More guns keeping us safe.......

Yet we continually create fresh assholes with a gun

Any way to prevent someone with a temper from having a gun?

Nope, not till they actually commit a assault, battery......just like there is no way to deny a drunk driver his license till after he drives drunk....

If you want "pre-crime" you have to go see Tom Cruises movie...
Winner, winner chicken dinner

No way to prevent an asshole with a temper from going out and buying a badass gun

Except keep him from buying a badass gun like other countries do

It doesn't work in other countries.....British police have stated that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country..... and as More Americans own and carry guns...our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? Our gun crime rate went down do you explain that....

So, your theory is crap. It is not supported by actual real world experience here in the states or even over have nothing.
Your murder rate is many times greater than Britains. How is that when "guns make you safer" ?
300 million guns are not making us safer

Except actual experience shows you are wrong...

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Winner, winner chicken dinner

No way to prevent an asshole with a temper from going out and buying a badass gun

Except keep him from buying a badass gun like other countries do

It doesn't work in other countries.....British police have stated that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country..... and as More Americans own and carry guns...our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? Our gun crime rate went down do you explain that....

So, your theory is crap. It is not supported by actual real world experience here in the states or even over have nothing.
Your murder rate is many times greater than Britains. How is that when "guns make you safer" ?

Our "Great Society" destroyed inner city families...primarily Black families during the 1960s and 70s....while your country was recovering from the War, our families in democrat cities were devolving into single teenage girl headed households, who had multiple children from different males, with no father to raise them. This created more violence in our democrat controlled cities. That is how.....and notice....during the 1970s going to the 1990s, we had a huge spike in violent crime....then, more people began to own and actually carry guns, and our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? You have failed to address that question over and over again. Our gun crime rate went down 75%, as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....again, you fail to answer that question. And our violent crime rate went down 72% while more Americans, not fewer, bought and now carry guns......

Your entire theory has been shown to be wrong by the example here in the U.S.......of course, you won't address this since you can't explain it.

Your theory is that more guns lead to more gun crime.........this didn't happen here in the can't explain that, which is why you don't even try to explain it.

Your country banned and confiscated guns, and essentially there was no effect on gun murder or crime, other than a 10 year spike after you did can't explain that either.....Britain always had a low gun murder rate...which means it wasn't access to guns that determined the gun murder rate but rather the willingness of British criminals to murder people with those guns...

You think it is isn't. It is the mind set of the criminal....our criminals have been gun crime.
raised in fatherless homes longer than yours have.....your criminals are now catching up on that...and becoming more violent.
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Except here in the can't explain the following facts, so you ignore them...

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder goes down 49%.

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun crime goes down 75%.

More Americans buy, own, and carry guns over the last 26 years....violent crime goes down 72%.

Those are facts. That is actually what happened when more Americans own and actually carry guns...

So your Theory...more guns = more gun crime is obviously stupid...since the actual facts and reality show the exact opposite happened...

And on your side of the pond.....Britain had a low gun murder rate when they were allowed to own guns.

Britain banned and confiscated guns.

Gun murder spiked for 10 years.

After that 10 years, the gun murder rate returned to the same level as before they banned and confiscated guns.

So your Theory, from your own experience, is again....crap.

I keep telling you, tainty doesn't do facts.
The stats are pretty consistent, there are dozens of these charts and they all shotw similar results.
does even one of them show how safe guns are when liberal areas of the country are excluded from them?
Probably because they all come from ONE SOURCE, someone like you drawing them up in your mother's basement. Your chart doesn't even have a link to the source where it supposedly got its data!
Here is another one.
Visualizing gun deaths - Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world
How does showing me a second chart answer my questions? do you have any charts showing gun deaths at American guns shops vs. london? do you have a guess as to which has more gun deaths? the place where guns are banned or the place that is nothing but guns guns guns? use your charts to see if the facts match the charts claims...
In America, liberal areas are the deadliest places in the country [perhaps on earth] while gun shops are some of the safest if not the most safe...there was a time when our country did not have gun laws or liberal morals and no one needed to look at charts to see just how safe a country we were.
Liberal areas are still a part of the US. You can make any country look safe by discounting its more problematic areas.What is the point of that ?

You don't seem to understand that most gun crimes are committed by people who are legally ineligible from owning firearms.

We don't blame law abiding citizens for the bad acts of criminals in this country
It illustrates the fact that conservatives have no interest in addressing the issue of gun violence.
WRONG. The issue of gun violence is fairly understood, but not spoken about much openly because it is so un-PC to state why kids took guns to school when I was young with no problems, now you need an x-ray machine and get suspended for a crooked Pop Tart.
Democrats would love to make the guns themselves the OBJECT of the problem when they are merely the tool of the symptom of the cause which is the insane liberal policies forced upon society these days where now you need a law to tell you which bathroom you can use and no one knows what sex they are. Violence is a biological organism's way of revolting to the insanity forced upon society by modern progressivism.
So when you go out seeking a cause to all the shooting, just go into the bathroom and take a good hard look in the mirror.
The stats are pretty consistent, there are dozens of these charts and they all shotw similar results.
does even one of them show how safe guns are when liberal areas of the country are excluded from them?

Probably because they all come from ONE SOURCE, someone like you drawing them up in your mother's basement. Your chart doesn't even have a link to the source where it supposedly got its data!
Here is another one.
Visualizing gun deaths - Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world

How does showing me a second chart answer my questions? do you have any charts showing gun deaths at American guns shops vs. london? do you have a guess as to which has more gun deaths? the place where guns are banned or the place that is nothing but guns guns guns? use your charts to see if the facts match the charts claims...
In America, liberal areas are the deadliest places in the country [perhaps on earth] while gun shops are some of the safest if not the most safe...there was a time when our country did not have gun laws or liberal morals and no one needed to look at charts to see just how safe a country we were.
Liberal areas are still a part of the US. You can make any country look safe by discounting its more problematic areas.What is the point of that ?

You don't seem to understand that most gun crimes are committed by people who are legally ineligible from owning firearms.

We don't blame law abiding citizens for the bad acts of criminals in this country
And this is an example of the ridiculous sophistry propagated by the right.

Whether it’s “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” or “gun regulations ‘unfairly disadvantage’ lawful gunowners” or “criminals don’t obey gun laws” – such ‘reasoning’ is in fact inane nonsense, another manifestation of the demagoguery and dishonesty common to most conservatives.

It illustrates the fact that conservatives have no interest in addressing the issue of gun violence, refusing to consider measures having nothing whatsoever to do with the regulation of firearms.
Here's one gun control law I could get behind; mandatory death sentence for anyone convicted of murder with a firearm. Of course Democrats wouldn't get behind that. They would eventually run out of voters.
It doesn't work in other countries.....British police have stated that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country..... and as More Americans own and carry guns...our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? Our gun crime rate went down do you explain that....

So, your theory is crap. It is not supported by actual real world experience here in the states or even over have nothing.
Your murder rate is many times greater than Britains. How is that when "guns make you safer" ?

Our "Great Society" destroyed inner city families...primarily Black families during the 1960s and 70s....while your country was recovering from the War, our families in democrat cities were devolving into single teenage girl headed households, who had multiple children from different males, with no father to raise them. This created more violence in our democrat controlled cities. That is how.....and notice....during the 1970s going to the 1990s, we had a huge spike in violent crime....then, more people began to own and actually carry guns, and our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? You have failed to address that question over and over again. Our gun crime rate went down 75%, as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....again, you fail to answer that question. And our violent crime rate went down 72% while more Americans, not fewer, bought and now carry guns......

Your entire theory has been shown to be wrong by the example here in the U.S.......of course, you won't address this since you can't explain it.

Your theory is that more guns lead to more gun crime.........this didn't happen here in the can't explain that, which is why you don't even try to explain it.

Your country banned and confiscated guns, and essentially there was no effect on gun murder or crime, other than a 10 year spike after you did can't explain that either.....Britain always had a low gun murder rate...which means it wasn't access to guns that determined the gun murder rate but rather the willingness of British criminals to murder people with those guns...

You think it is isn't. It is the mind set of the criminal....our criminals have been gun crime.
raised in fatherless homes longer than yours have.....your criminals are now catching up on that...and becoming more violent.
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Oh? Guns actually cause crime? The people involved bear no responsibility for their actions?
Guns make it immensely easier to do the crime
And immensely easier to prevent one, which is 100 times more likely than a gun murder.
The stats dont lie.
The worst argument ever tommy.... there are 4 types of lies tommy
large and
The stats are pretty consistent, there are dozens of these charts and they all shotw similar results.

Wrong....they show results that include suicide, and don't break down our country correctly. Our gun crime is confined to tiny areas of our country, controlled by the democrat party. The rest of the country, 99% of it, are as safe, or safer than any country in Europe......but let's not let the truth get out...
So if you discount all the bad bits you are as safe. as Europe ? Ok, I get that. Can we discount our worst places to even it up ?

We are no less safe than anyone else
The difference is that if an American is set upon by violent assholes they can defend themselves with the best self defense tool ever created while you people have to wait for someone to save you
Driving with a loaded weapon in your car can be very useful in avoiding parking tickets, deciding who is right in a fender bender, dealing with annoying drivers and finding a parking space

Hey, I want that parking space, mind moving your car?

Speaking for yourself again on how you'd use a gun only makes us happier you don't own them. The rest of us are capable of more responsibility.
Having a gun means never having to admit you are wrong

Then you must secretly own an arsenal.
You don’t really need an Arsenal

Just a concealed handgun for when someone screams at you for cutting him off

You can show him who is right
And again I'll ask you

How many of the millions of people who legally carry a concealed weapon every day ever do any of the shit you say they do?
Versus 1.1 million times a year Americans use their guns to save lives? Does that make you feel better, all those lives saved?
My neighbors been bugging me lately.
Think I'll go and shoot up his house.
Data from the NRA?

Well, that would just make you the typical antifart progressive scumbag. But not an NRA member. Far from it, they are law abiding. Unlike you it appears.
NRA keeps us safe...

They even protect gun rights for terrorists

Well, you assholes like to import them in so I guess it's only fair that Congress people who are put on the list in error get to have their gun rights back. Morons like you seem to be unable to do much more than import murderers into this country and then wail about the crime they commit while demanding that we turn in our guns.

Typical brain dead progressive. Yep, that describes you to a T.

Hmm, I just ran a check. This week, I didn't import one single Terrorist. Not one. Maybe you can say that next week, who knows. But this week I didn't import a single one. And yet, I am supportive of common sense gun regulations. Does that mean I need to start importing Terrorists? Is that part of the job description or are you just full of crap as usual.
We already have plenty of gun laws on the books maybe we should actually enforce them before we add any more
Yet we continually create fresh assholes with a gun

Any way to prevent someone with a temper from having a gun?

Nope, not till they actually commit a assault, battery......just like there is no way to deny a drunk driver his license till after he drives drunk....

If you want "pre-crime" you have to go see Tom Cruises movie...
Winner, winner chicken dinner

No way to prevent an asshole with a temper from going out and buying a badass gun

Except keep him from buying a badass gun like other countries do

It doesn't work in other countries.....British police have stated that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country..... and as More Americans own and carry guns...our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? Our gun crime rate went down do you explain that....

So, your theory is crap. It is not supported by actual real world experience here in the states or even over have nothing.
Your murder rate is many times greater than Britains. How is that when "guns make you safer" ?
300 million guns are not making us safer

Funny when I didn't have a gun I was the victim of a violent crime that left me with 3 cracked ribs, a fractured eye orbital, a lacerated spleen and a severe concussion. I still have the scar under my left eye to remind me that there is real violence in the world.

Guess how many times that has happened since I got my carry permit
It doesn't work in other countries.....British police have stated that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country..... and as More Americans own and carry guns...our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? Our gun crime rate went down do you explain that....

So, your theory is crap. It is not supported by actual real world experience here in the states or even over have nothing.
Your murder rate is many times greater than Britains. How is that when "guns make you safer" ?

Our "Great Society" destroyed inner city families...primarily Black families during the 1960s and 70s....while your country was recovering from the War, our families in democrat cities were devolving into single teenage girl headed households, who had multiple children from different males, with no father to raise them. This created more violence in our democrat controlled cities. That is how.....and notice....during the 1970s going to the 1990s, we had a huge spike in violent crime....then, more people began to own and actually carry guns, and our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? You have failed to address that question over and over again. Our gun crime rate went down 75%, as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....again, you fail to answer that question. And our violent crime rate went down 72% while more Americans, not fewer, bought and now carry guns......

Your entire theory has been shown to be wrong by the example here in the U.S.......of course, you won't address this since you can't explain it.

Your theory is that more guns lead to more gun crime.........this didn't happen here in the can't explain that, which is why you don't even try to explain it.

Your country banned and confiscated guns, and essentially there was no effect on gun murder or crime, other than a 10 year spike after you did can't explain that either.....Britain always had a low gun murder rate...which means it wasn't access to guns that determined the gun murder rate but rather the willingness of British criminals to murder people with those guns...

You think it is isn't. It is the mind set of the criminal....our criminals have been gun crime.
raised in fatherless homes longer than yours have.....your criminals are now catching up on that...and becoming more violent.
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Oh? Guns actually cause crime? The people involved bear no responsibility for their actions?
Guns make it immensely easier to do the crime
Except that 99.999% of all people who legally own guns will never commit a crime

So why do you want to stop people who will never commit a crime with a gun from owning them?
Winner, winner chicken dinner

No way to prevent an asshole with a temper from going out and buying a badass gun

Except keep him from buying a badass gun like other countries do

It doesn't work in other countries.....British police have stated that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country..... and as More Americans own and carry guns...our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? Our gun crime rate went down do you explain that....

So, your theory is crap. It is not supported by actual real world experience here in the states or even over have nothing.
Your murder rate is many times greater than Britains. How is that when "guns make you safer" ?

Our "Great Society" destroyed inner city families...primarily Black families during the 1960s and 70s....while your country was recovering from the War, our families in democrat cities were devolving into single teenage girl headed households, who had multiple children from different males, with no father to raise them. This created more violence in our democrat controlled cities. That is how.....and notice....during the 1970s going to the 1990s, we had a huge spike in violent crime....then, more people began to own and actually carry guns, and our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? You have failed to address that question over and over again. Our gun crime rate went down 75%, as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....again, you fail to answer that question. And our violent crime rate went down 72% while more Americans, not fewer, bought and now carry guns......

Your entire theory has been shown to be wrong by the example here in the U.S.......of course, you won't address this since you can't explain it.

Your theory is that more guns lead to more gun crime.........this didn't happen here in the can't explain that, which is why you don't even try to explain it.

Your country banned and confiscated guns, and essentially there was no effect on gun murder or crime, other than a 10 year spike after you did can't explain that either.....Britain always had a low gun murder rate...which means it wasn't access to guns that determined the gun murder rate but rather the willingness of British criminals to murder people with those guns...

You think it is isn't. It is the mind set of the criminal....our criminals have been gun crime.
raised in fatherless homes longer than yours have.....your criminals are now catching up on that...and becoming more violent.
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Except here in the can't explain the following facts, so you ignore them...

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder goes down 49%.

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun crime goes down 75%.

More Americans buy, own, and carry guns over the last 26 years....violent crime goes down 72%.

Those are facts. That is actually what happened when more Americans own and actually carry guns...

So your Theory...more guns = more gun crime is obviously stupid...since the actual facts and reality show the exact opposite happened...

And on your side of the pond.....Britain had a low gun murder rate when they were allowed to own guns.

Britain banned and confiscated guns.

Gun murder spiked for 10 years.

After that 10 years, the gun murder rate returned to the same level as before they banned and confiscated guns.

So your Theory, from your own experience, is again....crap.
But but but..........................with all those guns the US should be safer. And the stats show that it isn't. Why is that?
The stats dont lie.
The worst argument ever tommy.... there are 4 types of lies tommy
large and
The stats are pretty consistent, there are dozens of these charts and they all shotw similar results.

Wrong....they show results that include suicide, and don't break down our country correctly. Our gun crime is confined to tiny areas of our country, controlled by the democrat party. The rest of the country, 99% of it, are as safe, or safer than any country in Europe......but let's not let the truth get out...
So if you discount all the bad bits you are as safe. as Europe ? Ok, I get that. Can we discount our worst places to even it up ?

We are no less safe than anyone else
The difference is that if an American is set upon by violent assholes they can defend themselves with the best self defense tool ever created while you people have to wait for someone to save you

Funny thing that these Tards are always decrying to others the lack of any need for guns they have never had themselves to lose, yet if they get in trouble and a bad thing happens, the very first thing they think to want to do is to call for someone who has a gun.

It only takes 10-30 seconds for a person to rob or kill you. It takes on average 20 minutes for the police to arrive.

The worst argument ever tommy.... there are 4 types of lies tommy
large and
The stats are pretty consistent, there are dozens of these charts and they all shotw similar results.

Wrong....they show results that include suicide, and don't break down our country correctly. Our gun crime is confined to tiny areas of our country, controlled by the democrat party. The rest of the country, 99% of it, are as safe, or safer than any country in Europe......but let's not let the truth get out...
So if you discount all the bad bits you are as safe. as Europe ? Ok, I get that. Can we discount our worst places to even it up ?

We are no less safe than anyone else
The difference is that if an American is set upon by violent assholes they can defend themselves with the best self defense tool ever created while you people have to wait for someone to save you

Funny thing that these Tards are always decrying to others the lack of any need for guns they have never had themselves to lose, yet if they get in trouble and a bad thing happens, the very first thing they think to want to do is to call for someone who has a gun.

It only takes 10-30 seconds for a person to rob or kill you. It takes on average 20 minutes for the police to arrive.

View attachment 269151
If they come at all.

Don't forget the Supreme Court has ruled that the police have absolutely no obligation to come to your aid
It doesn't work in other countries.....British police have stated that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country..... and as More Americans own and carry guns...our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? Our gun crime rate went down do you explain that....

So, your theory is crap. It is not supported by actual real world experience here in the states or even over have nothing.
Your murder rate is many times greater than Britains. How is that when "guns make you safer" ?

Our "Great Society" destroyed inner city families...primarily Black families during the 1960s and 70s....while your country was recovering from the War, our families in democrat cities were devolving into single teenage girl headed households, who had multiple children from different males, with no father to raise them. This created more violence in our democrat controlled cities. That is how.....and notice....during the 1970s going to the 1990s, we had a huge spike in violent crime....then, more people began to own and actually carry guns, and our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? You have failed to address that question over and over again. Our gun crime rate went down 75%, as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....again, you fail to answer that question. And our violent crime rate went down 72% while more Americans, not fewer, bought and now carry guns......

Your entire theory has been shown to be wrong by the example here in the U.S.......of course, you won't address this since you can't explain it.

Your theory is that more guns lead to more gun crime.........this didn't happen here in the can't explain that, which is why you don't even try to explain it.

Your country banned and confiscated guns, and essentially there was no effect on gun murder or crime, other than a 10 year spike after you did can't explain that either.....Britain always had a low gun murder rate...which means it wasn't access to guns that determined the gun murder rate but rather the willingness of British criminals to murder people with those guns...

You think it is isn't. It is the mind set of the criminal....our criminals have been gun crime.
raised in fatherless homes longer than yours have.....your criminals are now catching up on that...and becoming more violent.
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Except here in the can't explain the following facts, so you ignore them...

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder goes down 49%.

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun crime goes down 75%.

More Americans buy, own, and carry guns over the last 26 years....violent crime goes down 72%.

Those are facts. That is actually what happened when more Americans own and actually carry guns...

So your Theory...more guns = more gun crime is obviously stupid...since the actual facts and reality show the exact opposite happened...

And on your side of the pond.....Britain had a low gun murder rate when they were allowed to own guns.

Britain banned and confiscated guns.

Gun murder spiked for 10 years.

After that 10 years, the gun murder rate returned to the same level as before they banned and confiscated guns.

So your Theory, from your own experience, is again....crap.
But but but..........................with all those guns the US should be safer. And the stats show that it isn't. Why is that?

And it was explained to you......our "Great Society" destroyed the family structure in our inner cities.......that drove our violent crime rate through the mid 1960s through the early 1990s.....

Now....having answered that, you can now explain how it is that as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years....our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%....

How do you explain that?

Britain is more violent than the you have been shown over and over again....

Also, please explain how it is that Britain had a lower gun murder rate than the U.S. before they banned guns.....and the same gun murder rate after they banned guns...

You have to explain how your theory is supposed to work when none of the actual facts support it...
It doesn't work in other countries.....British police have stated that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country..... and as More Americans own and carry guns...our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? Our gun crime rate went down do you explain that....

So, your theory is crap. It is not supported by actual real world experience here in the states or even over have nothing.
Your murder rate is many times greater than Britains. How is that when "guns make you safer" ?

Our "Great Society" destroyed inner city families...primarily Black families during the 1960s and 70s....while your country was recovering from the War, our families in democrat cities were devolving into single teenage girl headed households, who had multiple children from different males, with no father to raise them. This created more violence in our democrat controlled cities. That is how.....and notice....during the 1970s going to the 1990s, we had a huge spike in violent crime....then, more people began to own and actually carry guns, and our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? You have failed to address that question over and over again. Our gun crime rate went down 75%, as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....again, you fail to answer that question. And our violent crime rate went down 72% while more Americans, not fewer, bought and now carry guns......

Your entire theory has been shown to be wrong by the example here in the U.S.......of course, you won't address this since you can't explain it.

Your theory is that more guns lead to more gun crime.........this didn't happen here in the can't explain that, which is why you don't even try to explain it.

Your country banned and confiscated guns, and essentially there was no effect on gun murder or crime, other than a 10 year spike after you did can't explain that either.....Britain always had a low gun murder rate...which means it wasn't access to guns that determined the gun murder rate but rather the willingness of British criminals to murder people with those guns...

You think it is isn't. It is the mind set of the criminal....our criminals have been gun crime.
raised in fatherless homes longer than yours have.....your criminals are now catching up on that...and becoming more violent.
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Except here in the can't explain the following facts, so you ignore them...

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder goes down 49%.

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun crime goes down 75%.

More Americans buy, own, and carry guns over the last 26 years....violent crime goes down 72%.

Those are facts. That is actually what happened when more Americans own and actually carry guns...

So your Theory...more guns = more gun crime is obviously stupid...since the actual facts and reality show the exact opposite happened...

And on your side of the pond.....Britain had a low gun murder rate when they were allowed to own guns.

Britain banned and confiscated guns.

Gun murder spiked for 10 years.

After that 10 years, the gun murder rate returned to the same level as before they banned and confiscated guns.

So your Theory, from your own experience, is again....crap.
But but but..........................with all those guns the US should be safer. And the stats show that it isn't. Why is that?
Then why is a person twice as likely to be the victim of an assault or a rape in the UK compared to the US?

United Kingdom vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats
It doesn't work in other countries.....British police have stated that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country..... and as More Americans own and carry guns...our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? Our gun crime rate went down do you explain that....

So, your theory is crap. It is not supported by actual real world experience here in the states or even over have nothing.
Your murder rate is many times greater than Britains. How is that when "guns make you safer" ?

Our "Great Society" destroyed inner city families...primarily Black families during the 1960s and 70s....while your country was recovering from the War, our families in democrat cities were devolving into single teenage girl headed households, who had multiple children from different males, with no father to raise them. This created more violence in our democrat controlled cities. That is how.....and notice....during the 1970s going to the 1990s, we had a huge spike in violent crime....then, more people began to own and actually carry guns, and our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? You have failed to address that question over and over again. Our gun crime rate went down 75%, as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....again, you fail to answer that question. And our violent crime rate went down 72% while more Americans, not fewer, bought and now carry guns......

Your entire theory has been shown to be wrong by the example here in the U.S.......of course, you won't address this since you can't explain it.

Your theory is that more guns lead to more gun crime.........this didn't happen here in the can't explain that, which is why you don't even try to explain it.

Your country banned and confiscated guns, and essentially there was no effect on gun murder or crime, other than a 10 year spike after you did can't explain that either.....Britain always had a low gun murder rate...which means it wasn't access to guns that determined the gun murder rate but rather the willingness of British criminals to murder people with those guns...

You think it is isn't. It is the mind set of the criminal....our criminals have been gun crime.
raised in fatherless homes longer than yours have.....your criminals are now catching up on that...and becoming more violent.
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Except here in the can't explain the following facts, so you ignore them...

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder goes down 49%.

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun crime goes down 75%.

More Americans buy, own, and carry guns over the last 26 years....violent crime goes down 72%.

Those are facts. That is actually what happened when more Americans own and actually carry guns...

So your Theory...more guns = more gun crime is obviously stupid...since the actual facts and reality show the exact opposite happened...

And on your side of the pond.....Britain had a low gun murder rate when they were allowed to own guns.

Britain banned and confiscated guns.

Gun murder spiked for 10 years.

After that 10 years, the gun murder rate returned to the same level as before they banned and confiscated guns.

So your Theory, from your own experience, is again....crap.
But but but..........................with all those guns the US should be safer. And the stats show that it isn't. Why is that?

More Americans own and carry guns.....violent crime rate over 26 years goes down 72%.

Britain bans and confiscates guns...violent crime rate up 19%...

Violent crime in England and Wales up 19%

On homicide, statisticians said the increase continues an upward trend that has been seen since March 2014, indicating a change to the long-term decrease over the previous decade.
Your murder rate is many times greater than Britains. How is that when "guns make you safer" ?

Our "Great Society" destroyed inner city families...primarily Black families during the 1960s and 70s....while your country was recovering from the War, our families in democrat cities were devolving into single teenage girl headed households, who had multiple children from different males, with no father to raise them. This created more violence in our democrat controlled cities. That is how.....and notice....during the 1970s going to the 1990s, we had a huge spike in violent crime....then, more people began to own and actually carry guns, and our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? You have failed to address that question over and over again. Our gun crime rate went down 75%, as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....again, you fail to answer that question. And our violent crime rate went down 72% while more Americans, not fewer, bought and now carry guns......

Your entire theory has been shown to be wrong by the example here in the U.S.......of course, you won't address this since you can't explain it.

Your theory is that more guns lead to more gun crime.........this didn't happen here in the can't explain that, which is why you don't even try to explain it.

Your country banned and confiscated guns, and essentially there was no effect on gun murder or crime, other than a 10 year spike after you did can't explain that either.....Britain always had a low gun murder rate...which means it wasn't access to guns that determined the gun murder rate but rather the willingness of British criminals to murder people with those guns...

You think it is isn't. It is the mind set of the criminal....our criminals have been gun crime.
raised in fatherless homes longer than yours have.....your criminals are now catching up on that...and becoming more violent.
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Except here in the can't explain the following facts, so you ignore them...

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder goes down 49%.

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun crime goes down 75%.

More Americans buy, own, and carry guns over the last 26 years....violent crime goes down 72%.

Those are facts. That is actually what happened when more Americans own and actually carry guns...

So your Theory...more guns = more gun crime is obviously stupid...since the actual facts and reality show the exact opposite happened...

And on your side of the pond.....Britain had a low gun murder rate when they were allowed to own guns.

Britain banned and confiscated guns.

Gun murder spiked for 10 years.

After that 10 years, the gun murder rate returned to the same level as before they banned and confiscated guns.

So your Theory, from your own experience, is again....crap.
But but but..........................with all those guns the US should be safer. And the stats show that it isn't. Why is that?
Then why is a person twice as likely to be the victim of an assault or a rape in the UK compared to the US?

United Kingdom vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats
Depends what you classify as a sexual assault. Different countries, different laws.
With murder there is a body. Can't argue with that.
Your murder rate is many times greater than Britains. How is that when "guns make you safer" ?

Our "Great Society" destroyed inner city families...primarily Black families during the 1960s and 70s....while your country was recovering from the War, our families in democrat cities were devolving into single teenage girl headed households, who had multiple children from different males, with no father to raise them. This created more violence in our democrat controlled cities. That is how.....and notice....during the 1970s going to the 1990s, we had a huge spike in violent crime....then, more people began to own and actually carry guns, and our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? You have failed to address that question over and over again. Our gun crime rate went down 75%, as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....again, you fail to answer that question. And our violent crime rate went down 72% while more Americans, not fewer, bought and now carry guns......

Your entire theory has been shown to be wrong by the example here in the U.S.......of course, you won't address this since you can't explain it.

Your theory is that more guns lead to more gun crime.........this didn't happen here in the can't explain that, which is why you don't even try to explain it.

Your country banned and confiscated guns, and essentially there was no effect on gun murder or crime, other than a 10 year spike after you did can't explain that either.....Britain always had a low gun murder rate...which means it wasn't access to guns that determined the gun murder rate but rather the willingness of British criminals to murder people with those guns...

You think it is isn't. It is the mind set of the criminal....our criminals have been gun crime.
raised in fatherless homes longer than yours have.....your criminals are now catching up on that...and becoming more violent.
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Except here in the can't explain the following facts, so you ignore them...

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder goes down 49%.

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun crime goes down 75%.

More Americans buy, own, and carry guns over the last 26 years....violent crime goes down 72%.

Those are facts. That is actually what happened when more Americans own and actually carry guns...

So your Theory...more guns = more gun crime is obviously stupid...since the actual facts and reality show the exact opposite happened...

And on your side of the pond.....Britain had a low gun murder rate when they were allowed to own guns.

Britain banned and confiscated guns.

Gun murder spiked for 10 years.

After that 10 years, the gun murder rate returned to the same level as before they banned and confiscated guns.

So your Theory, from your own experience, is again....crap.
But but but..........................with all those guns the US should be safer. And the stats show that it isn't. Why is that?

And it was explained to you......our "Great Society" destroyed the family structure in our inner cities.......that drove our violent crime rate through the mid 1960s through the early 1990s.....

Now....having answered that, you can now explain how it is that as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years....our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%....

How do you explain that?

Britain is more violent than the you have been shown over and over again....

Also, please explain how it is that Britain had a lower gun murder rate than the U.S. before they banned guns.....and the same gun murder rate after they banned guns...

You have to explain how your theory is supposed to work when none of the actual facts support it...
Lower, higher its all bullshit to deflect from the truth. Europe is safer than the US.
Your break up of families happened in Europe as well. But we don't suffer from the carnage that you do.
Our "Great Society" destroyed inner city families...primarily Black families during the 1960s and 70s....while your country was recovering from the War, our families in democrat cities were devolving into single teenage girl headed households, who had multiple children from different males, with no father to raise them. This created more violence in our democrat controlled cities. That is how.....and notice....during the 1970s going to the 1990s, we had a huge spike in violent crime....then, more people began to own and actually carry guns, and our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? You have failed to address that question over and over again. Our gun crime rate went down 75%, as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....again, you fail to answer that question. And our violent crime rate went down 72% while more Americans, not fewer, bought and now carry guns......

Your entire theory has been shown to be wrong by the example here in the U.S.......of course, you won't address this since you can't explain it.

Your theory is that more guns lead to more gun crime.........this didn't happen here in the can't explain that, which is why you don't even try to explain it.

Your country banned and confiscated guns, and essentially there was no effect on gun murder or crime, other than a 10 year spike after you did can't explain that either.....Britain always had a low gun murder rate...which means it wasn't access to guns that determined the gun murder rate but rather the willingness of British criminals to murder people with those guns...

You think it is isn't. It is the mind set of the criminal....our criminals have been gun crime.
raised in fatherless homes longer than yours have.....your criminals are now catching up on that...and becoming more violent.
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Except here in the can't explain the following facts, so you ignore them...

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder goes down 49%.

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun crime goes down 75%.

More Americans buy, own, and carry guns over the last 26 years....violent crime goes down 72%.

Those are facts. That is actually what happened when more Americans own and actually carry guns...

So your Theory...more guns = more gun crime is obviously stupid...since the actual facts and reality show the exact opposite happened...

And on your side of the pond.....Britain had a low gun murder rate when they were allowed to own guns.

Britain banned and confiscated guns.

Gun murder spiked for 10 years.

After that 10 years, the gun murder rate returned to the same level as before they banned and confiscated guns.

So your Theory, from your own experience, is again....crap.
But but but..........................with all those guns the US should be safer. And the stats show that it isn't. Why is that?
Then why is a person twice as likely to be the victim of an assault or a rape in the UK compared to the US?

United Kingdom vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats
Depends what you classify as a sexual assault. Different countries, different laws.
With murder there is a body. Can't argue with that.

As more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder down 49%...

Britain...homicides up 14%...

Homicides in England and Wales rise by 14%

The number of homicides in England and Wales increased by 14% in the year to September 2018, according to official figures that have fuelled calls for more investment in policing.
Our "Great Society" destroyed inner city families...primarily Black families during the 1960s and 70s....while your country was recovering from the War, our families in democrat cities were devolving into single teenage girl headed households, who had multiple children from different males, with no father to raise them. This created more violence in our democrat controlled cities. That is how.....and notice....during the 1970s going to the 1990s, we had a huge spike in violent crime....then, more people began to own and actually carry guns, and our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? You have failed to address that question over and over again. Our gun crime rate went down 75%, as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....again, you fail to answer that question. And our violent crime rate went down 72% while more Americans, not fewer, bought and now carry guns......

Your entire theory has been shown to be wrong by the example here in the U.S.......of course, you won't address this since you can't explain it.

Your theory is that more guns lead to more gun crime.........this didn't happen here in the can't explain that, which is why you don't even try to explain it.

Your country banned and confiscated guns, and essentially there was no effect on gun murder or crime, other than a 10 year spike after you did can't explain that either.....Britain always had a low gun murder rate...which means it wasn't access to guns that determined the gun murder rate but rather the willingness of British criminals to murder people with those guns...

You think it is isn't. It is the mind set of the criminal....our criminals have been gun crime.
raised in fatherless homes longer than yours have.....your criminals are now catching up on that...and becoming more violent.
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Except here in the can't explain the following facts, so you ignore them...

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder goes down 49%.

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun crime goes down 75%.

More Americans buy, own, and carry guns over the last 26 years....violent crime goes down 72%.

Those are facts. That is actually what happened when more Americans own and actually carry guns...

So your Theory...more guns = more gun crime is obviously stupid...since the actual facts and reality show the exact opposite happened...

And on your side of the pond.....Britain had a low gun murder rate when they were allowed to own guns.

Britain banned and confiscated guns.

Gun murder spiked for 10 years.

After that 10 years, the gun murder rate returned to the same level as before they banned and confiscated guns.

So your Theory, from your own experience, is again....crap.
But but but..........................with all those guns the US should be safer. And the stats show that it isn't. Why is that?
Then why is a person twice as likely to be the victim of an assault or a rape in the UK compared to the US?

United Kingdom vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats
Depends what you classify as a sexual assault. Different countries, different laws.
With murder there is a body. Can't argue with that.

I didn't say anything about sexual assault

The word is RAPE

so tell me how the UK defines RAPE and how is it different than the US?

And again I'll tell you that the vast majority of murders in this country are criminals who are not legally eligible to possess a firearm killing other criminals

People who LEGALLY own firearms aren't the problem and in this country we don't blame the crimes of others on the people who haven't broken the law

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