More evidence Joe Biden is a fool

Al Gore won. Your party had the first supreme court nominated prezidente in history(and the dumbest). Not that I cared for Al Gore all that much
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Al Gore won. You're party had the first supreme court nominated prezidente in history(and the dumbest). Not that I cared for Al Gore all that much

You are apparently that stupid and naive, but then again you did vote for Obama!
Worst sore winners I ever saw, the Republicans.

Gore had more legal votes in Florida than Bush, no matter what the chad standard was. Chads were the excuse the Bush team used to stop the counting of legal votes. Specifically, the overvotes with clear voter intent, where a voter checked the box and wrote in the same name. Those were legal votes under every version of Florida law, and they were never counted even once. If they had been counted, Gore would have won by a comfortable margin. The media recounts did verify that, but buried that uncomfortable fact on page A15, while trumpeting "Bush Won!" on page 1. That's our "liberal media" for you.

So congratulations, Republicans. You cheated, you won, now get over it already.
Biden is the first zombie Vice President in history. He suffered two brain aneurisms and was pronounced dead. Today he is prone to inappropriate outbursts and lucky for him the mainstream media has circled the wagons around him. I'm not crazy about Obama but I hope nothing happens to him that causes the Chief Justice to swear in a mental case as president although it's not the first time we might have been forced to endure a complete mental case. Democrats ran FDR for a 4th term when he was nothing more than a corpse. His medical records disappeared from a locked safe after he died. The liberal media was not curious about it at the time.
Al Gore won. Your party had the first supreme court nominated prezidente in history(and the dumbest). Not that I cared for Al Gore all that much

Which count/recount did Al Gore win?

Oh yeah. He didn't win any. Even the ones conducted by his prefered counting method after the Supreme Court decision.

At no time did Al Gore win Florida.

Anyone who claims otherwise is in no position to call someone else dumb.
Worst sore winners I ever saw, the Republicans.

Gore had more legal votes in Florida than Bush, no matter what the chad standard was. Chads were the excuse the Bush team used to stop the counting of legal votes. Specifically, the overvotes with clear voter intent, where a voter checked the box and wrote in the same name. Those were legal votes under every version of Florida law, and they were never counted even once. If they had been counted, Gore would have won by a comfortable margin. The media recounts did verify that, but buried that uncomfortable fact on page A15, while trumpeting "Bush Won!" on page 1. That's our "liberal media" for you.

So congratulations, Republicans. You cheated, you won, now get over it already.

Nonsense. Bush won every count. Even the ones done by the media and the Gore operatives.

Sore winners? We wouldn't even be talking about this if the left just got over it and stopped lying about it.
Vice President Cheney has more integrity in his little finger than most people have in their whole hand. ;)

He's a despicable evil bastard. A corrupt tyrant with the blood of thousands of Americans on his hands. Integrity my ass.

I can forgive Bush because he was just a puppet. But Cheney knew exactly what he was doing.

EDIT - Thanks for the neg "the rabbi" :D; It must really annoy you that Cheney handed 8 years of the white house to the democrats
Sometimes a leader must take one life to save thousands in his own country. If he doesn't, the death toll on his watch against his people to predatory influences could reach into the millions.

And I know Dick Cheney through a member of my church who watched him grow up next door to her. He was a regular American kid, but because he was resourceful, won and later married the prettiest, most intelligent girl in his class in high school who was homecoming queen and he, her king. He became very popular among his fellow Equality State members, who elected him five times over to be their United States Representative, where his office was known to be open to all his constituents, any time at their convenience, night or day. His reputation in Congress was so high, he was invited to participate in various advisory positions in five Presidential administrations, and usually where a well-researched understanding was needed.

Smart, caring, open to discussion: that's the real Dick Cheney, and if you think otherwise, you read too much manufactured smut that jealous detractors make on the good people of life.

We're all entitled to our own opinion I suppose
You Republicants should be ashamed talking about our next president that way.
Biden might as well be the next President...he's worked all his worthless life sucking off taxpayers what's a few more..
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Biden might as well be the next President...he's worked all his worthless life sucking off taxpayers what's a few more..

Your terrible candidates of recent years make it a foregone conclusion, Steph.
Biden might as well be the next President...he's worked all his worthless life sucking off taxpayers what's a few more..

Your terrible candidates of recent years make it a foregone conclusion, Steph.

After watching you people put a Junior Senator in congress with no record, not even his one term, I wouldn't be surprised by anyone you all put in as President
Joe Biden is smart enough to hide. He knows that as part of the obama regime he's going to be clobbered if he decides to run for president.

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