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More Evidence that One-Size-Fits-All Lockdowns Are Senseless and Unscientific

These are the current COVID-19 stats, as of this morning, for California, which has a population (39.5 million) that is larger than that of most countries, including Canada, Australia, Venezuela, Chile, Guatemala, and Romania. These stats are further proof that the Democrats' one-size-fits-all lockdown approach is senseless. They also prove there is no rational reason to keep our schools closed.

All Ages
Cases: 1.02 million
Deaths: 18,253
Death rate: 1.79%
Survival rate: 98.21%

Ages 0-17
Cases: 111,180
Deaths: 0
Death rate: 0.0%
Survival rate: 100%

Ages 18-49
Cases: 608,940
Deaths: 1,314
Death rate: 0.216% (the flu's death rate is between 0.150% and 0.250%)
Survival rate: 99.784%

Ages 50-64
Cases: 191,760
Deaths: 3,486
Death rate: 1.82%
Survival rate: 98.18%

Ages 65-100
Cases: 107,100
Deaths: 13,434
Death rate: 12.6%
Survival rate: 87.4%

These stats are based on the numbers published on the California Department of Health's website:

Tracking COVID-19 in California
The democrats DO NOT HAVE a one size fits ALL lockdown policy, that was TRUMPs this past Spring, and we've learned from it.

If lockdown are needed, it would be localized, in very hot spots, who do not have any hospital space left, to care for the sick in their communities, or enough doctors o rd etc, to care for the sick.

Where a mask, stop being nincompoops! You are unnecessarily killing people, before their time.

This is total bullshit you know that's not true. No blue state is doing things that way

State wide lockdowns

What a terrible fucking take

I do like that you're acknowledging what ridiculous policy it is tho

By the standards biden would apply the whole country should be locked down. Cases are rising everywhere
States, Republican state governors ARE putting in restrictions, in hot spots....this really is not a POLITICAL thing..... It's a life or death thing.

And no, restrictions are not lockdowns.

Lockdowns are STAY AT HOME orders.

Biden can NOT order them, he can only suggest them.... States, rule themselves in these matters.

Wear a mask, social distance, wash and sanitize your hands frequently....more than 40% people who are infected, are asymptomatic.... have no clue they are sick....have no idea they are spreading it, to the more vulnerable.

This is a sneaky, son of a bitch virus. Unlike the influenza virus, for many...there are no symptoms that send a message to others....to stay away from them, to keep yourself well....like a person with the flu shows...coughing, sneezing etc.

The only way these human viruses can live, is if they have a human host...the virus's whole mission is survival...survival entails continual infection of as many humans as possible.

Yes it is.

They have political concerns

Not medical concerns, most of what is being suggested is psuedo science that infringes on basic rights. There is not enough evidence to justify this reaction.

Soft quarantines don't work

Contract tracing sure as shit doens't work

Not enough people will take the vaccine even if it's 100% effective

CLoth masks are backed by psuedo science only, there is no reason to think they will protect you from a virus or stop you from spreading it.

The objection to masks and social distancing, partial locks downs, flattening the curve, etc., is that they do not and can not work to end the epidemic, so then actually just increase the death count by making it last longer, which spreads it wider.

Draconian measures can be justified if it ends the epidemic, but not just to make statistics lower for some small period of time.
Flattening the curve is just murder, and helps no one.

If we don't do total quarantine with contract tracing to quickly end an epidemic, then the only other alternative is to quickly end it with accelerated herd immunity, where you deliberately infect young volunteers who are at almost no risk.
Mortality rate declining every day along with critical case rate by simply testing more people.

That is correct.
The reality is that with more testing we are discovering that 90% of the infected are asymptomatic, so are not getting tested or being counted.
And that also means Fauci's early estimates of how many would die to achieve herd immunity were off by over a factor of 1000 too high.
His 1.5% lethality rate should have been 0.15%, his 70% needing to get infected and recover should have been 7%, and by using young and healthy volunteers for deliberate infection, we could have reduced the death toll by another factor of 40.
These are the current COVID-19 stats, as of this morning, for California, which has a population (39.5 million) that is larger than that of most countries, including Canada, Australia, Venezuela, Chile, Guatemala, and Romania. These stats are further proof that the Democrats' one-size-fits-all lockdown approach is senseless. They also prove there is no rational reason to keep our schools closed.

All Ages
Cases: 1.02 million
Deaths: 18,253
Death rate: 1.79%
Survival rate: 98.21%

Ages 0-17
Cases: 111,180
Deaths: 0
Death rate: 0.0%
Survival rate: 100%

Ages 18-49
Cases: 608,940
Deaths: 1,314
Death rate: 0.216% (the flu's death rate is between 0.150% and 0.250%)
Survival rate: 99.784%

Ages 50-64
Cases: 191,760
Deaths: 3,486
Death rate: 1.82%
Survival rate: 98.18%

Ages 65-100
Cases: 107,100
Deaths: 13,434
Death rate: 12.6%
Survival rate: 87.4%

These stats are based on the numbers published on the California Department of Health's website:

Tracking COVID-19 in California
The democrats DO NOT HAVE a one size fits ALL lockdown policy, that was TRUMPs this past Spring, and we've learned from it.

If lockdown are needed, it would be localized, in very hot spots, who do not have any hospital space left, to care for the sick in their communities, or enough doctors o rd etc, to care for the sick.

Where a mask, stop being nincompoops! You are unnecessarily killing people, before their time.

This is total bullshit you know that's not true. No blue state is doing things that way

State wide lockdowns

What a terrible fucking take

I do like that you're acknowledging what ridiculous policy it is tho

By the standards biden would apply the whole country should be locked down. Cases are rising everywhere
States, Republican state governors ARE putting in restrictions, in hot spots....this really is not a POLITICAL thing..... It's a life or death thing.

And no, restrictions are not lockdowns.

Lockdowns are STAY AT HOME orders.

Biden can NOT order them, he can only suggest them.... States, rule themselves in these matters.

Wear a mask, social distance, wash and sanitize your hands frequently....more than 40% people who are infected, are asymptomatic.... have no clue they are sick....have no idea they are spreading it, to the more vulnerable.

This is a sneaky, son of a bitch virus. Unlike the influenza virus, for many...there are no symptoms that send a message to others....to stay away from them, to keep yourself well....like a person with the flu shows...coughing, sneezing etc.

The only way these human viruses can live, is if they have a human host...the virus's whole mission is survival...survival entails continual infection of as many humans as possible.

Yes it is.

They have political concerns

Not medical concerns, most of what is being suggested is psuedo science that infringes on basic rights. There is not enough evidence to justify this reaction.

Soft quarantines don't work

Contract tracing sure as shit doens't work

Not enough people will take the vaccine even if it's 100% effective

CLoth masks are backed by psuedo science only, there is no reason to think they will protect you from a virus or stop you from spreading it.

The objection to masks and social distancing, partial locks downs, flattening the curve, etc., is that they do not and can not work to end the epidemic, so then actually just increase the death count by making it last longer, which spreads it wider.

Draconian measures can be justified if it ends the epidemic, but not just to make statistics lower for some small period of time.
Flattening the curve is just murder, and helps no one.

If we don't do total quarantine with contract tracing to quickly end an epidemic, then the only other alternative is to quickly end it with accelerated herd immunity, where you deliberately infect young volunteers who are at almost no risk.

Exactly, the only way you can imagine lockdowns beign worth it is if you go from a very stringent lockdown directly into mass vaccination. Anything else and your hollistic death rate is going to be very similar to nations who did nothing

Stretching it out kills slightly more in the long run.

But herd immunity can also be obtained without a vaccine, so could have been accomplished in March.
All you would have to do is substitute young/healthy volunteers who face insignificant risk, for the elderly who are at high risk. And that is easy to quarantine with deliberate infections.

Fauci estimated 4 million would die before herd immunity, but now that we know 90% are asymptomatic, and the young are 40 times less likely to die than average, the actual cost of herd immunity would have been more like 4 thousand only. We could have done that in March and saved 200,000 people.
? which state has a statewide lockdown?


Again, not true.

These are the current COVID-19 stats, as of this morning, for California, which has a population (39.5 million) that is larger than that of most countries, including Canada, Australia, Venezuela, Chile, Guatemala, and Romania. These stats are further proof that the Democrats' one-size-fits-all lockdown approach is senseless. They also prove there is no rational reason to keep our schools closed.

All Ages
Cases: 1.02 million
Deaths: 18,253
Death rate: 1.79%
Survival rate: 98.21%

Ages 0-17
Cases: 111,180
Deaths: 0
Death rate: 0.0%
Survival rate: 100%

Ages 18-49
Cases: 608,940
Deaths: 1,314
Death rate: 0.216% (the flu's death rate is between 0.150% and 0.250%)
Survival rate: 99.784%

Ages 50-64
Cases: 191,760
Deaths: 3,486
Death rate: 1.82%
Survival rate: 98.18%

Ages 65-100
Cases: 107,100
Deaths: 13,434
Death rate: 12.6%
Survival rate: 87.4%

These stats are based on the numbers published on the California Department of Health's website:

Tracking COVID-19 in California
The democrats DO NOT HAVE a one size fits ALL lockdown policy, that was TRUMPs this past Spring, and we've learned from it.

If lockdowns are needed, it would be localized, in very hot spots, who do not have any hospital space left, to care for the sick in their communities, or enough doctors etc, to care for the sick.

Wear a mask, stop being nincompoops! You are unnecessarily killing people, before their time.

Washington, Oregon made statewide restrictions over the weekend, even in counties of no spikes. So, tell me what we've learned? Also, please tell me what states did Trump lockdown, because as far as I know most states used the one size fits all lockdown policy in the spring.
I'm sorry, restrictions are not lockdowns to me.... lockdown is when we are all forced to stay at home if non essential workers, and closed if non essential businesses....

What we went through this past Spring....maybe it was just the northeast????

Lets see, you can't go to restaurants, you can't go to gyms, you can go to movies, you can't go to bowling alleys, if you want to see your family there is a 14 day quarantine, or 7 days followed by a Covid test. Grocery stores are at 25% capacity, as are all other stores. So basically its a shutdown, where are you going to go? Now, since March, no one comes over, we don't go anywhere except the grocery store. Now the wonderful governor is going to have us stand outside to get into grocery stores in freezing weather and snow, yeah that is going to be healthy, isn't it? Grocery stores are not where the spread of Covid is however this has to be fair.

I am beginning to like Covid in a way as I become more socially distant and less tolerant of people. Continue with the lockdowns, restrictions, whatever the hell you want to call them. The quality of life seems unimportant to people, the focus seems to be on quantity of life.

You may not call these lockdowns however others do.

The article on the original site says 'Starting' to lockdown again, not that they have gone to Stay at Home orders.

And yes it sucks big-time! But, it's better than being dead or your wife being dead or your mom being dead or your child's husband being dead, or your neighbor being dead, because you just wanted things being normal again.... these truly are not normal times....They won't be normal times again, for at least another year or two.... time to accept this, and to do what you can, to help your country and countrymen.

Never said anything about stay at home orders, not sure why you mention that Most states are going state by state, each state is imposing a one size fits all concept.

Where have I said I wasn’t going to accept this? Why do you assume I’m not doing what I can? I wear the mask, I stay indoors at my home when I’m not at work.

What I can’t figure out is the really smart people were not prepared for a resurgence in the fall and winter? It is common sense and yet, the governors and all their experts didn’t see this? It seems that the politicians put party over the people.

Where is help from the feds? More of the party over politics., that is all that is happening.

We need tp patient? While our politicians do whatever the hell they want. Break their own rules and exempt themselves.

The two parties are giving us what we voted for and like idiots, we will vote the same bunch in two and four years and wonder why nothing changes. What is worse, no one is allowed to question anything, we are open to do whatever they command.

I am glad people challenged ideas and standards in the past or we’d have more people dead from blood letting.
These are the current COVID-19 stats, as of this morning, for California, which has a population (39.5 million) that is larger than that of most countries, including Canada, Australia, Venezuela, Chile, Guatemala, and Romania. These stats are further proof that the Democrats' one-size-fits-all lockdown approach is senseless. They also prove there is no rational reason to keep our schools closed.

All Ages
Cases: 1.02 million
Deaths: 18,253
Death rate: 1.79%
Survival rate: 98.21%

Ages 0-17
Cases: 111,180
Deaths: 0
Death rate: 0.0%
Survival rate: 100%

Ages 18-49
Cases: 608,940
Deaths: 1,314
Death rate: 0.216% (the flu's death rate is between 0.150% and 0.250%)
Survival rate: 99.784%

Ages 50-64
Cases: 191,760
Deaths: 3,486
Death rate: 1.82%
Survival rate: 98.18%

Ages 65-100
Cases: 107,100
Deaths: 13,434
Death rate: 12.6%
Survival rate: 87.4%

These stats are based on the numbers published on the California Department of Health's website:

Tracking COVID-19 in California
the real question to me is -

total deaths in 2020. i don't care why.
then 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016

and so forth.

you would think if covid was an extra driver then the total # of deaths in the US would be substantially higher in 2020 than any previous year.
About a month ago, ytd, we had 300,000 excess mortality this year vs last year....about 200,000 were accounted for as covid deaths, the other 100,000 excess deaths were unidentified deaths that occurred at home.....They guess that they are heart failures, strokes, and other ailments that patients/people were afraid to go to the hospital for due to COVID 19.... and even some might have been covid deaths.

Google: excess mortality

There are several different analysis on it.
you are totally and completely choosing to ignore what i said and would like to find out.

how many people died in the USA - and i don't give a damn why - in 2015 to 2020 (when 2020 is over).

Google: Pay attention to what you read.

you won't, but it would be funny to see you google it.
I also live in California.

It has one of the strictest lockdowns in the nation.

Some people respectfully disagree with the practice of locking down an entire county, for example.

They feel that only certain areas of a large county should be locked down if it is a hotbed of infections while other less-inpacted areas of the county should be open to a reasonable degree.

Here is the problem: The people who run California are very sweet people. They point out that no particular part of a county should be opened up until all areas of a county are relatively free of infections. Why? Because often the heavily impacted areas of a county are inhabited by people of the two largest minority groups. Our leaders feel no one should enjoy the benefits of a relatively lax lockdown until all sectors of the population can enjoy those same benefits.
These are the current COVID-19 stats, as of this morning, for California, which has a population (39.5 million) that is larger than that of most countries, including Canada, Australia, Venezuela, Chile, Guatemala, and Romania. These stats are further proof that the Democrats' one-size-fits-all lockdown approach is senseless. They also prove there is no rational reason to keep our schools closed.

All Ages
Cases: 1.02 million
Deaths: 18,253
Death rate: 1.79%
Survival rate: 98.21%

Ages 0-17
Cases: 111,180
Deaths: 0
Death rate: 0.0%
Survival rate: 100%

Ages 18-49
Cases: 608,940
Deaths: 1,314
Death rate: 0.216% (the flu's death rate is between 0.150% and 0.250%)
Survival rate: 99.784%

Ages 50-64
Cases: 191,760
Deaths: 3,486
Death rate: 1.82%
Survival rate: 98.18%

Ages 65-100
Cases: 107,100
Deaths: 13,434
Death rate: 12.6%
Survival rate: 87.4%

These stats are based on the numbers published on the California Department of Health's website:

Tracking COVID-19 in California
the real question to me is -

total deaths in 2020. i don't care why.
then 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016

and so forth.

you would think if covid was an extra driver then the total # of deaths in the US would be substantially higher in 2020 than any previous year.
About a month ago, ytd, we had 300,000 excess mortality this year vs last year....about 200,000 were accounted for as covid deaths, the other 100,000 excess deaths were unidentified deaths that occurred at home.....They guess that they are heart failures, strokes, and other ailments that patients/people were afraid to go to the hospital for due to COVID 19.... and even some might have been covid deaths.

Google: excess mortality

There are several different analysis on it.
you are totally and completely choosing to ignore what i said and would like to find out.

how many people died in the USA - and i don't give a damn why - in 2015 to 2020 (when 2020 is over).

Google: Pay attention to what you read.

you won't, but it would be funny to see you google it.
But you are acting as if you really want to know.... but you CLEARLY do not want to know, because you are not willing to Google it yourself... the information is at your fingertips Iceberg.... it is even broken down by each medical condition that people died from along with total deaths...

Google "excess mortality", by each year you want..... it gives you the total deaths by year, along with excess deaths above the norm.
I also live in California.

It has one of the strictest lockdowns in the nation.

Some people respectfully disagree with the practice of locking down an entire county, for example.

They feel that only certain areas of a large county should be locked down if it is a hotbed of infections while other less-inpacted areas of the county should be open to a reasonable degree.

Here is the problem: The people who run California are very sweet people. They point out that no particular part of a county should be opened up until all areas of a county are relatively free of infections. Why? Because often the heavily impacted areas of a county are inhabited by people of the two largest minority groups. Our leaders feel no one should enjoy the benefits of a relatively lax lockdown until all sectors of the population can enjoy those same benefits.
I think it might be that they found out in NY earlier in the year, that people from areas restricted, just travel to the fairly nearby areas that are not as restricted, to get what they want... a restaurant or bar or whatever.... which risks the rest of the county not infected with vast community spread?
People need to decide for themselves. Telling people the virus is going away, not serious, etc is reckless and untrue. So if businesses go under from people choosing not to frequent them then oh well. People need to know the truth and then a good share will still go out which is fine and a good share won't go out which I also highly applaud.

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