More evidence Fed Quantitative Tightening is about to blow-up the economy

A show of hands, fiscal conservatives who lived within their means, have no debt, didn't take out a 40 year mortgage on a McMansion?
China bought the souls of our political leaders like Biden and his son Hunter and now have American corporations lobbying Congress for China.

Meanwhile, the media is protecting them all because anyone who pisses off China is now a target.

In fact, Putin would not be doing what he is doing without the support of China either.

China is on the verge of taking over the entire world period.
Hey at some point the borrowing and spending party will come to a screeching halt and CRASH. It's not like we fiscal conservatives didn't warn them. You can't go on borrowing and spending like there's no tomorrow forever.

I robbed the banks big time in the housing crash in 2008.
That's what I did, rob banks. But this gunslinger has gotten too old. I don't do that no more.
Besides, I'd never touch an equity line with today's inflationary spiral with no F'in end in sight!!
Especially since our President is a full blown anti-America maniac.
I'm in gold and oil and soon, probably tobacco to show you how conservative I am lol.
Gold, silver, land and paid for hard assets I can liquidate for a profit now that inflation is driving up the value. My savings are taking a hit from inflation, still in the black though overall.
are we heading for another housing market crash ? how many people that are new home owners will continue to pay for a home that has dropped in value i wonder ?
Homes are far overpriced. Apartments are too expensive. A managed correction is needed. But many ties it does not happen that way.
I robbed the banks big time in the housing crash in 2008.
That's what I did, rob banks. But this gunslinger has gotten too old. I don't do that no more.
Besides, I'd never touch an equity line with today's inflationary spiral with no F'in end in sight!!
Especially since our President is a full blown anti-America maniac.
I sold my old house just before the 2008 crash and sat on the sidelines in cash through the housing crash and scooped up a new construction home on acreage at the very bottom. I'm close to triple the value I paid. The market could crash 30% today and I'd still double my money. The acreage (in very high demand here) will cushion me during a housing crash and my buyers would be pretty well off financially.
Gold, silver, land and paid for hard assets I can liquidate for a profit now that inflation is driving up the value. My savings are taking a hit from inflation, still in the black though overall.
I sell calls on Gold and oil - so far it's the only thing making a sizeable profit in this market. And I'm wanting to unwind from oil soon - one tranche next week, another tranche the week after.

I don't think oil can hold up much longer before recession is obvious, if I recall, the summer driving miles for beginning of season will be known about June 17th. At that point the cat will be out of the bag that we are in a massive recession.
I sell calls on Gold and oil - so far it's the only thing making a sizeable profit in this market. And I'm wanting to unwind from oil soon - one tranche next week, another tranche the week after.

I don't think oil can hold up much longer before recession is obvious, if I recall, the summer driving miles for beginning of season will be known about June 17th. At that point the cat will be out of the bag that we are in a massive recession.

Initially, it will be referred to as a 'mild recession', if at all.
Initially, it will be referred to as a 'mild recession', if at all.
My friend and I joke it will be called a "fluke".

Because the -1.5% GDP for 2022Q1 was called a "fluke".

So when it happens again they'll just say "ok we are in recession but it's a fluke".
Bingo! Our elected so called leaders ran for office to line their own pockets period. Even if that means selling out the American people and industries.
Only place I know where people can go to work 9 months out of the year if that while needing to own two homes, one there and back in your own state, making a modest 6-figure income and a few years later be a millionaire!
The bigger problem is that investment REITs like Innovation Homes buy homes on variable rates expecting to sell them in 3-5 years.

Well their early purchases are used to buy more real estate. And they now have no way to deleverage or refinance without substantial losses.
yeah i've heard about big companies buying up homes that in turn helps to drive up prices ... though i am a capitalist i'm against big corps driving up the price of homes ... if home prices continue to climb the dream of owning a home for many Americans [especially the young first time buyers] will be unattainable ..


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