More Examples of GOP RINOs Undercutting Conservatives


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
With control of the U.S. Senate up for grabs this November, a single seat may determine who has the majority. That’s why Republicans should find it disconcerting that two of their establishment lions have broken ranks and are backing Democratic candidates in competitive races.

The latest apostate is former senator John Warner of Virginia, who announced this week he is backing incumbent Democratic senator Mark Warner for reelection. He is thus giving the back of his hand to former RNC chairman Ed Gillespie, a former George W. Bush adviser, who has a decent shot at winning and is no wild-eyed radical. Last year, Warner also endorsed the Georgia candidacy of Michelle Nunn, a Democrat, who is the daughter of former senator Sam Nunn, with whom Warner served in the Senate. He even attended a fundraiser on her behalf. Georgia Republicans who find themselves defending an open Senate seat in Georgia are furious since the Warner support allows Nunn to position herself as a bipartisan moderate.

Nor is Warner the only problem ex-senator the GOP has to contend with as it strives to assemble a team capable of winning a Senate majority. Former senator Richard Lugar of Indiana, who lost his Senate GOP primary in 2012 to conservative Richard Mourdock and then declined to endorse him, has also endorsed Nunn and had his political PAC send her the maximum $5,000 contribution. Nunn praised Lugar for his “collaborative approach” and pledged to “follow this legacy in the U.S. Senate.”

With Senate at Stake, Two Ex-GOP Senators Endorse Democrats | National Review Online

The inside the Beltway GOP RINO establishment is more concerned about preventing conservatives from threatening the federal gravy train for their corporate crony constituents than they are about the fiscal responsibilities of our government.

That is why our nation is in deep trouble that is only going to get worse till the duopoly that controls our government is broken up.
Given the way George W. Bush fucked up everything, why would the Republican Party want anyone associated with him in ANY public office?

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