More dead from COVID-19 than from Viet Nam War by April 26

We have gone from his base accepting that Trump is a pathologically liar, all the way down to their acceptance of the fact that Trump is getting American civilians killed. I guess that if he drops a nuclear bomb on Tahiti, his base will find a reason why that is a good thing.

The only people that believe Trump is responsible for a worldwide pandemic are those with TDS who wouldn't vote for him no matter what. So we're not too worried.

From Trump's mouth to your ear: "I don't take responsibility at all."

No one claims he's responsible for a worldwide pandemic. Everyone but cultists think he drug his feet and downplayed the threat.

Didn't Piglosi? Didn't Cuomo? Didn't Deblahhhzio?

None of these people wanted to see the country upset to the point of causing serious economic harm. Nobody had any idea it could get this bad either, not even your new leftist hero, Dr. Fauci.

Sure, the armchair quarterbacks can call the shots now that we're looking in the rearview mirror, but it's easy to tell me the end of the movie if you read the book long before seeing it.

President Trump is not a Doctor. President Trump is not a military expert. President Trump is not a scientist. That's why most of the shots called through this thing was by our various agencies, mostly the CDC, Homeland Security, and his medical staff. The FDA certainly threw in their barrel of roadblocks along the way.

We all know your motto, never let a good crisis go to waste, but I don't think most of the country will be blaming President Trump for our plight.
Yeah! Donald's management of this crisis is just GREAT. Fantastic! Incredible!
Deny something exists for 2 months and it WILL come and bite you in the ass.

2341 people died from COVID-19 yesterday.


United States

Coronavirus Cases:





Is there no end to the number of histrionics-laden pans-shitting threads you will start accusing Trump of anything and blaming him for causing everything?

Holy cat fuck.

You: "I got ass crabs and vaginal discharge because of Trump's evil, malicious, failed leadership. Thanks a lot Trump."

You constant barrage of DEFCOM 1 hysterical pandemonium shit posts forces people like me, who don't particularly like Donald Trump, to defend him.

You are not helping. All you are doing is (1) confirming that you are a fucking psycho and you need mental health treatment, and (2) making any legitimate criticism of Trump sound like crying wolf.

Please, for the love of roach semen and for protecting us from bullshit, do your duty to America and shut the fuck up.


Stow your histrionics, nellie. He made a reasonable post and you responded by popping your hemorrhoids.
Did you just post the old "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I" defense?

He did NOT make a reasonable post. He is, in essence BLAMING TRUMP for these deaths. That is completely unreasonable and total BULLSHIT!!!

He is making it sound like Trump can do nothing right SOLELY because he is Trump. This bullshit is killing all legitimate complaints.


If Trump ran as a Democrat and won, they would be praising him up and down as well. Pure partisan politics at the expense of lost loved ones.
Yeah! Donald's management of this crisis is just GREAT. Fantastic! Incredible!
Deny something exists for 2 months and it WILL come and bite you in the ass.

2341 people died from COVID-19 yesterday.


United States

Coronavirus Cases:





Is there no end to the number of histrionics-laden pans-shitting threads you will start accusing Trump of anything and blaming him for causing everything?

Holy cat fuck.

You: "I got ass crabs and vaginal discharge because of Trump's evil, malicious, failed leadership. Thanks a lot Trump."

You constant barrage of DEFCOM 1 hysterical pandemonium shit posts forces people like me, who don't particularly like Donald Trump, to defend him.

You are not helping. All you are doing is (1) confirming that you are a fucking psycho and you need mental health treatment, and (2) making any legitimate criticism of Trump sound like crying wolf.

Please, for the love of roach semen and for protecting us from bullshit, do your duty to America and shut the fuck up.


Stow your histrionics, nellie. He made a reasonable post and you responded by popping your hemorrhoids.
Did you just post the old "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I" defense?

He did NOT make a reasonable post. He is, in essence BLAMING TRUMP for these deaths. That is completely unreasonable and total BULLSHIT!!!

He is making it sound like Trump can do nothing right SOLELY because he is Trump. This bullshit is killing all legitimate complaints.


Oh. My mistake. I thought some pinhead said, "TRUMP MURDERED 50,000 PEOPLE!!!"

Oh, shit! That was you, Bootsie! Unkind of me to point it out, but histrionic re-phrasing is just so Tucker Carlson.
We have gone from his base accepting that Trump is a pathologically liar, all the way down to their acceptance of the fact that Trump is getting American civilians killed. I guess that if he drops a nuclear bomb on Tahiti, his base will find a reason why that is a good thing.

The only people that believe Trump is responsible for a worldwide pandemic are those with TDS who wouldn't vote for him no matter what. So we're not too worried.

From Trump's mouth to your ear: "I don't take responsibility at all."

No one claims he's responsible for a worldwide pandemic. Everyone but cultists think he drug his feet and downplayed the threat.
Yeah, we know you don't believe it, but you and your dumbass cronies are trying to pin the blame on him. He implemented the shutdown the minute his expert "scientists" reccommended it. Furthermore, none of the turds attacking him said a thing about it for until a week before he did it.

You're a douchebag of the highest order.

The US had 22 different scientist and diplomatic personnel with the WHO in China and Geneva, and the administration knew what the WHO knew in real time. After Trump started taking flak for downplaying the threat, he started lambasting the WHO and pulling funding. He praised China's response and transparency during the time he dithered, and boasted we were working with the Chinese. His delay was driven by wishful thinking, misplaced self-interest, hope for the stock market and fear of looking the problem directly in the eye. He just hope it would all go away. Like a miracle.
That's a load of horseshit. The WHO is one of the main malefactors in this tale.

How WHO Became China’s Coronavirus Accomplice
Yeah! Donald's management of this crisis is just GREAT. Fantastic! Incredible!
Deny something exists for 2 months and it WILL come and bite you in the ass.

2341 people died from COVID-19 yesterday.


United States

Coronavirus Cases:



If you believe those stats to be accurate, I have a bridge to sell you.
Yeah! Donald's management of this crisis is just GREAT. Fantastic! Incredible!
Deny something exists for 2 months and it WILL come and bite you in the ass.

2341 people died from COVID-19 yesterday.


United States

Coronavirus Cases:





Is there no end to the number of histrionics-laden pans-shitting threads you will start accusing Trump of anything and blaming him for causing everything?

Holy cat fuck.

You: "I got ass crabs and vaginal discharge because of Trump's evil, malicious, failed leadership. Thanks a lot Trump."

You constant barrage of DEFCOM 1 hysterical pandemonium shit posts forces people like me, who don't particularly like Donald Trump, to defend him.

You are not helping. All you are doing is (1) confirming that you are a fucking psycho and you need mental health treatment, and (2) making any legitimate criticism of Trump sound like crying wolf.

Please, for the love of roach semen and for protecting us from bullshit, do your duty to America and shut the fuck up.


Stow your histrionics, nellie. He made a reasonable post and you responded by popping your hemorrhoids.
Did you just post the old "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I" defense?

He did NOT make a reasonable post. He is, in essence BLAMING TRUMP for these deaths. That is completely unreasonable and total BULLSHIT!!!

He is making it sound like Trump can do nothing right SOLELY because he is Trump. This bullshit is killing all legitimate complaints.


Oh. My mistake. I thought some pinhead said, "TRUMP MURDERED 50,000 PEOPLE!!!"
Yes. It was the OP.

Yeah! Donald's management of this crisis is just GREAT. Fantastic! Incredible!
Deny something exists for 2 months and it WILL come and bite you in the ass.

2341 people died from COVID-19 yesterday.


United States

Coronavirus Cases:





Is there no end to the number of histrionics-laden pans-shitting threads you will start accusing Trump of anything and blaming him for causing everything?

Holy cat fuck.

You: "I got ass crabs and vaginal discharge because of Trump's evil, malicious, failed leadership. Thanks a lot Trump."

You constant barrage of DEFCOM 1 hysterical pandemonium shit posts forces people like me, who don't particularly like Donald Trump, to defend him.

You are not helping. All you are doing is (1) confirming that you are a fucking psycho and you need mental health treatment, and (2) making any legitimate criticism of Trump sound like crying wolf.

Please, for the love of roach semen and for protecting us from bullshit, do your duty to America and shut the fuck up.


Stow your histrionics, nellie. He made a reasonable post and you responded by popping your hemorrhoids.
Did you just post the old "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I" defense?

He did NOT make a reasonable post. He is, in essence BLAMING TRUMP for these deaths. That is completely unreasonable and total BULLSHIT!!!

He is making it sound like Trump can do nothing right SOLELY because he is Trump. This bullshit is killing all legitimate complaints.


Oh. My mistake. I thought some pinhead said, "TRUMP MURDERED 50,000 PEOPLE!!!"

Oh, shit! That was you, Bootsie! Unkind of me to point it out, but histrionic re-phrasing is just so Tucker Carlson.
Who cares? I don't care if BoBo the Clown uses it. It's effective and illustrates the absurdity.

That you don't get it tells me all I need to know about you.

Libbies always living in 50-150 years ago
Great resentment fodder
Perpetual victimization
More govt aid
The title of the thread is a lie and the thread should be closed on that premise.

Just over 58,000 Americans were killed during the Vietnam War.

Covid-19's still got a ways to go from the posted 47,684...
Fake false and misleading thread titles are a staple here. Moderators fullyaware but afraid to correct
. So debates frequently begin over a false premise which is really no debate
Yeah! Donald's management of this crisis is just GREAT. Fantastic! Incredible!
Deny something exists for 2 months and it WILL come and bite you in the ass.

2341 people died from COVID-19 yesterday.


United States

Coronavirus Cases:



you are a GENIUS!!!!
only 9 million served in the war--GET IT??????!!!!!!--AND not all of those were frontline troops
what's greater:
58,000 divided by a few hundred thousand or
50,000 divided by 300,000,000
????? DUH you dumbass
a very STUPID analogy
Last edited:
And 250,000 Americans each year die from medical errors.

The 2017-2018 flu season killed over 60,000 Americans.
Yeah! Donald's management of this crisis is just GREAT. Fantastic! Incredible!
Deny something exists for 2 months and it WILL come and bite you in the ass.

2341 people died from COVID-19 yesterday.


United States

Coronavirus Cases:



The death total jumped by over 3 thousand over night.

The death toll is now over 50 thousand and looks to be on track to exceed the deaths of the Vietnam war by the 26th.

View attachment 327357
I notice the OP gave a thumbs up to the new deaths.

You really are a slimy, greasy POS.
I was giving Dana a thumbs up for posting the FACTS.
Something which you are totally unencumbered with.

Here's a few more facts:


No fuckwit, you gave a thumbs up for more American deaths. That goes right along with why you started this thread............celebrating Americans dying.

You are a disgusting POS.
Yeah! Donald's management of this crisis is just GREAT. Fantastic! Incredible!
Deny something exists for 2 months and it WILL come and bite you in the ass.

2341 people died from COVID-19 yesterday.


United States

Coronavirus Cases:



You are aware of course over 200 thousand people a year die of the flu RIGHT?
Yeah! Donald's management of this crisis is just GREAT. Fantastic! Incredible!
Deny something exists for 2 months and it WILL come and bite you in the ass.

2341 people died from COVID-19 yesterday.


United States

Coronavirus Cases:



And yet you keep cheering on more death.

I remember when Trumpybear and some of his supporters proudly stood on top of the thousands who died from H1N1 in 2009-2010, to proclaimed the greatness of his response to Covid-19. How's that comparison working out now?

No, there was no wishing for death as many on the left are doing right now.

How is using the deaths of Americans from (h1n1) 2009-20010 as politically pro Trump all that different than listing the covid-19 American daily death count as politically anti-Trump?

Trump wasn't around in 2009. O was president and he wasn't to blame for that but for some reason, libs were the first to make political hay about this being trumps fault. So, you reap what you sow.
So, here is a fellow giving people some hard truths about the government response to covid-19 and the fake numbers.

Before you say it, HIS opinion is every bit as valid as yours. Likely more so as he is taking a rational approach and not just going with his 'feelz'.

/——/ So what? You can’t compare the two.
Leading causes of death in the US, annually.
Heart disease: 647,457
Cancer: 599,108
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
Diabetes: 83,564
Influenza and pneumonia: 55,672
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 50,633
Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173
Source: Deaths: Leading Causes for 2017, table 1 pdf icon[PDF- 2 MB]

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