More "conservatism"?

Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says

I was ok with sessions up until this. Not only does it show he hasn’t actually looked into the issue, it’s just showing how old and out of touch he is on the issue. I believe most republicans don’t really have much of an objection to legalization and decriminalization, of not they have certainly be quickly trending that way.

If you think pot should be illegal...then by that metric alcohol definitely needs to be illegal. Alcohol is so much more addictive, deadly, harmful to body, inhibiting of judgement, and has fucked up so many countless lives and left so many more victims in its wake of both those who abuse it and the ones they effect... AND probably is the grandaddy of all “gateway” drugs...there’s no question about it that alcohol needs to be illegal as well, if that’s your metric. Which is a stupid argument, especially in a supposedly free society. If you honestly and objectively look at the argument for legalizing pot (outside of the clear constitutional violation of prohibiting it in the first place), there is no doubt it’s way less harmful than alcohol (and even very helpful to select people, although it’s not this blanket “miracle” drug that fixes everything as some make it out to be).

I agree, Sessions is old and way out of touch. The Republicans are really blowing it on this issue. Marijuana should be decriminalized as soon as possible. No one should be arrested and thrown in a cage for using it. That's absolutely barbaric.

The Democrats will actually make big gains from this issue. They appear more in touch with the current reality. Personally, i've been around both Marijuana users and drunks on many occasions. And i'll take the Marijuana user over the drunk every time. We need to move on past this issue. Just decriminalize it, and be done with it.
I would suggest there is no higher call I g for the Government thsn to ensure it' citizens are free from the negative effects of immorality, like drunk driving. To thst end I believe it is good and necessary for the Government to remove those who choose immorality in a permanent way.

well, you cleary live in the wrong country. This country was founded on liberty, not governmental control. I would suggest you move to a country more suited to your points of view. Saudi Arabia is a very nice country and they think just like you.

Funny from a leftist.......the only freedom you guys want is abortions, drugs, and homosex.....outside of that you want the feds to control everything

Funny, except i am not a leftist you fucking partisan zealot. I am as anti-abortion as anyone on this thread and have been called a Con multiple times because of my views on abortion.

But yes, I do think people should be free to be homosexual and I think people should be allowed to smoke pot. Those two things along with 100 other views is what makes me a liberation not a lefty or righty.

But you suffer from the same problem as all the other braindead partisan zealots, you only see things via the two parites, you shriveled up little mind cannot comprehend that some of us are outside of the two party control.
Do you think forced gestation is libertarian?

I think ending the life of an innocent human being is the ultimate removal of liberty, thus I do not see how any libertarian can support abortion. But I do understand that most libertarians do not agree with this view. I have never been one that fit into any one box.
Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says
Please allow more drugs to flow in the United States, just like letting Abortion on demand continue. Soon all those petulant, miserable, wretched, liberals will have committed self suicide by OD along with no future Democrat voters and soon the world will be free of the cancer called "Liberalism"..

We have mood-altering alcohol already. Why this excitement about a plant that is smoked rather than ingested as a liquid?
Why bring the termination of pregnancies into the picture, anyway? All medical procedures are "on demand" except when the patient is flat out unresponsive in the emergency room. Every medical procedure that I have ever undergone has been "on demand," from tooth extractions to having my stomach moved to cure a hiatal hernia. Do you think that some board, comprised of who-knows-what people possessing just exactly what credentials, should have decided for me whether I could, or couldn't, have these procedures performed on my body?

we could ban alcohol, but there is no contact buzz with it......that's one major difference

It was tried, and Prohibition failed. Abortions will still occur if outlawed, Pot will still be smoked/ingested if outlawed, and Guns will still be owned if outlawed.

Thus, regulation seems to be the best solution to these and other wedge issues.

ok, this is the problem with the guys want it all removed...that is impossible...I'm not saying it will eliminate it entirely.
But we shouldn't sanction abortion and if we can prosecute the offenders....just like drugs ect....

now for pot. I think people should be save jail for harder drugs......ones that make people psychotic.

Why should people be fined for pot but allowed to slam down a case of beer watching a football game? So inconsistent of a view.
Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says

I was ok with sessions up until this. Not only does it show he hasn’t actually looked into the issue, it’s just showing how old and out of touch he is on the issue. I believe most republicans don’t really have much of an objection to legalization and decriminalization, of not they have certainly be quickly trending that way.

If you think pot should be illegal...then by that metric alcohol definitely needs to be illegal. Alcohol is so much more addictive, deadly, harmful to body, inhibiting of judgement, and has fucked up so many countless lives and left so many more victims in its wake of both those who abuse it and the ones they effect... AND probably is the grandaddy of all “gateway” drugs...there’s no question about it that alcohol needs to be illegal as well, if that’s your metric. Which is a stupid argument, especially in a supposedly free society. If you honestly and objectively look at the argument for legalizing pot (outside of the clear constitutional violation of prohibiting it in the first place), there is no doubt it’s way less harmful than alcohol (and even very helpful to select people, although it’s not this blanket “miracle” drug that fixes everything as some make it out to be).

I agree, Sessions is old and way out of touch. The Republicans are really blowing it on this issue. Marijuana should be decriminalized as soon as possible. No one should be arrested and thrown in a cage for using it. That's absolutely barbaric.

The Democrats will actually make big gains from this issue. They appear more in touch with the current reality. Personally, i've been around both Marijuana users and drunks on many occasions. And i'll take the Marijuana user over the drunk every time. We need to move on past this issue. Just decriminalize it, and be done with it.
And see I’m the other way around, I’ve tried weed plenty of times, and never really had a moment where I said I’m a huge fan of this. That’s probably more on me and how I used it since I usually did it piss drunk and got the spins in the worst way. But even times when I wasn’t drunk and used it, I didn’t do anything, I became the most lazy person on the planet. To the point where I didn’t even feel like making a move to hook up with a girl pretty much throwing herself at me...which was probably a good thing since it was my buddies married half sister, and I definitely would have had I been drunk. So I say no thanks to weed, just give me some booze and good tunes and I’ll have a good ass night. But I still think it should be legal.
And see I’m the other way around, I’ve tried weed plenty of times, and never really had a moment where I said I’m a huge fan of this. That’s probably more on me and how I used it since I usually did it piss drunk and got the spins in the worst way. But even times when I wasn’t drunk and used it, I didn’t do anything, I became the most lazy person on the planet. To the point where I didn’t even feel like making a move to hook up with a girl pretty much throwing herself at me...which was probably a good thing since it was my buddies married half sister, and I definitely would have had I been drunk. So I say no thanks to weed, just give me some booze and good tunes and I’ll have a good ass night. But I still think it should be legal.

I have not smoked weed since about 4 months before I joined the Corps back in 1988. Will not do it now as putting smoke into my COPD lungs seems a terrible idea. But I do enjoy a few craft beers on the weekend and if I can do that, people should be able to have a hit off of a bong.
Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says

I was ok with sessions up until this. Not only does it show he hasn’t actually looked into the issue, it’s just showing how old and out of touch he is on the issue. I believe most republicans don’t really have much of an objection to legalization and decriminalization, of not they have certainly be quickly trending that way.

If you think pot should be illegal...then by that metric alcohol definitely needs to be illegal. Alcohol is so much more addictive, deadly, harmful to body, inhibiting of judgement, and has fucked up so many countless lives and left so many more victims in its wake of both those who abuse it and the ones they effect... AND probably is the grandaddy of all “gateway” drugs...there’s no question about it that alcohol needs to be illegal as well, if that’s your metric. Which is a stupid argument, especially in a supposedly free society. If you honestly and objectively look at the argument for legalizing pot (outside of the clear constitutional violation of prohibiting it in the first place), there is no doubt it’s way less harmful than alcohol (and even very helpful to select people, although it’s not this blanket “miracle” drug that fixes everything as some make it out to be).

I agree, Sessions is old and way out of touch. The Republicans are really blowing it on this issue. Marijuana should be decriminalized as soon as possible. No one should be arrested and thrown in a cage for using it. That's absolutely barbaric.

The Democrats will actually make big gains from this issue. They appear more in touch with the current reality. Personally, i've been around both Marijuana users and drunks on many occasions. And i'll take the Marijuana user over the drunk every time. We need to move on past this issue. Just decriminalize it, and be done with it.
And see I’m the other way around, I’ve tried weed plenty of times, and never really had a moment where I said I’m a huge fan of this. That’s probably more on me and how I used it since I usually did it piss drunk and got the spins in the worst way. But even times when I wasn’t drunk and used it, I didn’t do anything, I became the most lazy person on the planet. To the point where I didn’t even feel like making a move to hook up with a girl pretty much throwing herself at me...which was probably a good thing since it was my buddies married half sister, and I definitely would have had I been drunk. So I say no thanks to weed, just give me some booze and good tunes and I’ll have a good ass night. But I still think it should be legal.

I hear ya. It's an adult personal decision. It isn't a Government issue. It is time to decriminalize.
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Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says

I was ok with sessions up until this. Not only does it show he hasn’t actually looked into the issue, it’s just showing how old and out of touch he is on the issue. I believe most republicans don’t really have much of an objection to legalization and decriminalization, of not they have certainly be quickly trending that way.

If you think pot should be illegal...then by that metric alcohol definitely needs to be illegal. Alcohol is so much more addictive, deadly, harmful to body, inhibiting of judgement, and has fucked up so many countless lives and left so many more victims in its wake of both those who abuse it and the ones they effect... AND probably is the grandaddy of all “gateway” drugs...there’s no question about it that alcohol needs to be illegal as well, if that’s your metric. Which is a stupid argument, especially in a supposedly free society. If you honestly and objectively look at the argument for legalizing pot (outside of the clear constitutional violation of prohibiting it in the first place), there is no doubt it’s way less harmful than alcohol (and even very helpful to select people, although it’s not this blanket “miracle” drug that fixes everything as some make it out to be).

I agree, Sessions is old and way out of touch. The Republicans are really blowing it on this issue. Marijuana should be decriminalized as soon as possible. No one should be arrested and thrown in a cage for using it. That's absolutely barbaric.

The Democrats will actually make big gains from this issue. They appear more in touch with the current reality. Personally, i've been around both Marijuana users and drunks on many occasions. And i'll take the Marijuana user over the drunk every time. We need to move on past this issue. Just decriminalize it, and be done with it.
And see I’m the other way around, I’ve tried weed plenty of times, and never really had a moment where I said I’m a huge fan of this. That’s probably more on me and how I used it since I usually did it piss drunk and got the spins in the worst way. But even times when I wasn’t drunk and used it, I didn’t do anything, I became the most lazy person on the planet. To the point where I didn’t even feel like making a move to hook up with a girl pretty much throwing herself at me...which was probably a good thing since it was my buddies married half sister, and I definitely would have had I been drunk. So I say no thanks to weed, just give me some booze and good tunes and I’ll have a good ass night. But I still think it should be legal.

I hear ya. It's an adult personal decision. It isn't a Government issue. It is time decriminalize.
More than decriminalize, legalize and say have at it, do as you please, start a business off the stuff if you want.
Seriously? What a retard, the American Lung Association warns smoke from marijuana combustion has been shown to contain many of the same toxins, irritants and carcinogens as tobacco smoke. Is there a single pot advocate who would encourage the use of tobacco with the same enthusiasm? Hell no.
They make convection devices now where you dont get any bad chemicals because the THC convects at a lower temp than everything else.

You ever see someone really stoned, I have. There's zero chance you can convince me its healthy.
Well, i mean it has side effects. But so does ice cream.
I think the main thing that it boils down to is the govt shouldnt tell me what is best for me. They dont have a fucking clue. They cant even do their job without grabbing some chicks ass.

The problem is those substances make you dangerous....
they either change who you are...make you crazy, psychotic and change your behavior

or they make it so you cant do fundamental tasks like drive

and yes I wouldn't care if they banned alcohol (I'd miss irish carbombs, and mint juleps, but I drink so infrequently I wouldn't care)
pot makes you dangerous? LOL

Seth Rogen = dangerous guy.
Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says

I was ok with sessions up until this. Not only does it show he hasn’t actually looked into the issue, it’s just showing how old and out of touch he is on the issue. I believe most republicans don’t really have much of an objection to legalization and decriminalization, of not they have certainly be quickly trending that way.

If you think pot should be illegal...then by that metric alcohol definitely needs to be illegal. Alcohol is so much more addictive, deadly, harmful to body, inhibiting of judgement, and has fucked up so many countless lives and left so many more victims in its wake of both those who abuse it and the ones they effect... AND probably is the grandaddy of all “gateway” drugs...there’s no question about it that alcohol needs to be illegal as well, if that’s your metric. Which is a stupid argument, especially in a supposedly free society. If you honestly and objectively look at the argument for legalizing pot (outside of the clear constitutional violation of prohibiting it in the first place), there is no doubt it’s way less harmful than alcohol (and even very helpful to select people, although it’s not this blanket “miracle” drug that fixes everything as some make it out to be).

I agree, Sessions is old and way out of touch. The Republicans are really blowing it on this issue. Marijuana should be decriminalized as soon as possible. No one should be arrested and thrown in a cage for using it. That's absolutely barbaric.

The Democrats will actually make big gains from this issue. They appear more in touch with the current reality. Personally, i've been around both Marijuana users and drunks on many occasions. And i'll take the Marijuana user over the drunk every time. We need to move on past this issue. Just decriminalize it, and be done with it.

You and I agree 100% on this topic. Pot is legal in some form in 29 states that covers about 60% of the population. So society has already decided that it's harmless. At this point, the only reasons anyone would be against ending prohibition is if they personally profit from private prisons, or they hate people of color, or both.
Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says

I was ok with sessions up until this. Not only does it show he hasn’t actually looked into the issue, it’s just showing how old and out of touch he is on the issue. I believe most republicans don’t really have much of an objection to legalization and decriminalization, of not they have certainly be quickly trending that way.

If you think pot should be illegal...then by that metric alcohol definitely needs to be illegal. Alcohol is so much more addictive, deadly, harmful to body, inhibiting of judgement, and has fucked up so many countless lives and left so many more victims in its wake of both those who abuse it and the ones they effect... AND probably is the grandaddy of all “gateway” drugs...there’s no question about it that alcohol needs to be illegal as well, if that’s your metric. Which is a stupid argument, especially in a supposedly free society. If you honestly and objectively look at the argument for legalizing pot (outside of the clear constitutional violation of prohibiting it in the first place), there is no doubt it’s way less harmful than alcohol (and even very helpful to select people, although it’s not this blanket “miracle” drug that fixes everything as some make it out to be).

I agree, Sessions is old and way out of touch. The Republicans are really blowing it on this issue. Marijuana should be decriminalized as soon as possible. No one should be arrested and thrown in a cage for using it. That's absolutely barbaric.

The Democrats will actually make big gains from this issue. They appear more in touch with the current reality. Personally, i've been around both Marijuana users and drunks on many occasions. And i'll take the Marijuana user over the drunk every time. We need to move on past this issue. Just decriminalize it, and be done with it.

You and I agree 100% on this topic. Pot is legal in some form in 29 states that covers about 60% of the population. So society has already decided that it's harmless. At this point, the only reasons anyone would be against ending prohibition is if they personally profit from private prisons, or they hate people of color, or both.
did you really bring race into it?
Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says

I was ok with sessions up until this. Not only does it show he hasn’t actually looked into the issue, it’s just showing how old and out of touch he is on the issue. I believe most republicans don’t really have much of an objection to legalization and decriminalization, of not they have certainly be quickly trending that way.

If you think pot should be illegal...then by that metric alcohol definitely needs to be illegal. Alcohol is so much more addictive, deadly, harmful to body, inhibiting of judgement, and has fucked up so many countless lives and left so many more victims in its wake of both those who abuse it and the ones they effect... AND probably is the grandaddy of all “gateway” drugs...there’s no question about it that alcohol needs to be illegal as well, if that’s your metric. Which is a stupid argument, especially in a supposedly free society. If you honestly and objectively look at the argument for legalizing pot (outside of the clear constitutional violation of prohibiting it in the first place), there is no doubt it’s way less harmful than alcohol (and even very helpful to select people, although it’s not this blanket “miracle” drug that fixes everything as some make it out to be).

I agree, Sessions is old and way out of touch. The Republicans are really blowing it on this issue. Marijuana should be decriminalized as soon as possible. No one should be arrested and thrown in a cage for using it. That's absolutely barbaric.

The Democrats will actually make big gains from this issue. They appear more in touch with the current reality. Personally, i've been around both Marijuana users and drunks on many occasions. And i'll take the Marijuana user over the drunk every time. We need to move on past this issue. Just decriminalize it, and be done with it.

You and I agree 100% on this topic. Pot is legal in some form in 29 states that covers about 60% of the population. So society has already decided that it's harmless. At this point, the only reasons anyone would be against ending prohibition is if they personally profit from private prisons, or they hate people of color, or both.
did you really bring race into it?

It definitely a racial issue. The whole reason pot was subject to prohibition was because of racism against Latinos in the 1930's. Black people are disproportionately arrested for pot, and face stiffer jail sentences than white people do.

So yes, it is very much a racial thing.
Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says

I was ok with sessions up until this. Not only does it show he hasn’t actually looked into the issue, it’s just showing how old and out of touch he is on the issue. I believe most republicans don’t really have much of an objection to legalization and decriminalization, of not they have certainly be quickly trending that way.

If you think pot should be illegal...then by that metric alcohol definitely needs to be illegal. Alcohol is so much more addictive, deadly, harmful to body, inhibiting of judgement, and has fucked up so many countless lives and left so many more victims in its wake of both those who abuse it and the ones they effect... AND probably is the grandaddy of all “gateway” drugs...there’s no question about it that alcohol needs to be illegal as well, if that’s your metric. Which is a stupid argument, especially in a supposedly free society. If you honestly and objectively look at the argument for legalizing pot (outside of the clear constitutional violation of prohibiting it in the first place), there is no doubt it’s way less harmful than alcohol (and even very helpful to select people, although it’s not this blanket “miracle” drug that fixes everything as some make it out to be).

I agree, Sessions is old and way out of touch. The Republicans are really blowing it on this issue. Marijuana should be decriminalized as soon as possible. No one should be arrested and thrown in a cage for using it. That's absolutely barbaric.

The Democrats will actually make big gains from this issue. They appear more in touch with the current reality. Personally, i've been around both Marijuana users and drunks on many occasions. And i'll take the Marijuana user over the drunk every time. We need to move on past this issue. Just decriminalize it, and be done with it.

You and I agree 100% on this topic. Pot is legal in some form in 29 states that covers about 60% of the population. So society has already decided that it's harmless. At this point, the only reasons anyone would be against ending prohibition is if they personally profit from private prisons, or they hate people of color, or both.

or if they want to continue to use it as a basis for disparate enforcement of the law.
More than decriminalize, legalize and say have at it, do as you please, start a business off the stuff if you want.

If you can get that done, fine. Just don't ever bring it (or yourself if you're doing it) on my property, in my house or car, or anywhere else I am in charge of. The response will be less thsn polite.
Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says

they love states rights when its about them keeping black people out of white schools and restaurants.

the hate states rights when it comes to individual rights....
sorry those were democrats.....and you lefties are still pro segregation....

Debate flares after black college students seek a non-white roommate

or this

Harvard students plan graduation ceremony for blacks only, claim it’s ‘not about segregation’

do they not even know what segregation is?
Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says

I was ok with sessions up until this. Not only does it show he hasn’t actually looked into the issue, it’s just showing how old and out of touch he is on the issue. I believe most republicans don’t really have much of an objection to legalization and decriminalization, of not they have certainly be quickly trending that way.

If you think pot should be illegal...then by that metric alcohol definitely needs to be illegal. Alcohol is so much more addictive, deadly, harmful to body, inhibiting of judgement, and has fucked up so many countless lives and left so many more victims in its wake of both those who abuse it and the ones they effect... AND probably is the grandaddy of all “gateway” drugs...there’s no question about it that alcohol needs to be illegal as well, if that’s your metric. Which is a stupid argument, especially in a supposedly free society. If you honestly and objectively look at the argument for legalizing pot (outside of the clear constitutional violation of prohibiting it in the first place), there is no doubt it’s way less harmful than alcohol (and even very helpful to select people, although it’s not this blanket “miracle” drug that fixes everything as some make it out to be).

I agree, Sessions is old and way out of touch. The Republicans are really blowing it on this issue. Marijuana should be decriminalized as soon as possible. No one should be arrested and thrown in a cage for using it. That's absolutely barbaric.

The Democrats will actually make big gains from this issue. They appear more in touch with the current reality. Personally, i've been around both Marijuana users and drunks on many occasions. And i'll take the Marijuana user over the drunk every time. We need to move on past this issue. Just decriminalize it, and be done with it.

You and I agree 100% on this topic. Pot is legal in some form in 29 states that covers about 60% of the population. So society has already decided that it's harmless. At this point, the only reasons anyone would be against ending prohibition is if they personally profit from private prisons, or they hate people of color, or both.
did you really bring race into it?

It definitely a racial issue. The whole reason pot was subject to prohibition was because of racism against Latinos in the 1930's. Black people are disproportionately arrested for pot, and face stiffer jail sentences than white people do.

So yes, it is very much a racial thing.

Its not like people cant just be against drugs.
I just cant agree with your broad racial brush. Sorry. Maybe if you didnt clump every person against drug use in one lump, i probably wouldnt have even said anything.

Being opposed to drugs doesn't necessarily mean you support prohibition. You can be personally opposed to drugs, but still support legalization of drugs. Those aren't the people I'm talking about.

So allow me the chance to correct myself; those opposed to ending prohibition only do so because of racial animus or personal profit, or both.
When are folks gonna get it? Libertarianism is the only logical way forward. In the end, both Neo-Conservatism and Communism/Progressivism take you to Totalitarianism. The only 'ism' worth fighting for at this point, is Libertarianism.

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