More "conservatism"?

Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says

It works like this, Obama can sign Executive Orders to allow Federally illegal immigrants to stay in the country, and can sue states that try to enforce federal laws on immigration and win. However, with Trump in office he cannot stop states from violating federal immigration laws by keeping their sanctuary cities.

Make sense to you? It should. Dims always get their way, the laws be damned. It just so happens that Dims rather enjoy most of America getting high cuz they know it's their best chance for winning elections, otherwise, it would be banned I can assure you.

Dims control the courts so anything goes.
Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says
/----/ And if a state tried to legalize slavery even though the US Constitution supersedes it - you'd be onboard?

A state cannot violate the US Constitution, that is part of the deal they make when they join the union. So, no I would not be on board with it.

There is nothing in the constitution that gives the Fed Govt the right to outlaw any drug at all. Such things are left to the states by the constitution. Which is why I am also not on board with them doing so
Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says

It works like this, Obama can sign Executive Orders to allow Federally illegal immigrants to stay in the country, and can sue states that try to enforce federal laws on immigration and win. However, with Trump in office he cannot stop states from violating federal immigration laws by keeping their sanctuary cities.

Make sense to you? It should. Dims always get their way, the laws be damned. It just so happens that Dims rather enjoy most of America getting high cuz they know it's their best chance for winning elections, otherwise, it would be banned I can assure you.

Dims control the courts so anything goes.

Nope, makes no sense to me at all. But neither Repubs nor Dems make any sense to me. I cannot understand people such as yourself that put party before country.
Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says

It works like this, Obama can sign Executive Orders to allow Federally illegal immigrants to stay in the country, and can sue states that try to enforce federal laws on immigration and win. However, with Trump in office he cannot stop states from violating federal immigration laws by keeping their sanctuary cities.

Make sense to you? It should. Dims always get their way, the laws be damned. It just so happens that Dims rather enjoy most of America getting high cuz they know it's their best chance for winning elections, otherwise, it would be banned I can assure you.

Dims control the courts so anything goes.

Nope, makes no sense to me at all. But neither Repubs nor Dems make any sense to me. I cannot understand people such as yourself that put party before country.

Your right, it makes no sense. Why can Dims break the law? It's because they put their stooges in the court system

As such, they are unstoppable.
Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says
Please allow more drugs to flow in the United States, just like letting Abortion on demand continue. Soon all those petulant, miserable, wretched, liberals will have committed self suicide by OD along with no future Democrat voters and soon the world will be free of the cancer called "Liberalism"..

We have mood-altering alcohol already. Why this excitement about a plant that is smoked rather than ingested as a liquid?
Why bring the termination of pregnancies into the picture, anyway? All medical procedures are "on demand" except when the patient is flat out unresponsive in the emergency room. Every medical procedure that I have ever undergone has been "on demand," from tooth extractions to having my stomach moved to cure a hiatal hernia. Do you think that some board, comprised of who-knows-what people possessing just exactly what credentials, should have decided for me whether I could, or couldn't, have these procedures performed on my body?
Seems that the past 8 years , someone THOUGHT I wasn't smart enough to take care of my myself or my family and FORCED upon me a healthcare law I didn't want? Those on the left cheered on that bullshit. As I said before, if you want to kill yourself with drugs, don't let me get in the way. If you want to kill your unborn child, that is one less liberal future voter, go for it.

It's too bad there is no rating that just means "utterly ridiculous."

This thread is about marijuana. You never addressed my post at all, even though your comment was addressed as a reply to my comment.
Alcohol, meth, and opiods seem to be the major crises at this time. Plants containing THC do not seem to pose an equivalent threat. There have been no recorded deaths from smoking marijuana.

You are the one who introduced the topic of abortion into this thread.

You having done that, I merely pointed out that, aside from unconscious patients whose lives are at stake, all medical procedures are "on demand." The prospective patient has to come to the physician and "demand," actually request, service. This is how our medical system works, and has worked all along. In view of this fact, the phrase "abortion on demand" constitutes only high drama, nothing else.

Isn't it ironic that you would encourage people to have abortions if their politics don't agree with yours? It doesn't show much dedication to the anti-abortion "cause."
Marijuana Overdose Through Pot Edibles A Cause For Concern, Says CDC
Carnivalus 4/20 event in Seattle, Washington April 20, 2014. Photo: Reuters/Jason Redmond

Days after an investigation by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment determined that marijuana intoxication was the chief contributing factor in the death of a 19-year-old teenager in the state last year, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a statement calling for clear labels and limited portion sizes of marijuana edibles.
As I said before, if you want to kill yourself or unborn child, go for it, just don't come to me and tell me I have to pay for it..

One case. Do you want to compare it to the effects of alcohol?

Who said you had to pay for something? You don't pay for abortions, you nitwit. By the way, I don't want to have to pay for the crap that you want, either. No school vouchers to run indoctrination centers masquerading as "Christian" schools, no continuing tax exemptions for "religious" organizations that actually are political organizations so that the rest of us have to pay for removing their garbage, plowing their streets, providing police protection, etc. And no, we are not sending our American troops into war with a world religion so that your phony "religious" cults can have their sick dreams come true.
Please allow more drugs to flow in the United States, just like letting Abortion on demand continue. Soon all those petulant, miserable, wretched, liberals will have committed self suicide by OD along with no future Democrat voters and soon the world will be free of the cancer called "Liberalism"..

We have mood-altering alcohol already. Why this excitement about a plant that is smoked rather than ingested as a liquid?
Why bring the termination of pregnancies into the picture, anyway? All medical procedures are "on demand" except when the patient is flat out unresponsive in the emergency room. Every medical procedure that I have ever undergone has been "on demand," from tooth extractions to having my stomach moved to cure a hiatal hernia. Do you think that some board, comprised of who-knows-what people possessing just exactly what credentials, should have decided for me whether I could, or couldn't, have these procedures performed on my body?
Seems that the past 8 years , someone THOUGHT I wasn't smart enough to take care of my myself or my family and FORCED upon me a healthcare law I didn't want? Those on the left cheered on that bullshit. As I said before, if you want to kill yourself with drugs, don't let me get in the way. If you want to kill your unborn child, that is one less liberal future voter, go for it.

It's too bad there is no rating that just means "utterly ridiculous."

This thread is about marijuana. You never addressed my post at all, even though your comment was addressed as a reply to my comment.
Alcohol, meth, and opiods seem to be the major crises at this time. Plants containing THC do not seem to pose an equivalent threat. There have been no recorded deaths from smoking marijuana.

You are the one who introduced the topic of abortion into this thread.

You having done that, I merely pointed out that, aside from unconscious patients whose lives are at stake, all medical procedures are "on demand." The prospective patient has to come to the physician and "demand," actually request, service. This is how our medical system works, and has worked all along. In view of this fact, the phrase "abortion on demand" constitutes only high drama, nothing else.

Isn't it ironic that you would encourage people to have abortions if their politics don't agree with yours? It doesn't show much dedication to the anti-abortion "cause."
Marijuana Overdose Through Pot Edibles A Cause For Concern, Says CDC
Carnivalus 4/20 event in Seattle, Washington April 20, 2014. Photo: Reuters/Jason Redmond

Days after an investigation by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment determined that marijuana intoxication was the chief contributing factor in the death of a 19-year-old teenager in the state last year, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a statement calling for clear labels and limited portion sizes of marijuana edibles.
As I said before, if you want to kill yourself or unborn child, go for it, just don't come to me and tell me I have to pay for it..

One case. Do you want to compare it to the effects of alcohol?

Who said you had to pay for something? You don't pay for abortions, you nitwit. By the way, I don't want to have to pay for the crap that you want, either. No school vouchers to run indoctrination centers masquerading as "Christian" schools, no continuing tax exemptions for "religious" organizations that actually are political organizations so that the rest of us have to pay for removing their garbage, plowing their streets, providing police protection, etc. And no, we are not sending our American troops into war with a world religion so that your phony "religious" cults can have their sick dreams come true.
I pay every time a bitch goes into planned parenthood. Also I pay for every fucking politician who gives needles to junkies to supposedly stop the spread of Aides through sharing needles.

Those who claim to be conservatives, and support Trump&Co., are not conservative, nor are they Republicans.

Yes they are. They are both these things. You don't get to move the goalposts on Trump like you did with Bush the Dumber.

They are not conservatives, for they deny human activity is impacting our environment and harmful to the planet; they are not Republicans, for they have tossed registered R's under the bus as RINO's; in fact they are a mix of neofascists, plutocrats and biddable fools.
Those who claim to be conservatives, and support Trump&Co., are not conservative, nor are they Republicans.

Yes they are. They are both these things. You don't get to move the goalposts on Trump like you did with Bush the Dumber.

They are not conservatives, for they deny human activity is impacting our environment and harmful to the planet; they are not Republicans, for they have tossed registered R's under the bus as RINO's; in fact they are a mix of neofascists, plutocrats and biddable fools.

Logical Fallacies» ‘No True Scotsman’ Fallacy
They are not conservatives

Yes, they are. "Conservative" isn't a label you get to shift the goalposts on just because they produce policy that results in shit. You voted for Trump. Conservatives voted for Trump. You aren't going to be allowed to distance yourself from him the way you tried with Bush the Dumber, who you also supported for 8 years and only started saying wasn't a Conservative when the consequences of the policy he pushed that you supported turned out to be shit.
Those who claim to be conservatives, and support Trump&Co., are not conservative, nor are they Republicans.

Yes they are. They are both these things. You don't get to move the goalposts on Trump like you did with Bush the Dumber.

They are not conservatives, for they deny human activity is impacting our environment and harmful to the planet; they are not Republicans, for they have tossed registered R's under the bus as RINO's; in fact they are a mix of neofascists, plutocrats and biddable fools.

Logical Fallacies» ‘No True Scotsman’ Fallacy

Food for thought, and thus informative.

In rebuttal, and In my experience, the word "hippie" described both true believer's in peace and love and those who wore the costume, so to exploit the true believers for their own wants and needs, i.e. to be included in something and to enjoy being a member for the sex, drugs and rock and roll.

And no, I was not and never was a hippie. I was born and raised in the Sunset District of SF, which was next to the Haight-Ashbury District and observed the distinction between the true believer and the phony.

That was the distinction I attempted to make in my post.
Those who claim to be conservatives, and support Trump&Co., are not conservative, nor are they Republicans.

Yes they are. They are both these things. You don't get to move the goalposts on Trump like you did with Bush the Dumber.

They are not conservatives, for they deny human activity is impacting our environment and harmful to the planet; they are not Republicans, for they have tossed registered R's under the bus as RINO's; in fact they are a mix of neofascists, plutocrats and biddable fools.

Logical Fallacies» ‘No True Scotsman’ Fallacy

Yup. Thank you. That's precisely what they do because they don't want to own up to the consequences of the garbage policy they support. So they just pretend they never supported it, even though they did and we all remember they did.

Not one Conservative held a teabag rally when Bush erased the surplus and produced record deficits that doubled the debt in 8 years. Now they expect us to believe they are genuine? LOL. Who the fuck are they kidding?
They are not conservatives

Yes, they are. "Conservative" isn't a label you get to shift the goalposts on just because they produce policy that results in shit. You voted for Trump. Conservatives voted for Trump. You aren't going to be allowed to distance yourself from him the way you tried with Bush the Dumber, who you also supported for 8 years and only started saying wasn't a Conservative when the consequences of the policy he pushed that you supported turned out to be shit.

All Wrong. I voted for HRC, and Obama Twice, Clinton Twice, Kerry and Gore. I voted for John Anderson not Reagan and have been firm in my opinion that Trump is unfit to be POTUS!
In rebuttal, and In my experience, the word "hippie" described both true believer's in peace and love and those who wore the costume, so to exploit the true believers for their own wants and needs, i.e. to be included in something and to enjoy being a member for the sex, drugs and rock and roll.
That was the distinction I attempted to make in my post.

Conservatives abrogate responsibility by pretending that the people they supported and the policies they championed for years aren't the policies they championed and supported. When we all know they are because they were telling us they were as they were enacting those policies. Then, once the consequences of those policies reveal themselves, suddenly all these Conservatives come out and say that they never supported Bush and Bush wasn't one of them, when we all remember who voted for Bush and supported every single one of his policies.

Not one teabag rally at all from 2001-2008, even as Bush erased a surplus and produced four record deficits that doubled the debt in 8 years when, if they had done literally nothing, the debt could have been paid off by 2010. So they couldn't even do nothing right.

But we'll never know because Conservatives squandered a surplus on tax cuts for the rich, that only reduced revenue for four straight years and created a housing bubble that would end up tanking the economy by 2008.

So fuck them and fuck the goalpost shifting.
All Wrong. I voted for HRC, and Obama Twice, Clinton Twice, Kerry and Gore. I voted for John Anderson not Reagan and have been firm in my opinion that Trump is unfit to be POTUS!

Well, then my apologies for taking out my frustration on the constant label redefinition of "Conservative" on you.
Those who claim to be conservatives, and support Trump&Co., are not conservative, nor are they Republicans.

Yes they are. They are both these things. You don't get to move the goalposts on Trump like you did with Bush the Dumber.

They are not conservatives, for they deny human activity is impacting our environment and harmful to the planet; they are not Republicans, for they have tossed registered R's under the bus as RINO's; in fact they are a mix of neofascists, plutocrats and biddable fools.
They are not conservatives

Yes, they are. "Conservative" isn't a label you get to shift the goalposts on just because they produce policy that results in shit. You voted for Trump. Conservatives voted for Trump. You aren't going to be allowed to distance yourself from him the way you tried with Bush the Dumber, who you also supported for 8 years and only started saying wasn't a Conservative when the consequences of the policy he pushed that you supported turned out to be shit.

All Wrong. I voted for HRC, and Obama Twice, Clinton Twice, Kerry and Gore. I voted for John Anderson not Reagan and have been firm in my opinion that Trump is unfit to be POTUS!
They are not conservatives

Yes, they are. "Conservative" isn't a label you get to shift the goalposts on just because they produce policy that results in shit. You voted for Trump. Conservatives voted for Trump. You aren't going to be allowed to distance yourself from him the way you tried with Bush the Dumber, who you also supported for 8 years and only started saying wasn't a Conservative when the consequences of the policy he pushed that you supported turned out to be shit.

All Wrong. I voted for HRC, and Obama Twice, Clinton Twice, Kerry and Gore. I voted for John Anderson not Reagan and have been firm in my opinion that Trump is unfit to be POTUS!
View attachment 169801

Funny how you use memes that come from Russia.
The ruling classes in both Parties are Globalist Authoritarians. They don't care about average American Citizens. It's all about total World Government domination. At the end of the day, they play on the same team. The 'Republican vs. Democrat' war is just a misdirection magic trick. Both Neocons and Communists/Progressives take you to the same place. And that place is, Totalitarianism.

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