More evidence that China & our own government know the virus came from the lab

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011

Shame we don't have an honest msm to dig into this. It stinks of blatant corruption.
Many of you may not watch the video and I suppose if you choose to remain ignorant that's your choice but the rest of us need to demand accountability.
This scandal, if it is true, goes all the way to Dr Fauci
If Fauci was involved in funding the Wuhan lab’s research of bats with corona virus without any oversight, through his leading the NIH, he needs to be fired and maybe prosecuted.

I know...I know...I’m dreaming again. Elites never pay a price in our corrupt world.
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Didn't view video based on seeing title, "Hypothesis Could Reveal" and reading, "if it is true". I also see the source is The Hill, not exactly the New England Journal of Medicine. Heck, some have traced the roots of the Spanish Flu of 1918 back to Kansas but nobody knows for sure.
It was created in a lab in North Carolina. When it was ready to be released Obama sent it to Wuhan along with 3.7 million dollars for their trouble. Fact checkers will tell you that isn't true. That Obama gave 3.7 million to the National Institute of Health. Fact checkers don't tell you that Fauci was head of the NIH.
Do you think there will be any real repercussions if it is found out that it came from lab?
Sadly, NO. If there was justice in this world, there would be a Nuremberg style investigation with death penalties handed out to EVERY one of these hoaxsters that released this and perpetrated the hoax on the world. That would drain the swamp.
Do you think there will be any real repercussions if it is found out that it came from lab?
Sadly, NO. If there was justice in this world, there would be a Nuremberg style investigation with death penalties handed out to EVERY one of these hoaxsters that released this and perpetrated the hoax on the world. That would drain the swamp.
The fox was guarding the hen house.

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