More Economic GOOD NEWS: Employers add most jobs in 3 years in March

Unions are made up of Americans
That's a fair statement. My post points out they are for the most part unquestionalbly the most hostile to the private sector; among them are SEIU, and the teacher's union (NEA and others) which is so corrupt that they value their perks over the education of our children.
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Employers added most jobs in 3 years in March

Good news! Imagine how much better it would've been had the stimulus package not passed. We'd probably be below 9% by now. And the new health care legislation will surely slow job growth for years to come.

And would you like to elaborate for us on how not passing the stimulus would have led to more jobs?

And be sure to include some references to the 2 or 3 hundred billion in tax cuts and credits that were in the stimulus. I am most eager to hear how they functioned as job killers.

You can't just print money and not expect consequences. Since Federal stimulus rules prohibit state legislatures from cutting spending, that means they'll have to raise taxes. Higher taxes = less jobs.

Next question.
Employers add most jobs in 3 years in March -

WASHINGTON (AP) — The economy created the largest number of jobs last month since the recession began, while the unemployment rate remained at 9.7% for the third straight month.
The Labor Department said employers added 162,000 jobs in March, the most in three years but below analysts' expectations of 190,000. The total includes 48,000 temporary workers hired for the U.S. Census, also fewer than many economists forecast.

Private employers added 123,000 jobs, the most since May 2007.

:clap2: Its about time we at least didn't lose some darn jobs for a month. I hope this trend increases and continues.
WASHINGTON – The nation's economy posted its largest job gain in three years in March, while the unemployment rate remained at 9.7 percent for the third straight month.

The increase in payrolls is the latest sign that the economic recovery is gaining momentum and healing in the job market is beginning. Still, the healing is likely to be slow, and most economists don't expect new hiring to be fast enough this year to rapidly reduce the unemployment rate.

Employers added most jobs in 3 years in March - Yahoo! News

Hmmmm......maybe we've turned the corner!!

One can hope.

O will be curious to see what happens to RE sales (and pricing to follow) when the gov stops giving tax credits for buying new homes.

Also when the interst rates go up, that will be a problem, too.
BTW...Do how do the thousands of temporary census takers figure into those numbers, and do they have health care bennies?
That's good news?

Your standards are low.

What part of the economy adding 162,000 jobs is bad news?

The fact that it is not enough to keep up with the Work Force Growth rate.

That is what is bad about it. That means more people unemployed instead of less.

What I can't understand is that is there were 414,000 new unemployment claims and the unemployment rate remains unchanged at 9.7%, with the real unemployment rate that includes the underemployed and those who have given up looking at well over 17%.

So how can they say that 162,000 jobs were created as if that was something great? Every month of every year this country has been in existence, there have been people hired and people who for whatever reason have left jobs. If more people are hired than those who left jobs, then jobs were 'created'. If more people left jobs than people were hired, jobs were 'lost'.

When did that change? Is that part of the new progressivespeak or Obamaspeak?

If you go to Vegas and feed $500 into the dollar slots and the payout is $100, do you say that you made $100? Or did you lose $400?

And also, how many of those 162,000 were government jobs like census workers?

I think we're being subjected to a huge scam by the administration and their lapdog media accomplices here.
Employers add most jobs in 3 years in March -

WASHINGTON (AP) — The economy created the largest number of jobs last month since the recession began, while the unemployment rate remained at 9.7% for the third straight month.
The Labor Department said employers added 162,000 jobs in March, the most in three years but below analysts' expectations of 190,000. The total includes 48,000 temporary workers hired for the U.S. Census, also fewer than many economists forecast.

Private employers added 123,000 jobs, the most since May 2007.

You are such a dimwit; you see and hear, what you want to see and hear. The economy hasn't done squat. The Labor Department, and those are the key words here (just another segment of the Obama spin machine), claims employers added 123,000 jobs in March. They haven't added a thing, only replaced the 123,000 jobs lost in March, which left the unemployment rate at 9.7%.
yeah no good news for those who want this coutnry to fail so their party can gain ground.

Couldn't the same be said for the Democrats in '08?
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162,000 Jobs out of how many millions UNEMPLOYED.

The total includes 48,000 temporary workers hired for the U.S. Census,

and they trumpet this as being, GOOD NEWS.


Yes and how many of those were actually private sector jobs, I do beleive that at least 45,000 were hired temporary government census workers.

It would take an increase of 100,000 new jobs IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR per month for the next 5 years just to get to an 8% unemployment rate.
Anyone with a ounce of sense knows that historically, employment is always the last thing to recover from a recession.

This is good news, not great news. Great news would be unemployment going down. However, this is much better than losing 200,000 jobs to say the least.

Wingnuts have a Magic Math book that can do anything.

Really? I could have sworn it was the Marxists in Congress that think we have a magic money tree to indefinitely pay for every single entitlement they want to hand out with other peoples' money.

I have been wondering where that money tree is:lol::lol:.

" The problem with socialism/COLOR]l is that you eventually run out of other people's money. " Margaret Thatcher.

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