More "conservatism"?

Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says

awwwwww, cant toke up......dang....

so should we legalize cocaine and heroin?

Nah, we should ban all controlled substances. Because prohibition works so well. Just look at how well Nixon's "War on Drugs" has done.


I'm all for it, with one OD, you die........
Unless it's pot. Then you just eat all the Doritos in the house and call everyone, "DUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!" for two hours.

yeah, that drives me nuts, same with the dope laugh (it's the way beavis and butthead laugh, I HATE that thing).......

Pot people just drive me nuts with their advocacy.........the pamphlets the lectures on founding fathers.....and uses for hemp.....and it's just stop already.
just fine them and go on, harder drugs should be dealt with much harsher.....see compromise.....dope is less restricted, hard drugs more restricted.

'More "conservatism"?'

Definitely not.

Conservatism is a disaster – failed, wrongheaded reactionary dogma.

And conservatism has always been authoritarian, seeking more government and bigger government to compel conformity.
Where do you live? Wyoming?

Pot smoking is absolutely dominated by Democrat millennials.

Nope, talk to RWNJ about Wyoming.


I live in progressive Boise, ID where we have many gay bars and are now surrounded by 4 states with legal weed.

All-Time High: Majority Of Republicans Support Pot Legalization For First Time

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The substance is illegal on the Federal Level. Until and unless it is removed from Federal regulations, the States have no say in this issue. It's nice to see an Administration reminding the States that they do not have the ability to ignore Federal laws without consequences. Especially on Moral issues like drugs.

There is no constitutional authority to make it illegal on a federal level.

Why is marijuana a "moral issue" but alcohol is not?
Wait are you arguing the Federal Government has no authority over drugs? So Obama care was illegal since it involved the Federal Government telling people what medical services they had to pay for. Perhaps you can cite for us the relevant power that Congress had for that?

I would suggest you read this
8: To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
Constitution of the United States - We the People

I am sure the Government claims that power applies and if you don't like THAT one then one can always, like you liberals do, claim the general welfare of the Country applies.
The substance is illegal on the Federal Level. Until and unless it is removed from Federal regulations, the States have no say in this issue. It's nice to see an Administration reminding the States that they do not have the ability to ignore Federal laws without consequences. Especially on Moral issues like drugs.

There is no constitutional authority to make it illegal on a federal level.

Why is marijuana a "moral issue" but alcohol is not?
Wait are you arguing the Federal Government has no authority over drugs? So Obama care was illegal since it involved the Federal Government telling people what medical services they had to pay for. Perhaps you can cite for us the relevant power that Congress had for that?

I would suggest you read this
8: To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
Constitution of the United States - We the People

I am sure the Government claims that power applies and if you don't like THAT one then one can always, like you liberals do, claim the general welfare of the Country applies.

Catch up Trumpling

All-Time High: Majority Of Republicans Support Pot Legalization For First Time
Wait are you arguing the Federal Government has no authority over drugs?

Yes, that is what I am saying.

So Obama care was illegal since it involved the Federal Government telling people what medical services they had to pay for. Perhaps you can cite for us the relevant power that Congress had for that?

ObamaCare was illegal and destructive.

I would suggest you read this 8: To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries; Constitution of the United States - We the People

I fail to see how that is relevant to the discussion.

I am sure the Government claims that power applies and if you don't like THAT one then one can always, like you liberals do, claim the general welfare of the Country applies.

If only I was a liberal. Damn, I was hoping a fellow Retired Marine GySgt would end up not being such a fucking partisan zealot. Silly me, I gave you way too much credit. My bad Devil Dog, I will not make that mistake again.[/quote]
Wait are you arguing the Federal Government has no authority over drugs?

Yes, that is what I am saying.

So Obama care was illegal since it involved the Federal Government telling people what medical services they had to pay for. Perhaps you can cite for us the relevant power that Congress had for that?

ObamaCare was illegal and destructive.

I would suggest you read this 8: To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries; Constitution of the United States - We the People

I fail to see how that is relevant to the discussion.

I am sure the Government claims that power applies and if you don't like THAT one then one can always, like you liberals do, claim the general welfare of the Country applies.

If only I was a liberal. Damn, I was hoping a fellow Retired Marine GySgt would end up not being such a fucking partisan zealot. Silly me, I gave you way too much credit. My bad Devil Dog, I will not make that mistake again.
Medicine and drugs fall under science and the Congress has that authority as stated i the quoted area. Obama Care was illegal because the Federal Government does not have the authority to tell people what to pay for unless it is EVERYONE.
Medicine and drugs fall under science and the Congress has that authority as stated i the quoted area. Obama Care was illegal because the Federal Government does not have the authority to tell people what to pay for unless it is EVERYONE.

Bullshit. The authority you quoted is very specific and detailed...., by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

There is nothing in that which gives the Fed Govt the right to tell people what they put into their body. That has to be the worst interpretation of the Constitution I have ever seen.
well, you cleary live in the wrong country. This country was founded on liberty, not governmental control. I would suggest you move to a country more suited to your points of view. Saudi Arabia is a very nice country and they think just like you.

The country was founded on Limited Government, not Anarchy. We would disagree on where those limits shoild be set.

If it weren't for the religious issues, I'd love to move to SA.
Will there be a massive campaign warning of the dangers of pot us like tobacco? Then why legalize it in the first place. Legalize pot, then spend millions of dollars trying to convince people not to use pot. :cuckoo:

I would not support such a thing, I do not even support it in dealing with tobacco. I support children being educated so that they can make informed choices. once people are adults then hell no. There is no adult alive today in this country that does not know the dangers of tobacco.

What dangers of tobacco?

download (16).jpeg
Wait are you arguing the Federal Government has no authority over drugs?

Yes, that is what I am saying.

So Obama care was illegal since it involved the Federal Government telling people what medical services they had to pay for. Perhaps you can cite for us the relevant power that Congress had for that?

ObamaCare was illegal and destructive.

I would suggest you read this 8: To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries; Constitution of the United States - We the People

I fail to see how that is relevant to the discussion.

I am sure the Government claims that power applies and if you don't like THAT one then one can always, like you liberals do, claim the general welfare of the Country applies.

If only I was a liberal. Damn, I was hoping a fellow Retired Marine GySgt would end up not being such a fucking partisan zealot. Silly me, I gave you way too much credit. My bad Devil Dog, I will not make that mistake again.
Medicine and drugs fall under science and the Congress has that authority as stated i the quoted area. Obama Care was illegal because the Federal Government does not have the authority to tell people what to pay for unless it is EVERYONE.[/QUOTE]

No, drugs fall under the interstate commerce clause. Or the commerce clause as they call it today, because the courts nullified the interstate restriction. That's what gave the feds the authority to regulate everything, even if it never crosses a property line, much less a state line.

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Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says
Please allow more drugs to flow in the United States, just like letting Abortion on demand continue. Soon all those petulant, miserable, wretched, liberals will have committed self suicide by OD along with no future Democrat voters and soon the world will be free of the cancer called "Liberalism"..

We have mood-altering alcohol already. Why this excitement about a plant that is smoked rather than ingested as a liquid?
Why bring the termination of pregnancies into the picture, anyway? All medical procedures are "on demand" except when the patient is flat out unresponsive in the emergency room. Every medical procedure that I have ever undergone has been "on demand," from tooth extractions to having my stomach moved to cure a hiatal hernia. Do you think that some board, comprised of who-knows-what people possessing just exactly what credentials, should have decided for me whether I could, or couldn't, have these procedures performed on my body?
Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says
Please allow more drugs to flow in the United States, just like letting Abortion on demand continue. Soon all those petulant, miserable, wretched, liberals will have committed self suicide by OD along with no future Democrat voters and soon the world will be free of the cancer called "Liberalism"..

We have mood-altering alcohol already. Why this excitement about a plant that is smoked rather than ingested as a liquid?
Why bring the termination of pregnancies into the picture, anyway? All medical procedures are "on demand" except when the patient is flat out unresponsive in the emergency room. Every medical procedure that I have ever undergone has been "on demand," from tooth extractions to having my stomach moved to cure a hiatal hernia. Do you think that some board, comprised of who-knows-what people possessing just exactly what credentials, should have decided for me whether I could, or couldn't, have these procedures performed on my body?
Seems that the past 8 years , someone THOUGHT I wasn't smart enough to take care of my myself or my family and FORCED upon me a healthcare law I didn't want? Those on the left cheered on that bullshit. As I said before, if you want to kill yourself with drugs, don't let me get in the way. If you want to kill your unborn child, that is one less liberal future voter, go for it.
Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says
Please allow more drugs to flow in the United States, just like letting Abortion on demand continue. Soon all those petulant, miserable, wretched, liberals will have committed self suicide by OD along with no future Democrat voters and soon the world will be free of the cancer called "Liberalism"..

We have mood-altering alcohol already. Why this excitement about a plant that is smoked rather than ingested as a liquid?
Why bring the termination of pregnancies into the picture, anyway? All medical procedures are "on demand" except when the patient is flat out unresponsive in the emergency room. Every medical procedure that I have ever undergone has been "on demand," from tooth extractions to having my stomach moved to cure a hiatal hernia. Do you think that some board, comprised of who-knows-what people possessing just exactly what credentials, should have decided for me whether I could, or couldn't, have these procedures performed on my body?
Seems that the past 8 years , someone THOUGHT I wasn't smart enough to take care of my myself or my family and FORCED upon me a healthcare law I didn't want? Those on the left cheered on that bullshit. As I said before, if you want to kill yourself with drugs, don't let me get in the way. If you want to kill your unborn child, that is one less liberal future voter, go for it.

It's too bad there is no rating that just means "utterly ridiculous."

This thread is about marijuana. You never addressed my post at all, even though your comment was addressed as a reply to my comment.
Alcohol, meth, and opiods seem to be the major crises at this time. Plants containing THC do not seem to pose an equivalent threat. There have been no recorded deaths from smoking marijuana.

You are the one who introduced the topic of abortion into this thread.

You having done that, I merely pointed out that, aside from unconscious patients whose lives are at stake, all medical procedures are "on demand." The prospective patient has to come to the physician and "demand," actually request, service. This is how our medical system works, and has worked all along. In view of this fact, the phrase "abortion on demand" constitutes only high drama, nothing else.

Isn't it ironic that you would encourage people to have abortions if their politics don't agree with yours? It doesn't show much dedication to the anti-abortion "cause."
Fuck the states and state's rights, it is all about the Fed Govt. When did conservatives quit caring about states rights?

U.S. to End Policy That Let Legal Pot Flourish, Report Says
Please allow more drugs to flow in the United States, just like letting Abortion on demand continue. Soon all those petulant, miserable, wretched, liberals will have committed self suicide by OD along with no future Democrat voters and soon the world will be free of the cancer called "Liberalism"..

We have mood-altering alcohol already. Why this excitement about a plant that is smoked rather than ingested as a liquid?
Why bring the termination of pregnancies into the picture, anyway? All medical procedures are "on demand" except when the patient is flat out unresponsive in the emergency room. Every medical procedure that I have ever undergone has been "on demand," from tooth extractions to having my stomach moved to cure a hiatal hernia. Do you think that some board, comprised of who-knows-what people possessing just exactly what credentials, should have decided for me whether I could, or couldn't, have these procedures performed on my body?
Seems that the past 8 years , someone THOUGHT I wasn't smart enough to take care of my myself or my family and FORCED upon me a healthcare law I didn't want? Those on the left cheered on that bullshit. As I said before, if you want to kill yourself with drugs, don't let me get in the way. If you want to kill your unborn child, that is one less liberal future voter, go for it.

It's too bad there is no rating that just means "utterly ridiculous."

This thread is about marijuana. You never addressed my post at all, even though your comment was addressed as a reply to my comment.
Alcohol, meth, and opiods seem to be the major crises at this time. Plants containing THC do not seem to pose an equivalent threat. There have been no recorded deaths from smoking marijuana.

You are the one who introduced the topic of abortion into this thread.

You having done that, I merely pointed out that, aside from unconscious patients whose lives are at stake, all medical procedures are "on demand." The prospective patient has to come to the physician and "demand," actually request, service. This is how our medical system works, and has worked all along. In view of this fact, the phrase "abortion on demand" constitutes only high drama, nothing else.

Isn't it ironic that you would encourage people to have abortions if their politics don't agree with yours? It doesn't show much dedication to the anti-abortion "cause."
Marijuana Overdose Through Pot Edibles A Cause For Concern, Says CDC
Carnivalus 4/20 event in Seattle, Washington April 20, 2014. Photo: Reuters/Jason Redmond

Days after an investigation by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment determined that marijuana intoxication was the chief contributing factor in the death of a 19-year-old teenager in the state last year, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a statement calling for clear labels and limited portion sizes of marijuana edibles.
As I said before, if you want to kill yourself or unborn child, go for it, just don't come to me and tell me I have to pay for it..

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