More Corporate Screwing of Employees

A lot of eateries are wanting to get rid of tips. Its not just them..
They better do something though. They are too fuckin high.
Besides, 12 bucks an hour for a waiter is PLENTY. I have been a waiter. I know what they are worth.
Actually, for large establishments,they must allocate and report to the irs, and include on the employees w-2, 8%-
Special Rules Apply to Large Food and Beverage Establishments

Special tip reporting and allocation rules apply to what the IRS considers large food and beverage establishments. Basically, these rules require you to file some special information returns with the IRS that, in effect, allocate 8 percent of your gross receipts as tips to your employees, if the employees don't report at least that much in tips.

The FICA payment on tips by the employer would be a push with the $12.00/hr, besides, unless the employee reports cash tips to the employer, only tips charged on credit cards (paperwork trail) would be reported.
Not sure I'd go into a restaurant that didnt utilize tipping.

Without it, what is there to motivate the servers to unbutton an extra button on their tops, wear the slightly tighter jeans/shorter skirt or be a little "fiendlier" with customers?
A lot of eateries are wanting to get rid of tips. Its not just them..
They better do something though. They are too fuckin high.
Besides, 12 bucks an hour for a waiter is PLENTY. I have been a waiter. I know what they are worth.

Maybe you were a crummy waiter......
Not sure I'd go into a restaurant that didnt utilize tipping.

Without it, what is there to motivate the servers to unbutton an extra button on their tops, wear the slightly tighter jeans/shorter skirt or be a little "fiendlier" with customers?

I won't be, and my corporate cards won't be used their either. They received my e-mail to that fact.
A lot of eateries are wanting to get rid of tips. Its not just them..
They better do something though. They are too fuckin high.
Besides, 12 bucks an hour for a waiter is PLENTY. I have been a waiter. I know what they are worth.

Maybe you were a crummy waiter......
No, I made very good tips. That's why I said that :thup:
Waiters have to EARN their money. Limp wrists don't want to earn a goddamn thing.
Most jobs should pay a Living Wage. If you can't afford to pay that, close up shop, you aren't needed.

^^^^ Translation.... PMH hattes gọng out and getting a signature to show he is looking for a job....

More bussinesd closed equals good for him to live off the government dole.
This goddamn MORON of an OP is going to make this thread, then say HRC is the only credible candidate on another thread.
PERFECT example of a dumbass voter

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