More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Ha, OWS nutters boasting about record Wall Street profits. Man, you Obamabots really have reached rock-bottom. You can't stoop any lower. You're very dishonest people.

But i guess it is desperate times. With record poverty, record debt, rampant unemployment, and skyrocketing food & gas prices, i guess you Obamabots only have record Wall Street profits left to boast about. Such sad dishonesty and hypocrisy on display. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.
Ha, OWS nutters boasting about record Wall Street profits. Man, you Obamabots really have reached rock-bottom. You can't stoop any lower. You're very dishonest people.

But i guess it is desperate times. With record poverty, record debt, rampant unemployment, and skyrocketing food & gas prices, i guess you Obamabots only have record Wall Street profits left to boast about. Such sad dishonesty and hypocrisy on display. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.
Yeah they run around preaching the evils of Wall Street, then try to take credit for it. We're in a bubble being blown up by QE actions, when it pops the democrats will be blaming the republicans for it.
What's this we shit? Do you think you have ownership over others money & what they do or don't contribute?
As a matter of fact, as a voter

I do

People who didn't graduate high school shouldn't be voting. Neither should people who live on government checks, blatant conflict of interest.

You need to do a better job at reading your Constitution

Actually, neither of those are in the Constitution...
Ha, OWS nutters boasting about record Wall Street profits. Man, you Obamabots really have reached rock-bottom. You can't stoop any lower. You're very dishonest people.

But i guess it is desperate times. With record poverty, record debt, rampant unemployment, and skyrocketing food & gas prices, i guess you Obamabots only have record Wall Street profits left to boast about. Such sad dishonesty and hypocrisy on display. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.
Yeah they run around preaching the evils of Wall Street, then try to take credit for it. We're in a bubble being blown up by QE actions, when it pops the democrats will be blaming the republicans for it.

Yeah, where are all those OWS nutters now? Oh, they're here boasting about record Wall Street profits. This OP was one of the biggest OWS whiners here. Now he or she is suddenly All-In with the Wall Street fatcats. Obamabots really have reached rock-bottom. No credibility left whatsoever.
What's this we shit? Do you think you have ownership over others money & what they do or don't contribute?
As a matter of fact, as a voter

I do

People who didn't graduate high school shouldn't be voting. Neither should people who live on government checks, blatant conflict of interest.

You need to do a better job at reading your Constitution

Actually, neither of those are in the Constitution...
My point, if you didn't get it
What's this we shit? Do you think you have ownership over others money & what they do or don't contribute?
As a matter of fact, as a voter

I do

People who didn't graduate high school shouldn't be voting. Neither should people who live on government checks, blatant conflict of interest.

You need to do a better job at reading your Constitution

And send back his Soc Sec check.

kaz What about Stephanie who has said she gets SS and Medicare as well as food stamps. She's pure RW, through and through. Ignorant and gets her news from fux entertainment network. Not just her, though. There are a lot of brain dead RWs here. You want to stop them from voting a straight R ticket because they're too damn dumb to think for themselves? You sure that's what you want? LO

What about veterans who didn't finish high school but got wounded fighting for their country? Yes, even the black ones and the Hispanics. You want to refuse them their constitutional right to vote along with all the other constitutional rights to you want to take away from them?

Stooopid brain-dead right wingers.
What's this we shit? Do you think you have ownership over others money & what they do or don't contribute?
As a matter of fact, as a voter

I do

People who didn't graduate high school shouldn't be voting. Neither should people who live on government checks, blatant conflict of interest.

You need to do a better job at reading your Constitution

Actually, neither of those are in the Constitution...
My point, if you didn't get it

Yabut, the right exists for one reason only - to take rights away from Americans.
OWS wingnuts are hilarious. Now they loves thems some Wall Street fatcats. What a bunch of frauds. No credibility left at all.
skyrocketing food & gas prices

Skyrocketing gas prices? Do you even drive a car?

What on earth are you talking about it is $3.29 up the street from my house right now, the lowest it has been in months.


You're very dishonest people.

You are in here making shit up about skyrocketing gas prices and saying others are dishonest in the same post? Hilarious.
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skyrocketing food & gas prices

Skyrocketing gas prices? What on earth are you talking about it is $3.29 up the street from my house right now, the lowest it has been in months.


You're very dishonest people.

You are in here making shit up about skyrocketing gas prices and saying others are dishonest in the same post? Hilarious.

Good for you, but others are suffering. High food and gas prices are really hurting average Americans. A trip to the grocery store has become a nightmare for many.
Good for you, but others are suffering. High food and gas prices are really hurting average Americans. A trip to the grocery store has become a nightmare for many.
You said gas prices are skyrocketing, and they are not. They are lower than two years ago on this date, lower than last year on this date, and have been trending down for months. You lied.

Why did you lie? Is that like a compulsive thing where you just say whatever pops into your brain regardless of whether it is truthful?
And people STILL vote Republican.

Why is that? :lol:
So if the stock market drops by 50% over the next year would you start preaching that people should vote Republican since it fell on the Dem's watch and that is how a vote should be decided?
OWS wankas don't get to boast about record Wall Street profits. The OP and his fellow OWS wankas are full of shite. They've lost all credibility.

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