More “crumb”-iness: Two Pinocchios for McCaskill for false tax-reform attack


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Democrats really don’t seem capable of controlling themselves when it comes to the tax reform bill and its impact on American workers. After having hyperventilated before its passage that the bill would literally kill people, Democrats like Sen. Claire McCaskill seem determined to convince people that they’re already dead. Two days ago, McCaskill told HuffPost that the tax bill was nothing but a scheme to make the wealthy even richer that left fewer resources on the table for the working people of Missouri

Needless to say, this is utter nonsense"

More "crumb"-iness: Two Pinocchios for McCaskill for false tax-reform attack - Hot Air
"Democrats really don’t seem capable of controlling themselves when it comes to the tax reform bill and its impact on American workers. After having hyperventilated before its passage that the bill would literally kill people, Democrats like Sen. Claire McCaskill seem determined to convince people that they’re already dead. Two days ago, McCaskill told HuffPost that the tax bill was nothing but a scheme to make the wealthy even richer that left fewer resources on the table for the working people of Missouri

Needless to say, this is utter nonsense"

More "crumb"-iness: Two Pinocchios for McCaskill for false tax-reform attack - Hot Air

Yep, I saw a report this morning that companies have already given more than 3.5 billion in employee bonuses. That doesn't include pay raises by many companies like WalMart.

These kinds of lies, exaggerations, and attempts to deceptively manipulate the American people are part of the reason no one trusts Democrats...

Trump Tax Reform will cause Armageddon
If you like your plan you can keep it
I did not have sex with that woman
I have Brain Congestion

"Democrats really don’t seem capable of controlling themselves when it comes to the tax reform bill and its impact on American workers. After having hyperventilated before its passage that the bill would literally kill people, Democrats like Sen. Claire McCaskill seem determined to convince people that they’re already dead. Two days ago, McCaskill told HuffPost that the tax bill was nothing but a scheme to make the wealthy even richer that left fewer resources on the table for the working people of Missouri

Needless to say, this is utter nonsense"

More "crumb"-iness: Two Pinocchios for McCaskill for false tax-reform attack - Hot Air
Yeah that bitch in my district has a family farm and her husband runs a construction company, for years she has tried to get rid of prevailing wages for govt. jobs which means less dollars in the working man's pocket..But she like all politicians are bold two faced liars......with a forked tongue...
These kinds of lies, exaggerations, and attempts to deceptively manipulate the American people are part of the reason no one trusts Democrats...

Trump Tax Reform will cause Armageddon
If you like your plan you can keep it
I did not have sex with that woman
I have Brain Congestion

No one really trusts the GOP with their lies of balanced budgets and smaller less intrusive govt. bullshit...
These kinds of lies, exaggerations, and attempts to deceptively manipulate the American people are part of the reason no one trusts Democrats...

Trump Tax Reform will cause Armageddon
If you like your plan you can keep it
I did not have sex with that woman
I have Brain Congestion

No one really trusts the GOP with their lies of balanced budgets and smaller less intrusive govt. bullshit...
Says the guy whose party spent $1 trillion on a failed 'jobs' bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of self/party-serving tax payer funded pork...

"Democrats really don’t seem capable of controlling themselves when it comes to the tax reform bill and its impact on American workers. After having hyperventilated before its passage that the bill would literally kill people, Democrats like Sen. Claire McCaskill seem determined to convince people that they’re already dead. Two days ago, McCaskill told HuffPost that the tax bill was nothing but a scheme to make the wealthy even richer that left fewer resources on the table for the working people of Missouri

Needless to say, this is utter nonsense"

More "crumb"-iness: Two Pinocchios for McCaskill for false tax-reform attack - Hot Air
Did you read it?

have not yet been literally killed from tax reform

Literally killed?

For now, it's a metaphor.

That won't happen until Republicans end healthcare.
"Democrats really don’t seem capable of controlling themselves when it comes to the tax reform bill and its impact on American workers. After having hyperventilated before its passage that the bill would literally kill people, Democrats like Sen. Claire McCaskill seem determined to convince people that they’re already dead. Two days ago, McCaskill told HuffPost that the tax bill was nothing but a scheme to make the wealthy even richer that left fewer resources on the table for the working people of Missouri

Needless to say, this is utter nonsense"

More "crumb"-iness: Two Pinocchios for McCaskill for false tax-reform attack - Hot Air
It’s quite amazing you’ve never called out Trump on any of his 2000 plus lies. Not once.
Care to explain why?
But you pick on a fine public servant like McCaskell. You really have no shame..
McCaskill is not 100% right. Supporters of this tax law also get 2 pinocchios.

This tax bill did away with middle class tax breaks yet the rich kept their breaks and got new breaks. They kept the carried interest deduction which even Trump agreed should be done away with. They created new tax shelters for the rich. The pass through provision is one of those. Republicans want to put work requirements on welfare yet they don't believe in work when it comes to entrepreneurs. A entrepreneur can only take 20% of the income and subject it to the pass-through rate yet a passive investor can have that income taxed at the pass through rate. Then you have this tax break for real estate trusts. Another tax shelter for the rich to take advantage of. Also voters are likely to take a dim view of legislators who enrich themselves by creating special tax provisions to enrich themselves. Paul Ryan, Donald Trump, and Bob Corker who changed his no to a yes benefitted from this.

Then you look at the business tax breaks. The standard deduction is not indexed to inflation the way the current standard deduction and personal exemption is. This went to pay for business tax breaks. The brackets are not indexed to the regular rate of inflation but a chained index which is lower. Getting rid of the mandate will raise insurance rates for people who do not get insurance through their employer or get a subsidy. These saving went to the business tax rate cut. Paul Ryan said initially he could get the business rate down to 25%. They did it by taking breaks away from the middle class.

Also while the cap on SALT may not affect people in Missouri, people may take a dim view of using tax legislation to punish your enemies. Also what may affect people in Missouri is the child tax credit. When businesses complained, Republicans rushed to fix it. Whatever they wanted they got. Yet Marco Rubio tried to use the payroll taxes that working class families pay to extend the child care tax credit for working families. It was like pulling teeth to get a small increase.

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