More guns keeping us safe.......

And it was explained to you......our "Great Society" destroyed the family structure in our inner cities.......that drove our violent crime rate through the mid 1960s through the early 1990s.....

Now....having answered that, you can now explain how it is that as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years....our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%....

How do you explain that?

Britain is more violent than the you have been shown over and over again....

Also, please explain how it is that Britain had a lower gun murder rate than the U.S. before they banned guns.....and the same gun murder rate after they banned guns...

You have to explain how your theory is supposed to work when none of the actual facts support it...
Lower, higher its all bullshit to deflect from the truth. Europe is safer than the US.
Your break up of families happened in Europe as well. But we don't suffer from the carnage that you do.

You think that your violent crime rate is frozen in amber............that the increase in fatherless homes will have no effect on violence in Britain? You are about to be very surprised...
The UK saw two whole generations lose their fathers in the last century. And we have never had slaughter rates to compare to yours. Same in France,Belgium, Germany and so on.
What other crap have you got.

Yes I got your number now

You have to prove your better than people in the US so you whine how bad it is here but take a poll and see how many US citizens want to live in your little kingdom

We don't give a shit about the UK or what the subjects of some withered old monarch think
Good point. We don`t care what anyone thinks of us. We`re the new North Korea!

Why should we care?

No one who lives his life constantly worrying what other people think never achieves anything.
he stated his opposition to Islam and blamed feminism for a European "cultural suicide."[15][16] The text called for the deportation of all Muslims from Europe[17][18] and Breivik wrote that his main motive for the attacks was to publicize his manifesto.
I saved a life last night and didn't even have to draw my pistol all it took was lift my shirt and reveal the pistol grip and they ran.
Did you file a report with the police? I didn`t think so. You would be in trouble for filing a fake police report. A bus load of home invaders pulled into my driveway last week but when I came out of the house with an armload of assault weapons they took off like scared rabbits. I didn`t call the police either. :)
Typical gun owner fantasy about chasing off bad guys

My gun makes me a bad ass
he stated his opposition to Islam and blamed feminism for a European "cultural suicide."[15][16] The text called for the deportation of all Muslims from Europe[17][18] and Breivik wrote that his main motive for the attacks was to publicize his manifesto.
I saved a life last night and didn't even have to draw my pistol all it took was lift my shirt and reveal the pistol grip and they ran.
Did you file a report with the police? I didn`t think so. You would be in trouble for filing a fake police report. A bus load of home invaders pulled into my driveway last week but when I came out of the house with an armload of assault weapons they took off like scared rabbits. I didn`t call the police either. :)
Typical gun owner fantasy about chasing off bad guys

My gun makes me a bad ass
Typical response from a person who can't do anything but spout the same trite nonsense.

How many of the millions of people who legally carry a gun every day go on rampages over a parking space ?
he stated his opposition to Islam and blamed feminism for a European "cultural suicide."[15][16] The text called for the deportation of all Muslims from Europe[17][18] and Breivik wrote that his main motive for the attacks was to publicize his manifesto.
I saved a life last night and didn't even have to draw my pistol all it took was lift my shirt and reveal the pistol grip and they ran.
Did you file a report with the police? I didn`t think so. You would be in trouble for filing a fake police report. A bus load of home invaders pulled into my driveway last week but when I came out of the house with an armload of assault weapons they took off like scared rabbits. I didn`t call the police either. :)
you must live in a blue communist shit hole that you have to report every time you take a breath.
If guns made you safer the whole world would have them.
They don't make you safer, they make you more likely to get shot.

Only cretins would argue otherwise.

Ahmed, you think only the great Satan has guns?

Then why does NZ have such a low homicide rate

They don't have a population that is prone to crime and violence.....before they banned those rifles, they had the same low gun murder rate, in fact, it was lower than Australia after Australia banned and confiscated guns but while New Zealand kept their guns.

You morons hate you want guns gone....guns do not drive crime, they do not drive gun violence....the nature and character of the criminals in a country drive the gun crime rate and the violent crime rate....and most of that has to do with fatherless homes in western countries.
NRA keeps us safe...

They even protect gun rights for terrorists

Well, you assholes like to import them in so I guess it's only fair that Congress people who are put on the list in error get to have their gun rights back. Morons like you seem to be unable to do much more than import murderers into this country and then wail about the crime they commit while demanding that we turn in our guns.

Typical brain dead progressive. Yep, that describes you to a T.

Hmm, I just ran a check. This week, I didn't import one single Terrorist. Not one. Maybe you can say that next week, who knows. But this week I didn't import a single one. And yet, I am supportive of common sense gun regulations. Does that mean I need to start importing Terrorists? Is that part of the job description or are you just full of crap as usual.

Sure you did. Every time you bleat about giving free stuff to illegal aliens you help import yet another terrorist here. At the rate of 100,000 a month, and now with Africans showing up en masse, it is clear to anyone with a brain that terrorists are using this handy dandy avenue to get here to the USA. Congrats, you're either a fool, or you want them to come.
No, it’s clear to everyone that this is a lie – as ignorant as it is untrue and wrong.

No, it is not a lie. It is a fact. We KNOW, that terrorists are using the illegal flood to get into this country.

The worst of the lot (over 3000 dead) all came in legally. And all the rest of the mass murderers were home grown. Once again, you are using copy and paste. Try thinking for a change. Or does the GRU make a good source for your facts, comrade
he stated his opposition to Islam and blamed feminism for a European "cultural suicide."[15][16] The text called for the deportation of all Muslims from Europe[17][18] and Breivik wrote that his main motive for the attacks was to publicize his manifesto.
I saved a life last night and didn't even have to draw my pistol all it took was lift my shirt and reveal the pistol grip and they ran.
Did you file a report with the police? I didn`t think so. You would be in trouble for filing a fake police report. A bus load of home invaders pulled into my driveway last week but when I came out of the house with an armload of assault weapons they took off like scared rabbits. I didn`t call the police either. :)
Typical gun owner fantasy about chasing off bad guys

My gun makes me a bad ass

Yeppers, 1.1 million times a year those typical gun owners are preventing crimes against them. If only you had a brain you could come up with an argument that wasn't more suited to the grade school playground.
Well, you assholes like to import them in so I guess it's only fair that Congress people who are put on the list in error get to have their gun rights back. Morons like you seem to be unable to do much more than import murderers into this country and then wail about the crime they commit while demanding that we turn in our guns.

Typical brain dead progressive. Yep, that describes you to a T.

Hmm, I just ran a check. This week, I didn't import one single Terrorist. Not one. Maybe you can say that next week, who knows. But this week I didn't import a single one. And yet, I am supportive of common sense gun regulations. Does that mean I need to start importing Terrorists? Is that part of the job description or are you just full of crap as usual.

Sure you did. Every time you bleat about giving free stuff to illegal aliens you help import yet another terrorist here. At the rate of 100,000 a month, and now with Africans showing up en masse, it is clear to anyone with a brain that terrorists are using this handy dandy avenue to get here to the USA. Congrats, you're either a fool, or you want them to come.
No, it’s clear to everyone that this is a lie – as ignorant as it is untrue and wrong.

No, it is not a lie. It is a fact. We KNOW, that terrorists are using the illegal flood to get into this country.

The worst of the lot (over 3000 dead) all came in legally. And all the rest of the mass murderers were home grown. Once again, you are using copy and paste. Try thinking for a change. Or does the GRU make a good source for your facts, comrade

Terrorists are coming in NOW. Try and keep up.
If guns made you safer the whole world would have them.
They don't make you safer, they make you more likely to get shot.

Only cretins would argue otherwise.
-------------------------------------- all the Worlds ELITES , the 'kings queens' and their taxpayer paid Servants that work for money do have Guns . Thats why its important for AMERICANS to also keep their Guns Tommy .
Well, that would just make you the typical antifart progressive scumbag. But not an NRA member. Far from it, they are law abiding. Unlike you it appears.
NRA keeps us safe...

They even protect gun rights for terrorists

Well, you assholes like to import them in so I guess it's only fair that Congress people who are put on the list in error get to have their gun rights back. Morons like you seem to be unable to do much more than import murderers into this country and then wail about the crime they commit while demanding that we turn in our guns.

Typical brain dead progressive. Yep, that describes you to a T.

Hmm, I just ran a check. This week, I didn't import one single Terrorist. Not one. Maybe you can say that next week, who knows. But this week I didn't import a single one. And yet, I am supportive of common sense gun regulations. Does that mean I need to start importing Terrorists? Is that part of the job description or are you just full of crap as usual.

Sure you did. Every time you bleat about giving free stuff to illegal aliens you help import yet another terrorist here. At the rate of 100,000 a month, and now with Africans showing up en masse, it is clear to anyone with a brain that terrorists are using this handy dandy avenue to get here to the USA. Congrats, you're either a fool, or you want them to come.

Oh, I bleat about given free anything to illegals? Just because you say so? You say a lot of insane crap. Those voices in your head need to be looked after.
Quit giving the I
Le gals 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' Loses at Least 26 Advertisers After Immigration Comment
Antofart progressive.?
Apologies but I'm a millionaire corporate guy never voted for a dem in my life.
Prefer to suck off zero Ed rube white boys
NRA keeps us safe...

They even protect gun rights for terrorists

Well, you assholes like to import them in so I guess it's only fair that Congress people who are put on the list in error get to have their gun rights back. Morons like you seem to be unable to do much more than import murderers into this country and then wail about the crime they commit while demanding that we turn in our guns.

Typical brain dead progressive. Yep, that describes you to a T.

Hmm, I just ran a check. This week, I didn't import one single Terrorist. Not one. Maybe you can say that next week, who knows. But this week I didn't import a single one. And yet, I am supportive of common sense gun regulations. Does that mean I need to start importing Terrorists? Is that part of the job description or are you just full of crap as usual.

Sure you did. Every time you bleat about giving free stuff to illegal aliens you help import yet another terrorist here. At the rate of 100,000 a month, and now with Africans showing up en masse, it is clear to anyone with a brain that terrorists are using this handy dandy avenue to get here to the USA. Congrats, you're either a fool, or you want them to come.

Oh, I bleat about given free anything to illegals? Just because you say so? You say a lot of insane crap. Those voices in your head need to be looked after.
Quit giving the I
Le gals 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' Loses at Least 26 Advertisers After Immigration Comment
Antofart progressive.?
Apologies but I'm a millionaire corporate guy never voted for a dem in my life.
Prefer to suck off zero Ed rube white boys

Sure you are. Yet another millenial living in his moms basement claiming to be a millionaire. You must be related to one percenter, he's another internet millionaire.
Hmm, I just ran a check. This week, I didn't import one single Terrorist. Not one. Maybe you can say that next week, who knows. But this week I didn't import a single one. And yet, I am supportive of common sense gun regulations. Does that mean I need to start importing Terrorists? Is that part of the job description or are you just full of crap as usual.

Sure you did. Every time you bleat about giving free stuff to illegal aliens you help import yet another terrorist here. At the rate of 100,000 a month, and now with Africans showing up en masse, it is clear to anyone with a brain that terrorists are using this handy dandy avenue to get here to the USA. Congrats, you're either a fool, or you want them to come.
No, it’s clear to everyone that this is a lie – as ignorant as it is untrue and wrong.

No, it is not a lie. It is a fact. We KNOW, that terrorists are using the illegal flood to get into this country.

The worst of the lot (over 3000 dead) all came in legally. And all the rest of the mass murderers were home grown. Once again, you are using copy and paste. Try thinking for a change. Or does the GRU make a good source for your facts, comrade

Terrorists are coming in NOW. Try and keep up.
I hear there's a terrorist 2 doors down.
Must go down and blast his house with my tank gun
Well, you assholes like to import them in so I guess it's only fair that Congress people who are put on the list in error get to have their gun rights back. Morons like you seem to be unable to do much more than import murderers into this country and then wail about the crime they commit while demanding that we turn in our guns.

Typical brain dead progressive. Yep, that describes you to a T.

Hmm, I just ran a check. This week, I didn't import one single Terrorist. Not one. Maybe you can say that next week, who knows. But this week I didn't import a single one. And yet, I am supportive of common sense gun regulations. Does that mean I need to start importing Terrorists? Is that part of the job description or are you just full of crap as usual.[/QUO

Sure you did. Every time you bleat about giving free stuff to illegal aliens you help import yet another terrorist here. At the rate of 100,000 a month, and now with Africans showing up en masse, it is clear to anyone with a brain that terrorists are using this handy dandy avenue to get here to the USA. Congrats, you're either a fool, or you want them to come.

Oh, I bleat about given free anything to illegals? Just because you say so? You say a lot of insane crap. Those voices in your head need to be looked after.
Quit giving the I
Le gals 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' Loses at Least 26 Advertisers After Immigration Comment
Antofart progressive.?
Apologies but I'm a millionaire corporate guy never voted for a dem in my life.
Prefer to suck off zero Ed rube white boys

Sure you are. Yet another millenial living in his moms basement claiming to be a millionaire. You must be related to one percenter, he's another internet millionaire.
Ah well, are you too dumb to know corporate guys always vote for repubs?
So your college?
My external examiner (if you know what that is) won a Nobel prize (if you know what that is)
Well, you assholes like to import them in so I guess it's only fair that Congress people who are put on the list in error get to have their gun rights back. Morons like you seem to be unable to do much more than import murderers into this country and then wail about the crime they commit while demanding that we turn in our guns.

Typical brain dead progressive. Yep, that describes you to a T.

Hmm, I just ran a check. This week, I didn't import one single Terrorist. Not one. Maybe you can say that next week, who knows. But this week I didn't import a single one. And yet, I am supportive of common sense gun regulations. Does that mean I need to start importing Terrorists? Is that part of the job description or are you just full of crap as usual.

Sure you did. Every time you bleat about giving free stuff to illegal aliens you help import yet another terrorist here. At the rate of 100,000 a month, and now with Africans showing up en masse, it is clear to anyone with a brain that terrorists are using this handy dandy avenue to get here to the USA. Congrats, you're either a fool, or you want them to come.
No, it’s clear to everyone that this is a lie – as ignorant as it is untrue and wrong.

No, it is not a lie. It is a fact. We KNOW, that terrorists are using the illegal flood to get into this country.

The worst of the lot (over 3000 dead) all came in legally. And all the rest of the mass murderers were home grown. Once again, you are using copy and paste. Try thinking for a change. Or does the GRU make a good source for your facts, comrade

5 of the 9-11 terrorists were in the country illegally.

Try a different lie, commie.
If guns made you safer the whole world would have them.
They don't make you safer, they make you more likely to get shot.

Only cretins would argue otherwise.
-------------------------------------- all the Worlds ELITES , the 'kings queens' and their taxpayer paid Servants that work for money do have Guns . Thats why its important for AMERICANS to also keep their Guns Tommy .
Peeking out of your front door waiting for the Chinese?
My AZ buds used to do that in the good old days.
Darn, the Chinese never came across the border
Hmm, I just ran a check. This week, I didn't import one single Terrorist. Not one. Maybe you can say that next week, who knows. But this week I didn't import a single one. And yet, I am supportive of common sense gun regulations. Does that mean I need to start importing Terrorists? Is that part of the job description or are you just full of crap as usual.

Sure you did. Every time you bleat about giving free stuff to illegal aliens you help import yet another terrorist here. At the rate of 100,000 a month, and now with Africans showing up en masse, it is clear to anyone with a brain that terrorists are using this handy dandy avenue to get here to the USA. Congrats, you're either a fool, or you want them to come.
No, it’s clear to everyone that this is a lie – as ignorant as it is untrue and wrong.

No, it is not a lie. It is a fact. We KNOW, that terrorists are using the illegal flood to get into this country.

The worst of the lot (over 3000 dead) all came in legally. And all the rest of the mass murderers were home grown. Once again, you are using copy and paste. Try thinking for a change. Or does the GRU make a good source for your facts, comrade

5 of the 9-11 terrorists were in the country illegally.

Try a different lie, commie.

15 years ago?
Got anything a bit more current?
Don the cons Saudi buddies?
Enjoying your commie VA SS Medicare benefits?
NRA keeps us safe...

They even protect gun rights for terrorists

Well, you assholes like to import them in so I guess it's only fair that Congress people who are put on the list in error get to have their gun rights back. Morons like you seem to be unable to do much more than import murderers into this country and then wail about the crime they commit while demanding that we turn in our guns.

Typical brain dead progressive. Yep, that describes you to a T.

Hmm, I just ran a check. This week, I didn't import one single Terrorist. Not one. Maybe you can say that next week, who knows. But this week I didn't import a single one. And yet, I am supportive of common sense gun regulations. Does that mean I need to start importing Terrorists? Is that part of the job description or are you just full of crap as usual.

Sure you did. Every time you bleat about giving free stuff to illegal aliens you help import yet another terrorist here. At the rate of 100,000 a month, and now with Africans showing up en masse, it is clear to anyone with a brain that terrorists are using this handy dandy avenue to get here to the USA. Congrats, you're either a fool, or you want them to come.

Oh, I bleat about given free anything to illegals? Just because you say so? You say a lot of insane crap. Those voices in your head need to be looked after.
Quit giving the I
Le gals 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' Loses at Least 26 Advertisers After Immigration Comment
Antofart progressive.?
Apologies but I'm a millionaire corporate guy never voted for a dem in my life.
Prefer to suck off zero Ed rube white boys
-------------------------------------------- some work solely for MONEY same as whores but looks like TUCKER ain't a WHORE PH3 .

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