More gun violence in Sweden....didn't hear about this in our media did we...

Funny how the media is silent about shootings in Europe when they push gun control here...

Rare Gun Violence Erupts In Stockholm: 1 Dead, 3 Injured In Shooting And Stabbing In Sweden

According to one eyewitness account, cited by The Local, two men, one armed with a gun, the other with a knife, chased down a man before stabbing and shooting him. The gunshots ricocheted into bystanders, who were treated for minor injuries at a local hospital. Police have cordoned off the area and are still looking for the unidentified suspects.

Of course they have even more gun control that we do here in the states...but their criminals get guns easily when they want or need them.....

Well ya, that's one for Sweden. :) Guess that makes it roughly equivilent to the US.

Yeah..far more than one…but since it isn't covered by our press….since it would hurt the image of peaceful Europe…you have to look for the stories from Sweden…

And when Swedish police are calling cities in their country the "Wild West" there is a real problem……

Sweden s 3rd largest city hit by multiple blasts police plead for help to tackle violence spike RT News

on Sweden being the rape capitol of Europe...

June 2015 violence in Sweden...

Violence Erupts in Sweden as Ethnic Groups Clash in Race Riots

Serial shooter from 09-10 in Sweden..–10_Malmö_shootings

The cause of violence in Sweden....immigration from violent 3rd world countries...

Another shooting in Roseng rd. Was Fox News right about Malm 12 years ago Swedish Surveyor

2015-06-04 -On Wednesday night, at 19.30 a 35-year-old man was found by emergency services in a car after having been shot in the head in Rosengård, one of Malmös “no-go zones“.

The man was transported to the hospital and the police have labelled the crime attempted murder/manslaughter.

On a more positive note: 6 men (ethnicity withheld) were indicted this Tuesday for the bombings which plagued Malmö last year.

[…] Rosengard was once one of the programme’s proudest achievements: a high-rise development that was close to the centre of Malmö, one of Sweden’s industrial powerhouses, but surrounded by open space. Today over 80% of its population of 24,000 are immigrants. The local shops have names such as Babylon and Lebanon. Women in hijabs and headscarves cart their shopping through the freezing rain. Men sit in cafés drinking strong coffee and keeping dry. A truck sells falafel sandwiches.

[…] Mass immigration is posing serious problems for the region. For the Nordic countries to be able to afford their welfare states they need to have 80% of their adults in the workforce, but labour-force participation among non-European immigrants is much lower than that. In Sweden only 51% of non-Europeans have a job, compared with over 84% of native Swedes. The Nordic countries need to persuade their citizens that they are getting a good return on their taxes, but mass immigration is creating a class of people who are permanently dependent on the state.

the Economist, Feb 2nd 2013

A look at the muslim violence in Sweden...

Warring Migrant Tribes, Grenade Attacks, Authorities That Don't Give a Damn...What Is Going On In Sweden? - Breitbart

Swedish rape problem...

On the shooting in Sweden 2 guys shot watching soccer game

Sweden shooting puts focus on life in 'ghettoes without hope'

This is an update on violence in Sweden...

The anti gun extremists,always tell us that Europe is a gun grabbers paradise, and that we should be more like them. the problem....their criminals get guns as easily as ours do...and worse, in Sweden, they like to throw grenades at each other....2014 and 2015 have seen record numbers of grenade attacks in Sweden as violent games shoot at each other and toss grenades, funny that we in the U.S. Haven't been clued in to this violence. Of course, that info would go against the anti gun extremist meme about Europe. and the idea that Europe is a gun free paradise is slowly giving way to the truth, that criminals in Europe get guns as easily as they do here in the States, and they have a fondness for fully automatic, military rifles, and grenades....

'You get street smart when you live in Malmö' - The Local

It is early morning on a sunny day and Malmö is just coming to life. Sweden's third biggest city is slowly getting back on its feet after a long summer of tensions, including numerous shootings, dozens of hand grenade attacks and car burnings. Yet, there is a surreal feeling of normality.

However, the statistics suggest that violent crime in the form of explosions is rocketing in the city. In 2014 a total of 25 blasts took place in Malmö. This year, the tally is at 33 and counting. Malmö's deputy police chief makes no secret of the fact that his organization almost found itself stretched to the limit this summer. But he believes they have turned a corner.


“It's bad enough when they use guns, because they've got such poor aim, but grenades are really worrying. They have a 360-degree reach,” explains Mats Karlsson. But he adds a caveat: “I don't want to question people who say they are afraid, but you should filter the things you read. Media reports are skewed towards Malmö, but when something happens elsewhere it barely gets a mention. I am not scared.”


But this idyllic image sharply contrasts with another: the park is also the hotspot for Malmö's underground drugs trade. Two worlds operating side by side.

You do get a bit street smart. If you see a gang you don't walk right into them. It's not okay that they shoot out in the street among people, and you think a lot about the drugs and the weapons. When you walk past a gang you know that at least one of them is carrying a gun,” adds Malin Karlsson, who lives with her young baby and family not far from Folkets Park.

Gun violence in Sweden.........
Good quotes in here about Malmo and Guthenberg and increased gang shootings.
Malmö police worry about wave of violence - The Local

One person was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries after a Midsummer Day shooting in the Söderkulla square in Malmö. A 24-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after he reportedly handed himself over to the police on Monday afternoon.

No new details have emerged about two hand grenades being thrown at an apartment block in the southern Swedish city on the same day, June 20th.

Officers are also investigating a separate shooting on Ramel's street in the Rosengård area of Malmö on Monday morning. No one was believed to have been injured.

Malmö has experienced growing violence in recent years. Some of its inner-city areas and suburbs have a reputation for gun and gang-related crimes as well as race-related violence between different immigrant groups.

As a result, the force has stepped up its presence in known trouble-hit areas such as Rosengård and Seved, where around 30 people believed to be from criminal backgrounds are being tracked by officers.

“The availability [of weapons] is something which worries us a lot, that it really is this simple to get hold of them,” Patrik Johansson of the Malmö police told Swedish news wire TT on Monday.

Although police were unable to comment on this weekend's incidents, they have in general been able to link many of the shootings and explosions.

“We have seen certain connections,” Ewa-Gun Westford, police press spokeswoman, told TT, but added that not all the incidents were related to each other.

According to Daniel Vesterhav, interim departmental head of Sweden's crime statistics agency Brottsförebyggande Rådet (Brå), public shoot-outs between criminal gangs have become increasingly common in the past decade.

“We're talking about easily offended individuals who, when they perceive themselves to be offended, take action to protect their honour. It could be a car deal that has gone awry, unpaid narcotics debts or something really trivial like someone spending too long talking to someone else's girlfriend,” he told TT.

Sweden's second-biggest city, Gothenburg, has also been hit by dozens of shootings involving criminal gangs in recent years.

“Today, the gang environment is…I don't want to exactly call it the Wild West, but something in that direction,” Amir Rostami, a leading authority on Sweden's organized crime groups told The Local after two people died in a shooting in the suburb of Hisingen in March.

For more news f

Rare Gun Violence Erupts In Stockholm: 1 Dead, 3 Injured In Shooting And Stabbing In Sweden

Obviously, the only reason we have the most mass shootings is because of the 2nd Amendment.

And this happened during the ramp up in private gun ownership. Obviously more guns on the streets has not made anyone safer.

Obviously, the only reason we have the most mass shootings is because of the 2nd Amendment.

And this happened during the ramp up in private gun ownership. Obviously more guns on the streets has not made anyone safer.

You realize that outside of Colorado, the worst mass shooting happened in South Korea and Norway…right?

Mass shootings have stayed at the same level….they have not increased…and more Americans own guns and actually carry them for self defense. So if they are not increasing as more people own and carry guns….then obviously it isn't gun ownership among law abiding people that causes them…right? Or is that too much truth and reality for you.

More conclusive,iron-clad stats the gun nuts will ignore.

Yeah…that has been gone over and show to be crap before. Alaska has very few cops in the tribal areas Hawaii has few guns in the first place and New York just got rid of stop and frisk….

Add to that your source…the Violence Policy Center has been shown to lie about their numbers, on more than one "fact" sheet.

Obviously, the only reason we have the most mass shootings is because of the 2nd Amendment.

And this happened during the ramp up in private gun ownership. Obviously more guns on the streets has not made anyone safer.

Do you know how many people are killed each year in the United STates because of mass shooters? Or how many were killed last year….? You might want to check because the totals make you look silly…….

from ultra left wing, anti gun extremist Mother JOnes….

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation


US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

How many deaths on average according to Mother Jones...anti gun, uber left wing Mother Jones.......each year, well less than 100.

2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19

Those are the numbers of deaths from mass shootings in the United States.....and even in the big year, 2012, they didn't break 100 deaths by criminals.

How many guns are there in American hands....320 million.

How many people carry guns for self defense...over 12.8 million.

Obviously, the only reason we have the most mass shootings is because of the 2nd Amendment.

And this happened during the ramp up in private gun ownership. Obviously more guns on the streets has not made anyone safer.

No. We have mass shootings because the media glorifies gun violence and gives immediate fame to shooters. The 2nd Amendment saves far more lives each year than are taken by criminals and mass shooters.

Obviously, the only reason we have the most mass shootings is because of the 2nd Amendment.

And this happened during the ramp up in private gun ownership. Obviously more guns on the streets has not made anyone safer.

There are over 320 million guns in private hands in the United STates…and only 8,454 gun murders in the entire country in 2013….with on average 2 million times that guns are used to stop violent criminal attack and save lives…….which number is bigger?

Mass shootings each year…..under 100, often not even close. in 2014 the number of people killed in mass shootings according to Mother JOnes…..9.

Obviously, the only reason we have the most mass shootings is because of the 2nd Amendment.

And this happened during the ramp up in private gun ownership. Obviously more guns on the streets has not made anyone safer.

Apparently, the worst mass shootings happened over seas….South Korea, Norway and Australia…..the top 3….why…because they are disarmed societies…no one can fight back and the victims have to wait for police to show up….

Timeline: Worst mass shootings across globe

Here is a timeline of some of the worst shooting incidents carried out by one or two gunmen around the world in the past two decades.

April 1982 - SOUTH KOREA - A police officer went on a drunken rampage in Sang-Namdo with rifles and hand grenades, killing 57 people and wounding 38 before blowing himself up.


August 19, 1987 - BRITAIN - A 27-year-old gunman rampaged through the English town of Hungerford, killing 16 people and wounding 11 before shooting himself.

July 1989 - FRANCE - A French farmer shot and killed 14 people including members of his family in the village of Luxiol, near the Swiss border. He was wounded and captured by police.

December 1989 - CANADA - A 25-year-old war movie fan with a grudge against women shot dead 14 young women at the University of Montreal, then killed himself.

November 1990 - NEW ZEALAND - A gun-mad loner killed 11 men, women and children in a 24-hour rampage in the seaside village of Aramoana. He was killed by police.


September 1995 - FRANCE - A 16-year-old youth ran amok with a rifle in the town of Cuers, killing 16 people and then himself after an argument with his parents.

March 13, 1996 - BRITAIN - A gunman burst into a primary school in the Scottish town of Dunblane and shot dead 16 children and their teacher before killing himself.

April 28, 1996 - AUSTRALIA - A gunman unleashed modern Australia's worst mass murder when he shot dead 35 people at the Port Arthur tourist site in the southern state of Tasmania.


April 1999 - USA - Two heavily-armed teenagers went on a rampage at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, killing 13 students and staff before taking their own lives.

July 1999 - USA - A gunman killed nine people at two brokerages in Atlanta, after apparently killing his wife and two children. He committed suicide five hours later.

June 2001 - NEPAL - Eight members of the Nepalese Royal family were killed in a palace massacre by Crown Prince Dipendra who later turned a gun on himself and died few days later. His youngest brother also died later raising the death toll to 10.

April 26, 2002 - GERMANY - In Erfurt, eastern Germany, a 19-year-old gunman opened fire at a school, killing 12 teachers, a secretary, two students and a policeman before killing himself.

October 2002 - USA - Two men killed 10 people in sniper-style shooting deaths that terrorized the Washington, D.C., area.

April 16, 2007 - USA - A gunman killed 32 people and himself at Virginia Tech, a university in Blacksburg, Virginia.

September 23, 2008 - FINLAND - A student opened fire in a vocational school in Kauhajoki in northwest Finland, killing nine other students and one staff member, then killed himself.

March 11, 2009 - GERMANY - A 17-year-old gunman dressed in black combat gear killed nine students and three teachers at a school near Stuttgart. He also killed one other person at a nearby clinic. He was later killed in a shoot-out with police.

November 5, 2009 - USA - A gunman opened fire at Fort Hood, a U.S. Army base in Texas, killing 13 people and wounding 31. An Army major is charged in connection with the rampage.

June 2, 2010 - BRITAIN - A gunman opened fire on people in towns across the rural county of Cumbria. Twelve people were killed and 11 injured. The gunman then killed himself.

July 22, 2011 - NORWAY - A gunman blew up a government building in Oslo and then opened fire at a youth summer camp of Norway's ruling political party, on the holiday island of Utoeya, killing 77 people.

July 20, 2012 - USA - A masked gunman killed 12 people and wounded 58 when he opened fire on moviegoers at a showing of the Batman film "The Dark Knight Rises" in Aurora, a suburb of Denver.

August 5, 2012 - USA - A gunman opened fire during Sunday services at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. He killed six people before he was shot dead by police.

December 14, 2012 - USA - A heavily armed gunman killed at least 20 children and six adults at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, and a body was found elsewhere in the town. The gunman was also dead. 26

Obviously, the only reason we have the most mass shootings is because of the 2nd Amendment.

And this happened during the ramp up in private gun ownership. Obviously more guns on the streets has not made anyone safer.

So…the worst mass shootings in history….South Korea, Norway and Australia………all disarmed populations……...

Obviously, the only reason we have the most mass shootings is because of the 2nd Amendment.

And this happened during the ramp up in private gun ownership. Obviously more guns on the streets has not made anyone safer.

No. We have mass shootings because the media glorifies gun violence and gives immediate fame to shooters. The 2nd Amendment saves far more lives each year than are taken by criminals and mass shooters.


The 2nd Amendment....the reason we have so many gun deaths compared to the rest of the world.

And no, there are not anywhere near 2,000,000 violent crimes prevented by firearms. Caused maybe; not prevented.

Obviously, the only reason we have the most mass shootings is because of the 2nd Amendment.

And this happened during the ramp up in private gun ownership. Obviously more guns on the streets has not made anyone safer.

So…the worst mass shootings in history….South Korea, Norway and Australia………all disarmed populations……...
Pam Geller had some influence on the Norway thing. Here's her tweet in the middle of it:

On Friday, anti-Islamist blogger Pamela Geller pounced on news of a massacre in Oslo. "Jihad in Norway?" she asked. She posted a second item—"You cannot avoid the consequences of ignoring jihad"—and linked to a previous one: "Norway: ALL Rapes in Past 5 Years Committed by Muslims." As the Oslo body count grew, she piled on: "if I hear another television or radio reporter refer to muhammad as 'the Prophet Muhammad,' I think I am going to puke. He's not your prophet, assclowns."

Her traveling Muhammed art show caused a shootout in Dallas recently,

Imagine that - one person combining the 1st and 2nd amendments to bring death and destruction on two continents!

Obviously, the only reason we have the most mass shootings is because of the 2nd Amendment.

And this happened during the ramp up in private gun ownership. Obviously more guns on the streets has not made anyone safer.

No. We have mass shootings because the media glorifies gun violence and gives immediate fame to shooters. The 2nd Amendment saves far more lives each year than are taken by criminals and mass shooters.


The 2nd Amendment....the reason we have so many gun deaths compared to the rest of the world.

And no, there are not anywhere near 2,000,000 violent crimes prevented by firearms. Caused maybe; not prevented.

Actually, you are wrong….the studies show that you are wrong….

I just averaged the studies......which were conducted by different researchers, from both private and public researchers, over a period of 40 years looking specifically at guns and self defense....the name of the researcher is first, then the year then the number of times they determined guns were used for self defense......notice how many of them there are and how many of them were done by gun grabbers like the clinton Justice Dept. and the obama CDC

And these aren't all of the studies either...there are more...and they support the ones below.....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....
GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, military)
DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, military)
L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, military)
Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops, military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer



Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..
If you take the studies from that Kleck cites in his paper, 16 of them....and you only average the ones that exclude military and police shootings..the average becomes 2 million...I use those studies because I have the details on them...and they are still 10 studies (including Kleck's)….


Obviously, the only reason we have the most mass shootings is because of the 2nd Amendment.

And this happened during the ramp up in private gun ownership. Obviously more guns on the streets has not made anyone safer.

No. We have mass shootings because the media glorifies gun violence and gives immediate fame to shooters. The 2nd Amendment saves far more lives each year than are taken by criminals and mass shooters.


The 2nd Amendment....the reason we have so many gun deaths compared to the rest of the world.

And no, there are not anywhere near 2,000,000 violent crimes prevented by firearms. Caused maybe; not prevented.

And here is a study conducted by bill clinton's Department of Justice, created and executed by 2 anti gun researchers trying to prove that defensive gun uses are rare…what did they find……that Americans use guns on average 1.5 million times a year…..

Here is Clinton's actual gun study...the number of 1.5 million is on page 9

Obviously, the only reason we have the most mass shootings is because of the 2nd Amendment.

And this happened during the ramp up in private gun ownership. Obviously more guns on the streets has not made anyone safer.

So…the worst mass shootings in history….South Korea, Norway and Australia………all disarmed populations……...
Pam Geller had some influence on the Norway thing. Here's her tweet in the middle of it:

On Friday, anti-Islamist blogger Pamela Geller pounced on news of a massacre in Oslo. "Jihad in Norway?" she asked. She posted a second item—"You cannot avoid the consequences of ignoring jihad"—and linked to a previous one: "Norway: ALL Rapes in Past 5 Years Committed by Muslims." As the Oslo body count grew, she piled on: "if I hear another television or radio reporter refer to muhammad as 'the Prophet Muhammad,' I think I am going to puke. He's not your prophet, assclowns."

Her traveling Muhammed art show caused a shootout in Dallas recently,

Imagine that - one person combining the 1st and 2nd amendments to bring death and destruction on two continents!

Really… blame her….for the guys who showed up at a cartoon contest to murder everyone in the contest… have just shown that you are a dipshit. And the shooter who killed those people in Norway…you are assigning some of the blame on her……really, you are a dipshit. And you are letting your fascist tendencies show…...

Having fewer guns makes families safer; not having more. The facts speak for themselves.

Again…that is from the Violence Policy center, and they lie, and have been caught lying with their stats in the past.

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