and claiming that you can prove it. But you still have not proven it. There is not a single word about deaths in this link. Try again
You think that you're a real wiz kid don't, you?
First of all, your source is highly biased

Yes we know that the vaxx is less efective against Omicrom, buut given the source, I do not trust the percentages or belive their contention that booster make no sense

But more importantly, this thread is about children dying from the vaxx, a claim that you have been pushing and claiming that you can prove it. But you still have not proven it. There is not a single word about deaths in this link. Try again
How many times do you have to be told your source and fact checkers have no credibility. Did you miss the story they fact check opinions, not facts. Now you know.
How many times do you have to be told your source and fact checkers have no credibility. Did you miss the story they fact check opinions, not facts. Now you know.
Just what I expected. Trying to deflect from the fact that my main pont was that you once again have failed to provide evidence that the vaxx kills more kids than Covid, as you contend. How many times to YOU have to be told that you are full of shit

And I will add that any publication that has Ben Carson at the top of the page peddling a unapproved drud that supposidly tripples memory in 21 days-that the FDA wants to ban- could not have too much credibility. Now YOU know!
It's too sad and depressing. Parents who love their children should not allow this.:( No more experimental vaccines for children and no more experimental vaccines for anybody!

It does not matter what source you use, clearly those under 12 are much SAFER if they do NOT vaccinate for covid.

Look at the covid deaths by age.
Almost all the deaths are over 70, and those under 18 have essentially no significant deaths.
Less than 900 deaths out of over 900,000.

And given that the mRNA vaccine has about 10 times the harmful side effects of any other vaccine in history, we should not be encouraging its use.
It has shown to have no permanent effect at all, and only has a temporary value for less than 6 months.
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Here is what the WHO says:

{... Children and adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults, so unless they are part of a group at higher risk of severe COVID-19, the priority should be to fully vaccinate older people, those with chronic health conditions and health workers. ...}

Just what I expected. Trying to deflect from the fact that my main pont was that you once again have failed to provide evidence that the vaxx kills more kids than Covid, as you contend. How many times to YOU have to be told that you are full of shit

And I will add that any publication that has Ben Carson at the top of the page peddling a unapproved drud that supposidly tripples memory in 21 days-that the FDA wants to ban- could not have too much credibility. Now YOU know!

Essentially covid does not kill any kids at all necessarily.
The number of kids who died after covid infection is so small that one can not be sure of the cause of death.
And clearly the mRNA vaccination has very little benefit, since it does not last more than 6 months.

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