More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.1%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
10 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

Obama has done very little to earn credit for our improvement.
Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.1%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
10 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

Obama has done very little to earn credit for our improvement.

That's incorrect.

He didn't stop TARP.
He enacted the Stimulus.
He kept Bernake.
He saved the Auto Industry.
He didn't immediately sunset the Bush tax cuts.
He enacted the ACA.
He rolled out Dodd-Frank.

That's the short list.
And lookie here?

Thu, Sep 4, 2014, 11:44 AM EDT - U.S. Markets close in 4 hrs 16 mins
S&P 500
+5.88 (0.29%)

+41.13 (0.24%)

+19.29 (0.42%)

Gold 1,270.40 +0.01% EUR/USD 1.2961 -1.43% 10-Yr Bond 2.45 +1.66% Corn 345.50 -1.85% Copper 3.15 +0.69% Silver 19.17 -0.07% Natural Gas 3.81 -1.07% Russell 2000 1,178.64 +0.55% VIX 12.00 -2.91% BATS 1000 22,458.49 +0.32% GBP/USD 1.6378 -0.50% USD/JPY 105.0950 +0.25%

Dow is up?

I know I know..

Bad news..conserverinos..
Good news for America is bad news for Conservatives.

Oh, and when the employment numbers for August come out tomorrow, we are most likely going to see the longest record of continuous growth in the private sector increase to 54 consecutive months.

Thanks Obama!


Yeah basically.

You don't even hear Conservatives talking about the economy any more.
Dumb ass likes having half the country out of work and 100million + on welfare.

Well this is not correct.

And? Reagan put people back to work through government spending and hiring.
The Bushes did the same.

What's changed?

Oh yeah..Republicans are refusing to do this for Obama.

If the type of government hiring took place NOW that took place during Reagan and the Bushes?

UE would probably be around 3%.

You guys do NOT want a strong economy. That would mean you guys were and are completely wrong about everything.

Hence the obstructions and shutdowns.
Pick one and stick with it, cause your story keeps changing:
1) There were massive stimulus bills all owned by Bush, thus the debt goes against Bush's column, even though Obama was the one who spent all of it on shovel ready shit projects and government parties.
2) This new story you are pushing where the republicans refused to approve the stimulus bills so they were just a lie.

Note the government budget went up by 50% and it wasn't military spending, between 2006 and 2010. Before the republicans gained the house back and began to block the democrats.

You can't claim credit, deny, and complain about the spending all at the same time. You really need to pick one and stick with it. Is it to high, to low, or did not happen? Which story are you gonna stick with?
Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.1%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
10 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

Obama has done very little to earn credit for our improvement.

That's incorrect.

He didn't stop TARP.
He enacted the Stimulus.
He kept Bernake.
He saved the Auto Industry.
He didn't immediately sunset the Bush tax cuts.
He enacted the ACA.
He rolled out Dodd-Frank.

That's the short list.
Obama voted for TARP dumb ass.
The Stimulous was spent on crap.
Bernake was crap
The auto industry is still a failure and half the ones he "saved" left the country.
He fought against the tax cuts with every damn breath he took. Now you want to give him credit for Bush's tax cuts?
He screwed us all with ACA and Dodd-Frank. Why should we give that bastard credit for that?
Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.1%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
10 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

Obama has done very little to earn credit for our improvement.

That's incorrect.

He didn't stop TARP.
He enacted the Stimulus.
He kept Bernake.
He saved the Auto Industry.
He didn't immediately sunset the Bush tax cuts.
He enacted the ACA.
He rolled out Dodd-Frank.

That's the short list.

He couldn't stop the important part of TARP, the bank part, because that was already done.
The stimulus was a boon to state and local government. For a short time.
Bernanke was a plus.
He could have saved the auto industry without handing taxpayer billions to the UAW.
Extending the Bush tax cuts was a plus.
ACA a big minus.
Dodd-Frank, another minus.
Fighting fracking, fighting offshore drilling and fighting the Keystone pipeline bigger minuses.
Adding ever more regulations, another minus.
Extorting banks since the crisis, another minus.
Hard to get them to increase loans with the government hand out, looking for more fines.
Like I said.....
Obama has done very little to earn credit for our improvement
And lookie here?

Thu, Sep 4, 2014, 11:44 AM EDT - U.S. Markets close in 4 hrs 16 mins
S&P 500
+5.88 (0.29%)

+41.13 (0.24%)

+19.29 (0.42%)

Gold 1,270.40 +0.01% EUR/USD 1.2961 -1.43% 10-Yr Bond 2.45 +1.66% Corn 345.50 -1.85% Copper 3.15 +0.69% Silver 19.17 -0.07% Natural Gas 3.81 -1.07% Russell 2000 1,178.64 +0.55% VIX 12.00 -2.91% BATS 1000 22,458.49 +0.32% GBP/USD 1.6378 -0.50% USD/JPY 105.0950 +0.25%

Dow is up?

I know I know..

Bad news..conserverinos..
Good news for America is bad news for Conservatives.

Oh, and when the employment numbers for August come out tomorrow, we are most likely going to see the longest record of continuous growth in the private sector increase to 54 consecutive months.

Thanks Obama!


Yeah basically.

You don't even hear Conservatives talking about the economy any more.
Dumb ass likes having half the country out of work and 100million + on welfare.

Well this is not correct.

And? Reagan put people back to work through government spending and hiring.
The Bushes did the same.

What's changed?

Oh yeah..Republicans are refusing to do this for Obama.

If the type of government hiring took place NOW that took place during Reagan and the Bushes?

UE would probably be around 3%.

You guys do NOT want a strong economy. That would mean you guys were and are completely wrong about everything.

Hence the obstructions and shutdowns.
Pick one and stick with it, cause your story keeps changing:
1) There were massive stimulus bills all owned by Bush, thus the debt goes against Bush's column, even though Obama was the one who spent all of it on shovel ready shit projects and government parties.
2) This new story you are pushing where the republicans refused to approve the stimulus bills so they were just a lie.

Note the government budget went up by 50% and it wasn't military spending, between 2006 and 2010. Before the republicans gained the house back and began to block the democrats.

You can't claim credit, deny, and complain about the spending all at the same time. You really need to pick one and stick with it. Is it to high, to low, or did not happen? Which story are you gonna stick with?

It's early man.

Lay off the booze.

You are the one flip flopping here..

Bush's "massive stimulus bills" came in the form of tax cuts for the rich, under the notion that the rich are some how altruistic angels will to spend their windfalls on investment into their companies or innovation.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The rich, spend, on themselves. They buy massive mansions, boats and other big boy toys. One trip to Monaco will confirm that for you.

Bush didn't spend on infrastructure. There weren't many big federal builds during his time in office. Heck, they didn't even start rebuilding the Freedom Tower, until he was out of office. You would figure that, would at least, be completed.

Bush's notion, that somehow giving rich folks everything they wanted, was a dismal failure, as evidenced by the financial cataclysm he left for Obama.
The lines were caused by the Arabs refusing to sell oil to the US over the Israeli/Arab wars, we supported Israel.....

No, actually that's not true at all. There is more myth surrounding the Embargo, than fact.

First, OPEC can't embargo the US. It's not possible. Once the ship leave the port, the country which sold the oil, has no control over where the oil goes.

It's a fact, that people around the world, bought oil at the same price as those of the US and the Netherlands, the two countries which were "embargoed".
OPEC The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics Library of Economics and Liberty

What did change, was the price. This again, was not due to the embargo.

OPEC was formed exclusively to raise oil prices, in September 1960. Between 1960 and 1971, oil prices fell. OPEC couldn't force it's members to cut production, and there was no other way to raise prices. In 1971 oil prices began to rise. But this wasn't because of OPEC. This was because the defacto currency in the oil market was the dollar, and the Nixon just disconnected the dollar from gold, making it a fiat currency, which is called the 'Nixon Shock'. Prices began rising only because the dollar was inflating.

The only thing the Yum Kippur war caused, was it allowed briefly for there to be unity in OPEC for reduction of production. This caused prices across the world to rise, not just in the US, or Netherlands.

Yet, this still didn't cause shortages, or gas lines.

What actually caused the gas shortages and gas lines, was the price controls that Nixon implemented, and as bad if not worse, the allocation policy. Many people don't even know about the second. From the above link.

Instead, the shortages were caused by price and allocation controls on crude oil and refined products, imposed originally by President Richard Nixon in 1971 as part of the Economic Stabilization Program. Although the price controls allowed the price of crude oil to rise, it was not allowed to rise to free-market levels. Thus, the price controls caused the amount people wanted to consume to exceed the amount available at the legal maximum prices. Shortages were the inevitable result. Moreover, the allocation controls distorted the distribution of supplies; the government based allocations on consumption patterns observed before the sharp increase in prices. The higher prices, for example, reduced long-distance driving and agricultural fuel consumption, but the use of historical consumption patterns resulted in a relative oversupply of gasoline in rural areas and a relative undersupply in urban ones, thus exacerbating the effects of the price controls themselves.

The Nixon market controls are what caused the gas shortages, and gas lines.

If Nixon had not made the currency free floating, if he had not put in place price controls, if he had not controlled allocation, there is nothing the Arab Embargo, or production cuts could have done to cause shortages or gas lines. They never would have happened.
Bush's "massive stimulus bills" came in the form of tax cuts for the rich, under the notion that the rich are some how altruistic angels will to spend their windfalls on investment into their companies or innovation.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The rich, spend, on themselves. They buy massive mansions, boats and other big boy toys. One trip to Monaco will confirm that for you.

Bush didn't spend on infrastructure. There weren't many big federal builds during his time in office. Heck, they didn't even start rebuilding the Freedom Tower, until he was out of office. You would figure that, would at least, be completed.

Bush's notion, that somehow giving rich folks everything they wanted, was a dismal failure, as evidenced by the financial cataclysm he left for Obama.

Bush's tax cuts were larger for the middle class and poor than they were for the rich. In fact, it is because of Bush's moronic tax cuts that we now have half the country not paying any income taxes, ya moron.

"Bush didn't spend on infrastructure." Yeah cause all the money going to the infrastructure in NYC and NO that doesn't count. FT wasn't delayed by Bush dumb ass.

Bush warned about the realestate bubble, Frank was in charge and stonewalled republican reforms in congress.

But yes by and large Bush was a socialist POS aka moderate republican RINO, PNAC republican.

I'm not defending Bush, I'm just pointing out your lies.
Are you saying that ACA was not a Top Down Government policy?

It kinda isn't.

Because it was stewed in the heritage foundation as "private industry" alternative to "single payer" or "socialist" health care.

But the fact that 45K American citizens were dying due to that lack of health care insurance was okay by you guys.

Which illustrates just how much you hate this country.

That you would let that many Americans die. do you face yourselves in the morning?

Um... I went to the hospital without insurance. I got something called a "bill". I paid the "bill".

I didn't die. I'm not asking any of my fellow Americans to do something that I myself have not done. So, yeah, I can face myself in the mirror easily, knowing I'm helping more people than you are.

Tell me... how can you face yourself in the mirror knowing you killed those Veterans who waited in anguish only to die, not knowing that YOUR socialized health care system had just deleted their name from the waiting lists?

Patients starve and die of thirst on hospital wards - Telegraph

Forty-three hospital patients starved to death last year and 111 died of thirst while being treated on wards, new figures disclose today.

Tell me... how can you face yourself in the mirror knowing you support a system that let's people starve and die of thrist? How can you look at your face in the mirror knowing you want the same death for other Americans?

Mother 60 dies after doctor cancelled ambulance on its way to her home to cut costs Mail Online

Mother, 60, dies after doctor cancelled ambulance on its way to her home to 'cut costs'

Tell me... how can you face yourself in the mirror knowing you support a system that kills a 60 year old mother, in order to save their socialized system money?

My son will die if he comes home from US -

The mother of a seriously ill toddler says she is being forced to live in “exile” by health chiefs after moving to America to get life saving medical treatment for her son.

Tell me... how can you face yourself in the mirror knowing you would kill this child?

Honestly, how you people can defend your system is far more disturbing. You people kill millions across the world. My system saves their lives.

If anyone shouldn't be able to look themselves in the mirror with the death and destruction they have caused, it's you people on the left. The fact you can let people die, and have no problem... makes you a sociopath.

Premature baby left to die by doctors after mother gives birth just two days before 22-week care limit Mail Online

A midwife said he was breathing and had a strong heartbeat, and described him as a "little fighter".

I kept asking for the doctors but the midwife said, "They won't come and help, sweetie. Make the best of the time you have with him".'

She told how she begged one paediatrician, 'You have got to help', only for the man to respond: 'No we don't.'

That's your system at work. It's disgusting. And *YOU* are disgusting for wanting it.
When Democrats move into new subsidized housing the first thing they do is remove (or destroy) all the mirrors. After that it's all so very simple.
Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.1%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
10 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

Obama has done very little to earn credit for our improvement.

That's incorrect.

He didn't stop TARP.
He enacted the Stimulus.
He kept Bernake.
He saved the Auto Industry.
He didn't immediately sunset the Bush tax cuts.
He enacted the ACA.
He rolled out Dodd-Frank.

That's the short list.

LOL. He didn't stop the bank bailouts......... while the left said the bailing out banks was bad.

He enacted the Stimulus that spent us trillions into debt, while not coming close to reversing the unemployment which they said would top out at 6% and recover, which instead topped out at almost 11%, and we're still "recovering".

He kept the guy most responsible for bad policy.

Didn't save the auto industry, but did give billions to rich people.

Allowed taxes to rise, during a recession period.

Enacted the biggest flop in history, which dozens of companies *STILL* have waivers from because otherwise they'd cancel their insurance policies, and has caused millions of workers to have their hours cut.

And rolled out Dodd Frank, which he didn't propose, didn't write, and it doesn't solve anything at all.

That's your short list? Zero, is a short list, I agree.
Are you saying that ACA was not a Top Down Government policy?

It kinda isn't.

Because it was stewed in the heritage foundation as "private industry" alternative to "single payer" or "socialist" health care.

But the fact that 45K American citizens were dying due to that lack of health care insurance was okay by you guys.

Which illustrates just how much you hate this country.

That you would let that many Americans die. do you face yourselves in the morning?

Um... I went to the hospital without insurance. I got something called a "bill". I paid the "bill".

I didn't die. I'm not asking any of my fellow Americans to do something that I myself have not done. So, yeah, I can face myself in the mirror easily, knowing I'm helping more people than you are.

Tell me... how can you face yourself in the mirror knowing you killed those Veterans who waited in anguish only to die, not knowing that YOUR socialized health care system had just deleted their name from the waiting lists?

Patients starve and die of thirst on hospital wards - Telegraph

Forty-three hospital patients starved to death last year and 111 died of thirst while being treated on wards, new figures disclose today.

Tell me... how can you face yourself in the mirror knowing you support a system that let's people starve and die of thrist? How can you look at your face in the mirror knowing you want the same death for other Americans?

Mother 60 dies after doctor cancelled ambulance on its way to her home to cut costs Mail Online

Mother, 60, dies after doctor cancelled ambulance on its way to her home to 'cut costs'

Tell me... how can you face yourself in the mirror knowing you support a system that kills a 60 year old mother, in order to save their socialized system money?

My son will die if he comes home from US -

The mother of a seriously ill toddler says she is being forced to live in “exile” by health chiefs after moving to America to get life saving medical treatment for her son.

Tell me... how can you face yourself in the mirror knowing you would kill this child?

Honestly, how you people can defend your system is far more disturbing. You people kill millions across the world. My system saves their lives.

If anyone shouldn't be able to look themselves in the mirror with the death and destruction they have caused, it's you people on the left. The fact you can let people die, and have no problem... makes you a sociopath.

Premature baby left to die by doctors after mother gives birth just two days before 22-week care limit Mail Online

A midwife said he was breathing and had a strong heartbeat, and described him as a "little fighter".

I kept asking for the doctors but the midwife said, "They won't come and help, sweetie. Make the best of the time you have with him".'

She told how she begged one paediatrician, 'You have got to help', only for the man to respond: 'No we don't.'

That's your system at work. It's disgusting. And *YOU* are disgusting for wanting it.

So you have to go outside the country and cherry pick some bad events to justify your rambling?

Good one.
Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.1%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
10 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

Obama has done very little to earn credit for our improvement.

That's incorrect.

He didn't stop TARP.
He enacted the Stimulus.
He kept Bernake.
He saved the Auto Industry.
He didn't immediately sunset the Bush tax cuts.
He enacted the ACA.
He rolled out Dodd-Frank.

That's the short list.

LOL. He didn't stop the bank bailouts......... while the left said the bailing out banks was bad.

He enacted the Stimulus that spent us trillions into debt, while not coming close to reversing the unemployment which they said would top out at 6% and recover, which instead topped out at almost 11%, and we're still "recovering".

He kept the guy most responsible for bad policy.

Didn't save the auto industry, but did give billions to rich people.

Allowed taxes to rise, during a recession period.

Enacted the biggest flop in history, which dozens of companies *STILL* have waivers from because otherwise they'd cancel their insurance policies, and has caused millions of workers to have their hours cut.

And rolled out Dodd Frank, which he didn't propose, didn't write, and it doesn't solve anything at all.

That's your short list? Zero, is a short list, I agree.

The results are there for all to see.

Market over 17K.
5 Straight years of solid employment growth.
GDP going up.
Manufacturing coming back to the US.
US Auto industry number one in sales world wide.

If that's "failure" to you..I can't wait to see what you find successful.

If you find a country doing better? Move.
When Democrats move into new subsidized housing the first thing they do is remove (or destroy) all the mirrors. After that it's all so very simple.

How are you so familiar with "subsidized" housing and mirrors?
Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.1%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
10 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

Obama has done very little to earn credit for our improvement.

That's incorrect.

He didn't stop TARP.
He enacted the Stimulus.
He kept Bernake.
He saved the Auto Industry.
He didn't immediately sunset the Bush tax cuts.
He enacted the ACA.
He rolled out Dodd-Frank.

That's the short list.

LOL. He didn't stop the bank bailouts......... while the left said the bailing out banks was bad.

He enacted the Stimulus that spent us trillions into debt, while not coming close to reversing the unemployment which they said would top out at 6% and recover, which instead topped out at almost 11%, and we're still "recovering".

He kept the guy most responsible for bad policy.

Didn't save the auto industry, but did give billions to rich people.

Allowed taxes to rise, during a recession period.

Enacted the biggest flop in history, which dozens of companies *STILL* have waivers from because otherwise they'd cancel their insurance policies, and has caused millions of workers to have their hours cut.

And rolled out Dodd Frank, which he didn't propose, didn't write, and it doesn't solve anything at all.

That's your short list? Zero, is a short list, I agree.

The results are there for all to see.

Market over 17K.
5 Straight years of solid employment growth.
GDP going up.
Manufacturing coming back to the US.
US Auto industry number one in sales world wide.

If that's "failure" to you..I can't wait to see what you find successful.

If you find a country doing better? Move.

That's an economically illiterate position. If you are so uneducated, that you think the entire economy exists, grows, and dies, with the whims of just the president, or even the entire Federal Government, then you are just flat out ignorant.

The economy is not government. The economy, is not the president. The economy is *US*. We are the economy. It's organic. It's driven from the bottom up.

The economy is people making, buying and selling stuff.

Does government show up at HP, and say "Hey HP, you know you should make Laptops, and sell them!"? No.

Does government show up at Walmart, and say "Hey Walmart, you should get HP laptops, and sell them to consumers!"? No.

Does government show up at your door, and say "Hey citizens, you really want to go to a store and buy a laptop from HP"? Of course not.

Every aspect of the free-market economy exists NATURALLY. No one had to explain to AirBnB, that they should come up with a service people wanted, and sell it. They figured it out, with zero dollars, zero direction, zero regulation from the government. They figured it out on their own.

No one had to tell customers "you should go to AirBnB next time you are going out of town."... The figured out what they wanted on their own.

The point is, the economy would have recovered if the government had done NOTHING. Only in economically illiterate Leftard land, where "without government we'd all die die die!" does it make since to claim that the stock market, GDP, employment, manufacturing and auto sales, are all due to the benevolent divine power of Almighty Obama.

If you are an idiot.... then that makes sense. To the rest of us, who understand the basics of economics... that's retarded, and so is anyone who believes it.
Shitty employment numbers today, goddamn it.

I keep getting my hopes up.

Not good, we need a poke in the ass from somewhere.
Are you saying that ACA was not a Top Down Government policy?

It kinda isn't.

Because it was stewed in the heritage foundation as "private industry" alternative to "single payer" or "socialist" health care.

But the fact that 45K American citizens were dying due to that lack of health care insurance was okay by you guys.

Which illustrates just how much you hate this country.

That you would let that many Americans die. do you face yourselves in the morning?

Um... I went to the hospital without insurance. I got something called a "bill". I paid the "bill".

I didn't die. I'm not asking any of my fellow Americans to do something that I myself have not done. So, yeah, I can face myself in the mirror easily, knowing I'm helping more people than you are.

Tell me... how can you face yourself in the mirror knowing you killed those Veterans who waited in anguish only to die, not knowing that YOUR socialized health care system had just deleted their name from the waiting lists?

Patients starve and die of thirst on hospital wards - Telegraph

Forty-three hospital patients starved to death last year and 111 died of thirst while being treated on wards, new figures disclose today.

Tell me... how can you face yourself in the mirror knowing you support a system that let's people starve and die of thrist? How can you look at your face in the mirror knowing you want the same death for other Americans?

Mother 60 dies after doctor cancelled ambulance on its way to her home to cut costs Mail Online

Mother, 60, dies after doctor cancelled ambulance on its way to her home to 'cut costs'

Tell me... how can you face yourself in the mirror knowing you support a system that kills a 60 year old mother, in order to save their socialized system money?

My son will die if he comes home from US -

The mother of a seriously ill toddler says she is being forced to live in “exile” by health chiefs after moving to America to get life saving medical treatment for her son.

Tell me... how can you face yourself in the mirror knowing you would kill this child?

Honestly, how you people can defend your system is far more disturbing. You people kill millions across the world. My system saves their lives.

If anyone shouldn't be able to look themselves in the mirror with the death and destruction they have caused, it's you people on the left. The fact you can let people die, and have no problem... makes you a sociopath.

Premature baby left to die by doctors after mother gives birth just two days before 22-week care limit Mail Online

A midwife said he was breathing and had a strong heartbeat, and described him as a "little fighter".

I kept asking for the doctors but the midwife said, "They won't come and help, sweetie. Make the best of the time you have with him".'

She told how she begged one paediatrician, 'You have got to help', only for the man to respond: 'No we don't.'

That's your system at work. It's disgusting. And *YOU* are disgusting for wanting it.

So you have to go outside the country and cherry pick some bad events to justify your rambling?

Good one.

Oh that's right. In leftard land, have NO EXAMPLES is more convincing than hundreds.

NHS waiting lists how long are patients waiting News

But detailed analysis of official NHS waiting time data shows that an extra 200,000 patients had to wait more than four hours in accident and emergency before being dealt with; those not receiving a diagnostic test within six weeks had quadrupled year on year; and an extra 2,400 patients a month are waiting more than 18 weeks for treatment.

Sounds familiar? VA? That's not cherry picked examples.... that is THOUSANDS of patients waiting very long times.

In the UK, waiting forever is normal.

Patients cheated in NHS waiting list scandal Mail Online
They have used cruel tricks such as offering operations when they knew a patient would be on holiday, then dropping them from the list for refusing the date.

The National Audit Office, the Parliamentary watchdog, found that some hospitals have been massaging figures for years. Records were routinely fiddled to hide patients waiting longer than the Government's 18-month maximum.

Oh, you are going to be out of town on the third? Ok no problem. (drop).

I'll just keep posting more and more, the more you deny it. You'll just make yourself look more and more foolish as we go.
Bush's "massive stimulus bills" came in the form of tax cuts for the rich, under the notion that the rich are some how altruistic angels will to spend their windfalls on investment into their companies or innovation.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The rich, spend, on themselves. They buy massive mansions, boats and other big boy toys. One trip to Monaco will confirm that for you.

Bush didn't spend on infrastructure. There weren't many big federal builds during his time in office. Heck, they didn't even start rebuilding the Freedom Tower, until he was out of office. You would figure that, would at least, be completed.

Bush's notion, that somehow giving rich folks everything they wanted, was a dismal failure, as evidenced by the financial cataclysm he left for Obama.

Bush's tax cuts were larger for the middle class and poor than they were for the rich. In fact, it is because of Bush's moronic tax cuts that we now have half the country not paying any income taxes, ya moron.

"Bush didn't spend on infrastructure." Yeah cause all the money going to the infrastructure in NYC and NO that doesn't count. FT wasn't delayed by Bush dumb ass.

Bush warned about the realestate bubble, Frank was in charge and stonewalled republican reforms in congress.

But yes by and large Bush was a socialist POS aka moderate republican RINO, PNAC republican.

I'm not defending Bush, I'm just pointing out your lies.
Ya gotta be a "special" kind of stupid to think Frank, a member of the minority party until 2007, was in charge. Learn how our government functions and learn whether it's the majority party or the minority party which is in charge each respective chamber of the Congress so you can understand why that comment of yours is so asinine.
Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.1%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
10 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

Obama has done very little to earn credit for our improvement.

That's incorrect.

He didn't stop TARP.
He enacted the Stimulus.
He kept Bernake.
He saved the Auto Industry.
He didn't immediately sunset the Bush tax cuts.
He enacted the ACA.
He rolled out Dodd-Frank.

That's the short list.

LOL. He didn't stop the bank bailouts......... while the left said the bailing out banks was bad.

He enacted the Stimulus that spent us trillions into debt, while not coming close to reversing the unemployment which they said would top out at 6% and recover, which instead topped out at almost 11%, and we're still "recovering".

He kept the guy most responsible for bad policy.

Didn't save the auto industry, but did give billions to rich people.

Allowed taxes to rise, during a recession period.

Enacted the biggest flop in history, which dozens of companies *STILL* have waivers from because otherwise they'd cancel their insurance policies, and has caused millions of workers to have their hours cut.

And rolled out Dodd Frank, which he didn't propose, didn't write, and it doesn't solve anything at all.

That's your short list? Zero, is a short list, I agree.
Unemployment peaked at 10%. Who knows where you dreamed up that "almost 11%" from? :dunno:
Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.1%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
10 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

Obama has done very little to earn credit for our improvement.

That's incorrect.

He didn't stop TARP.
He enacted the Stimulus.
He kept Bernake.
He saved the Auto Industry.
He didn't immediately sunset the Bush tax cuts.
He enacted the ACA.
He rolled out Dodd-Frank.

That's the short list.

LOL. He didn't stop the bank bailouts......... while the left said the bailing out banks was bad.

He enacted the Stimulus that spent us trillions into debt, while not coming close to reversing the unemployment which they said would top out at 6% and recover, which instead topped out at almost 11%, and we're still "recovering".

He kept the guy most responsible for bad policy.

Didn't save the auto industry, but did give billions to rich people.

Allowed taxes to rise, during a recession period.

Enacted the biggest flop in history, which dozens of companies *STILL* have waivers from because otherwise they'd cancel their insurance policies, and has caused millions of workers to have their hours cut.

And rolled out Dodd Frank, which he didn't propose, didn't write, and it doesn't solve anything at all.

That's your short list? Zero, is a short list, I agree.

The results are there for all to see.

Market over 17K.
5 Straight years of solid employment growth.
GDP going up.
Manufacturing coming back to the US.
US Auto industry number one in sales world wide.

If that's "failure" to you..I can't wait to see what you find successful.

If you find a country doing better? Move.

That's an economically illiterate position. If you are so uneducated, that you think the entire economy exists, grows, and dies, with the whims of just the president, or even the entire Federal Government, then you are just flat out ignorant.

The economy is not government. The economy, is not the president. The economy is *US*. We are the economy. It's organic. It's driven from the bottom up.

The economy is people making, buying and selling stuff.

Does government show up at HP, and say "Hey HP, you know you should make Laptops, and sell them!"? No.

Does government show up at Walmart, and say "Hey Walmart, you should get HP laptops, and sell them to consumers!"? No.

Does government show up at your door, and say "Hey citizens, you really want to go to a store and buy a laptop from HP"? Of course not.

Every aspect of the free-market economy exists NATURALLY. No one had to explain to AirBnB, that they should come up with a service people wanted, and sell it. They figured it out, with zero dollars, zero direction, zero regulation from the government. They figured it out on their own.

No one had to tell customers "you should go to AirBnB next time you are going out of town."... The figured out what they wanted on their own.

The point is, the economy would have recovered if the government had done NOTHING. Only in economically illiterate Leftard land, where "without government we'd all die die die!" does it make since to claim that the stock market, GDP, employment, manufacturing and auto sales, are all due to the benevolent divine power of Almighty Obama.

If you are an idiot.... then that makes sense. To the rest of us, who understand the basics of economics... that's retarded, and so is anyone who believes it.
I find it almost adorable how righties blame Obama for the economy when it's bad, but then claim he has little to do with it when good news of the economy comes out.


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