More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

The government is the greatest force for good in America.

Look at all the good they do...all our roads, all our public schools and universities, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the military, the police, firefighters, EPA, NASA, CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, etc...

You left out The IRS, NSA, CIA, TSA and so many other agencies that make up The New Gestapo.

I'm sure just a simple senior moment......

Hey, is that YOU Hillary?
The government is the greatest force for good in America.

Look at all the good they do...all our roads, all our public schools and universities, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the military, the police, firefighters, EPA, NASA, CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, etc...

You left out The IRS, NSA, CIA, TSA and so many other agencies that make up The New Gestapo.

I'm sure just a simple senior moment......

Hey, is that YOU Hillary?

What Gestapo?

Pay your taxes, loser.
The government is the greatest force for good in America.

Look at all the good they do...all our roads, all our public schools and universities, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the military, the police, firefighters, EPA, NASA, CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, etc...

It was greedy corporations that destroyed the world economy in 2008 with a derivatives based Ponzi scheme.....not the government.


That is why the founders were so afraid of it.

You are a product of our public schools.

I rest my case.
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Thu, Jul 3, 2014, 10:46 AM EDT - U.S. Markets close early today in 2 hrs 14 mins for The day before Independence Day
S&P 500

+5.91 (0.30%)

Chart for ^GSPC

+63.06 (0.37%)

Chart for ^DJI

+14.90 (0.33%)

Chart for ^IXIC
Gold 1,321.00 -0.74% Crude Oil 103.80 -0.65% EUR/USD 1.3613 -0.32% 10-Yr Bond 2.66 +1.14% Corn 417.25 -0.18% Copper 3.28 +0.41% Silver 21.19 -0.50% Natural Gas 4.34 -0.34% Russell 2000 1,204.68 +0.43% VIX 10.61 -1.94% BATS 1000 22,251.24 -0.02% GBP/USD 1.7147 -0.10% USD/JPY 102.1650 +0.38%

Called IT!
Time for fireworks: Dow tops 17,000! - Jul. 3, 2014

Last edited:

So this means that everyone thinks the economy is good....right ?

U.S. Economic Confidence Index Dips to -16

Bottom line:

Americans more pessimistic about future direction of economy.


So maybe not everyone has money in stocks.


Well the economy added 288K jobs in June.

So I guess there is more to this "bottom line" then is in your imagination, Horatio.


So this means that everyone thinks the economy is good....right ?

U.S. Economic Confidence Index Dips to -16

Bottom line:

Americans more pessimistic about future direction of economy.


So maybe not everyone has money in stocks.


Well the economy added 288K jobs in June.

So I guess there is more to this "bottom line" then is in your imagination, Horatio.


I celebrate job creation.

I only wish there were more (not saying 288K isn't good....).

You think the information I quoted from Gallup is just in my imagination ?

Did I make up the link ?

Why don't you ask for your money back from whatever public school "educated" you. You were ripped off.
JFC, my kid was a bonnaroo (whatever) two weeks ago! (-:

What's scary to me is that the Fed is still buying housing debt, albeit less than before. And housing prices are up 8% over last year for the lastest month prices. Now the Fed in theory has to sell that debt to suck that money back out and prevent inflation. At least I think that's how this thing is supposed to work.
So this means that everyone thinks the economy is good....right ?

U.S. Economic Confidence Index Dips to -16

Bottom line:

Americans more pessimistic about future direction of economy.


So maybe not everyone has money in stocks.


Well the economy added 288K jobs in June.

So I guess there is more to this "bottom line" then is in your imagination, Horatio.


I celebrate job creation.

I only wish there were more (not saying 288K isn't good....).

You think the information I quoted from Gallup is just in my imagination ?

Did I make up the link ?

Why don't you ask for your money back from whatever public school "educated" you. You were ripped off.

In terms of the financial industry?

I've spent 17 years working for various financial firms (3 in total).

So? I got paid.

JFC, my kid was a bonnaroo (whatever) two weeks ago! (-:

What's scary to me is that the Fed is still buying housing debt, albeit less than before. And housing prices are up 8% over last year for the lastest month prices. Now the Fed in theory has to sell that debt to suck that money back out and prevent inflation. At least I think that's how this thing is supposed to work.


Raising interest rates in another way to combat inflation.
Why in hell is the federal reserve still infusing our economy with billions every month?
Why in hell is the federal reserve still infusing our economy with billions every month?

Because printing money is economic crack.

Shallow doesn't realize that the Dow is driven by the financialization of the economy. Big government cronies are getting cheap debt with artificially low interest rates. They are buying assets, including stocks, with that cheap debt. Once interest rates rise, the game is over.
Why in hell is the federal reserve still infusing our economy with billions every month?

Because printing money is economic crack.

Shallow doesn't realize that the Dow is driven by the financialization of the economy. Big government cronies are getting cheap debt with artificially low interest rates. They are buying assets, including stocks, with that cheap debt. Once interest rates rise, the game is over.

Exactly, Boe
Why in hell is the federal reserve still infusing our economy with billions every month?

Because printing money is economic crack.

Shallow doesn't realize that the Dow is driven by the financialization of the economy. Big government cronies are getting cheap debt with artificially low interest rates. They are buying assets, including stocks, with that cheap debt. Once interest rates rise, the game is over.

Exactly, Boe

Which is why companies are hiring, upgrading their gear and making investments..

Cause it's all fake and we are falling over a cliff soon. [/sarcasm]

Let's see.

I PREDICTED the market would hit 17K..and you guys predicted we were going to crash soon.

Who was accurate?

Nearly EVERYONE predicted that the market would hit 17K this year.

Why? QE^Infinity benefits the Big Government cronies who make up the Dow.

Thinking the Dow represents the health of the overall economy is like putting your hand to your forehead and calling it a physical. In the real world, we haven't recovered the full time jobs lost during the recession. The jobs that have been added (i.e. oil related in ND) are in spite of Obamanomics.

Obama has done incredible damage to the economy at large.
Because printing money is economic crack.

Shallow doesn't realize that the Dow is driven by the financialization of the economy. Big government cronies are getting cheap debt with artificially low interest rates. They are buying assets, including stocks, with that cheap debt. Once interest rates rise, the game is over.

Exactly, Boe

Which is why companies are hiring, upgrading their gear and making investments..

Cause it's all fake and we are falling over a cliff soon. [/sarcasm]

Let's see.

I PREDICTED the market would hit 17K..and you guys predicted we were going to crash soon.

Who was accurate?


I predicted the market to crash???
With the billions being infused into our economy, how could I ever think that, Sallow?
broadbrush stroke much? :lol:

I will ask you......why is the fed reserve infusing billions into our economy every month?

I didn't get an answer from your....."expertise"
Nearly EVERYONE predicted that the market would hit 17K this year.

Why? QE^Infinity benefits the Big Government cronies who make up the Dow.

Thinking the Dow represents the health of the overall economy is like putting your hand to your forehead and calling it a physical. In the real world, we haven't recovered the full time jobs lost during the recession. The jobs that have been added (i.e. oil related in ND) are in spite of Obamanomics.

Obama has done incredible damage to the economy at large.

Yep, If our economy wasn't as anemic as it is, our market would be well over 20,000 with the reserves billions being thrown into it.

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