More Economic GOOD NEWS: Employers add most jobs in 3 years in March

Employers added most jobs in 3 years in March

Good news! Imagine how much better it would've been had the stimulus package not passed. We'd probably be below 9% by now. And the new health care legislation will surely slow job growth for years to come.

And would you like to elaborate for us on how not passing the stimulus would have led to more jobs?

And be sure to include some references to the 2 or 3 hundred billion in tax cuts and credits that were in the stimulus. I am most eager to hear how they functioned as job killers.
Questions for those who think this is good news:

How many people are unemployed?

How many jobs need to be created to get unemployment back to 6%, accounting for population growth?

At the current rate, how long will such job recovery take?
They saved 2/3 of the stimulus money to "spread around" right before the election.

Good news for the USA.

Some on here dont like this news very much though.

Need a new calculator?

Typical of the lefts small mindedness of the matter of employment. You guys never know how to see a big picture

If you all would just read this and actually calculate the numbers and what type of jobs have increased, you would see that the government is taking over the whole of capitalism, many jobs gained are temporary and part time census takers, governmental, healthcare related and otherwise bureaucratic

Employment Situation Summary
Temporary help services added 40,000 jobs in March. Since September 2009, tempor
ary help services employment has risen by 313,000
Employment in federal government was up over the month, reflecting the hiring of
48,000 temporary workers for the decennial census.
And those Census Jobs end in July.
There wasn't a gain, it was a net loss again, just not as many as last month.

Stop trying to paint bad news as good news, its not working.

You want to entertain us with an elaboration of that, Xenophobe?

On another string I posted the following. You will find the numbers quite accurate. Remember the population is increasing as we post today and tomorrow and for each of the coming months. Immigration as well as young people coming of age require the economy to generate about 180,000 or more new jobs a month to start to make a dent into unemployment. As a fiscal conservative, I know that actual unemployment is over 27 percent. If the economy generated 200,000 new jobs a month, it would take thirty years for us to return to under six percent unemployment.

"To bring down the unemployment rate, the economy must add about 180,000 jobs each and every month to accommodate adult population growth, immigration, reentry of discouraged workers and marginally-occupied self-employed workers. Including the latter two groups, unemployment is closer to 27 percent than the Totally Bogus 9.7 percent mythical headline figure.

Overall, the economy must add more than 18 - 19 million jobs to bring unemployment down to 6 percent by the end of 2013. With state and local governments facing tough financial constraints, the private sector must add at least that many jobs to accomplish the task."
There wasn't a gain, it was a net loss again, just not as many as last month.

Stop trying to paint bad news as good news, its not working.

I guess you are one of those "Glass is half empty" kind of guys

What part of the economy adding 162,000 jobs is bad news?
Unless that spending oppresses the private sector causing more job losses.

It's a sad day when the ratio of those employed by the government to the private sector grows so fast, mainly because the government produces no product.

the govt produces war.

And yes this is what happened during the bush presidency. Check how many govt jobs were created then vs private sector.

Indianapolis Star - March 14, 2010 - "For the first time since the Civil War, in Indiana government employees exceed industrial and factory employees" Indiana has long been one of the most industria statesl; steel mills, auto manufacturers, auto parts manufacturing, coal mining, stone quarrying, etc.

FYI - the unions which are growing at all and growing the quickest are government employees unions, and they are the most hostile to free market competition and the private sector.
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To me, continued job losses is an overall worse scenario, no matter how many more companies hired employees last month.

The way I look at it, if I started at owning 1,000 dollars and I began losing $10/month overall, when that overall monthly loss decreases to $5/month my situation is still worsening, not improving. No matter how you spin it.

I want to be hopeful but I refuse to believe that things are improving when the numbers tell us the exact opposite. The rate of bad news is decreasing, but it's still bad news for a worsening economy.

At the current rate, we need to add about 100,000 jobs per month for the next 7 years to bring employment back to where it was 2 years ago. That number doesn't factor in millions of new workers who are coming out of college or high school.

So any story that tries to sell me on "things are improving" - when the overall jobless numbers are still expanding - is nothing more than a pipe dream.
To me, continued job losses is an overall worse scenario, no matter how many more companies hired employees last month.

The way I look at it, if I started at owning 1,000 dollars and I began losing $10/month overall, when that overall monthly loss decreases to $5/month my situation is still worsening, not improving. No matter how you spin it.

I want to be hopeful but I refuse to believe that things are improving when the numbers tell us the exact opposite. The rate of bad news is decreasing, but it's still bad news for a worsening economy.

At the current rate, we need to add about 100,000 jobs per month for the next 7 years to bring employment back to where it was 2 years ago. That number doesn't factor in millions of new workers who are coming out of college or high school.

So any story that tries to sell me on "things are improving" - when the overall jobless numbers are still expanding - is nothing more than a pipe dream.

So, 162,000 PLUS 100,000 equals 262,000 per month. That will not happen with the present administration in power. What the "Obama is doing a good job crowd" do not seem to understand that that we are losing ground and the ranks of the unemployed are still expanding with only 162,000 new jobs. They need to do a little study on the population, immigration and the real birth to death numbers.

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