More Desantis nomsense slapped down

My understanding is just a bit softer, that he wants to prohibit employers from requiring employees to take training that is unjustifiably discriminatory against them.

From the article:
In a scathing ruling released late on Monday, a three-judge panel of the 11th circuit appeals court in Atlanta blasted DeSantis’s 2022 Stop Woke Act – which banned employers from providing mandatory workplace diversity training, or from teaching that any person is inherently racist or sexist – as “the greatest first amendment sin”.

What if an employer wanted to make all employees take a class, that teaches that black people are inherently inferior to white people? Should that be allowed? I imagine that even under current laws in nearly all states, any employer that did that would find himself on the losing end of a very nasty lawsuit from any black employee that took offense at such teaching. If such was otherwise allowed in Florida, I think the “anti-woke law” would prohibit it. I don't think that any employers actually want, these days to teach that to any of their employees, teachings similarly bigoted against white, Christian, males who are not degenerate sex perverts, are coming to be seen as acceptable, or even mandatory.

Employers are not allowed, under currently laws, to discriminate against people on the basis of race or religion; but this DEI crap appears to be, by willful intent, a way of getting around that to allow indirect harassment and discrimination on these very same bases.
You describe a situation that does not exist anywhere on planet earth,
If you are so sure about all that, you should be a lawyer, instead of a childishly whiny MAGA on a silly discussion board.
These cretins dont even understand how businesses work. They think that businesses are as politically motivated as they are.
Companies have this training to protect their bottom line. They dont want to spend profit in court cases because Cletus cant be civil to his colleagues.
You describe a situation that does not exist anywhere on planet earth,

A parasite that has never done an honest day of work in it's entire failed and worthless life, presumes to tell an actual honest worker what situations do or do not exist in workplaces.

You are wrong. Check your contract of employment. You are required to undertake training that your employer deems necessary to your job.

And how is any of this bigoted bullshit relevant to what anyone needs to know to do his job?

Not that you would know,. never having held an honest job.

And yet, being a worthless parasite that has never done an honest day of work in your life you feel entitled to look down on me for my profession.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.[/quote
And how is any of this bigoted bullshit relevant to what anyone needs to know to do his job?

Not that you would know,. never having held an honest job.

And yet, being a worthless parasite that has never done an honest day of work in your life you feel entitled to look down on me for my profession.

Maybe if you had a proper job you would understand how important it is. In most companies people are expected to work as part of a team.

That means respecting peoples abilities and unnderstanding them as people.

Your attitude to Gay people suggests that you would benefit from diversity training in order to work through your obvious issues.

You have been damaged in some way. Maybe this training might help you to get a decent job ?

Because somebody with your pathological attitudes is unemployable.
That's the employer's call.
True. But it's somewhat hypocritical for a company to demand free speech to promote an idea to employees but to fire or reprimand an employee who doesn't want to listen to it.

In situations like this I always ask this question: Is free speech a sound principle? If it is then it's equally applicable to private interactions. Otherwise it is just government-protected subjective narrative to be foisted on those who don't have the same protections in a given situation.

Free speech means you have the right to say what you want. It does not mean you have the right to force others to listen to it at the threat of job termination or disciplinary measures.
True. But it's somewhat hypocritical for a company to demand free speech to promote an idea to employees but to fire or reprimand an employee who doesn't want to listen to it.

In situations like this I always ask this question: Is free speech a sound principle? If it is then it's equally applicable to private interactions. Otherwise it is just government-protected subjective narrative to be foisted on those who don't have the same protections in a given situation.

Free speech means you have the right to say what you want. It does not mean you have the right to force others to listen to it at the threat of job termination or disciplinary measures.
So which government agency do you want to determine who should adhere to company policies?
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These cretins dont even understand how businesses work. They think that businesses are as politically motivated as they are.

It has nothing to do with politics. DEI is a social idea.
Companies have this training to protect their bottom line. They dont want to spend profit in court cases because Cletus cant be civil to his colleagues.
How about spending profit in court cases where DEI training is alleged to be, itself, discriminatory? According to various sources, many major companies are scaling back DEI programs due to the increasing number of lawsuits and threats of lawsuits.
So which government agency do you want to determine who should adhere to company policies?

My hope is that employers will come to the realization that, in principle, employees should not be reprimanded or disciplined for disagreeing with a social ideology in the workplace.

DEI is, in and of itself, a sound principle. But beyond the basic principles of diversity, equity and inclusion are questions as to how it is being promoted. This has already become a problem in certain companies as some whites feel they or their race are being singled out.

When DEI was in its infancy, I knew then that this sort of thing was inevitable.

My hope is that employers will come to the realization that, in principle, employees should not be reprimanded or disciplined for disagreeing with a social ideology in the workplace.

DEI is, in and of itself, a sound principle. But beyond the basic principles of diversity, equity and inclusion are questions as to how it is being promoted. This has already become a problem in certain companies as some whites feel they or their race are being singled out.

When DEI was in its infancy, I knew then that this sort of thing was inevitable.
How it is being promoted? That's where conspiracy theory nuts come into the picture.

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