More evidence that more gun laws are not what is needed in the US

OP is a complete moroon. Switzerland is a right wing utopia? I guess that means China is a leftist utopia then. Even when the OP posts a story from a legitimate source they still fall back on wacky right wing talking points and ideology and basically ignore everything in the article.

Excerpt from the Businessinsider article the OP linked

Swiss authorities decide on a local level whether to give people gun permits. They also keep a log of everyone who owns a gun in their region — known as a canton — though hunting rifles and some semiautomatic long arms are exempt from the permit requirement.

Cantonal police don't take their duty doling out gun licenses lightly. They might consult a psychiatrist or talk with authorities in other cantons where a prospective gun buyer has lived to
vet the person

People who've been convicted of a crime or have an alcohol or drug addiction aren't allowed to buy guns in Switzerland.

The law also states that anyone who "expresses a violent or dangerous attitude" won't be permitted to own a gun.

Gun owners who want to carry their weapon for "defensive purposes" also have to prove they can properly load, unload, and shoot their weapon and must pass a test to get a license.

After hundreds of years of letting local cantons determine gun rules, Switzerland passed its first federal regulations on guns in 1999, after the country's crime rate increased during the 1990s.

Since then, the government has added more provisions to keep the country on par with EU gun laws, and gun deaths — including suicides — have continued to drop.

Concealed-carry permits are tough to get in Switzerland, and most people who aren't security workers or police officers don't have one.

Switzerland has some of the toughest gun laws in europe. Something right wing gun nuts here would never accept. Right utopia? LMAO
It's difficult to compare gun or violent crimes of a white or nearly all white country with ours due to our diversity. For instance over 50% of our murders are committed by just 7% of our population which are black males. Other countries don't have such issues to deal with. So it's more than just guns.

If you take a nice safe middle-class white suburb, create a law that all households must have a firearm, their crime rate will not change. If you go to a high crime ghetto, create a law that nobody is allowed to own a firearm, their crime rate will not change either.

What does this tell us? It's people--not guns that are the problem.

People who have easy access to guns are the problem. You remove that access and instead of gun violence, you are simply left with normal violence, which is nowhere near as deadly. When was the last time you heard of a mass knife attack where 25 ppl died? Nowhere in the world does this happen.
People who have easy access to guns are the problem. You remove that access and instead of gun violence, you are simply left with normal violence, which is nowhere near as deadly. When was the last time you heard of a mass knife attack where 25 ppl died? Nowhere in the world does this happen.
Criminals have easy access to guns! Gun law doesn’t change that. Gun laws restrict law abiding people
OP is a complete moroon. Switzerland is a right wing utopia? I guess that means China is a leftist utopia then. Even when the OP posts a story from a legitimate source they still fall back on wacky right wing talking points and ideology and basically ignore everything in the article.

Excerpt from the Businessinsider article the OP linked

Switzerland has some of the toughest gun laws in europe. Something right wing gun nuts here would never accept. Right utopia? LMAO

Yeah...dumb shit.....we wouldn't accept their extreme gun control laws......and those laws don't stop criminals or mass public shooters...their population is just more stable than our population dipshit......
Criminals have easy access to guns! Gun law doesn’t change that. Gun laws restrict law abiding people
Yep I have 50+ Guns yet have to do 4473 on EVERY purchase and wait 10 days to pick firearm up . ( BTW I’m a 12 year CCW holder )
We do not need more gun laws, WE need less. But the laws we do decide on MUST be followed & systems Must be in place to make sure this happens.
And we need less criminals and thugs that make poor life choices. I'd wager that the Switzerland doesn't have the criminality that the US has as well. Most legal gun owners are responsible owners. The crazies and the criminals are the ones the media and politicians want us to see or hear about.
75 % of Swiss Gun owners are Military ( Current duty or Reserve and or LEOs or Volunteer LEOs .
Yep I have 50+ Guns yet have to do 4473 on EVERY purchase and wait 10 days to pick firearm up . ( BTW I’m a 12 year CCW holder )
It suggests the elites only want power, using compliant sheep as parrots to interfere
It suggests the elites only want power, using compliant sheep as parrots to interfere
They know they can’t impose A Browner Socialist Pro SJW America without Disarmament of the Populace Thai might try to stop it all
Criminals have easy access to guns! Gun law doesn’t change that. Gun laws restrict law abiding people

Criminals have easy access to guns because guns are so readily available. Anyone can go to a gun show and purchase one. Even without a gun show ppl can simply use straw purchases to get guns. It's easy. Then there are ppl who aren't criminals at all, but become simply end up using their guns in an unlawful manner. The more easily something is to get the more likely it'll end up in the wrong hands. That's simple logic. None of this happens in other countries where guns are highly regulated.
Yeah...dumb shit.....we wouldn't accept their extreme gun control laws......and those laws don't stop criminals or mass public shooters...their population is just more stable than our population dipshit......

So why are mass shooters nearly non existent in those countries with strict gun laws? Where are all the mass shootings in Korea, Britain, Scotland, Australia, Japan, etc, etc? Where are all the reports of gun wielding armed robberies? It only happens in countries where it's easy to get a gun. This is a concept so simple even a child could understand it.

Crime exists everywhere, the only difference between america and somewhere else is, all you need is cash to buy a gun here.
Criminals have easy access to guns because guns are so readily available. Anyone can go to a gun show and purchase one. Even without a gun show ppl can simply use straw purchases to get guns. It's easy.
And a federal felony - its illegal for someone who cannot legally own/possess a gun to buy one.
How do you prevent an illegal act?
None of this happens in other countries where guns are highly regulated.
Why is that?
And a federal felony - its illegal for someone who cannot legally own/possess a gun to buy one.
How do you prevent an illegal act?

Why is that?

And......a criminal is going to care about that, why?

Simple, ban guns altogether or have the same common sense restrictions as every other country. Right now we have neither.

Dunno. Why?

If you don't know the answer, then you shouldn't be asking the question.
People who have easy access to guns are the problem. You remove that access and instead of gun violence, you are simply left with normal violence, which is nowhere near as deadly. When was the last time you heard of a mass knife attack where 25 ppl died? Nowhere in the world does this happen.

Normal violence? Yes....women and the elderly beaten or stabbed......because a young male criminal can easily over power either category.......which is what you see in Britain......

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings, stabbings, kidnappings, and even mass public shootings...according to the Centers for Disease Control...or, 1.5 million times a year according to the Department of Justice.

Take those guns away and you then have more women raped, more people brutally beaten and knives and clubs and by bare hands....

For you, it is better that a woman is brutally beaten, raped, tortured and murdered, than she have a gun to stop the rape....right?

And what has happened across the world when you have taken guns away from the people?

Mass murder by the government that took those guns....

Can you understand the following?

The Europeans began registering and confiscating guns in the 1920s, by the mid 1930s the German socialists began the process of murdering 15 million innocent men, women and children....

15 million.

Between 1939-1945.....6 years.

How many gun murders have their been in the U.S.?

We average about 10,000 gun murders a year, a little more since 2015 (because of democrat party policies), and the vast majority of those victims are criminals, not innocent men, women or children.

In our entire 246 year history, that makes for around 2,460,000 gun murder victims.........

15 million murdered in Europe after they gave up their guns. In just 6 years of murder.

2,460,000 gun murder victims in 246 years...

So your argument holds no water......

Criminals will continue to brutalize citizens without guns, while unarmed citizens simply have to sit back and be victimzed....

Guns civilized society.....they made it possible for women, the elderly, and the weak to stop violent want to end that.

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