More Global Warming Fraud

Granny says she always knowed it's a buncha lib'ral hokem...

Weather Channel Founder: Man-Made Global Warming is ‘Baloney’
November 2, 2014 – On the same day that the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued a major new global warming report, John Coleman, a founder of the Weather Channel, appeared on CNN Sunday to reiterate his stance that “climate change is not happening.”
Describing himself as a “skeptic,” not a denier – “that is a word meant to put me down” – the veteran weather forecaster told CNN’s “Reliable Sources” that the news network was promoting an inaccurate view on the issue. “CNN has taken a very strong position on global warming, that it is a consensus,” he said. “Well, there is no consensus in science. Science isn’t a vote, science is about facts.” “And if you get down to the hard, cold facts, there’s no question about it: Climate change is not happening, there is no significant, man-made global warming now, there hasn’t been any in the past, and there’s no reason to expect any in the future. There’s a whole lot of baloney.”

Coleman said climate change has become part of the Democratic Party platform, adding that he regretted that the issue has become “political instead of scientific.” “But the science is on my side,” he declared. Challenged on the assertion that “97 percent of climate scientists” are in agreement on the issue, Coleman charged that the figure was “manipulated.” Since the government only funds scientists who put out results “supporting the global warming hypothesis,” he claimed, “they don’t have any choice.” “If you’re going to get the money, you’ve got to support their position. Therefore 97 percent of the scientific reports published support global warming. Why? Because those are the ones the government pays for and that’s where the money is.”

Weather Channel CEO David Kenny also appeared on the show, and distanced himself from Coleman’s views. “We’re grateful that he got it [the channel] started 32 years ago, but he hasn’t been with us in 31 years, so he’s not really speaking for the Weather Channel in any way today,” he said. “Our position is really clear, it’s scientifically-based and we’ve been unwavering on it for quite some time now.”

Last week the Weather Channel reissued a 2007 statement giving its position on climate change. “More than a century’s worth of detailed climate observations shows a sharp increase in both carbon dioxide and temperature,” the statement says. “These observations, together with computer model simulations and historical climate reconstructions from ice cores, ocean sediments and tree rings all provide strong evidence that the majority of the warming over the past century is a result of human activities. This is also the conclusion drawn, nearly unanimously, by climate scientists.”

Weather Channel Founder Man-Made Global Warming is Baloney CNS News
Whatever is happening to the climate of our planet, warmer or cooler, man is not causing it, cannot change it, and cannot stop it.

But if you libs continue to engage in stupidity, you are free to send your money to the false prophet algore.

The Global Warming Scam
Total bullshit site. And Coleman has a degree in journalism, not in any science. He has not one published paper in science.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major university has a policy statement that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. But, of course, you just know that these millions of scientists from all the differant nations and poltitical systems are in on a nefarious conspriracy. You fools are simply silly.
Everything, and this is not an exaggeration, is a fraudulent claim by the democrats and world's socialist leaders. Everything.

You really have to stand in awe at how skillfully they divide races, classes and whatever else in order to gain political power and keep power.

Those of Us with an ability to think for ourselves see what it is. The usual know it all morons cannot see it and will not see it. Yet, none of them ever attempt to answer why if it is MAN MADE global warming, then why the concerted effort to change the terminology? Their idiotic explanations are childish at best.

It will continue and it will be pushed by the socialist propaganda sheep, in other words the morons in Hollywood.
Everything, and this is not an exaggeration, is a fraudulent claim by the democrats and world's socialist leaders. Everything.

You really have to stand in awe at how skillfully they divide races, classes and whatever else in order to gain political power and keep power.

Those of Us with an ability to think for ourselves see what it is. The usual know it all morons cannot see it and will not see it. Yet, none of them ever attempt to answer why if it is MAN MADE global warming, then why the concerted effort to change the terminology? Their idiotic explanations are childish at best.

It will continue and it will be pushed by the socialist propaganda sheep, in other words the morons in Hollywood.

Really? Gaining power how? And how do the manage to melt the continental ice caps, and alpine glaciers? Notice that even the National Academy of Science of Saudi Arabia states that AGW is real. They are Socialist, also? LOL
Whatever is happening to the climate of our planet, warmer or cooler, man is not causing it, cannot change it, and cannot stop it.

But if you libs continue to engage in stupidity, you are free to send your money to the false prophet algore.

The Global Warming Scam
Total bullshit site. And Coleman has a degree in journalism, not in any science. He has not one published paper in science.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major university has a policy statement that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. But, of course, you just know that these millions of scientists from all the differant nations and poltitical systems are in on a nefarious conspriracy. You fools are simply silly.
are you really that stupid to believe humans are causing glowbull warming ? if this is something you actually believe, explain in your own words how this is happening.., OK ?

"Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major university..." is fueled by liberidiots money.

the only thing that is total :bsflag: is you liberfools believe this shit, i am wondering if you liberfools have any knowledge of the Earths history over the past.., let's say ONE HUNDRED MILLION YEARS, there have been warming and cooling periods that lasted thousands of years, do you (liberfools collectively) know what caused the last world wide glacial period and what caused it all to melt ??

get a clue...., it was NOT humans. :up:
without looking it up, i wonder how many liberfools can tell us what the "A" means in AGW ? or even how to spell it correctly ?

low information libs will believe anything their puppet masters tell them without a smidgon of a one word question........, WHY ?

Whatever is happening to the climate of our planet, warmer or cooler, man is not causing it, cannot change it, and cannot stop it.

We cannot say that. The truth is that we don't know how much, if any, effect humans are having on climate development. Largely because we can't honestly say that we have a very good understanding of how the climate is developing in the grand scheme of things.

Personally, I hypothesize that humans are likely to impact climate development, and that the main driver of human related climate influence is probably ecological in nature. Deforestation and marked reduction in biodiversity due to human activity are much more likely to have wider ranging climactic repercussions than the antiquated belief that CO2 is going to melt the polar caps. But it's going to take 1000 years of hard data before we can even begin to understand.
Whatever is happening to the climate of our planet, warmer or cooler, man is not causing it, cannot change it, and cannot stop it.

We cannot say that. The truth is that we don't know how much, if any, effect humans are having on climate development. Largely because we can't honestly say that we have a very good understanding of how the climate is developing in the grand scheme of things.

Personally, I hypothesize that humans are likely to impact climate development, and that the main driver of human related climate influence is probably ecological in nature. Deforestation and marked reduction in biodiversity due to human activity are much more likely to have wider ranging climactic repercussions than the antiquated belief that CO2 is going to melt the polar caps. But it's going to take 1000 years of hard data before we can even begin to understand.

We do not know much, and yet it is the left that insists that man made global warming is an ABSOLUTE FACT. All while brow beating those of us that know MAN MADE global warming is not a fact.

Thank you so much for your hypothesis. You can thank conservatives btw for national parks and actual conservation. No, shitting, pissing, fucking and smoking pot in a field for week at some hippy earth festival does not count as something being done for the planet.
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This is one reason why I will never, ever call myself a "conservative." To me, that is akin to proudly proclaiming oneself as a rube and a simpleton.

Planetary systems and climate models are neither magical nor partisan . . . they are science. Look at raw data, for fuck's sake.
There's not a single experiment that shows how a 120PPM increase in CO2 can raise temperature

Not One
Granny says she always knowed it's a buncha lib'ral hokem...

Weather Channel Founder: Man-Made Global Warming is ‘Baloney’
November 2, 2014 – On the same day that the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued a major new global warming report, John Coleman, a founder of the Weather Channel, appeared on CNN Sunday to reiterate his stance that “climate change is not happening.”
Describing himself as a “skeptic,” not a denier – “that is a word meant to put me down” – the veteran weather forecaster told CNN’s “Reliable Sources” that the news network was promoting an inaccurate view on the issue. “CNN has taken a very strong position on global warming, that it is a consensus,” he said. “Well, there is no consensus in science. Science isn’t a vote, science is about facts.” “And if you get down to the hard, cold facts, there’s no question about it: Climate change is not happening, there is no significant, man-made global warming now, there hasn’t been any in the past, and there’s no reason to expect any in the future. There’s a whole lot of baloney.”

Coleman said climate change has become part of the Democratic Party platform, adding that he regretted that the issue has become “political instead of scientific.” “But the science is on my side,” he declared. Challenged on the assertion that “97 percent of climate scientists” are in agreement on the issue, Coleman charged that the figure was “manipulated.” Since the government only funds scientists who put out results “supporting the global warming hypothesis,” he claimed, “they don’t have any choice.” “If you’re going to get the money, you’ve got to support their position. Therefore 97 percent of the scientific reports published support global warming. Why? Because those are the ones the government pays for and that’s where the money is.”

Weather Channel CEO David Kenny also appeared on the show, and distanced himself from Coleman’s views. “We’re grateful that he got it [the channel] started 32 years ago, but he hasn’t been with us in 31 years, so he’s not really speaking for the Weather Channel in any way today,” he said. “Our position is really clear, it’s scientifically-based and we’ve been unwavering on it for quite some time now.”

Last week the Weather Channel reissued a 2007 statement giving its position on climate change. “More than a century’s worth of detailed climate observations shows a sharp increase in both carbon dioxide and temperature,” the statement says. “These observations, together with computer model simulations and historical climate reconstructions from ice cores, ocean sediments and tree rings all provide strong evidence that the majority of the warming over the past century is a result of human activities. This is also the conclusion drawn, nearly unanimously, by climate scientists.”

Weather Channel Founder Man-Made Global Warming is Baloney CNS News

It's so good to see you again.
Everything, and this is not an exaggeration, is a fraudulent claim by the democrats and world's socialist leaders. Everything.

You really have to stand in awe at how skillfully they divide races, classes and whatever else in order to gain political power and keep power.

Those of Us with an ability to think for ourselves see what it is. The usual know it all morons cannot see it and will not see it. Yet, none of them ever attempt to answer why if it is MAN MADE global warming, then why the concerted effort to change the terminology? Their idiotic explanations are childish at best.

It will continue and it will be pushed by the socialist propaganda sheep, in other words the morons in Hollywood.

I've discovered this key fact about Leftists too, that absolutely EVERYTHING they say is a lie. Conservatives get duped by Leftists to the degree they believe that some things Leftists claim are true. But time and time again, when examined carefully, even the things they claim that seem to be true are distortions and outright falsehoods. It's time people understood that Leftists are lying every time they open their mouths.
There's not a single experiment that shows how a 120PPM increase in CO2 can raise temperature

Not One
What world do you live in? That's a remarkably stupid thing to say, even for an American "conservative."

How do you know he's American? You haven't disclosed where you're from either who the hell knows where you're from either. Don't attack Americans if you're too pussy shit to tell us where you're from.
There's not a single experiment that shows how a 120PPM increase in CO2 can raise temperature

Not One
<Roll eyes> I'll bet nobody ever accused you of being a quick learner, did they.

Nor has anyone ever accused you of being a skilled logician. You just committed a double fallacy. Congratulations.
Frank and I have had this conversation on a number of occasions. So who the fuck are you?

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