More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Capitalists fuel imperialism.

Lying scumbag.

The USSR and red China were THE most Imperialist countries on earth in the 20th Century.

And National Socialism was (guess what National SOCIALISM was, scumbag)
Both were imperialists, and national socialism? Oh for the love of.. Hitler was a delusional man who actually did help the Germans at first.. If only he didn't hate the Jews so much.
No improvements? Look at the Cubans before Castro. The main ones who risked death were those affected by the land seizures, the upper classes.. Exploitation, by concept, in regards to this, follows that a laborer is paid much less then what is labor is worth, or what he produces, which is the very nature of capitalism. Capitalists do control the price, but they are realistic about it, don't be an idiot and throw out the 1 million bull shit. Oh yeah, not like Cuba has gone through the special period, U.S. Hatred and blockades, the embargo.. Not excuses, you need to grow up and redefine "works" since the USSR worked.. By many means.

Lying scum-sucking piece of fucking shit.

How many Kulaks did Stalin murder, scumbag?

How many more hundreds of thousands died in his almost endless, paranoid purges?

You are a piece of fucking shit.

No improvements? Look at the Cubans before Castro. The main ones who risked death were those affected by the land seizures, the upper classes.. Exploitation, by concept, in regards to this, follows that a laborer is paid much less then what is labor is worth, or what he produces, which is the very nature of capitalism. Capitalists do control the price, but they are realistic about it, don't be an idiot and throw out the 1 million bull shit. Oh yeah, not like Cuba has gone through the special period, U.S. Hatred and blockades, the embargo.. Not excuses, you need to grow up and redefine "works" since the USSR worked.. By many means.

Lying scum-sucking piece of fucking shit.

How many Kulaks did Stalin murder, scumbag?

How many more hundreds of thousands died in his almost endless, paranoid purges?

You are a piece of fucking shit.

You love slur words. I Guess that America doesn't work due to the genocide of tens of millions of native Americans.. The trail of tears.. The prison rate in the USSR was lower then the U.S.. The kulaks were unjustly killed, and Stalin was extremely paranoid, I agree, but the USSR, worked, in many ways, how are you defining worked?
Both were imperialists, and national socialism? Oh for the love of.. Hitler was a delusional man who actually did help the Germans at first.. If only he didn't hate the Jews so much.

Hitler was a SOCIALIST, scumbag. Anybody that denies it is an IDIOT.

He was NOT a Marxist, however. News Flash, moron..... There are ALL kinds of socialism. Hundreds of different kinds.

And the IDIOT Marx didn't invent socialism. Not by a long shot.

Hitler was a SOCIALIST of the Nationalist variety.

YOu're too stupid to even understand your own politics.

And ALL socialists HATE Jews.

Know why, STUPID?

Because socialists, being the stupidest motherfuckers to ever disgrace this planet, think that Jews are the very heart and soul of Capitalism.

Even today, socialist scum think that way. Just a fact.

Hitler was a racist. No doubt about it. But that's not why he hated Jews.

Anbout half of them were indistinguishable from ethnic Germans looks-wise.

And, if Hitler was such a racist, why is it that many of the Countries he invaded were more Aryan,, more Teutonic than even the Germans? Many of those Countries had a higher percentage of blond haired, blue eyed people than Germany.

And his two major Allies, Italy and Japan?

Itlay had a MUCH lower incidence of blond haired, blue eyed people than the Countries he invaded and in Japan, they were non existent.

You're a fucking idiot. A complete and utter douchebag.

I do hope you're playing a game, trying to get attention. Because if you're not..... You got serious problems
Yeah, and people were starving to death in the Soviet Union. The Chinese collectives resulted in mass starvation that wiped out 100 million. Your system doesn't work. It's failed, and killed it's followers every single time it's been tried.
Tens of millions died in famines under control of capitalist Britain, of course, we won't blame that. The Chinese collectivization was a failure due to the way Mao put forth his policies, it doesn't mean anything. LOL. 100 million died due to Chinese collectivization? Utter bullshit, they say the "communist" death toll is 100 million.. Keep spewing bullshit.

Was that a private control? Or a government control? Hint: The famines were caused by government regulation and control, not capitalism. Under a capitalist system, there would not have been a requirement to only harvest potatoes.

Yeah, if we believe only what the communists say about themselves, then only 20 Million died.... ever. That's the bull.
Ah, not like the rampant imperialism wasn't fueled by capitalists In Britain.. It's the usual course of the capitalist to deny this shit, then tell us we're stupid for not blaming a famine on an idea that hasn't existed yet. No communist that has a brain says only 20 million died.

You are mixing unrelated things. Imperialism has nothing to do with either capitalism or socialism.
Capitalists fuel imperialism.

So what's the excuse for the Socialist Imperialism? Imperialism has nothing to do with Capitalism or Socialism. Imperialism has to do with those in power in government (not companies), using their power to exert control over those nations around them.

Whether it is funded through private companies paying taxes, or socialized companies paying taxes, doesn't matter.
Both were imperialists, and national socialism? Oh for the love of.. Hitler was a delusional man who actually did help the Germans at first.. If only he didn't hate the Jews so much.

Hitler was a SOCIALIST, scumbag. Anybody that denies it is an IDIOT.

He was NOT a Marxist, however. News Flash, moron..... There are ALL kinds of socialism. Hundreds of different kinds.

And the IDIOT Marx didn't invent socialism. Not by a long shot.

Hitler was a SOCIALIST of the Nationalist variety.

YOu're too stupid to even understand your own politics.

And ALL socialists HATE Jews.

Know why, STUPID?

Because socialists, being the stupidest motherfuckers to ever disgrace this planet, think that Jews are the very heart and soul of Capitalism.

Even today, socialist scum think that way. Just a fact.

Hitler was a racist. No doubt about it. But that's not why he hated Jews.

Anbout half of them were indistinguishable from ethnic Germans looks-wise.

And, if Hitler was such a racist, why is it that many of the Countries he invaded were more Aryan,, more Teutonic than even the Germans? Many of those Countries had a higher percentage of blond haired, blue eyed people than Germany.

And his two major Allies, Italy and Japan?

Itlay had a MUCH lower incidence of blond haired, blue eyed people than the Countries he invaded and in Japan, they were non existent.

You're a fucking idiot. A complete and utter douchebag.

I do hope you're playing a game, trying to get attention. Because if you're not..... You got serious problems
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I know hitler was a "nationalist socialist" I never denied it, and saying socialists hate Jews is literally fucking hilarious, Jesus Christ. Stupidest - Yeah, great word choice.
Tens of millions died in famines under control of capitalist Britain, of course, we won't blame that. The Chinese collectivization was a failure due to the way Mao put forth his policies, it doesn't mean anything. LOL. 100 million died due to Chinese collectivization? Utter bullshit, they say the "communist" death toll is 100 million.. Keep spewing bullshit.

Was that a private control? Or a government control? Hint: The famines were caused by government regulation and control, not capitalism. Under a capitalist system, there would not have been a requirement to only harvest potatoes.

Yeah, if we believe only what the communists say about themselves, then only 20 Million died.... ever. That's the bull.
Ah, not like the rampant imperialism wasn't fueled by capitalists In Britain.. It's the usual course of the capitalist to deny this shit, then tell us we're stupid for not blaming a famine on an idea that hasn't existed yet. No communist that has a brain says only 20 million died.

You are mixing unrelated things. Imperialism has nothing to do with either capitalism or socialism.
Capitalists fuel imperialism.

So what's the excuse for the Socialist Imperialism? Imperialism has nothing to do with Capitalism or Socialism. Imperialism has to do with those in power in government (not companies), using their power to exert control over those nations around them.

Whether it is funded through private companies paying taxes, or socialized companies paying taxes, doesn't matter.
The imperialism was done directly by these states, however, capitalists are directly benefiting and encouraging imperialism, not just the state. They are also doing their own forms of such without the state. I have no excuse, I'm not as apologetic over former communist nations as you would think.
You love slur words. I Guess that America doesn't work due to the genocide of tens of millions of native Americans.. The trail of tears.. The prison rate in the USSR was lower then the U.S.. The kulaks were unjustly killed, and Stalin was extremely paranoid, I agree, but the USSR, worked, in many ways, how are you defining worked?

Fuck your moral equivalency bullshit, junior.

First off, there were never 'tens of millions' of Indians in this Country at any time.

No way they could support that kind of population. No way.

No concept of the wheel, no animal husbandry, no horses, no beasts of burden (except their women and slaves) no working medical practices, no iron, no steel, no bronze, no copper........

Max population in ALL of North America pre-Columbia, 6 Million -- TOPS.

And the VAST majority of them melted into our societies. A lot of Americans..... Really a lot, have Indian blood in them.

Besides that, fuck you. You are a lying piece of shit.

I'm done with you
By all means, start your collectively owned auto factory. Where are you going to get the capital to pay for just the R&D to make your prototype? Good luck. I can't wait to hear of your success.
That's the core of the problem, those who own capital are the ones who control the production and exploit others, the system is the problem.

Capital is dynamic. Even if they gave you all the Capital, how do you plan to maintain it? Multi-million dollar machines, take multi-million dollar maintenance.

When Castro gained control over the sugar cane fields, he stripped the wealthy capitalists of the fields, and gave them to government employees. The result was the fields produced a fraction of the sugar.

Similarly, when Venezuela stripped Exxon and other oil companies of their oil leases, and gave the fields to government employees, the production which had been increasing, began to decrease.

The wealthy capitalists, are wealthy because they know how to make the system work. When you put the system in the hands of idiots who don't know how to make the hard decisions, the result is always decline.

Even Stalin later in life, admitted that manager played an important role in running a company.

In Cuba, they stripped the buildings from land owners, and placed them under the control of government. Today, the infrastructure of Cuba is in shambles. Entire buildings fall into rubble on the streets of Cuba.

Cuba Building Collapse Leaves 4 Dead - Havana


Yes, those are plants growing inside the building.


Apartment building. Notice how many don't have windows.

But at least there are no capitalists making a profit off of this, right? This is your public ownership at work right here. In a country with a massive housing shortage.
Ignore Cubas history and the improvements to quality of life for the average person, ignore that the previous profits in Venezuela went to the top on purpose, cherry pick rampantly. Multi million dollar maintenance as determined by the capitalists, who control the prices of everything.. Idiots? Oh please.

There are no improvements. There is nothing to ignore. The Cubans are far worse off, in every aspect. Why do you think they were willing to risk death, to get to the evil capitalist controlled US, where they are supposedly exploited?

Capitalists don't control the price of anything. That's more Maxist ignorance. If the Capitalists could control the price, they'd be charging $1 Million for every bag of rice. They can't. No one can.

You are just making up excuses. More maxists lame excuses. Your system never works, always consistently fails, and you never learn, you just make up yet another excuse.
No improvements? Look at the Cubans before Castro. The main ones who risked death were those affected by the land seizures, the upper classes.. Exploitation, by concept, in regards to this, follows that a laborer is paid much less then what is labor is worth, or what he produces, which is the very nature of capitalism. Capitalists do control the price, but they are realistic about it, don't be an idiot and throw out the 1 million bull shit. Oh yeah, not like Cuba has gone through the special period, U.S. Hatred and blockades, the embargo.. Not excuses, you need to grow up and redefine "works" since the USSR worked.. By many means.

The middle class of Cuba before Castro lived a standard of living comparable to the US. Today, people in Cuba get higher education, to get a job as a server at a restaurant, where they are barely paid enough to live on.

And, no you are wrong about non-existent blockade. There is no blockade of Cuba. Cuba has been trading with Latin American, and Europe for the last 50 years. The only one they have not traded with, is the US.

And you can't play it both ways. When you talk about any other situation, you claim the US Capitalists are 'exploiting' the people of other countries.

Now with Cuba, you want to claim the lack of trade is harming Cuba. So which is it? Is trade exploitive? Or is trade beneficial? You can't have it both ways, changing your argument every time it happens to fit whatever claims you are making in the moment.

The USSR was a mess. Soviet communist control over industry ruined the country. People were EATING EACH OTHER. That's not a success story by any reasonable measure.
Was that a private control? Or a government control? Hint: The famines were caused by government regulation and control, not capitalism. Under a capitalist system, there would not have been a requirement to only harvest potatoes.

Yeah, if we believe only what the communists say about themselves, then only 20 Million died.... ever. That's the bull.
Ah, not like the rampant imperialism wasn't fueled by capitalists In Britain.. It's the usual course of the capitalist to deny this shit, then tell us we're stupid for not blaming a famine on an idea that hasn't existed yet. No communist that has a brain says only 20 million died.

You are mixing unrelated things. Imperialism has nothing to do with either capitalism or socialism.
Capitalists fuel imperialism.

So what's the excuse for the Socialist Imperialism? Imperialism has nothing to do with Capitalism or Socialism. Imperialism has to do with those in power in government (not companies), using their power to exert control over those nations around them.

Whether it is funded through private companies paying taxes, or socialized companies paying taxes, doesn't matter.
The imperialism was done directly by these states, however, capitalists are directly benefiting and encouraging imperialism, not just the state. They are also doing their own forms of such without the state. I have no excuse, I'm not as apologetic over former communist nations as you would think.

Socialists directly benefited from imperialism too.

The economic system does not require, or inherently lend itself to Imperialism.

Either system can benefit from Imperialism. Either system can support Imperialism. It's a non-issue, and is a red herring to the discussion.
You love slur words. I Guess that America doesn't work due to the genocide of tens of millions of native Americans.. The trail of tears.. The prison rate in the USSR was lower then the U.S.. The kulaks were unjustly killed, and Stalin was extremely paranoid, I agree, but the USSR, worked, in many ways, how are you defining worked?

Fuck your moral equivalency bullshit, junior.

First off, there were never 'tens of millions' of Indians in this Country at any time.

No way they could support that kind of population. No way.

No concept of the wheel, no animal husbandry, no horses, no beasts of burden (except their women and slaves) no working medical practices, no iron, no steel, no bronze, no copper........

Max population in ALL of North America pre-Columbia, 6 Million -- TOPS.

And the VAST majority of them melted into our societies. A lot of Americans..... Really a lot, have Indian blood in them.

Besides that, fuck you. You are a lying piece of shit.

I'm done with you
You're a lying idiot who always thinks he is correct. Yeah, ignore the millions who died..
That's the core of the problem, those who own capital are the ones who control the production and exploit others, the system is the problem.

Capital is dynamic. Even if they gave you all the Capital, how do you plan to maintain it? Multi-million dollar machines, take multi-million dollar maintenance.

When Castro gained control over the sugar cane fields, he stripped the wealthy capitalists of the fields, and gave them to government employees. The result was the fields produced a fraction of the sugar.

Similarly, when Venezuela stripped Exxon and other oil companies of their oil leases, and gave the fields to government employees, the production which had been increasing, began to decrease.

The wealthy capitalists, are wealthy because they know how to make the system work. When you put the system in the hands of idiots who don't know how to make the hard decisions, the result is always decline.

Even Stalin later in life, admitted that manager played an important role in running a company.

In Cuba, they stripped the buildings from land owners, and placed them under the control of government. Today, the infrastructure of Cuba is in shambles. Entire buildings fall into rubble on the streets of Cuba.

Cuba Building Collapse Leaves 4 Dead - Havana


Yes, those are plants growing inside the building.


Apartment building. Notice how many don't have windows.

But at least there are no capitalists making a profit off of this, right? This is your public ownership at work right here. In a country with a massive housing shortage.
Ignore Cubas history and the improvements to quality of life for the average person, ignore that the previous profits in Venezuela went to the top on purpose, cherry pick rampantly. Multi million dollar maintenance as determined by the capitalists, who control the prices of everything.. Idiots? Oh please.

There are no improvements. There is nothing to ignore. The Cubans are far worse off, in every aspect. Why do you think they were willing to risk death, to get to the evil capitalist controlled US, where they are supposedly exploited?

Capitalists don't control the price of anything. That's more Maxist ignorance. If the Capitalists could control the price, they'd be charging $1 Million for every bag of rice. They can't. No one can.

You are just making up excuses. More maxists lame excuses. Your system never works, always consistently fails, and you never learn, you just make up yet another excuse.
No improvements? Look at the Cubans before Castro. The main ones who risked death were those affected by the land seizures, the upper classes.. Exploitation, by concept, in regards to this, follows that a laborer is paid much less then what is labor is worth, or what he produces, which is the very nature of capitalism. Capitalists do control the price, but they are realistic about it, don't be an idiot and throw out the 1 million bull shit. Oh yeah, not like Cuba has gone through the special period, U.S. Hatred and blockades, the embargo.. Not excuses, you need to grow up and redefine "works" since the USSR worked.. By many means.

The middle class of Cuba before Castro lived a standard of living comparable to the US. Today, people in Cuba get higher education, to get a job as a server at a restaurant, where they are barely paid enough to live on.

And, no you are wrong about non-existent blockade. There is no blockade of Cuba. Cuba has been trading with Latin American, and Europe for the last 50 years. The only one they have not traded with, is the US.

And you can't play it both ways. When you talk about any other situation, you claim the US Capitalists are 'exploiting' the people of other countries.

Now with Cuba, you want to claim the lack of trade is harming Cuba. So which is it? Is trade exploitive? Or is trade beneficial? You can't have it both ways, changing your argument every time it happens to fit whatever claims you are making in the moment.

The USSR was a mess. Soviet communist control over industry ruined the country. People were EATING EACH OTHER. That's not a success story by any reasonable measure.
Yeah, the middle class, not the poor, and let's ignore the special period.. The capitalists are exploiting countries, capitalists have been for centuries, oh please, the trade isn't the exploitation that is occurring, it's mainly in reference to the workers. The USSR wasn't a mess apart from these cherry picked examples, your telling me to stop changing arguments or whatever, but you fail to understand context.

Too late for Marxism, people have more self respect than that.

Yeah, millions disagree with you.

Which is funny given most of the world, including former communists have moved towards capitalism.
Yeah, it is funny, and does nothing to invalidate anything I say.

If the system worked, all the communist countries would not be moving towards Capitalism, and away from Socialism. So clearly your system does not work.
That's the core of the problem, those who own capital are the ones who control the production and exploit others, the system is the problem.

Capital is dynamic. Even if they gave you all the Capital, how do you plan to maintain it? Multi-million dollar machines, take multi-million dollar maintenance.

When Castro gained control over the sugar cane fields, he stripped the wealthy capitalists of the fields, and gave them to government employees. The result was the fields produced a fraction of the sugar.

Similarly, when Venezuela stripped Exxon and other oil companies of their oil leases, and gave the fields to government employees, the production which had been increasing, began to decrease.

The wealthy capitalists, are wealthy because they know how to make the system work. When you put the system in the hands of idiots who don't know how to make the hard decisions, the result is always decline.

Even Stalin later in life, admitted that manager played an important role in running a company.

In Cuba, they stripped the buildings from land owners, and placed them under the control of government. Today, the infrastructure of Cuba is in shambles. Entire buildings fall into rubble on the streets of Cuba.

Cuba Building Collapse Leaves 4 Dead - Havana


Yes, those are plants growing inside the building.


Apartment building. Notice how many don't have windows.

But at least there are no capitalists making a profit off of this, right? This is your public ownership at work right here. In a country with a massive housing shortage.
Ignore Cubas history and the improvements to quality of life for the average person, ignore that the previous profits in Venezuela went to the top on purpose, cherry pick rampantly. Multi million dollar maintenance as determined by the capitalists, who control the prices of everything.. Idiots? Oh please.

There are no improvements. There is nothing to ignore. The Cubans are far worse off, in every aspect. Why do you think they were willing to risk death, to get to the evil capitalist controlled US, where they are supposedly exploited?

Capitalists don't control the price of anything. That's more Maxist ignorance. If the Capitalists could control the price, they'd be charging $1 Million for every bag of rice. They can't. No one can.

You are just making up excuses. More maxists lame excuses. Your system never works, always consistently fails, and you never learn, you just make up yet another excuse.
No improvements? Look at the Cubans before Castro. The main ones who risked death were those affected by the land seizures, the upper classes.. Exploitation, by concept, in regards to this, follows that a laborer is paid much less then what is labor is worth, or what he produces, which is the very nature of capitalism. Capitalists do control the price, but they are realistic about it, don't be an idiot and throw out the 1 million bull shit. Oh yeah, not like Cuba has gone through the special period, U.S. Hatred and blockades, the embargo.. Not excuses, you need to grow up and redefine "works" since the USSR worked.. By many means.

The middle class of Cuba before Castro lived a standard of living comparable to the US. Today, people in Cuba get higher education, to get a job as a server at a restaurant, where they are barely paid enough to live on.

And, no you are wrong about non-existent blockade. There is no blockade of Cuba. Cuba has been trading with Latin American, and Europe for the last 50 years. The only one they have not traded with, is the US.

And you can't play it both ways. When you talk about any other situation, you claim the US Capitalists are 'exploiting' the people of other countries.

Now with Cuba, you want to claim the lack of trade is harming Cuba. So which is it? Is trade exploitive? Or is trade beneficial? You can't have it both ways, changing your argument every time it happens to fit whatever claims you are making in the moment.

The USSR was a mess. Soviet communist control over industry ruined the country. People were EATING EACH OTHER. That's not a success story by any reasonable measure.
Yeah, the middle class, not the poor, and let's ignore the special period.. The capitalists are exploiting countries, capitalists have been for centuries, oh please, the trade isn't the exploitation that is occurring, it's mainly in reference to the workers. The USSR wasn't a mess apart from these cherry picked examples,

Too late for Marxism, people have more self respect than that.

Yeah, millions disagree with you.

Which is funny given most of the world, including former communists have moved towards capitalism.
Yeah, it is funny, and does nothing to invalidate anything I say.

If the system worked, all the communist countries would not be moving towards Capitalism, and away from Socialism. So clearly your system does not work.
As discussed by many Marxists, communism cannot exist alongside capitalism, and it didn't help that communism is supposed to take root over already, oh, let's not forget the constant fear of communism, the hatred, the problems faced by the leaders of socialist states. (it's. Not communism)
Capital is dynamic. Even if they gave you all the Capital, how do you plan to maintain it? Multi-million dollar machines, take multi-million dollar maintenance.

When Castro gained control over the sugar cane fields, he stripped the wealthy capitalists of the fields, and gave them to government employees. The result was the fields produced a fraction of the sugar.

Similarly, when Venezuela stripped Exxon and other oil companies of their oil leases, and gave the fields to government employees, the production which had been increasing, began to decrease.

The wealthy capitalists, are wealthy because they know how to make the system work. When you put the system in the hands of idiots who don't know how to make the hard decisions, the result is always decline.

Even Stalin later in life, admitted that manager played an important role in running a company.

In Cuba, they stripped the buildings from land owners, and placed them under the control of government. Today, the infrastructure of Cuba is in shambles. Entire buildings fall into rubble on the streets of Cuba.

Cuba Building Collapse Leaves 4 Dead - Havana


Yes, those are plants growing inside the building.


Apartment building. Notice how many don't have windows.

But at least there are no capitalists making a profit off of this, right? This is your public ownership at work right here. In a country with a massive housing shortage.
Ignore Cubas history and the improvements to quality of life for the average person, ignore that the previous profits in Venezuela went to the top on purpose, cherry pick rampantly. Multi million dollar maintenance as determined by the capitalists, who control the prices of everything.. Idiots? Oh please.

There are no improvements. There is nothing to ignore. The Cubans are far worse off, in every aspect. Why do you think they were willing to risk death, to get to the evil capitalist controlled US, where they are supposedly exploited?

Capitalists don't control the price of anything. That's more Maxist ignorance. If the Capitalists could control the price, they'd be charging $1 Million for every bag of rice. They can't. No one can.

You are just making up excuses. More maxists lame excuses. Your system never works, always consistently fails, and you never learn, you just make up yet another excuse.
No improvements? Look at the Cubans before Castro. The main ones who risked death were those affected by the land seizures, the upper classes.. Exploitation, by concept, in regards to this, follows that a laborer is paid much less then what is labor is worth, or what he produces, which is the very nature of capitalism. Capitalists do control the price, but they are realistic about it, don't be an idiot and throw out the 1 million bull shit. Oh yeah, not like Cuba has gone through the special period, U.S. Hatred and blockades, the embargo.. Not excuses, you need to grow up and redefine "works" since the USSR worked.. By many means.

The middle class of Cuba before Castro lived a standard of living comparable to the US. Today, people in Cuba get higher education, to get a job as a server at a restaurant, where they are barely paid enough to live on.

And, no you are wrong about non-existent blockade. There is no blockade of Cuba. Cuba has been trading with Latin American, and Europe for the last 50 years. The only one they have not traded with, is the US.

And you can't play it both ways. When you talk about any other situation, you claim the US Capitalists are 'exploiting' the people of other countries.

Now with Cuba, you want to claim the lack of trade is harming Cuba. So which is it? Is trade exploitive? Or is trade beneficial? You can't have it both ways, changing your argument every time it happens to fit whatever claims you are making in the moment.

The USSR was a mess. Soviet communist control over industry ruined the country. People were EATING EACH OTHER. That's not a success story by any reasonable measure.
Yeah, the middle class, not the poor, and let's ignore the special period.. The capitalists are exploiting countries, capitalists have been for centuries, oh please, the trade isn't the exploitation that is occurring, it's mainly in reference to the workers. The USSR wasn't a mess apart from these cherry picked examples, your telling me to stop changing arguments or whatever, but you fail to understand context.

The poor are worse off now, than before. Everyone is worse off now, than before. The USSR was a complete and total mess. Read Basic Economics, it details a fraction of the problems that happened in the USSR. It was a total mess.

Companies start resorting to bartering, because the economy was screwed up so badly by the state, that they had to trade raw materials for raw food. It was a total disaster. For you to claim otherwise, only shows you don't know what you are talking about.

Trade is either good or bad. You complain about trade with China. Then you claim about a lack of trade with Cuba. It's the exact same situation. You can't say trade is bad in one situation, and good in another. There's no difference between the two.
As discussed by many Marxists, communism cannot exist alongside capitalism, and it didn't help that communism is supposed to take root over already, oh, let's not forget the constant fear of communism, the hatred, the problems faced by the leaders of socialist states. (it's. Not communism)

Of course it can. Why could it not? By what logic?

Did you know that even under Stalin, about 10% of the farms that provided food for the Soviets, were private Capitalist run farms? That tiny faction of the farms produced 1/3rd of all the food, because the Soviet collectives were terrible, and produced less food, using more land.

Communism lends itself to a dictatorship and authoritarian government. It has to. No one gives up their property to 'communal ownership' by choice. So inherently, a communist system must impose itself on the public with force, and thus fear.
As discussed by many Marxists, communism cannot exist alongside capitalism, and it didn't help that communism is supposed to take root over already, oh, let's not forget the constant fear of communism, the hatred, the problems faced by the leaders of socialist states. (it's. Not communism)

Of course it can. Why could it not? By what logic?

Did you know that even under Stalin, about 10% of the farms that provided food for the Soviets, were private Capitalist run farms? That tiny faction of the farms produced 1/3rd of all the food, because the Soviet collectives were terrible, and produced less food, using more land.

Communism lends itself to a dictatorship and authoritarian government. It has to. No one gives up their property to 'communal ownership' by choice. So inherently, a communist system must impose itself on the public with force, and thus fear.
As discussed by many Marxists, communism cannot exist alongside capitalism, and it didn't help that communism is supposed to take root over already, oh, let's not forget the constant fear of communism, the hatred, the problems faced by the leaders of socialist states. (it's. Not communism)

Of course it can. Why could it not? By what logic?

Did you know that even under Stalin, about 10% of the farms that provided food for the Soviets, were private Capitalist run farms? That tiny faction of the farms produced 1/3rd of all the food, because the Soviet collectives were terrible, and produced less food, using more land.

Communism lends itself to a dictatorship and authoritarian government. It has to. No one gives up their property to 'communal ownership' by choice. So inherently, a communist system must impose itself on the public with force, and thus fear.[/QUOTE
Ignore Cubas history and the improvements to quality of life for the average person, ignore that the previous profits in Venezuela went to the top on purpose, cherry pick rampantly. Multi million dollar maintenance as determined by the capitalists, who control the prices of everything.. Idiots? Oh please.

There are no improvements. There is nothing to ignore. The Cubans are far worse off, in every aspect. Why do you think they were willing to risk death, to get to the evil capitalist controlled US, where they are supposedly exploited?

Capitalists don't control the price of anything. That's more Maxist ignorance. If the Capitalists could control the price, they'd be charging $1 Million for every bag of rice. They can't. No one can.

You are just making up excuses. More maxists lame excuses. Your system never works, always consistently fails, and you never learn, you just make up yet another excuse.
No improvements? Look at the Cubans before Castro. The main ones who risked death were those affected by the land seizures, the upper classes.. Exploitation, by concept, in regards to this, follows that a laborer is paid much less then what is labor is worth, or what he produces, which is the very nature of capitalism. Capitalists do control the price, but they are realistic about it, don't be an idiot and throw out the 1 million bull shit. Oh yeah, not like Cuba has gone through the special period, U.S. Hatred and blockades, the embargo.. Not excuses, you need to grow up and redefine "works" since the USSR worked.. By many means.

The middle class of Cuba before Castro lived a standard of living comparable to the US. Today, people in Cuba get higher education, to get a job as a server at a restaurant, where they are barely paid enough to live on.

And, no you are wrong about non-existent blockade. There is no blockade of Cuba. Cuba has been trading with Latin American, and Europe for the last 50 years. The only one they have not traded with, is the US.

And you can't play it both ways. When you talk about any other situation, you claim the US Capitalists are 'exploiting' the people of other countries.

Now with Cuba, you want to claim the lack of trade is harming Cuba. So which is it? Is trade exploitive? Or is trade beneficial? You can't have it both ways, changing your argument every time it happens to fit whatever claims you are making in the moment.

The USSR was a mess. Soviet communist control over industry ruined the country. People were EATING EACH OTHER. That's not a success story by any reasonable measure.
Yeah, the middle class, not the poor, and let's ignore the special period.. The capitalists are exploiting countries, capitalists have been for centuries, oh please, the trade isn't the exploitation that is occurring, it's mainly in reference to the workers. The USSR wasn't a mess apart from these cherry picked examples, your telling me to stop changing arguments or whatever, but you fail to understand context.

The poor are worse off now, than before. Everyone is worse off now, than before. The USSR was a complete and total mess. Read Basic Economics, it details a fraction of the problems that happened in the USSR. It was a total mess.

Companies start resorting to bartering, because the economy was screwed up so badly by the state, that they had to trade raw materials for raw food. It was a total disaster. For you to claim otherwise, only shows you don't know what you are talking about.

Trade is either good or bad. You complain about trade with China. Then you claim about a lack of trade with Cuba. It's the exact same situation. You can't say trade is bad in one situation, and good in another. There's no difference between the two.
Bullshit, remember Batista? Yeah, the USSR didn't do many things right, but they didn't fail.. How are you defining failed? You fail to understand my point about trade and exploitation of the workers.

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