More Desantis nomsense slapped down

You must be a very limited individual if you dont [sic] undeerstand [sic]. They dont [sic] do it just to spend money.

You have no self awareness at all, do you? No clue at all as to how hilariously ironic it is, on a topic about which you do not know shit, and in which you have no standing, to tell any of us who do have knowledge and standing that we don't understand anything about this topic.
This thread is nomsense

Should have been dumped downstairs, or closed, for blatantly violating this forum's “Clean Start” rule. Note that nothing in the OP itself gives any clue what the topic actually is; you have to follow the link and read the article for that. Forum rules explicitly require more original content in an OP in this forum, and at least some clue in the OP as to what the topic actually is.
You seem desperate to slander political opponents…And can’t even spell history…

And not even his own direct political opponents. As is usual for him, what he wants to do, rather than worrying about the degenerate shithole of a country in which he actually lives; is to meddle in the affairs of a far superior country on the opposite side of the world from him, about which he doesn't know shit, and in which he has no standing; and to do so on the basis of degenerate ideologies with which his own society is infested, but which are diametrically opposed to the principals upon which this country is supposed to operate.
This character spends a lot of taxpayer money oppressing people with his authoritarian nonsense.
"Authoritarian" for white liberals has taken on the meaning of voters overwhelmingly supporting the opposition at the ballot box.
He seems desperate to deny historry.
Perhaps, but keep in mind that "history" is the opposite "future".
My understanding is just a bit softer, that he wants to prohibit employers from requiring employees to take training that is unjustifiably discriminatory against them.

From the article:
In a scathing ruling released late on Monday, a three-judge panel of the 11th circuit appeals court in Atlanta blasted DeSantis’s 2022 Stop Woke Act – which banned employers from providing mandatory workplace diversity training, or from teaching that any person is inherently racist or sexist – as “the greatest first amendment sin”.

What if an employer wanted to make all employees take a class, that teaches that black people are inherently inferior to white people? Should that be allowed? I imagine that even under current laws in nearly all states, any employer that did that would find himself on the losing end of a very nasty lawsuit from any black employee that took offense at such teaching. If such was otherwise allowed in Florida, I think the “anti-woke law” would prohibit it. I don't think that any employers actually want, these days to teach that to any of their employees, teachings similarly bigoted against white, Christian, males who are not degenerate sex perverts, are coming to be seen as acceptable, or even mandatory.

Employers are not allowed, under currently laws, to discriminate against people on the basis of race or religion; but this DEI crap appears to be, by willful intent, a way of getting around that to allow indirect harassment and discrimination on these very same bases.
From what I've seen, DEI isn't much more than people saying: "Look what whites did." This is what we hear from some people who took the training.

This character spends a lot of taxpayer money oppressing people with his authoritarian nonsense. He seems desperate to deny historry.
He sure is having a string of failure.

Thing is... DeSantis knew FULL WELL that his State party's failed (in court) laws and policies would not pass muster in the courts. He is a career prosecutor and a highly educated man.

The point was twofold:

1) the cruelty
2) appear to be fighting

Which is worse? Being too stupid to know these things would be struck down? Or knowing it well and doing it anyway for theater?

The latter is more nefarious.

This character spends a lot of taxpayer money oppressing people with his authoritarian nonsense. He seems desperate to deny historry.
And it’s not just DeSantis, of course.

Most conservatives promote the same racism, bigotry, and hate.
Why do you think "diversity training" is in any way appropriate for an employer to mandate to his employees? How will that make them better at scrubbing toilets or picking cotton, examples given?
Private entities are at liberty to express views and opinions absent preemption by the state.

This law is another example of the authoritarian right’s desire to use the power of government to compel conformity and silence dissent.

This character spends a lot of taxpayer money oppressing people with his authoritarian nonsense. He seems desperate to deny historry.
Again, I ask what this has to do with you all the way in good ole England? It would seem that like 99% of your posts are just trolling…basically trying to stir up stuff. Doesn’t this forum have rules about trolling?
Private entities are at liberty to express views and opinions absent preemption by the state.

This law is another example of the authoritarian right’s desire to use the power of government to compel conformity and silence dissent.

Sure, but the employees also have a right not to hear this poppycock.

This character spends a lot of taxpayer money oppressing people with his authoritarian nonsense. He seems desperate to deny historry.
He's trying to take America back to the good old days where white men could do whatever they wanted.

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