More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Day 2 awaiting the tea party economic catastrophe that hasn't happened yet.

I don't expect an economic catastrophe.

If you look at the Soviet Union, the decline was slow and steady over many decades. Not March 2nd, enact socialism, March 3rd economic catastrophe.

The Sub-prime crash is a perfect example. The whole thing started in 1997, and the crash didn't happen until 2008.

Even the Great Depression, didn't start in an instant. Yes, the stock market crashed in a month, but unemployment didn't go to 20% in a day.

I expect a more slow and steady decline over the next 20 years, assuming that we maintain an ever growing socialized system. Which that could change. Obama Care, has been changing from its original form, constantly. It's possible they could eliminate all of the economically damaging elements, and end up not causing the problems we expect.

Or a Republican can be elected, and then the health insurance sector could finally crash, and every idiot on the left, blames the republican, for the problems caused by Obama Care, which is exactly what happened with sub-prime mortgages.
The United States is not the Soviet Union.

We elect our leaders. We have a buy in to the government.

That was a component that was not part of the USSR.

They had, for all intents and purposes, a top down government.

Those seldom do well.
Day 2 awaiting the tea party economic catastrophe that hasn't happened yet.
Here's to hoping you are holding your breath.
Here's hoping you learn how to code.
ROFL you still jealous of my greatly superior coding skills?
Not any more than I'd be jealous of a bum in the street.
Guess what a psychologist would say when you bring up bum in the street in reaction to some calling out your inferior skill level?

Can anyone say "inferiority complex?"
Obama got rid of Stagflation caused by Bush

Stagflation Rate
Day 2 awaiting the tea party economic catastrophe that hasn't happened yet.

I don't expect an economic catastrophe.

If you look at the Soviet Union, the decline was slow and steady over many decades. Not March 2nd, enact socialism, March 3rd economic catastrophe.

The Sub-prime crash is a perfect example. The whole thing started in 1997, and the crash didn't happen until 2008.

Even the Great Depression, didn't start in an instant. Yes, the stock market crashed in a month, but unemployment didn't go to 20% in a day.

I expect a more slow and steady decline over the next 20 years, assuming that we maintain an ever growing socialized system. Which that could change. Obama Care, has been changing from its original form, constantly. It's possible they could eliminate all of the economically damaging elements, and end up not causing the problems we expect.

Or a Republican can be elected, and then the health insurance sector could finally crash, and every idiot on the left, blames the republican, for the problems caused by Obama Care, which is exactly what happened with sub-prime mortgages.
The United States is not the Soviet Union.

We elect our leaders. We have a buy in to the government.

That was a component that was not part of the USSR.

They had, for all intents and purposes, a top down government.

Those seldom do well.

Electing your leaders doesn't change the fundamentals of economics. When Nixion, and then Carter, put in place price controls on gasoline, the fact they were elected, didn't stop gas lines forming for miles. Just like it didn't stop the same in New York after Sandy, when they put in place price controls.

Are you saying that ACA was not a Top Down Government policy?
Day 2 awaiting the tea party economic catastrophe that hasn't happened yet.
Here's to hoping you are holding your breath.
Here's hoping you learn how to code.
ROFL you still jealous of my greatly superior coding skills?
Not any more than I'd be jealous of a bum in the street.
Guess what a psychologist would say when you bring up bum in the street in reaction to some calling out your inferior skill level?

Can anyone say "inferiority complex?"

Guess what I call your coding skills.

Day 2 awaiting the tea party economic catastrophe that hasn't happened yet.

I don't expect an economic catastrophe.

If you look at the Soviet Union, the decline was slow and steady over many decades. Not March 2nd, enact socialism, March 3rd economic catastrophe.

The Sub-prime crash is a perfect example. The whole thing started in 1997, and the crash didn't happen until 2008.

Even the Great Depression, didn't start in an instant. Yes, the stock market crashed in a month, but unemployment didn't go to 20% in a day.

I expect a more slow and steady decline over the next 20 years, assuming that we maintain an ever growing socialized system. Which that could change. Obama Care, has been changing from its original form, constantly. It's possible they could eliminate all of the economically damaging elements, and end up not causing the problems we expect.

Or a Republican can be elected, and then the health insurance sector could finally crash, and every idiot on the left, blames the republican, for the problems caused by Obama Care, which is exactly what happened with sub-prime mortgages.
The United States is not the Soviet Union.

We elect our leaders. We have a buy in to the government.

That was a component that was not part of the USSR.

They had, for all intents and purposes, a top down government.

Those seldom do well.

Electing your leaders doesn't change the fundamentals of economics. When Nixion, and then Carter, put in place price controls on gasoline, the fact they were elected, didn't stop gas lines forming for miles. Just like it didn't stop the same in New York after Sandy, when they put in place price controls.

Are you saying that ACA was not a Top Down Government policy?

The lines were caused by the Arabs refusing to sell oil to the US over the Israeli/Arab wars, we supported Israel.....
Day 2 awaiting the tea party economic catastrophe that hasn't happened yet.

I don't expect an economic catastrophe.

If you look at the Soviet Union, the decline was slow and steady over many decades. Not March 2nd, enact socialism, March 3rd economic catastrophe.

The Sub-prime crash is a perfect example. The whole thing started in 1997, and the crash didn't happen until 2008.

Even the Great Depression, didn't start in an instant. Yes, the stock market crashed in a month, but unemployment didn't go to 20% in a day.

I expect a more slow and steady decline over the next 20 years, assuming that we maintain an ever growing socialized system. Which that could change. Obama Care, has been changing from its original form, constantly. It's possible they could eliminate all of the economically damaging elements, and end up not causing the problems we expect.

Or a Republican can be elected, and then the health insurance sector could finally crash, and every idiot on the left, blames the republican, for the problems caused by Obama Care, which is exactly what happened with sub-prime mortgages.
The United States is not the Soviet Union.

We elect our leaders. We have a buy in to the government.

That was a component that was not part of the USSR.

They had, for all intents and purposes, a top down government.

Those seldom do well.

Electing your leaders doesn't change the fundamentals of economics. When Nixion, and then Carter, put in place price controls on gasoline, the fact they were elected, didn't stop gas lines forming for miles. Just like it didn't stop the same in New York after Sandy, when they put in place price controls.

Are you saying that ACA was not a Top Down Government policy?

It kinda isn't.

Because it was stewed in the heritage foundation as "private industry" alternative to "single payer" or "socialist" health care.

But the fact that 45K American citizens were dying due to that lack of health care insurance was okay by you guys.

Which illustrates just how much you hate this country.

That you would let that many Americans die. do you face yourselves in the morning?
And lookie here?

Thu, Sep 4, 2014, 11:44 AM EDT - U.S. Markets close in 4 hrs 16 mins
S&P 500
+5.88 (0.29%)

+41.13 (0.24%)

+19.29 (0.42%)

Gold 1,270.40 +0.01% EUR/USD 1.2961 -1.43% 10-Yr Bond 2.45 +1.66% Corn 345.50 -1.85% Copper 3.15 +0.69% Silver 19.17 -0.07% Natural Gas 3.81 -1.07% Russell 2000 1,178.64 +0.55% VIX 12.00 -2.91% BATS 1000 22,458.49 +0.32% GBP/USD 1.6378 -0.50% USD/JPY 105.0950 +0.25%

Dow is up?

I know I know..

Bad news..conserverinos..
Obama got rid of Stagflation caused by Bush

Stagflation Rate

Actually he didn't get rid of it. Stagflation will go away on it's own. All Obama did, was drag it out for 5 years.

The economy will recover on its own, without any intervention at all.
I see, so Reagan didn't get rid of stagflation from the Carter daze -- it cured itself. Thanks for clarifying. :2up:
And lookie here?

Thu, Sep 4, 2014, 11:44 AM EDT - U.S. Markets close in 4 hrs 16 mins
S&P 500
+5.88 (0.29%)

+41.13 (0.24%)

+19.29 (0.42%)

Gold 1,270.40 +0.01% EUR/USD 1.2961 -1.43% 10-Yr Bond 2.45 +1.66% Corn 345.50 -1.85% Copper 3.15 +0.69% Silver 19.17 -0.07% Natural Gas 3.81 -1.07% Russell 2000 1,178.64 +0.55% VIX 12.00 -2.91% BATS 1000 22,458.49 +0.32% GBP/USD 1.6378 -0.50% USD/JPY 105.0950 +0.25%

Dow is up?

I know I know..

Bad news..conserverinos..
Good news for America is bad news for Conservatives.

Oh, and when the employment numbers for August come out tomorrow, we are most likely going to see the longest record of continuous growth in the private sector increase to 54 consecutive months.

Thanks Obama!

And lookie here?

Thu, Sep 4, 2014, 11:44 AM EDT - U.S. Markets close in 4 hrs 16 mins
S&P 500
+5.88 (0.29%)

+41.13 (0.24%)

+19.29 (0.42%)

Gold 1,270.40 +0.01% EUR/USD 1.2961 -1.43% 10-Yr Bond 2.45 +1.66% Corn 345.50 -1.85% Copper 3.15 +0.69% Silver 19.17 -0.07% Natural Gas 3.81 -1.07% Russell 2000 1,178.64 +0.55% VIX 12.00 -2.91% BATS 1000 22,458.49 +0.32% GBP/USD 1.6378 -0.50% USD/JPY 105.0950 +0.25%

Dow is up?

I know I know..

Bad news..conserverinos..
Good news for America is bad news for Conservatives.

Oh, and when the employment numbers for August come out tomorrow, we are most likely going to see the longest record of continuous growth in the private sector increase to 54 consecutive months.

Thanks Obama!


Yeah basically.

You don't even hear Conservatives talking about the economy any more.
or Oblamacare, and other issues we have been drilled with over the last 6 years(teleprompter).
Their election strategy is to cool the rhetoric and focus on the positive aspects of their inability to work with dems to help the nation...
And lookie here?

Thu, Sep 4, 2014, 11:44 AM EDT - U.S. Markets close in 4 hrs 16 mins
S&P 500
+5.88 (0.29%)

+41.13 (0.24%)

+19.29 (0.42%)

Gold 1,270.40 +0.01% EUR/USD 1.2961 -1.43% 10-Yr Bond 2.45 +1.66% Corn 345.50 -1.85% Copper 3.15 +0.69% Silver 19.17 -0.07% Natural Gas 3.81 -1.07% Russell 2000 1,178.64 +0.55% VIX 12.00 -2.91% BATS 1000 22,458.49 +0.32% GBP/USD 1.6378 -0.50% USD/JPY 105.0950 +0.25%

Dow is up?

I know I know..

Bad news..conserverinos..
Good news for America is bad news for Conservatives.

Oh, and when the employment numbers for August come out tomorrow, we are most likely going to see the longest record of continuous growth in the private sector increase to 54 consecutive months.

Thanks Obama!


Yeah basically.

You don't even hear Conservatives talking about the economy any more.
Dumb ass likes having half the country out of work and 100million + on welfare.
Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.1%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
10 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.
And lookie here?

Thu, Sep 4, 2014, 11:44 AM EDT - U.S. Markets close in 4 hrs 16 mins
S&P 500
+5.88 (0.29%)

+41.13 (0.24%)

+19.29 (0.42%)

Gold 1,270.40 +0.01% EUR/USD 1.2961 -1.43% 10-Yr Bond 2.45 +1.66% Corn 345.50 -1.85% Copper 3.15 +0.69% Silver 19.17 -0.07% Natural Gas 3.81 -1.07% Russell 2000 1,178.64 +0.55% VIX 12.00 -2.91% BATS 1000 22,458.49 +0.32% GBP/USD 1.6378 -0.50% USD/JPY 105.0950 +0.25%

Dow is up?

I know I know..

Bad news..conserverinos..
Good news for America is bad news for Conservatives.

Oh, and when the employment numbers for August come out tomorrow, we are most likely going to see the longest record of continuous growth in the private sector increase to 54 consecutive months.

Thanks Obama!


Yeah basically.

You don't even hear Conservatives talking about the economy any more.
Dumb ass likes having half the country out of work and 100million + on welfare.

Well this is not correct.

And? Reagan put people back to work through government spending and hiring.
The Bushes did the same.

What's changed?

Oh yeah..Republicans are refusing to do this for Obama.

If the type of government hiring took place NOW that took place during Reagan and the Bushes?

UE would probably be around 3%.

You guys do NOT want a strong economy. That would mean you guys were and are completely wrong about everything.

Hence the obstructions and shutdowns.

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