More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

I get it....any day now, any day

Five years and counting

Waiting for the day when inflation spikes and you can say....See? We told you so

more idiotic denial

inflation is already here in the form of price inflation

if you werent ignorant and/or brainwashed you could admit it or look it up

What a comic you are. You should take that stupid act on the road.

Oil, Gold, Land, Housing, Food, etc went up 10 fold under the Bush ponzi scheme. They are down under Obama.

There was no bush ponzi scheme, oil, gold, housing, food were not up 10 fold, and yes the fed is controlling the interest rate while continuing with the 70-80billion dollar month pump.
On a nominal basis the DOW is higher, But adjusted for inflation, it is still below the 2000 top.

Edit..sorry Looks like I was MISTAKEN. the Dow 30 is higher than the 2000 about 2%. The SP500 and Nasdaq are still well below the 2000 top.

Here is the nominal chart of 3 indexes...

And here is the inflation adjusted chart...

Obama ass sniffers may want to hold off on popping the champagne corks......

It's higher than any republican or their ass sniffers ever got!

you're right idiot!!

the rich are getting richer FASTER than they ever did under Republicans!!

Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

Dow Average and S&P 500 Hit New Highs
Stocks Notch Records as Beaten-Down Shares Mount a Rally

nvestors snapped up shares of companies large and small, driving major indexes to records and reviving beaten-down technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 112.13 points, or 0.7%, to 16695.47, notching its second record finish in as many sessions and its third new high of 2014. The Dow notched 52 records in 2013.

The S&P 500 added 18.17 points, or 1%, to 1896.65, squeezing out its ninth record close of the year.

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


I congratulate our Messiah, President Obama on his booming Stock Market and surging economy

Great work sir!


In spite of the hard work on the right to bury the US, we're growing and getting stronger every day.

Thank you, Mr President.
Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


I congratulate our Messiah, President Obama on his booming Stock Market and surging economy

Great work sir!


In spite of the hard work on the right to bury the US, we're growing and getting stronger every day.

Thank you, Mr President.

In spite of you wishing and crying for that to be we are not.
Does this mean that I am broke and will have to get a job? I hope not, because I burned my ties and gave away all my suits back in 2005....
they are either hiring or they arent dimwit. the "wealthiest 1%" would still "control the majority of capital" whether they were hiring or not

if they are hiring we cant need the RECORD food stamps and welfare

if they ARENT hiring; then you idiots on the Left cant make claims of things being so much better

you cant have it both ways dorks
When middle class wages stagnate and erode while more capital flows to the very few, we can have job growth, but not income growth. Hence the food stamps and welfare numbers.

yup; middle class wage stagnation explains 16 MILLION NEW food stamp reicpients under obama than we had under Bush; and it's STILL at record levels in his 6th year

idiots and hypocrites
Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


I congratulate our Messiah, President Obama on his booming Stock Market and surging economy

Great work sir!


In spite of the hard work on the right to bury the US, we're growing and getting stronger every day.

Thank you, Mr President.

um sure we are

why do you left-wing losers want or expect the millions you MADE POOR WITH OBAMA'S FAILED POLICES to jus shut up and go hide somewhere and cash their welfare checks??
they are either hiring or they arent dimwit. the "wealthiest 1%" would still "control the majority of capital" whether they were hiring or not

if they are hiring we cant need the RECORD food stamps and welfare

if they ARENT hiring; then you idiots on the Left cant make claims of things being so much better

you cant have it both ways dorks
When middle class wages stagnate and erode while more capital flows to the very few, we can have job growth, but not income growth. Hence the food stamps and welfare numbers.
The capital has been printed up by the Fed.

According to my calculations, a little more that $1.5 trillion in fake value has been pumped into Wall Street, with no end in sight.

Now that is a recovery-less recovery.
they are either hiring or they arent dimwit. the "wealthiest 1%" would still "control the majority of capital" whether they were hiring or not

if they are hiring we cant need the RECORD food stamps and welfare

if they ARENT hiring; then you idiots on the Left cant make claims of things being so much better

you cant have it both ways dorks
When middle class wages stagnate and erode while more capital flows to the very few, we can have job growth, but not income growth. Hence the food stamps and welfare numbers.

there were more jobs and less people on welfare and food stamps when Republicans ran things

true story
Right up to the point when the whole thing crashed.
When middle class wages stagnate and erode while more capital flows to the very few, we can have job growth, but not income growth. Hence the food stamps and welfare numbers.

there were more jobs and less people on welfare and food stamps when Republicans ran things

true story
Right up to the point when the whole thing crashed.

dems were the majority of the US governemnt when the whole thing crashed

put a pile of "republican/bush" policies Dems voted FOR and CONTINUED TO FUND....ETC

next to a pile of Bush and Repub polices Dems DIDNT support

which is bigger leftard?
Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

Dow Average and S&P 500 Hit New Highs
Stocks Notch Records as Beaten-Down Shares Mount a Rally

nvestors snapped up shares of companies large and small, driving major indexes to records and reviving beaten-down technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 112.13 points, or 0.7%, to 16695.47, notching its second record finish in as many sessions and its third new high of 2014. The Dow notched 52 records in 2013.

The S&P 500 added 18.17 points, or 1%, to 1896.65, squeezing out its ninth record close of the year.

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


So you work in NY and you believe that the President and politicians are the primary motivators for stock rallies? What do you do exactly? Are you a janitor?

President Reagan Executive Order 12631
Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


I congratulate our Messiah, President Obama on his booming Stock Market and surging economy

Great work sir!


The really fun part?

Is that conservatives can't take credit for any of it. They've done zero to help fix or improve the economy.

In fact they've done EVERYTHING to sabotage it.

From getting the T-Bills downgraded, to the sequester, to the government shutdown.

This is a great thing to run on in November, along with the Ryan budget that wanted to kill medicare, obamacare and cut taxes on the rich..while pumping more money into military contracts.

Quoted to show an example of stupidity.
So let me get this straight. Under democrap congress deficits went through the roof and the country was doing horrible. Then we put republicans in the house to stop democrap spending. They did what they said they would blocking just about everything these dumb ass democrats want to do. In response the country is making somewhat of a recovery. In response to that, the dumbo butt dems want to take credit for being blocked at every turn as the reason for the recovery.

ROFL Democrats, yeah they are that stupid.
I congratulate our Messiah, President Obama on his booming Stock Market and surging economy

Great work sir!


The really fun part?

Is that conservatives can't take credit for any of it. They've done zero to help fix or improve the economy.

In fact they've done EVERYTHING to sabotage it.

From getting the T-Bills downgraded, to the sequester, to the government shutdown.

This is a great thing to run on in November, along with the Ryan budget that wanted to kill medicare, obamacare and cut taxes on the rich..while pumping more money into military contracts.

Quoted to show an example of stupidity.

What do Conservatives have to run on?

Obamacare is working
Our Messiah has turned around the economy
Wars are over

I know.......Benghazi
there were more jobs and less people on welfare and food stamps when Republicans ran things

true story
Right up to the point when the whole thing crashed.

dems were the majority of the US governemnt when the whole thing crashed

put a pile of "republican/bush" policies Dems voted FOR and CONTINUED TO FUND....ETC

next to a pile of Bush and Repub polices Dems DIDNT support

which is bigger leftard?
Are you stacking this stuff in the well of the Republican controlled House of Representatives?
What restriction?

Oil companies are at full capacity. They are producing record amounts of product.

And you are at full capacity of kool-aid.
The price is contingent upon global supply. The supply side is stifled intentionally by this shitty, agenda-driven president so the price of everything follows. A sufficient amount of something that costs more than it needs to to begin with is overly expensive. When everything costs more and wages stagnate people lose capital. We're all losers under his hack president -- except the dole-ites his party relies upon.

Were you saying that when Bush1 banned offshore drilling by executive order?

Obama Fast Tracked a large section of the Keystone Pipeline.
The Bush 1 drilling ban was more of an ostensible thing to cater to Eco freaks and had very little impact on oil prices because the Indians and Chinese had yet to expand economically and put the squeeze on supply.
W Bush reversed that ban in summer '08 at the height of demand and the price of oil and gasoline dropped immediately on the prospect of increased supply. The more comprehensive ban was allowed to expire at the end of Sept '08 and the dem congress promise to wait at least six months before reinstating it. As a result, oil and gasoline dropped like a rock. Gas prices went as low as the $1.30's and then turned right back around in January 09 as the hack was inaugurated and promised to reverse the ban and impose new restrictions on extraction as per his green energy scam. Here we are now, out $44,000 per household and counting.
So let me get this straight. Under democrap congress deficits went through the roof and the country was doing horrible. Then we put republicans in the house to stop democrap spending. They did what they said they would blocking just about everything these dumb ass democrats want to do. In response the country is making somewhat of a recovery. In response to that, the dumbo butt dems want to take credit for being blocked at every turn as the reason for the recovery.

ROFL Democrats, yeah they are that stupid.

Inflation due to deficit & bad lending began as soon as Bush was sworn in. Oil went from $10 to $147 &the dollar tanked. Deflation hit right after Democrats took office in 2007.
Libs say the economy is thriving while the GDP the first quarter was .1%. Stagnant...
Libs say the economy is thriving then say the economy suks and we need to extend UE benefits yet again.
Libs say the economy sucks and we must raise the minimum wage....

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