More Children Die From the COVID Shot Than From COVID

So your source is you.

The same hapless soul that gave us the 'there is 0 chance children die of COVID' nonsense....when in fact, COVID has killed over 1200 children since the pandemic began.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with the actual doctors over some random guy on the internet making up meaningless stats.
World Net Daily? The birther website?

Yeah, I gonna go with the CDC and their collective centuries of medical experience over PR guy Art Moore who insists he knows better.

So much for your claim that COVID has '0 chance of killing children'.

1292 > 0, Dunning-Kruger.
Dispute what the source said, not the source. Then you will deserve an answer.
Are you stupid? Experts have disagreed with the Covid reaction from the start. They have as many degrees as the ones toeing the line for the government and media. I do not have to name any of them. If you were informed you would know. But you are not informed because you listen to proven liars.
Really? What bullshit! You have all of this information, but you don't know where you got it? Are you stupid? You must be if you expect anyone to buy into your appeal to authority and appeal to ignorance logical fallacy. You anti vax liars have blood on yojur hands
Really? What bullshit! You have all of this information, but you don't know where you got it? Are you stupid? You must be if you expect anyone to buy into your appeal to authority and appeal to ignorance logical fallacy. You anti vax liars have blood on yojur hands
The blood is on your hands. Athletes do not die of heart attacks in record numbers for no reason. People are not paralyzed after the measles vaccine.
Dispute what the source said, not the source. Then you will deserve an answer.

Says the guy that dismissed the entire CDC.

Sorry, but I'm going with the doctors over a PR guy. And certainly over your made up stats that there is '0 chance a child can die of COVID'.

1292 is still larger than 0.
Says the guy that dismissed the entire CDC.

Sorry, but I'm going with the doctors over a PR guy. And certainly over your made up stats that there is '0 chance a child can die of COVID'.

1292 is still larger than 0.
Covid is all made up stats. What part of that don't you understand?
The blood is on your hands. Athletes do not die of heart attacks in record numbers for no reason. People are not paralyzed after the measles vaccine.
Again you are posting shit without any source or documentation. Are you so stupid as to think anyone will just take your word for it?
Dispute what the source said, not the source. Then you will deserve an answer.
No ,it is legitimate to dispute the source when the source is known to be purveyor of propaganda and misinformation . Your right wing propaganda publication, World Net Daily provides a link that purportedly is FDA date but is actually such a site.
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Really? What set of Covid numbers are factual? Hard proof, please.
I could find and post data from the CDC, NIH, FDA , but so could you, I won't bother though because your ignorant and paranoid anti government ass will just keep saying that they are lying. The fact is that they have gotten things wrong at times, and that the science around Covid is evolving. They are learning . You on the other hand are stuck in your bubble that requires you to believe certain things and will not entertain anything new that challenges your pre conceived ideas that you cling to for dear life because it is the sole essence of your pathetic identity
Covid is all made up stats. What part of that don't you understand?
Says you, making up stats. Remember your '0 chance of children dying from COVID' babble?

In reality, it was 1292 children who have died of COVID.

You don't know what you're talking about.
We have seen the misinformation has gotten to the SCOTUS. Time to protect our children.

And your evidence is the musings of a snake oil salesman?

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