More Evidence Supporting The Fact That Democrats Can Not Be Entrusted With Classified Information


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz facilitated espionage by terrorist-connected Pakistani Spies. The Democrats who they worked for refused to press charges after discovering the Pakistanis were spying and stealing computers and other equipment.

Feinstein hired a Chinese spy. (I would bet that, like in the Pakistani spy case, this was allowed to happen simply because Democrats failed to do even a minimal background check before hiring him.)

Obama knew the Russians were interfering in 2014 and did nothing. He knew they were trying to hack Senior-level govt officials, knew Hillary was running an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server containing TOP SECET+ data jeopardizing national security - refused to shut it down, and facilitated *like Hillary) 6 foreign entities stealing that classified info..

Every time you turn around you find Liberals compromising national security...

Feinstein was 'mortified' by FBI allegation that staffer was spy for China: report

"The suspected spy served as the lawmaker’s driver in California, but took on other roles as well, including helping out in her San Francisco office and being Feinstein’s liaison to the Asian-American community in the state. He attended Chinese Consulate events on behalf of the senator.

A former official said that the spy’s handler “probably got an award back in China” for his efforts to penetrate Feinstein’s office and pass on intelligence."
The ISI is the most dangerous Intel Agency in the World.

Believe it.
I wouldn't even trust a Democrat to operate a $1 windshield washing service for passing know they would find some outlandish way to even fuck that up.
yeah, I think they're keeping the Mueller investigation going, just so these stories don't get mentioned in the press.
Let me see if I get this correct. You are more concerned with these alleged leaks of intelligence 4 years ago, then a president who now appears to be compromised, who invites Russian spies into the oval office, has private meetings with a Russian spymaster where no one is present, who is under investigation for conspiracy to undermine our elections, where the special counsel has already indicated 4 of Trump's campaign associates and who has recently tweeted that his AG Sessions should obstruct justice because Trump fears Mueller is getting too close to the truth.

Yeah, I would trust a 1000 liberals to one Trump. Who knows where Trump's loyalty lie...I do believe it is the country west of the Bering Straits.
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Let me see if I get this correct. You are more concerned with these alleged leaks of intelligence 4 years ago, then a president who now appears to be compromised, who invites Russian spies into the oval office, has private meetings with a Russian spymaster where no one is present, who is under investigation for conspiracy to undermine our elections, where the special counsel has already indicated 4 of Trump's campaign associates and who has recently tweeted that his AG Sessions should obstruct justice because Trump fears Mueller is getting too close to the truth.

Yeah, I would trust a 1000 liberals to one Trump. Who knows where Trump's loyalty lie...I do believe it is the country west of the Bering Straits.
And we know Trump GAVE AWAY Secret material the US obtained from Israel


get this

fuking Russia.

Right wingers can no longer complain it's they who keep America safe.

Remember, it was Bush and the GOP who let Bin Laden go.

And Obama who took him down.
Let me see if I get this correct. You are more concerned with these alleged leaks of intelligence 4 years ago, then a president who now appears to be compromised, who invites Russian spies into the oval office, has private meetings with a Russian spymaster where no one is present, who is under investigation for conspiracy to undermine our elections, where the special counsel has already indicated 4 of Trump's campaign associates and who has recently tweeted that his AG Sessions should obstruct justice because Trump fears Mueller is getting too close to the truth.

Yeah, I would trust a 1000 liberals to one Trump. Who knows where Trump's loyalty lie...I do believe it is the country west of the Bering Straits.
Is this the best dirt that fox news can come up with? 4 year old shit?
They're really scraping the bottom of the barrel now.

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