More economic Good News: US can make 40% profit off of Citigroup stock sales

How are those "investments" in FNMA and Freddie working out?

They kind of drag down the whole "Obama has a better ROI than Berkshire Hathaway!!" story, no?
The Bail Out of $400B for FM/FM exceeds the total amount forced on banks.
Treasury could reap 40% profit in sale of some Citigroup stock -

WASHINGTON — The Treasury Department said Monday that its first sales of Citigroup stock (C) will cover up to 1.5 billion shares.
That would amount to about 20% of the 7.7 billion shares of Citigroup common stock the government owns.

It received the shares as compensation for the financial support it extended to the bank during the height of the financial crisis.

In a statement Monday, Treasury said it plans to proceed with the sales of the Citigroup common stock "in an orderly fashion under a pre-arranged trading plan with Morgan Stanley, Treasury's sales agent."

Treasury did not disclose in its brief announcement exactly when the stock sales would begin or how long the sales would last.

Treasury said Morgan Stanley has authority to make the sales "under certain parameters" and Treasury expected to give the company the authority to sell additional shares after the initial 1.5 billion shares had been sold.

The sales should earn a tidy profit for the government, which bought the common stock in the summer of 2009 at $3.25 a share. Citigroup closed Friday at $4.86 a share.

Yes this IS GOOD NEWS!!! The Bush TARP fund is being repaid and a nice tidy profit is being realized. Once again congratulations go to Bush and his economic advisors for devising this plan. Too bad Obama and his economic advisors were too fucking stupid to see that their "Stimulus" could have been set up the same way...but instead it was used as a giant slush fund to pay off supporters....WITH NO CHANCE of repayment.


remember how many times we had to remind these people that TARP was done by Bush?

Now that it worked they remembered it was Bush and Paulson. It could have made us a shitload more too but they wanted to get the CEOs their bonuses.

Welcome to kensyian economic thoery, its works better than Unfettered markets thankfully.

I have no problem in congratulating Bush/Paulson for their role in the initial TARP payout. It helped to quell a financial panic and showed theat the Government was willing to stand behind the financial sector

I also congratulate Obama for withstanding the rightwing screams of Socialism/Nationalism/Government takeover to insist that the US taxpayer recieves a stake in the companies we were bailing out....just like any other investor would

The result is we will show some profits from TARP and Auto Company bailouts

Thats the way it should be
Dude bashes the Dems and the Repubs....

You need to turn down the morphene drip....

You are half right for a change.
LOL on the drip, someone who takes on the net persona of a pain pill addict....
And House is not even short term terminal is he?

I just like the show... I am not "Dr. House" nor Hugh Laurie...

You're not doing to well today... Perhaps more rest...

Even on Morphine my mind works better than yours.
I have no good days. Some just worse than others.

The show is fantasy not reality, just like the "conservative" right.
Last edited:
You are half right for a change.
LOL on the drip, someone who takes on the net persona of a pain pill addict....
And House is not even short term terminal is he?

I just like the show... I am not "Dr. House" nor Hugh Laurie...

You're not doing to well today... Perhaps more rest...

Even on Morphine my mind works better than yours.
I have no good days. Some just worse than others.

The show is fantasy not reality, just like the "conservative" right.

Sorry to hear it USC, I have to admitt you are my Hero in so many ways.

I love you man.
I just like the show... I am not "Dr. House" nor Hugh Laurie...

You're not doing to well today... Perhaps more rest...

Even on Morphine my mind works better than yours.
I have no good days. Some just worse than others.

The show is fantasy not reality, just like the "conservative" right.

Sorry to hear it USC, I have to admitt you are my Hero in so many ways.

I love you man.

Thanks. We do disagree on points but remain friends.
You are half right for a change.
LOL on the drip, someone who takes on the net persona of a pain pill addict....
And House is not even short term terminal is he?

I just like the show... I am not "Dr. House" nor Hugh Laurie...

You're not doing to well today... Perhaps more rest...

Even on Morphine my mind works better than yours.
You can believe what you want... I really don't care...

I have no good days. Some just worse than others.

The show is fantasy not reality, just like the "conservative" right.

I don't believe everything on Algore's interwebs either...
I just like the show... I am not "Dr. House" nor Hugh Laurie...

You're not doing to well today... Perhaps more rest...

Even on Morphine my mind works better than yours.
You can believe what you want... I really don't care...

I have no good days. Some just worse than others.

The show is fantasy not reality, just like the "conservative" right.

I don't believe everything on Algore's interwebs either...

And well you don't, the net is just like paper it does not care what you put on it.
You are half right for a change.
LOL on the drip, someone who takes on the net persona of a pain pill addict....
And House is not even short term terminal is he?

I just like the show... I am not "Dr. House" nor Hugh Laurie...

You're not doing to well today... Perhaps more rest...

Even on Morphine my mind works better than yours.
I have no good days. Some just worse than others.

This explains so much to me.
Treasury could reap 40% profit in sale of some Citigroup stock -

WASHINGTON — The Treasury Department said Monday that its first sales of Citigroup stock (C) will cover up to 1.5 billion shares.
That would amount to about 20% of the 7.7 billion shares of Citigroup common stock the government owns.

It received the shares as compensation for the financial support it extended to the bank during the height of the financial crisis.

In a statement Monday, Treasury said it plans to proceed with the sales of the Citigroup common stock "in an orderly fashion under a pre-arranged trading plan with Morgan Stanley, Treasury's sales agent."

Treasury did not disclose in its brief announcement exactly when the stock sales would begin or how long the sales would last.

Treasury said Morgan Stanley has authority to make the sales "under certain parameters" and Treasury expected to give the company the authority to sell additional shares after the initial 1.5 billion shares had been sold.

The sales should earn a tidy profit for the government, which bought the common stock in the summer of 2009 at $3.25 a share. Citigroup closed Friday at $4.86 a share.

Wonder why this stuff is never reported on the "so called" left wing media?
Even on Morphine my mind works better than yours.
You can believe what you want... I really don't care...

I have no good days. Some just worse than others.

The show is fantasy not reality, just like the "conservative" right.

I don't believe everything on Algore's interwebs either...

And well you don't, the net is just like paper it does not care what you put on it.


When some people post I don't believe a word of it...
Right...I'll give odds that the money recouped will be spent, rather than used to retire the debt printing it up out of thin air created.

Any takers?


Exactly Dude.............the k00ks never consider that. $$ that come in go right back out the door with more spending = more debt.

Liberalism is a hoax!!! Always has been.............always will be.
Right...I'll give odds that the money recouped will be spent, rather than used to retire the debt printing it up out of thin air created.

Any takers?


Exactly Dude.............the k00ks never consider that. $$ that come in go right back out the door with more spending = more debt.

Liberalism is a hoax!!! Always has been.............always will be.

As is conservatism.
the conservatives will compalin publically but be sure and get their share of that money.
Right...Shift the blame rather than call your own party to account.

Do you slugs ever not make excuses for the debauchery of your own?
So, since when is the federal government a business? The role of government is to protect its people and collect income taxes to maintain and improve infrastructure. The idea of our government using taxpayer dollars to invest in private companies and turn a profit is insanity. When a private company turns big profits the liberals cry "evil" and the business is taxed by the fed at a high rate. What will they do with the 40% profit? Who should cry "evil" and take it from them?
Right...I'll give odds that the money recouped will be spent, rather than used to retire the debt printing it up out of thin air created.

Any takers?


The federal government has already suggested that. Under LAW by the TARP 1 bailouts--all money returned was to repay the treasury.

"Pelosi said the unspent (and repaid) funds from the financial industry bailout would be a “good pay-for” for a second round of stimulus spending." - Pelosi Endorses Spending Bank Bailout Funds on Second Economic Stimulus

Of course--we have seen how well the 1st 787 BILLION did---:lol::lol:
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Right...I'll give odds that the money recouped will be spent, rather than used to retire the debt printing it up out of thin air created.

Any takers?


Exactly Dude.............the k00ks never consider that. $$ that come in go right back out the door with more spending = more debt.

Liberalism is a hoax!!! Always has been.............always will be.

As is conservatism.
the conservatives will compalin publically but be sure and get their share of that money. Just to support my assertion........headline from this morning's news.........

Economists: The stimulus didn't help
By Hibah Yousuf, staff reporterApril 26, 2010: 3:56 AM ET

NEW YORK ( -- The recovery is picking up steam as employers boost payrolls, but economists think the government's stimulus package and jobs bill had little to do with the rebound, according to a survey released Monday.

In latest quarterly survey by the National Association for Business Economics, the index that measures employment showed job growth for the first time in two years -- but a majority of respondents felt the fiscal stimulus had no impact.

Economists say the stimulus didn't help - Apr. 26, 2010


Like Ive been saying for 30 years...........Liberalism is a hoax.

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