More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

OWS wankas don't get to boast about record Wall Street profits. The OP and his fellow OWS wankas are full of shite. They've lost all credibility.
You're kinda silly.

And my "occupation" of Wall Street? Occurs from within..

I work for it.

And people STILL vote Republican.

Why is that? :lol:
So if the stock market drops by 50% over the next year would you start preaching that people should vote Republican since it fell on the Dem's watch and that is how a vote should be decided?
I'll wager with you, it doesn't

Feel like a bet?
I didn't say it was going to drop 50%, I asked if it did whether you would still use the direction of the stock market as the barometer of whether to vote Republican or Democrat.
What's this we shit? Do you think you have ownership over others money & what they do or don't contribute?
As a matter of fact, as a voter

I do

People who didn't graduate high school shouldn't be voting. Neither should people who live on government checks, blatant conflict of interest.

You need to do a better job at reading your Constitution

Actually, neither of those are in the Constitution...
My point, if you didn't get it

So you said they are in the Constitution because your point is they are not in the Constitution? You are quite the wit there, Big Guy. LOL.
OWS wankas don't get to boast about record Wall Street profits. The OP and his fellow OWS wankas are full of shite. They've lost all credibility.
You're kinda silly.

And my "occupation" of Wall Street? Occurs from within..

I work for it.


LOL, doing deskside support. That's why I mock you for being in IT, you think it matters that you do IT on Wall Street. No one in finance listens to you or even asks you. And you keep showing us why. When I want opinions outside finance, I'll have a meeting with you. And the janitor. And the lady in the cafeteria. I mean you all work on Wall Street. LOL.
What's this we shit? Do you think you have ownership over others money & what they do or don't contribute?
As a matter of fact, as a voter

I do

People who didn't graduate high school shouldn't be voting. Neither should people who live on government checks, blatant conflict of interest.

You need to do a better job at reading your Constitution

And send back his Soc Sec check.

kaz What about Stephanie who has said she gets SS and Medicare as well as food stamps. She's pure RW, through and through. Ignorant and gets her news from fux entertainment network. Not just her, though. There are a lot of brain dead RWs here. You want to stop them from voting a straight R ticket because they're too damn dumb to think for themselves? You sure that's what you want? LO

What about veterans who didn't finish high school but got wounded fighting for their country? Yes, even the black ones and the Hispanics. You want to refuse them their constitutional right to vote along with all the other constitutional rights to you want to take away from them?

Stooopid brain-dead right wingers.
What's this we shit? Do you think you have ownership over others money & what they do or don't contribute?
As a matter of fact, as a voter

I do

People who didn't graduate high school shouldn't be voting. Neither should people who live on government checks, blatant conflict of interest.

You need to do a better job at reading your Constitution

Actually, neither of those are in the Constitution...
My point, if you didn't get it

So you said they are in the Constitution because your point is they are not in the Constitution? You are quite the wit there, Big Guy. LOL.
Point being there is nothing in the Constitution barring those people from voting
What's this we shit? Do you think you have ownership over others money & what they do or don't contribute?
As a matter of fact, as a voter

I do

People who didn't graduate high school shouldn't be voting. Neither should people who live on government checks, blatant conflict of interest.

You need to do a better job at reading your Constitution

And send back his Soc Sec check.

I want out of the system, absolutely, but the butt hurt idiotic liberal view that I need to pay into it for my whole career then turn down the crappy check on the end is just, par for your moronic course. If I said what I did, then opted into the system you'd have a point. That I can't opt out of paying, but I have to opt out of the little bit I get back is just, so you.

I'll tell you what. You go get killed in a jihadist bombing because you don't want to water board to prevent the attack, let me know when you're dead and I'll opt out of collecting my piddly check. Or, change the system so I can opt out of paying and I'll opt out of collecting. I'm 51 now, let me just opt out of future payments and I'll eat what I already paid and get nothing, I'll take that deal too. But opt out of collecting when I can't opt out of paying? You're just an idiot, there is nothing deeper.

kaz What about Stephanie who has said she gets SS and Medicare as well as food stamps. She's pure RW, through and through. Ignorant and gets her news from fux entertainment network. Not just her, though. There are a lot of brain dead RWs here. You want to stop them from voting a straight R ticket because they're too damn dumb to think for themselves? You sure that's what you want? LO

You mean because libertarians are Republicans, so I need to defend Republican policies? Once again, your brain activity meter isn't even twitching.

What about veterans who didn't finish high school but got wounded fighting for their country? Yes, even the black ones and the Hispanics. You want to refuse them their constitutional right to vote along with all the other constitutional rights to you want to take away from them?

Stooopid brain-dead right wingers.

Once again with the racism. That's when I stopped reading. Since you left it to the end, you got a response to most of it.


OK, so you're obsessed with taking it in the ass from a black guy. Isn't that an activity for you to do on a street corner on a Saturday night instead of obsessing on it on message boards?

What's this we shit? Do you think you have ownership over others money & what they do or don't contribute?
As a matter of fact, as a voter

I do

People who didn't graduate high school shouldn't be voting. Neither should people who live on government checks, blatant conflict of interest.
That's ridiculous.

An uneducated population voting for government to plunder on their behalf is a Democrat's best friend.
Point being there is nothing in the Constitution barring those people from voting

Um...OK? What difference does that make? I never made the argument it is Unconstitutional for them to vote. This is why no one can have an actual conversation with you, when you do respond to what people say, it makes no logical sense.
The OP and a few others on this thread, are old OWS nutters. Yet now they just adore Wall Street fatcats. Obamabots are desperate now. All they have left is boasting about record Wall Street profits. I guess they think they're fooling everybody. But they're not. Anyone with common sense knows they're shameful dishonest hypocrites.
What's this we shit? Do you think you have ownership over others money & what they do or don't contribute?
As a matter of fact, as a voter

I do

People who didn't graduate high school shouldn't be voting. Neither should people who live on government checks, blatant conflict of interest.
That's ridiculous.

An uneducated population voting for government to plunder on their behalf is a Democrat's best friend.

This is not the intention of the Constitution.

It does not delineate between American's national origin, race, religion or educational level.

And this is wholly against what this country is all about.

It's a patently ridiculous argument.
S&P 500
+3.50 (0.18%)

+45.40 (0.27%)

+16.22 (0.36%)

Gold 1,284.90 +0.47% Crude Oil 93.83 +0.51% EUR/USD 1.3177 -0.11% 10-Yr Bond 2.39 +0.17% Corn 364.00 -0.95% Copper 3.19 -0.93% Silver 19.41 +0.27% Natural Gas 3.96 -0.48% Russell 2000 1,176.00 +0.93% VIX 11.57 -1.11% BATS 1000 22,315.62 -0.03% GBP/USD 1.6550 -0.13% USD/JPY 104.0730 +0.03%

All kinds of records today! :lol:
What's this we shit? Do you think you have ownership over others money & what they do or don't contribute?
As a matter of fact, as a voter

I do

People who didn't graduate high school shouldn't be voting. Neither should people who live on government checks, blatant conflict of interest.
That's ridiculous.

An uneducated population voting for government to plunder on their behalf is a Democrat's best friend.

This is not the intention of the Constitution.

It does not delineate between American's national origin, race, religion or educational level.

And this is wholly against what this country is all about.

It's a patently ridiculous argument.

God you liberals are fixated on race. I talked about the uneducated and people getting government checks voting. Since the founders had only land owners, the number of voters who were uneducated or getting government checks was probably pretty low...

Oh Gawd, you Obmabots really are desperate. Rabid OWS nutters now suddenly adore Wallstreet fatcats? Yeah, you guys are truly pathetic. Can't trust you on anything ever again. You have no credibility left whatsoever. You're very disingenuous people.

Oh Gawd, you Obmabots really are desperate. Rabid OWS nutters now suddenly adore Wallstreet fatcats? Yeah, you guys are truly pathetic. Can't trust you on anything ever again. You have no credibility left whatsoever. You're very disingenuous people.

Not really sure how this is relevant to anything.

The thread is about a strong economy and the stock market. The latter is where I work.

Additionally it's kind of amazing you anarchists and libertarians don't start your own country. I mean all your ideas are so swell. It's just too bad they never work.

Oh Gawd, you Obmabots really are desperate. Rabid OWS nutters now suddenly adore Wallstreet fatcats? Yeah, you guys are truly pathetic. Can't trust you on anything ever again. You have no credibility left whatsoever. You're very disingenuous people.
Why wouldn't we adore Wall Street fat cats?

We just think they should pay higher rates on their obscene profits

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