More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Stock market performance during Clinton, Bush, and Obama

* DJIA: UP 225%
* NASDAQ: UP 298%
* S&P500: UP 209%

* DJIA: DOWN 22%
* S&P500: DOWN 37%

* DJIA: UP 99%
* NASDAQ: UP 168%
* S&P500: UP 120%
When Obama took over that sunken ship, he tried to bury it underneath the sea floor, kiss. He's probably halfway to China now.
We aren't in a stock market bubble.

Stocks are over-valued, however.

I'm hoping for a 30% correction.

If stocks are over valued, that blows apart the retards on here claiming Dodd-Frank hurt investing. Fund flowed out of markets until Obama was elected, then they reversed & flowed into the market because real regulation built trust in the markets again to the point of over investment. Deregulated shaddow banking destroyed faith in markets, the VIX was through the roof & Gold was soaring. Now it's back stronger.
And QE infinitum has had nothing to do with all that?

It does bigtime. When the bottom falls out...I hope the people praising this crap are prepared...I really do. And it IS going to happen.
If stocks are over valued, that blows apart the retards on here claiming Dodd-Frank hurt investing. Fund flowed out of markets until Obama was elected, then they reversed & flowed into the market because real regulation built trust in the markets again to the point of over investment. Deregulated shaddow banking destroyed faith in markets, the VIX was through the roof & Gold was soaring. Now it's back stronger.
And QE infinitum has had nothing to do with all that?

It does bigtime. When the bottom falls out...I hope the people praising this crap are prepared...I really do. And it IS going to happen.

Fill us in on when it's going to happen?
And QE infinitum has had nothing to do with all that?

It does bigtime. When the bottom falls out...I hope the people praising this crap are prepared...I really do. And it IS going to happen.

Fill us in on when it's going to happen?
How much is the Dollar worth right now? Why are other countries looking for a different standard currency?

Wait until the inflation really hits dumbass. All of this crap in the stock market is artificial.
The hell you say?

Stocks are overvalued and due for a correction of, in your opinion, nearly 1/3, yet there is no bubble?

How do you figure?

I didn't say the market was a third over-valued. I said I'd like to see a 30% correction.
OK, fair enough. My misread.

But you don't believe that the Fed dumping $1.5 trillion of fake value into securities has inflated a rather large bubble?


In bonds, maybe.

Stocks are trading at ~19x earnings. That's not a bubble.
Republicans believe you must borrow & spend creating inflation (hidden tax) to grow the economy & Jobs. (Philips Curve) Reagan & Bush destroyed the US Dollar. At least Reagan created jobs with his dollar destruction. Bush destroyed jobs, dollar & the economy.

Clinton & Obama strengthened the US Dollar while growing jobs at the same time.

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Clinton strengthened the dollar? No. His Republican Congress did. Also Reagan did before him. Obama? Where's the spike? Can you not read the chart you posted? It is nothing compared to Clinton's or Reagan's. It's also ironic that both spikes in the index occurred when either a Republican was president, or Republicans had control of both houses of congress.
It does bigtime. When the bottom falls out...I hope the people praising this crap are prepared...I really do. And it IS going to happen.

Fill us in on when it's going to happen?
How much is the Dollar worth right now? Why are other countries looking for a different standard currency?

Wait until the inflation really hits dumbass. All of this crap in the stock market is artificial.

I will be worried when Republicans get power & "Grow the Economy" (Deficit) again. Foreign countries are buying the hell out of US Treasuries Dollar.

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Clinton strengthened the dollar? No. His Republican Congress did. Also Reagan did before him. Obama? Where's the spike? Can you not read the chart you posted? It is nothing compared to Clinton's or Reagan's. It's also ironic that both spikes in the index occurred when either a Republican was president, or Republicans had control of both houses of congress.

Thanks for the laugh. It always cracks me up how righties credit the president for a good economy and not the Congress when the president is a Republican ... but then flip it and credit the Congress and not the president when the president is a Democrat. I also laugh when y'all credit the Republican Congress under Clinton for the budget since that Repblican Congress gave us record busting deficits after Clinton left office.

Clinton strengthened the dollar? No. His Republican Congress did. Also Reagan did before him. Obama? Where's the spike? Can you not read the chart you posted? It is nothing compared to Clinton's or Reagan's. It's also ironic that both spikes in the index occurred when either a Republican was president, or Republicans had control of both houses of congress.

Thanks for the laugh. It always cracks me up how righties credit the president for a good economy and not the Congress when the president is a Republican ... but then flip it and credit the Congress and not the president when the president is a Democrat. I also laugh when y'all credit the Republican Congress under Clinton for the budget since that Repblican Congress gave us record busting deficits after Clinton left office.

why are libs such laughable hypocrites?

you are the very same hypocritical losers that did exactly what you are whining about when clinton was president. Republicans balanced clinton's budgets. in clinton's first 2 years in office no budget was balanced. in other words you're trying to cover both sides crying like a baby about the Republicn congress after Clinton left office/

well when you "INHERIT" A COUNTRY WITH A WHOLE CREW OF HIJACKERS at the end stage of a terrrible plot; it costs alot to put the country back together

you're a loser; pure and simple
Bush's highest deficits occured when Dems had both chambers of Congress

must be a coincidence you dolt

obama shattered the Bush debt AND YES DEFICITS TOO.
deficits are coming down from RECORDS SET UNDER DEMS

gosh you're stupid
Stock market performance during Clinton, Bush, and Obama

* DJIA: UP 225%
* NASDAQ: UP 298%
* S&P500: UP 209%

* DJIA: DOWN 22%
* S&P500: DOWN 37%

* DJIA: UP 99%
* NASDAQ: UP 168%
* S&P500: UP 120%

Those numbers can't be right can they? beduwin is all the time explaining how good the Repubs are for the economy. Of course he is either lying or making excuses most of the time.

Which will it be this time? A lie or an excuse?
Stock market performance during Clinton, Bush, and Obama

* DJIA: UP 225%
* NASDAQ: UP 298%
* S&P500: UP 209%

* DJIA: DOWN 22%
* S&P500: DOWN 37%

* DJIA: UP 99%
* NASDAQ: UP 168%
* S&P500: UP 120%

Those numbers can't be right can they? beduwin is all the time explaining how good the Repubs are for the economy. Of course he is either lying or making excuses most of the time.

Which will it be this time? A lie or an excuse?

good morning loser!!

NIce to see you up early making a fool of yourself; bragging about the corporate profits of "greedy corporations" you losers VOWED to bring to their knees..
how did that whole thingy work out leftard?
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Stock market performance during Clinton, Bush, and Obama

* DJIA: UP 225%
* NASDAQ: UP 298%
* S&P500: UP 209%

* DJIA: DOWN 22%
* S&P500: DOWN 37%

* DJIA: UP 99%
* NASDAQ: UP 168%
* S&P500: UP 120%

Consering what a miserable economy that was left him by Bush, Our Messiah has made an amazing turnaround
Stock market performance during Clinton, Bush, and Obama

* DJIA: UP 225%
* NASDAQ: UP 298%
* S&P500: UP 209%

* DJIA: DOWN 22%
* S&P500: DOWN 37%

* DJIA: UP 99%
* NASDAQ: UP 168%
* S&P500: UP 120%

Consering what a miserable economy that was left him by Bush, Our Messiah has made an amazing turnaround

another laughable idiot fresh from the failed Occupy movement bragging about record corporate profits

idiots and hypocrites
werent you losers just crying that the "job creators arent creating jobs"?????

but you want to brag about their profits?

good one dolts!
The DJA is not the economy..

You dolts act as if we have not had false highs and bubbles before (cough, Dot.Bomb bubble)..

The lefties will grasp to anything to praise their cult leader

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