More Environmentalist Fraud!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Ok...........ready for this??!!!

So........remember Phil Jones? He was the Director of the Climate Resarch Unit at the University of East Anglia. Removed after the Climategate scandal.

Well guess who's back as "Research Director"? Yup...........ahhhhh ( takes long draw on ciggy, Denis Leary style)..........

That would be................ Phil Jones.

Evidently, some investigations and a series of reports exonerated Jones of any scientific wrongdoing. And how did the reports reach this conclusion?????

They asked Jones and his colleagues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Not a one question was asked of any of Jones critics or any of the people who were damaged as a result of the Jones method's!!!

CRU’s Tree-Ring Circus - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

LIke you couldnt see this coming?? The study into wrongdoing was a "peer reviewed" study!!!

>>> insert hysterical analogy<<<

For over ten years Ive been saying it. This "man made" global warming stuff? It is fraud of epic proportions.........a hugely methodical hoax using cherry picked "science" to create an enormous illussion!!! And helping perpetuate this illusion are the multitudes of lefties in the media, or course, who have all been part of the hoax since its inception. Dont expect to find this story anywhere in the network or print media s0ns!!!
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If you wingnuts had to forego lies, innuendo, and stupidity, you would have no tactics.

s0n..........while I might be stupider than you, at least I have the ability to see a con job when it happens. Perhaps its because I have a real job with real responsibilities and I see it everyday. Lets hope you're never put in charge of anything..............

Could you imagine putting Old Rocks in charge of baseball for example? And lets say an investigation was necessary to determine if the umpires were fixing games. Old Rocks would put the crew chiefs on charge of the investigation:lol::lol:
I guess they realized this "Climategate" thing was just a hoax perpetrated by the deniers. One by one they're being cleared of everything. That's basically because it was mostly about politics and had very little to do with the actual science.
Look.........heres the poop folks.

Old Rocks is an elitist fcukking k00k who's world is 100% idealistic, and it doesnt take a genius to figure this out. When you are able to be on the computer 18 hours a day, it kinds tells you soemthing does it not?? And you will find, many of these environmentalist religious loons have one thing in common: they are largely social invalids and it is no accident that many are able to spend their whole life blogging about the way they want the world to be. Its not being out in the real woprld though........they dont get chances to assess real people in real situations, nor do they have to be held accountable for anything except paying their internet bill. It effects the way you view life s0ns..........

Its like my father in-law........PHd in English. Never worked a day in his life yet thinks he's the smartest among us. Self righteous as hell though with plenty of strong opinion............just like Rocks here. But in the real world, its the height of failure in my view. Like my fther in-law, Rocks lives a life of philosophy and for people like that, the world view is significantly clouded.

These people dont want to know information that challenges their worldview........
Look.........heres the poop folks.

Old Rocks is an elitist fcukking k00k who's world is 100% idealistic, and it doesnt take a genius to figure this out. When you are able to be on the computer 18 hours a day, it kinds tells you soemthing does it not?? And you will find, many of these environmentalist religious loons have one thing in common: they are largely social invalids and it is no accident that many are able to spend their whole life blogging about the way they want the world to be. Its not being out in the real woprld though........they dont get chances to assess real people in real situations, nor do they have to be held accountable for anything except paying their internet bill. It effects the way you view life s0ns..........

Its like my father in-law........PHd in English. Never worked a day in his life yet thinks he's the smartest among us. Self righteous as hell though with plenty of strong opinion............just like Rocks here. But in the real world, its the height of failure in my view. Like my fther in-law, Rocks lives a life of philosophy and for people like that, the world view is significantly clouded.

These people dont want to know information that challenges their worldview

That last sentence fits you to a tee. Making blanket statements about those of us that believe in AGW, leads me to think that there's a lot of YOU in that description. Those that scream the loudest often are trying to distract others from what they're really trying to hide. Put away the Cheetos. Move out of your mom's basement. Get some fresh air for a change.
Look.........heres the poop folks.

Old Rocks is an elitist fcukking k00k who's world is 100% idealistic, and it doesnt take a genius to figure this out. When you are able to be on the computer 18 hours a day, it kinds tells you soemthing does it not?? And you will find, many of these environmentalist religious loons have one thing in common: they are largely social invalids and it is no accident that many are able to spend their whole life blogging about the way they want the world to be. Its not being out in the real woprld though........they dont get chances to assess real people in real situations, nor do they have to be held accountable for anything except paying their internet bill. It effects the way you view life s0ns..........

Its like my father in-law........PHd in English. Never worked a day in his life yet thinks he's the smartest among us. Self righteous as hell though with plenty of strong opinion............just like Rocks here. But in the real world, its the height of failure in my view. Like my fther in-law, Rocks lives a life of philosophy and for people like that, the world view is significantly clouded.

These people dont want to know information that challenges their worldview........

While I agree with most of your post, I really doubt OR is a PhD of anything. Nor do I buy that he's smarter than anyone. People who get their jollies out of telling everyone how much smarter they are than the average joe generally have some serious issues.

The truly intelligent, classy people of this world do not feel compelled to advertise their position on the IQ richter scale. It's obvious when somebody is intelligent. They don't have to point it out. If they are pointing it out it's because nobody else think's they're very smart; usually because they AREN'T.
If you wingnuts had to forego lies, innuendo, and stupidity, you would have no tactics.

s0n..........while I might be stupider than you, at least I have the ability to see a con job when it happens. Perhaps its because I have a real job with real responsibilities and I see it everyday. Lets hope you're never put in charge of anything..............

Could you imagine putting Old Rocks in charge of baseball for example? And lets say an investigation was necessary to determine if the umpires were fixing games. Old Rocks would put the crew chiefs on charge of the investigation:lol::lol:

The truly disturbing thing about rocks is he actually is old and still manages to have no objectivity, perspective or credibility.

The science for AGW simply IS NOT there. On avg. has the earth been warming for a while now (disregarding the last 10-15 years)? Yes. Can man have significantly contributed to this warming? No.
If you wingnuts had to forego lies, innuendo, and stupidity, you would have no tactics.

s0n..........while I might be stupider than you, at least I have the ability to see a con job when it happens. Perhaps its because I have a real job with real responsibilities and I see it everyday. Lets hope you're never put in charge of anything..............

Could you imagine putting Old Rocks in charge of baseball for example? And lets say an investigation was necessary to determine if the umpires were fixing games. Old Rocks would put the crew chiefs on charge of the investigation:lol::lol:

The truly disturbing thing about rocks is he actually is old and still manages to have no objectivity, perspective or credibility.

The science for AGW simply IS NOT there. On avg. has the earth been warming for a while now (disregarding the last 10-15 years)? Yes. Can man have significantly contributed to this warming? No.

I agree. Arrogance and idiocy is forgivable in the young because they are easily led and foolish. But they outgrow it.

The ones who don't are useless.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my beloved niece and daughter in law for voting for Obama. Good job, girls.

But live and learn. They certainly won't vote for him or anyone like him ever again.
The Vikings farmed Greenland from 800s until the 1300s

Even the socialist democrat bible: the New York Times said to Cool the Hype

In 1421 China sailed through the &#8220;Polar regions&#8221; in a ship, no ice.

The &#8220;Ozone Hole&#8221; is getting larger even after Al Gore helped to ban Freon & CFCs through the Montreal Accord that doesn't require participation of China, India, & other developing countries.

Rolling Stone Magazine: Al Gore The Avenger - "As vice president, Gore was a chief architect of the Kyoto Protocol, the historic accord on reducing carbon-dioxide emissions. But the Senate refused to ratify the treaty, calling the evidence "inconclusive.""

China exempt from reducing greenhouse gases in Kyoto Signed by Clinton-Gore.

Al Gores campaign was funded by the (PRC) Peoples Republic of China. Do you see a pattern here with Gore helping China? Gore was key in passing NAFTA. (See Gore vs Perot Debate)

China is importing & hording oil at twice the rate they are using it.

Al Gore does not actually believe his CO2 causes warming story.

Why was "Global Warming" renamed "Global Climate Change"?

I forget, didn't these guys say we are we experiencing "Peak Oil"? How is it possible to fill the atmosphere with carbon if we are running out?

Weren't these so called "scientist" screaming global cooling 35 years ago?

Why were all the thermometers that read cool excluded from the temp data?

Dosen't CO2 Lag Temperature by 800 years?

Albany, New York has one of the longest actual temp measurements in U.S. When they started recording temp measurements in 1820 in Albany, New York the Average Annual Temperature for 1822 was 49.0F, & in 2008 it was still 49.0F.
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Dosen't CO2 Lag Temperature by 800 years?

Why would that be? As soon as an infra-red photon hits a CO2 molecule, it gets absorbed. When it gets re-emitted, it either goes out into space or down to earth. That DOES NOT take 800 hundred years. I think you're being fooled by people who are using creative statistics. The rise in CO2 in 800 years is a reaction to previous warming brought on by any number of factors. In AGW theory, we're that factor now.
Dosen't CO2 Lag Temperature by 800 years?

Why would that be? As soon as an infra-red photon hits a CO2 molecule, it gets absorbed. When it gets re-emitted, it either goes out into space or down to earth. That DOES NOT take 800 hundred years. I think you're being fooled by people who are using creative statistics. The rise in CO2 in 800 years is a reaction to previous warming brought on by any number of factors. In AGW theory, we're that factor now.

IPCC Scientist at
At least three careful ice core studies have shown that CO2 starts to rise about 800 years (600-1000 years) after Antarctic temperature during glacial terminations. These terminations are pronounced warming periods that mark the ends of the ice ages that happen every 100,000 years or so.
I guess they realized this "Climategate" thing was just a hoax perpetrated by the deniers. One by one they're being cleared of everything. That's basically because it was mostly about politics and had very little to do with the actual science.

They are only being cleared because they are investigating themselves you fool. Why is this so difficult for cultists to understand? Answer because it's a're dealing with faith, not science.

And yes konrad you can trot out your 'it's inevitable that if you keep adding CO2 the temps must rise' nonsense but think about it for a do you get MORE energy out of something than you put into it? Hmmm? It's called conservation of energy and is a basic Law of Physics. I can't remember which one it is but it is either number one or number two.

It's the same Law that says you can't build a perpetual motion machine.
Look.........heres the poop folks.

Old Rocks is an elitist fcukking k00k who's world is 100% idealistic, and it doesnt take a genius to figure this out. When you are able to be on the computer 18 hours a day, it kinds tells you soemthing does it not?? And you will find, many of these environmentalist religious loons have one thing in common: they are largely social invalids and it is no accident that many are able to spend their whole life blogging about the way they want the world to be. Its not being out in the real woprld though........they dont get chances to assess real people in real situations, nor do they have to be held accountable for anything except paying their internet bill. It effects the way you view life s0ns..........

Its like my father in-law........PHd in English. Never worked a day in his life yet thinks he's the smartest among us. Self righteous as hell though with plenty of strong opinion............just like Rocks here. But in the real world, its the height of failure in my view. Like my fther in-law, Rocks lives a life of philosophy and for people like that, the world view is significantly clouded.

These people dont want to know information that challenges their worldview........

While I agree with most of your post, I really doubt OR is a PhD of anything. Nor do I buy that he's smarter than anyone. People who get their jollies out of telling everyone how much smarter they are than the average joe generally have some serious issues.

The truly intelligent, classy people of this world do not feel compelled to advertise their position on the IQ richter scale. It's obvious when somebody is intelligent. They don't have to point it out. If they are pointing it out it's because nobody else think's they're very smart; usually because they AREN'T.

IDK bro..........OR could easily have a Phd in environmental blogging if they handed the things out. The guy must put in a minimum of 100 hours a week on here.........certainly commendable enough for special least in the Environmental Special Olympics
I guess they realized this "Climategate" thing was just a hoax perpetrated by the deniers. One by one they're being cleared of everything. That's basically because it was mostly about politics and had very little to do with the actual science.

They are only being cleared because they are investigating themselves you fool. Why is this so difficult for cultists to understand? Answer because it's a're dealing with faith, not science.

And yes konrad you can trot out your 'it's inevitable that if you keep adding CO2 the temps must rise' nonsense but think about it for a do you get MORE energy out of something than you put into it? Hmmm? It's called conservation of energy and is a basic Law of Physics. I can't remember which one it is but it is either number one or number two.

It's the same Law that says you can't build a perpetual motion machine.

You don't, so your post seems to be nonsense. You're asking me to agree with something for which you haven't presented any evidence. Who says you get more than you put in. This sounds like more denier distraction from the real issues. Typical, since that's all you've got!!!
s0n..........while I might be stupider than you, at least I have the ability to see a con job when it happens. Perhaps its because I have a real job with real responsibilities and I see it everyday. Lets hope you're never put in charge of anything..............

Could you imagine putting Old Rocks in charge of baseball for example? And lets say an investigation was necessary to determine if the umpires were fixing games. Old Rocks would put the crew chiefs on charge of the investigation:lol::lol:

The truly disturbing thing about rocks is he actually is old and still manages to have no objectivity, perspective or credibility.

The science for AGW simply IS NOT there. On avg. has the earth been warming for a while now (disregarding the last 10-15 years)? Yes. Can man have significantly contributed to this warming? No.

I agree. Arrogance and idiocy is forgivable in the young because they are easily led and foolish. But they outgrow it.

The ones who don't are useless.

Yep, so damned useless than I have a full time job that pays well. And I will be 67 this year and have been told that I have the job for as long as I want it. How about you?

Odd that all the Scientific Societies, the National Academies of Science, and major Universities share the same lack of perspective, objectivity, and credibility that I do. Perhaps you would like to address them and straighten them out with your incredible knowledge and wisdom?

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