More Clinton Deceit Comes to Light


Sorry if I offended you, but it's becoming apparent that Hillary tried to conceal information. She should have known better since she worked on the Nixon impeachment.
So that information she concealed, how do they get her to provide it, and what reasons has she given for not doing that, if law enforcement has asked for it?
I can't believe the illegality of this has to be explained to our resident dimocraps.

Unfuckingbelievable how stupid dimocraps are.


Yep, it kind of explains this....
View attachment 42665
Geeze, all I did was ask questions.

You guys are real charmers, and make me really want to stay here and take all this abuse, because I'm asking questions....

You read more like you were denying the illegality. But I'll take your word that you were just asking. So -- My apologies.

When something is under subpoena, it becomes the property of the government (or The Court). You may not alter it, change it, delete it, hide it or deny it in any way shape or form. It is no longer yours, it is the governments.

To do so is a Felony.

A serious one.

Unless you're a dimocrap scumbag. In which case, if there's a dimocrap scumbag running the Executive Branch, you're safe because dimocrap scum are nothing more than criminals and they won't prosecute each other -- Well, unless you go against The Don like Menendez did.

I hate dimocraps
So why hasn't Hillary been arrested by the DC police, or the FBI, if she either altered it, changed it, deleted it, hid it or denied it in any way shape or form?

Who would make that arrest, and why haven't they?

And thank you for answering my questions

She is now the far left pick and no one far left at that high of level will ever be held accountable, especially when there is a far left president in power. It would require the DOJ to start the process. Do you think they will?
I really need help to understand what I'm supposed to be outraged about.

When people talk about emails, missing or otherwise...what is the wrong thing that happened?

Did they cause Benghazi?

Do they show Hillary lied about Benghazi?

Do they prove something I should be outraged about?

I'm not disputing she may have done something wrong...but I just don't get what that is

Please tell me what that is.

This is why no one cares, theres nothing there but when someone says that they get angry that you "dont see it"
I really need help to understand what I'm supposed to be outraged about.

When people talk about emails, missing or otherwise...what is the wrong thing that happened?

Did they cause Benghazi?

Do they show Hillary lied about Benghazi?

Do they prove something I should be outraged about?

I'm not disputing she may have done something wrong...but I just don't get what that is

Please tell me what that is.

This is why no one cares, theres nothing there but when someone says that they get angry that you "dont see it"

Just like all the far left religious propaganda from 2000 - 2009..
I really need help to understand what I'm supposed to be outraged about.

When people talk about emails, missing or otherwise...what is the wrong thing that happened?

Did they cause Benghazi?

Do they show Hillary lied about Benghazi?

Do they prove something I should be outraged about?

I'm not disputing she may have done something wrong...but I just don't get what that is

Please tell me what that is.

This is why no one cares, theres nothing there but when someone says that they get angry that you "dont see it"
The fact that she had her own private email system is enough. Hillary is a pathological LIAR just like her impeached husband, Slick Willy. The Clintons are both cur dogs, not to be trusted AT ALL. Their one and only offspring, Chelsea has been raised to accept the free donations meant for truly needy peoples as a legitimate means of support.

What a bunch of sleazy crooks!

Just wait 'til The Donald tears into her past! The bitch won't be seen holding press conferences where questions can actually be asked by non-vetted reporters. She has too much to hide.
The fact that she had her own private email system is enough.

Enough for what? Thats not going to grab anyone by the balls...thats what you need.
But deleting pertinent emails when she knew Congress was investigating and asked to see them? She can't deny doing that now...

Yeah, but you still have nothing. No one cares that someone deleted emails, you need more if you want it to be a good story. IJS
Guess what? NO ILLEGALITY. You can tell because no one got arrested IDIOTS. Yes, Blumenthal is Hillary's FRIEND and e-mailed her. BIG FECKING DEAL. Hater dupes!
The fact that she had her own private email system is enough.

Enough for what? Thats not going to grab anyone by the balls...thats what you need.
But deleting pertinent emails when she knew Congress was investigating and asked to see them? She can't deny doing that now...

Yes she can. She's a dimocrap, ergo a lying scumbag.

All she has to do is say, "I gave them to State but they must have lost them"...... Or, "My people must have missed them...."

dimocraps are lying scum. The entire party is a criminal organization.

The sick part is, (most of) their voters KNOW it and don't care
Guess what? NO ILLEGALITY. You can tell because no one got arrested IDIOTS. Yes, Blumenthal is Hillary's FRIEND and e-mailed her. BIG FECKING DEAL. Hater dupes!
No one got arrested because, just like in the case of the IRS breaking federal law by sending taxpayers' information to the White House (also a felony), Obama's DOJ ignores criminal behavior by Democrats and Obama's administration. Seems criminal behavior is apparently the norm for Democrats and Obama.
Guess what? NO ILLEGALITY. You can tell because no one got arrested IDIOTS. Yes, Blumenthal is Hillary's FRIEND and e-mailed her. BIG FECKING DEAL. Hater dupes!
No one got arrested because, just like in the case of the IRS breaking federal law by sending taxpayers' information to the White House (also a felony), Obama's DOJ ignores criminal behavior by Democrats and Obama's administration. Seems criminal behavior is apparently the norm for Democrats and Obama.
No it's not and your hysteria is why Hillary might actually win. The IRS had no idea HOW to treat the newly Citizens United groups. Hillary did not break any laws. If there was any substance to the charges, the gop would be screaming. But instead it's RW hysterical media. The real issue of the emails, which seems to resonate with some voters is whether Hillary is trustworthy. Why is her husband still soliciting money. I have totally separate personal and biz email, and different servers. Everyone else I know has as well. Why did Hill use the personal server for official biz? Her answer .... "well in retrospect....." That's not really an answer. But on you go with kooky conspiracy stories that in the end go nowhere, except maybe a bj that gets lied about. And, if that's all you got, she may win.

Right-wing hysteria???

Wake up...

Even the New York Times covers Hillary's antics...
I didn't say the mainstream media doesn't cover it. But, Hillary has a commanding lead in the dem primary and she will win unless there's a real story, and the only story is her hubris and secrecy. The gop may be able to exploit that and win the general. Or they may nominate a clown, again, who fails because he's a clown.
Guess what? NO ILLEGALITY. You can tell because no one got arrested IDIOTS. Yes, Blumenthal is Hillary's FRIEND and e-mailed her. BIG FECKING DEAL. Hater dupes!
No one got arrested because, just like in the case of the IRS breaking federal law by sending taxpayers' information to the White House (also a felony), Obama's DOJ ignores criminal behavior by Democrats and Obama's administration. Seems criminal behavior is apparently the norm for Democrats and Obama.
Total BS, hater dupe. If there was illegality, Pubs could point it out. They haven't, according to all respectable sources and LAWYERS....
I can't believe the illegality of this has to be explained to our resident dimocraps.

Unfuckingbelievable how stupid dimocraps are.


Yep, it kind of explains this....
View attachment 42665
Geeze, all I did was ask questions.

You guys are real charmers, and make me really want to stay here and take all this abuse, because I'm asking questions....

You read more like you were denying the illegality. But I'll take your word that you were just asking. So -- My apologies.

When something is under subpoena, it becomes the property of the government (or The Court). You may not alter it, change it, delete it, hide it or deny it in any way shape or form. It is no longer yours, it is the governments.

To do so is a Felony.

A serious one.

Unless you're a dimocrap scumbag. In which case, if there's a dimocrap scumbag running the Executive Branch, you're safe because dimocrap scum are nothing more than criminals and they won't prosecute each other -- Well, unless you go against The Don like Menendez did.

I hate dimocraps
So why hasn't Hillary been arrested by the DC police, or the FBI, if she either altered it, changed it, deleted it, hid it or denied it in any way shape or form?

Who would make that arrest, and why haven't they?

And thank you for answering my questions

She is now the far left pick and no one far left at that high of level will ever be held accountable, especially when there is a far left president in power. It would require the DOJ to start the process. Do you think they will?
The DOJ would never start that, especially because those guys will want to keep their jobs in the event Hillary get elected.

So what kind of felony has to be pursued by the DOJ? and not the FBI, or local police?

Is it not a "felony" as we know it?
I really need help to understand what I'm supposed to be outraged about.

When people talk about emails, missing or otherwise...what is the wrong thing that happened?

Did they cause Benghazi?

Do they show Hillary lied about Benghazi?

Do they prove something I should be outraged about?

I'm not disputing she may have done something wrong...but I just don't get what that is

Please tell me what that is.

This is why no one cares, theres nothing there but when someone says that they get angry that you "dont see it"
The fact that she had her own private email system is enough. Hillary is a pathological LIAR just like her impeached husband, Slick Willy. The Clintons are both cur dogs, not to be trusted AT ALL. Their one and only offspring, Chelsea has been raised to accept the free donations meant for truly needy peoples as a legitimate means of support.

What a bunch of sleazy crooks!

Just wait 'til The Donald tears into her past! The bitch won't be seen holding press conferences where questions can actually be asked by non-vetted reporters. She has too much to hide.
Wow, you really are uppity!

Go get em'!
Yep, it kind of explains this....
View attachment 42665
Geeze, all I did was ask questions.

You guys are real charmers, and make me really want to stay here and take all this abuse, because I'm asking questions....

You read more like you were denying the illegality. But I'll take your word that you were just asking. So -- My apologies.

When something is under subpoena, it becomes the property of the government (or The Court). You may not alter it, change it, delete it, hide it or deny it in any way shape or form. It is no longer yours, it is the governments.

To do so is a Felony.

A serious one.

Unless you're a dimocrap scumbag. In which case, if there's a dimocrap scumbag running the Executive Branch, you're safe because dimocrap scum are nothing more than criminals and they won't prosecute each other -- Well, unless you go against The Don like Menendez did.

I hate dimocraps
So why hasn't Hillary been arrested by the DC police, or the FBI, if she either altered it, changed it, deleted it, hid it or denied it in any way shape or form?

Who would make that arrest, and why haven't they?

And thank you for answering my questions

She is now the far left pick and no one far left at that high of level will ever be held accountable, especially when there is a far left president in power. It would require the DOJ to start the process. Do you think they will?
The DOJ would never start that, especially because those guys will want to keep their jobs in the event Hillary get elected.

So what kind of felony has to be pursued by the DOJ? and not the FBI, or local police?

Is it not a "felony" as we know it?

In regards to Hilary's last position it has to be started by the DOJ, please stop being a far left drone and realize this..

Keep government documents or destroying said documents are a felony.

Time for you do some research on this one so you will quit protecting Hilary..

Obama will not allow the DOJ to investigate this, however when Hilary fails to become President she could easily find herself sitting on the stand discussing what the word "is" means..

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