More guns keeping us safe.......

LOOKS like Tucker still has some Principles as he works telling the Truth eh PH3 .
Sure you did. Every time you bleat about giving free stuff to illegal aliens you help import yet another terrorist here. At the rate of 100,000 a month, and now with Africans showing up en masse, it is clear to anyone with a brain that terrorists are using this handy dandy avenue to get here to the USA. Congrats, you're either a fool, or you want them to come.
No, it’s clear to everyone that this is a lie – as ignorant as it is untrue and wrong.

No, it is not a lie. It is a fact. We KNOW, that terrorists are using the illegal flood to get into this country.

The worst of the lot (over 3000 dead) all came in legally. And all the rest of the mass murderers were home grown. Once again, you are using copy and paste. Try thinking for a change. Or does the GRU make a good source for your facts, comrade

5 of the 9-11 terrorists were in the country illegally.

Try a different lie, commie.

15 years ago?
Got anything a bit more current?
Don the cons Saudi buddies?
Enjoying your commie VA SS Medicare benefits?

Just smacking your commie buddy for lying. I get it, lying is the most powerful tool Communists have.
Hmm, I just ran a check. This week, I didn't import one single Terrorist. Not one. Maybe you can say that next week, who knows. But this week I didn't import a single one. And yet, I am supportive of common sense gun regulations. Does that mean I need to start importing Terrorists? Is that part of the job description or are you just full of crap as usual.[/QUO

Sure you did. Every time you bleat about giving free stuff to illegal aliens you help import yet another terrorist here. At the rate of 100,000 a month, and now with Africans showing up en masse, it is clear to anyone with a brain that terrorists are using this handy dandy avenue to get here to the USA. Congrats, you're either a fool, or you want them to come.

Oh, I bleat about given free anything to illegals? Just because you say so? You say a lot of insane crap. Those voices in your head need to be looked after.
Quit giving the I
Le gals 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' Loses at Least 26 Advertisers After Immigration Comment
Antofart progressive.?
Apologies but I'm a millionaire corporate guy never voted for a dem in my life.
Prefer to suck off zero Ed rube white boys

Sure you are. Yet another millenial living in his moms basement claiming to be a millionaire. You must be related to one percenter, he's another internet millionaire.
Ah well, are you too dumb to know corporate guys always vote for repubs?
So your college?
My external examiner (if you know what that is) won a Nobel prize (if you know what that is)

One thing is for sure, you are either a foreigner, or you are drunk, or you are an imbecile. Your sentence structure is pathetic. No way are you a millionaire. Maybe a dollaraire!
Hmm, I just ran a check. This week, I didn't import one single Terrorist. Not one. Maybe you can say that next week, who knows. But this week I didn't import a single one. And yet, I am supportive of common sense gun regulations. Does that mean I need to start importing Terrorists? Is that part of the job description or are you just full of crap as usual.

Sure you did. Every time you bleat about giving free stuff to illegal aliens you help import yet another terrorist here. At the rate of 100,000 a month, and now with Africans showing up en masse, it is clear to anyone with a brain that terrorists are using this handy dandy avenue to get here to the USA. Congrats, you're either a fool, or you want them to come.
No, it’s clear to everyone that this is a lie – as ignorant as it is untrue and wrong.

No, it is not a lie. It is a fact. We KNOW, that terrorists are using the illegal flood to get into this country.

The worst of the lot (over 3000 dead) all came in legally. And all the rest of the mass murderers were home grown. Once again, you are using copy and paste. Try thinking for a change. Or does the GRU make a good source for your facts, comrade

Terrorists are coming in NOW. Try and keep up.

Name them. Let's see that list. Or are you copy and pasting from your handlers once again.
Sure you did. Every time you bleat about giving free stuff to illegal aliens you help import yet another terrorist here. At the rate of 100,000 a month, and now with Africans showing up en masse, it is clear to anyone with a brain that terrorists are using this handy dandy avenue to get here to the USA. Congrats, you're either a fool, or you want them to come.
No, it’s clear to everyone that this is a lie – as ignorant as it is untrue and wrong.

No, it is not a lie. It is a fact. We KNOW, that terrorists are using the illegal flood to get into this country.

The worst of the lot (over 3000 dead) all came in legally. And all the rest of the mass murderers were home grown. Once again, you are using copy and paste. Try thinking for a change. Or does the GRU make a good source for your facts, comrade

Terrorists are coming in NOW. Try and keep up.

Name them. Let's see that list. Or are you copy and pasting from your handlers once again.

Time for you to remove your head from rectal defilade, dude.
Yes, We’ve Nabbed Terrorists on the Southern Border
• Mahmoud Youssef Kourani scored a visa by bribing a Mexican diplomat in Beirut. Kourani and another Middle Easterner then secured a Mexican guide who escorted them north. Kourani entered America in a car trunk in February 2001. He eventually settled among Lebanese immigrants in Dearborn, Mich., where he raised money for Hezbollah. Kourani pleaded guilty in March 2005 to giving material support to terrorists.

• Adnan El Shukrijumah was “a green-card holder from Saudi Arabia who had lived for many years in Brooklyn and south Florida,” Warren Richey explained in his exceptional article on this topic in January 15, 2017’s Christian Science Monitor. Just before the September 11 attacks, Shukrijumah vanished.

The 2003 waterboarding of al-Qaeda’s 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, yielded Shukrijumah’s name. American diplomats in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, were tipped off in 2004 to “suspect Arab extremists who have been smuggled through Mexico to the United States/Mexico border,” according to a declassified State Department document released to Judicial Watch. “The confidential source stated his family member, who is a human trafficker, knows the exact whereabouts of three Arabs who are currently being hidden in Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico,” just across the border from Douglas, Ariz. One of these three, this record states, is “likely Adnan G. El Shukrijumah, alleged to be a Saudi Arabian terrorist cell leader thought to be in Mexico.”

Shukrijumah evaded American authorities for eight years, although he was named in an eleven-count indictment in 2012 for plotting what would have been an attack by three suicide bombers on New York City’s subways. Officials grabbed the three would-be killers before they blasted rush-hour commuters.

Shukrijumah reached the Afghan–Pakistani border, where the Pakistani military fatally shot him in a 2014 raid.

• Ahmad Muhammed Dhakane was a “guerrilla fighter and human smuggler who knowingly helped move into the U.S. several potentially dangerous Somali terrorists who he believed would commit violent acts if ordered to do so,” the Texas Department of Public Safety concluded. Citing federal court documents, the Christian Science Monitor reported, “At least five of his clients were supporters or members of Al Shabab or associated Somali terror groups — and at least three of them made it into the US.” (Emphasis added.)

Federal prosecutors stated in Dhakane’s sentencing memorandum: “He admits that he knowingly believed he was smuggling violent jihadists into the United States.” Dhakane told federal agents: “All of these individuals are ready to die for the cause.”

Dhakane, a member of the Somali terrorist group Al-Ittihad Al-Islami, furnished bogus passports to his clients, bribed Brazilian immigration authorities to cooperate as his customers traversed that nation en route to the U.S., and trained them to falsify asylum claims once they reached America.

Dhakane was arrested on the border, in Brownsville, Texas, in March 2008, just across from Matamoros, Mexico. He forced one of his juvenile Somali clients to portray his wife. She “told agents that [Dhakane] kept her locked away and repeatedly raped and impregnated her prior to coming to the United States,” court documents reveal. “[Dhakane] stated that it would better his asylum chances if he had a pregnant wife.”

Dhakane pleaded guilty to lying on his U.S. asylum application, for which he was sentenced to ten years in prison in April 2011.

• Abdullah Omar Fidse walked across a bridge over the Rio Grande, from Reynosa, Mexico, to Hidalgo, Texas, in June 2008. He requested asylum, claiming to be a Somali refugee. While in custody for years as federal officials weighed his case, Fidse told another detainee that he supported al-Qaeda and al-Shabab. His cell-phone memory card included the telephone number of Mohamed Suleiman, subsequently arrested for aiding a 2010 al-Shabab suicide-bomb attack in Kampala, Uganda, which killed 70 soccer fans.

Fidse eventually admitted to an undercover informant: “We are terrorists.” As Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies reports, Fidse “believed all good Muslims must commit two acts of jihad a year.”

U.S. officials scotched Fidse’s asylum claim, prosecuted him for lying to federal agents, and sent him to prison for eight years.

• Anthony Joseph Tracy (a.k.a. Yusuf Noor) was convicted on June 4, 2010, of conspiring to smuggle aliens into the U.S. Tracy told federal investigators that Cuban diplomats used his travel agency in Nairobi, Kenya — Noor Services Ltd. — to transfer 272 Somalis from Kenya to Dubai to Moscow and then to Havana. From there, they traveled to Belize, transited Mexico, and then trespassed into America. One U.S. prosecutor complained that officials had “no idea who these individuals are that he assisted.” Tracy pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to smuggle non-citizens into the U.S.

Tracy, an American citizen who became a Muslim in prison in the 1990s, denied that he helped al-Shabab. But officials discovered an e-mail in which he casually wrote: “i helped a lot of Somalis and most are good but there are some who are bad and i leave them to ALLAH . . .”

• Said Jaziri was in a car trunk trying to enter the U.S. near San Diego when federal officers discovered him on January 11, 2011. Said said that he had traveled from his native Tunisia to Tijuana. He then paid coyotes $5,000 to whisk him north across the southern frontier. France previously had convicted and deported Jaziri for assaulting a Muslim whom Said found insufficiently devout. In 2006, Jaziri had advocated killing Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard for creating what Jaziri considered blasphemous drawings of the Prophet Mohammed.

• Four unidentified male members of the Kurdish Workers’ Party were arrested by Border Patrol agents in 2014. Washington has designated KWP as a terrorist group. Each of these men reportedly paid $8,000 to be trafficked from Istanbul to Paris to Mexico City and then on to America’s southern perimeter.

• Mukhtar Ahmad and Muhammad Azeem of Gujarat, Pakistan, were caught by Border Patrol agents just north of Tijuana in September 2015. The Washington Times reported that databases tied Ahmad to a suspected or confirmed terrorist. An unnamed foreign intelligence agency warned U.S. officials about Azeem as he headed towards this country. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, “both migrants were on U.S. terrorism watch lists.”

• Sharafat Ali Khan, a Brazil-based Pakistani human smuggler, was convicted in the U.S. in 2017 of sneaking between 25 and 99 illegals from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan into the U.S. They traveled on foot from Brazil through Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Mexico before breaking into America via Texas and California. Khan’s clients included, the Washington Times reported, an Afghan “who authorities said was involved in a plot to conduct an attack in the U.S. or Canada and had family ties to members of the Taliban.”

Border Crisis & Terrorism: Yes Link Is Real | National Review
No, it’s clear to everyone that this is a lie – as ignorant as it is untrue and wrong.

No, it is not a lie. It is a fact. We KNOW, that terrorists are using the illegal flood to get into this country.

The worst of the lot (over 3000 dead) all came in legally. And all the rest of the mass murderers were home grown. Once again, you are using copy and paste. Try thinking for a change. Or does the GRU make a good source for your facts, comrade

Terrorists are coming in NOW. Try and keep up.

Name them. Let's see that list. Or are you copy and pasting from your handlers once again.

Time for you to remove your head from rectal defilade, dude.
Yes, We’ve Nabbed Terrorists on the Southern Border
• Mahmoud Youssef Kourani scored a visa by bribing a Mexican diplomat in Beirut. Kourani and another Middle Easterner then secured a Mexican guide who escorted them north. Kourani entered America in a car trunk in February 2001. He eventually settled among Lebanese immigrants in Dearborn, Mich., where he raised money for Hezbollah. Kourani pleaded guilty in March 2005 to giving material support to terrorists.

• Adnan El Shukrijumah was “a green-card holder from Saudi Arabia who had lived for many years in Brooklyn and south Florida,” Warren Richey explained in his exceptional article on this topic in January 15, 2017’s Christian Science Monitor. Just before the September 11 attacks, Shukrijumah vanished.

The 2003 waterboarding of al-Qaeda’s 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, yielded Shukrijumah’s name. American diplomats in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, were tipped off in 2004 to “suspect Arab extremists who have been smuggled through Mexico to the United States/Mexico border,” according to a declassified State Department document released to Judicial Watch. “The confidential source stated his family member, who is a human trafficker, knows the exact whereabouts of three Arabs who are currently being hidden in Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico,” just across the border from Douglas, Ariz. One of these three, this record states, is “likely Adnan G. El Shukrijumah, alleged to be a Saudi Arabian terrorist cell leader thought to be in Mexico.”

Shukrijumah evaded American authorities for eight years, although he was named in an eleven-count indictment in 2012 for plotting what would have been an attack by three suicide bombers on New York City’s subways. Officials grabbed the three would-be killers before they blasted rush-hour commuters.

Shukrijumah reached the Afghan–Pakistani border, where the Pakistani military fatally shot him in a 2014 raid.

• Ahmad Muhammed Dhakane was a “guerrilla fighter and human smuggler who knowingly helped move into the U.S. several potentially dangerous Somali terrorists who he believed would commit violent acts if ordered to do so,” the Texas Department of Public Safety concluded. Citing federal court documents, the Christian Science Monitor reported, “At least five of his clients were supporters or members of Al Shabab or associated Somali terror groups — and at least three of them made it into the US.” (Emphasis added.)

Federal prosecutors stated in Dhakane’s sentencing memorandum: “He admits that he knowingly believed he was smuggling violent jihadists into the United States.” Dhakane told federal agents: “All of these individuals are ready to die for the cause.”

Dhakane, a member of the Somali terrorist group Al-Ittihad Al-Islami, furnished bogus passports to his clients, bribed Brazilian immigration authorities to cooperate as his customers traversed that nation en route to the U.S., and trained them to falsify asylum claims once they reached America.

Dhakane was arrested on the border, in Brownsville, Texas, in March 2008, just across from Matamoros, Mexico. He forced one of his juvenile Somali clients to portray his wife. She “told agents that [Dhakane] kept her locked away and repeatedly raped and impregnated her prior to coming to the United States,” court documents reveal. “[Dhakane] stated that it would better his asylum chances if he had a pregnant wife.”

Dhakane pleaded guilty to lying on his U.S. asylum application, for which he was sentenced to ten years in prison in April 2011.

• Abdullah Omar Fidse walked across a bridge over the Rio Grande, from Reynosa, Mexico, to Hidalgo, Texas, in June 2008. He requested asylum, claiming to be a Somali refugee. While in custody for years as federal officials weighed his case, Fidse told another detainee that he supported al-Qaeda and al-Shabab. His cell-phone memory card included the telephone number of Mohamed Suleiman, subsequently arrested for aiding a 2010 al-Shabab suicide-bomb attack in Kampala, Uganda, which killed 70 soccer fans.

Fidse eventually admitted to an undercover informant: “We are terrorists.” As Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies reports, Fidse “believed all good Muslims must commit two acts of jihad a year.”

U.S. officials scotched Fidse’s asylum claim, prosecuted him for lying to federal agents, and sent him to prison for eight years.

• Anthony Joseph Tracy (a.k.a. Yusuf Noor) was convicted on June 4, 2010, of conspiring to smuggle aliens into the U.S. Tracy told federal investigators that Cuban diplomats used his travel agency in Nairobi, Kenya — Noor Services Ltd. — to transfer 272 Somalis from Kenya to Dubai to Moscow and then to Havana. From there, they traveled to Belize, transited Mexico, and then trespassed into America. One U.S. prosecutor complained that officials had “no idea who these individuals are that he assisted.” Tracy pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to smuggle non-citizens into the U.S.

Tracy, an American citizen who became a Muslim in prison in the 1990s, denied that he helped al-Shabab. But officials discovered an e-mail in which he casually wrote: “i helped a lot of Somalis and most are good but there are some who are bad and i leave them to ALLAH . . .”

• Said Jaziri was in a car trunk trying to enter the U.S. near San Diego when federal officers discovered him on January 11, 2011. Said said that he had traveled from his native Tunisia to Tijuana. He then paid coyotes $5,000 to whisk him north across the southern frontier. France previously had convicted and deported Jaziri for assaulting a Muslim whom Said found insufficiently devout. In 2006, Jaziri had advocated killing Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard for creating what Jaziri considered blasphemous drawings of the Prophet Mohammed.

• Four unidentified male members of the Kurdish Workers’ Party were arrested by Border Patrol agents in 2014. Washington has designated KWP as a terrorist group. Each of these men reportedly paid $8,000 to be trafficked from Istanbul to Paris to Mexico City and then on to America’s southern perimeter.

• Mukhtar Ahmad and Muhammad Azeem of Gujarat, Pakistan, were caught by Border Patrol agents just north of Tijuana in September 2015. The Washington Times reported that databases tied Ahmad to a suspected or confirmed terrorist. An unnamed foreign intelligence agency warned U.S. officials about Azeem as he headed towards this country. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, “both migrants were on U.S. terrorism watch lists.”

• Sharafat Ali Khan, a Brazil-based Pakistani human smuggler, was convicted in the U.S. in 2017 of sneaking between 25 and 99 illegals from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan into the U.S. They traveled on foot from Brazil through Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Mexico before breaking into America via Texas and California. Khan’s clients included, the Washington Times reported, an Afghan “who authorities said was involved in a plot to conduct an attack in the U.S. or Canada and had family ties to members of the Taliban.”

Border Crisis & Terrorism: Yes Link Is Real | National Review


Set em' up, and knock em' down.
he stated his opposition to Islam and blamed feminism for a European "cultural suicide."[15][16] The text called for the deportation of all Muslims from Europe[17][18] and Breivik wrote that his main motive for the attacks was to publicize his manifesto.
I saved a life last night and didn't even have to draw my pistol all it took was lift my shirt and reveal the pistol grip and they ran.
Did you file a report with the police? I didn`t think so. You would be in trouble for filing a fake police report. A bus load of home invaders pulled into my driveway last week but when I came out of the house with an armload of assault weapons they took off like scared rabbits. I didn`t call the police either. :)
Typical gun owner fantasy about chasing off bad guys

My gun makes me a bad ass
Typical response from a person who can't do anything but spout the same trite nonsense.

How many of the millions of people who legally carry a gun every day go on rampages over a parking space ?
Too many
It doesn't work in other countries.....British police have stated that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country..... and as More Americans own and carry guns...our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? Our gun crime rate went down do you explain that....

So, your theory is crap. It is not supported by actual real world experience here in the states or even over have nothing.
Your murder rate is many times greater than Britains. How is that when "guns make you safer" ?

Our "Great Society" destroyed inner city families...primarily Black families during the 1960s and 70s....while your country was recovering from the War, our families in democrat cities were devolving into single teenage girl headed households, who had multiple children from different males, with no father to raise them. This created more violence in our democrat controlled cities. That is how.....and notice....during the 1970s going to the 1990s, we had a huge spike in violent crime....then, more people began to own and actually carry guns, and our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? You have failed to address that question over and over again. Our gun crime rate went down 75%, as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....again, you fail to answer that question. And our violent crime rate went down 72% while more Americans, not fewer, bought and now carry guns......

Your entire theory has been shown to be wrong by the example here in the U.S.......of course, you won't address this since you can't explain it.

Your theory is that more guns lead to more gun crime.........this didn't happen here in the can't explain that, which is why you don't even try to explain it.

Your country banned and confiscated guns, and essentially there was no effect on gun murder or crime, other than a 10 year spike after you did can't explain that either.....Britain always had a low gun murder rate...which means it wasn't access to guns that determined the gun murder rate but rather the willingness of British criminals to murder people with those guns...

You think it is isn't. It is the mind set of the criminal....our criminals have been gun crime.
raised in fatherless homes longer than yours have.....your criminals are now catching up on that...and becoming more violent.
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Except here in the can't explain the following facts, so you ignore them...

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder goes down 49%.

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun crime goes down 75%.

More Americans buy, own, and carry guns over the last 26 years....violent crime goes down 72%.

Those are facts. That is actually what happened when more Americans own and actually carry guns...

So your Theory...more guns = more gun crime is obviously stupid...since the actual facts and reality show the exact opposite happened...

And on your side of the pond.....Britain had a low gun murder rate when they were allowed to own guns.

Britain banned and confiscated guns.

Gun murder spiked for 10 years.

After that 10 years, the gun murder rate returned to the same level as before they banned and confiscated guns.

So your Theory, from your own experience, is again....crap.
But but but..........................with all those guns the US should be safer. And the stats show that it isn't. Why is that?
You've been shown statistics, probably a dozen times in this thread alone that the U.S. IS safer after a dramatic increase in the number of guns in private hands. You continue to ignore the facts and spouting the Progressive party line.
Are you just ignorant, or simply stupid?
Misery loves company. His country has abdicated their God given rights and rather than admit the error, he wants to compound it by making us slaves to his not so perfect Socialist "Utopia"
Your murder rate is many times greater than Britains. How is that when "guns make you safer" ?

Our "Great Society" destroyed inner city families...primarily Black families during the 1960s and 70s....while your country was recovering from the War, our families in democrat cities were devolving into single teenage girl headed households, who had multiple children from different males, with no father to raise them. This created more violence in our democrat controlled cities. That is how.....and notice....during the 1970s going to the 1990s, we had a huge spike in violent crime....then, more people began to own and actually carry guns, and our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? You have failed to address that question over and over again. Our gun crime rate went down 75%, as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....again, you fail to answer that question. And our violent crime rate went down 72% while more Americans, not fewer, bought and now carry guns......

Your entire theory has been shown to be wrong by the example here in the U.S.......of course, you won't address this since you can't explain it.

Your theory is that more guns lead to more gun crime.........this didn't happen here in the can't explain that, which is why you don't even try to explain it.

Your country banned and confiscated guns, and essentially there was no effect on gun murder or crime, other than a 10 year spike after you did can't explain that either.....Britain always had a low gun murder rate...which means it wasn't access to guns that determined the gun murder rate but rather the willingness of British criminals to murder people with those guns...

You think it is isn't. It is the mind set of the criminal....our criminals have been gun crime.
raised in fatherless homes longer than yours have.....your criminals are now catching up on that...and becoming more violent.
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Except here in the can't explain the following facts, so you ignore them...

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder goes down 49%.

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun crime goes down 75%.

More Americans buy, own, and carry guns over the last 26 years....violent crime goes down 72%.

Those are facts. That is actually what happened when more Americans own and actually carry guns...

So your Theory...more guns = more gun crime is obviously stupid...since the actual facts and reality show the exact opposite happened...

And on your side of the pond.....Britain had a low gun murder rate when they were allowed to own guns.

Britain banned and confiscated guns.

Gun murder spiked for 10 years.

After that 10 years, the gun murder rate returned to the same level as before they banned and confiscated guns.

So your Theory, from your own experience, is again....crap.
But but but..........................with all those guns the US should be safer. And the stats show that it isn't. Why is that?
You've been shown statistics, probably a dozen times in this thread alone that the U.S. IS safer after a dramatic increase in the number of guns in private hands. You continue to ignore the facts and spouting the Progressive party line.
Are you just ignorant, or simply stupid?
What’s been shown dozens of times in this thread are post hoc fallacies – not ‘statistics.’

The fact is that the U.S. IS NOT safer after an increase in the number of guns in private hands, ‘dramatic’ or otherwise:

The NRA's theory that more guns mean less crime is debunked in a new Stanford analysis

Consequently, you’re in no position question anyone’s ignorance or stupidity.
he stated his opposition to Islam and blamed feminism for a European "cultural suicide."[15][16] The text called for the deportation of all Muslims from Europe[17][18] and Breivik wrote that his main motive for the attacks was to publicize his manifesto.
I saved a life last night and didn't even have to draw my pistol all it took was lift my shirt and reveal the pistol grip and they ran.
Did you file a report with the police? I didn`t think so. You would be in trouble for filing a fake police report. A bus load of home invaders pulled into my driveway last week but when I came out of the house with an armload of assault weapons they took off like scared rabbits. I didn`t call the police either. :)
Typical gun owner fantasy about chasing off bad guys

My gun makes me a bad ass
Typical response from a person who can't do anything but spout the same trite nonsense.

How many of the millions of people who legally carry a gun every day go on rampages over a parking space ?
Too many
---------------------------------------- TOO Many what RWinger ??
What’s been shown dozens of times in this thread are post hoc fallacies – not ‘statistics.’
The fact is that the U.S. IS NOT safer after an increase in the number of guns in private hands, ‘dramatic’ or otherwise:
The NRA's theory that more guns mean less crime is debunked in a new Stanford analysis
Consequently, you’re in no position question anyone’s ignorance or stupidity.

Take Progs and Dems out of the equation and America is THE SAFEST NATION ON EARTH BAR NONE.

Democrats make up 31% of the nations population but commit 98.6% of the violent crime.

Democrat Leftwing Fascist Manifesto: "Always blame your opponent of that which you are guilty"
Clayton_Jones has obviously had a lot of practice.
Our "Great Society" destroyed inner city families...primarily Black families during the 1960s and 70s....while your country was recovering from the War, our families in democrat cities were devolving into single teenage girl headed households, who had multiple children from different males, with no father to raise them. This created more violence in our democrat controlled cities. That is how.....and notice....during the 1970s going to the 1990s, we had a huge spike in violent crime....then, more people began to own and actually carry guns, and our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? You have failed to address that question over and over again. Our gun crime rate went down 75%, as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....again, you fail to answer that question. And our violent crime rate went down 72% while more Americans, not fewer, bought and now carry guns......

Your entire theory has been shown to be wrong by the example here in the U.S.......of course, you won't address this since you can't explain it.

Your theory is that more guns lead to more gun crime.........this didn't happen here in the can't explain that, which is why you don't even try to explain it.

Your country banned and confiscated guns, and essentially there was no effect on gun murder or crime, other than a 10 year spike after you did can't explain that either.....Britain always had a low gun murder rate...which means it wasn't access to guns that determined the gun murder rate but rather the willingness of British criminals to murder people with those guns...

You think it is isn't. It is the mind set of the criminal....our criminals have been gun crime.
raised in fatherless homes longer than yours have.....your criminals are now catching up on that...and becoming more violent.
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Except here in the can't explain the following facts, so you ignore them...

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder goes down 49%.

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun crime goes down 75%.

More Americans buy, own, and carry guns over the last 26 years....violent crime goes down 72%.

Those are facts. That is actually what happened when more Americans own and actually carry guns...

So your Theory...more guns = more gun crime is obviously stupid...since the actual facts and reality show the exact opposite happened...

And on your side of the pond.....Britain had a low gun murder rate when they were allowed to own guns.

Britain banned and confiscated guns.

Gun murder spiked for 10 years.

After that 10 years, the gun murder rate returned to the same level as before they banned and confiscated guns.

So your Theory, from your own experience, is again....crap.
But but but..........................with all those guns the US should be safer. And the stats show that it isn't. Why is that?
You've been shown statistics, probably a dozen times in this thread alone that the U.S. IS safer after a dramatic increase in the number of guns in private hands. You continue to ignore the facts and spouting the Progressive party line.
Are you just ignorant, or simply stupid?
What’s been shown dozens of times in this thread are post hoc fallacies – not ‘statistics.’

The fact is that the U.S. IS NOT safer after an increase in the number of guns in private hands, ‘dramatic’ or otherwise:

The NRA's theory that more guns mean less crime is debunked in a new Stanford analysis

Consequently, you’re in no position question anyone’s ignorance or stupidity.

And you are wrong.....again...

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Our "Great Society" destroyed inner city families...primarily Black families during the 1960s and 70s....while your country was recovering from the War, our families in democrat cities were devolving into single teenage girl headed households, who had multiple children from different males, with no father to raise them. This created more violence in our democrat controlled cities. That is how.....and notice....during the 1970s going to the 1990s, we had a huge spike in violent crime....then, more people began to own and actually carry guns, and our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? You have failed to address that question over and over again. Our gun crime rate went down 75%, as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....again, you fail to answer that question. And our violent crime rate went down 72% while more Americans, not fewer, bought and now carry guns......

Your entire theory has been shown to be wrong by the example here in the U.S.......of course, you won't address this since you can't explain it.

Your theory is that more guns lead to more gun crime.........this didn't happen here in the can't explain that, which is why you don't even try to explain it.

Your country banned and confiscated guns, and essentially there was no effect on gun murder or crime, other than a 10 year spike after you did can't explain that either.....Britain always had a low gun murder rate...which means it wasn't access to guns that determined the gun murder rate but rather the willingness of British criminals to murder people with those guns...

You think it is isn't. It is the mind set of the criminal....our criminals have been gun crime.
raised in fatherless homes longer than yours have.....your criminals are now catching up on that...and becoming more violent.
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Except here in the can't explain the following facts, so you ignore them...

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder goes down 49%.

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun crime goes down 75%.

More Americans buy, own, and carry guns over the last 26 years....violent crime goes down 72%.

Those are facts. That is actually what happened when more Americans own and actually carry guns...

So your Theory...more guns = more gun crime is obviously stupid...since the actual facts and reality show the exact opposite happened...

And on your side of the pond.....Britain had a low gun murder rate when they were allowed to own guns.

Britain banned and confiscated guns.

Gun murder spiked for 10 years.

After that 10 years, the gun murder rate returned to the same level as before they banned and confiscated guns.

So your Theory, from your own experience, is again....crap.
But but but..........................with all those guns the US should be safer. And the stats show that it isn't. Why is that?
You've been shown statistics, probably a dozen times in this thread alone that the U.S. IS safer after a dramatic increase in the number of guns in private hands. You continue to ignore the facts and spouting the Progressive party line.
Are you just ignorant, or simply stupid?
What’s been shown dozens of times in this thread are post hoc fallacies – not ‘statistics.’

The fact is that the U.S. IS NOT safer after an increase in the number of guns in private hands, ‘dramatic’ or otherwise:

The NRA's theory that more guns mean less crime is debunked in a new Stanford analysis

Consequently, you’re in no position question anyone’s ignorance or stupidity.

You link to Hemenway anti-gun researcher who actually has been debunked over and over again....

I gave you PEW...with actual facts on actual crime reduction over a 26 year period...while more Americans were out buying and then carrying guns......

Hemenway...the hack...

Survey in gun column was incomplete -- John R. Lott, Jr.

Hemenway fails to note that the people he surveyed only had to mention “firearms” in their research. They didn’t have to actually conduct empirical work on guns. There were also problems in the recording of his responses. For instance, I was supposedly one of the researchers surveyed. Yet, my responses weren’t recorded. When I emailed Hemenway about this technical problem, my emails were ignored.

CPRC at Fox News: Gun control advocates taking a page out of global warming advocates' handbook - Crime Prevention Research Center

However, instead of actually reviewing the scientific literature on the subject, Professor David Hemenway at Harvard made a survey of cherry-picked authors. Surprisingly, he found the vast majority agreed that we need more gun control.

So let’s look at the details. He polled authors who had published in the fields of “public health, public policy, sociology, or criminology.” Most notably, half of the authors picked were within Hemenway’s own field of public health and another third were sociologists/criminologists, followed by public policy and a few economists. It dramatically over weighted those in public health. It didn’t matter whether the publications even contained any empirical work or were related to the survey questions.

Authors were asked if they agreed with the statement: “In the United States, guns are used in self-defense far more often than they are used in crime.” Hemenway reports that 73 percent disagreed. However, many respondents may have believed that there still exists a net benefit from gun ownership — just not enough to say that guns are used defensively “far more often.”

It is abundantly clear that it matters who you ask and how the questions are asked. A survey released in February by the Crime Prevention Research Centerconducted by Professor Gary Mauser at Simon Fraser University in Canada found that 88 percent of North American economics researchers agreed with the statement that, in the US, guns were more frequently used for self-defense than for crime. . . .
Our "Great Society" destroyed inner city families...primarily Black families during the 1960s and 70s....while your country was recovering from the War, our families in democrat cities were devolving into single teenage girl headed households, who had multiple children from different males, with no father to raise them. This created more violence in our democrat controlled cities. That is how.....and notice....during the 1970s going to the 1990s, we had a huge spike in violent crime....then, more people began to own and actually carry guns, and our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? You have failed to address that question over and over again. Our gun crime rate went down 75%, as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....again, you fail to answer that question. And our violent crime rate went down 72% while more Americans, not fewer, bought and now carry guns......

Your entire theory has been shown to be wrong by the example here in the U.S.......of course, you won't address this since you can't explain it.

Your theory is that more guns lead to more gun crime.........this didn't happen here in the can't explain that, which is why you don't even try to explain it.

Your country banned and confiscated guns, and essentially there was no effect on gun murder or crime, other than a 10 year spike after you did can't explain that either.....Britain always had a low gun murder rate...which means it wasn't access to guns that determined the gun murder rate but rather the willingness of British criminals to murder people with those guns...

You think it is isn't. It is the mind set of the criminal....our criminals have been gun crime.
raised in fatherless homes longer than yours have.....your criminals are now catching up on that...and becoming more violent.
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Except here in the can't explain the following facts, so you ignore them...

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder goes down 49%.

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun crime goes down 75%.

More Americans buy, own, and carry guns over the last 26 years....violent crime goes down 72%.

Those are facts. That is actually what happened when more Americans own and actually carry guns...

So your Theory...more guns = more gun crime is obviously stupid...since the actual facts and reality show the exact opposite happened...

And on your side of the pond.....Britain had a low gun murder rate when they were allowed to own guns.

Britain banned and confiscated guns.

Gun murder spiked for 10 years.

After that 10 years, the gun murder rate returned to the same level as before they banned and confiscated guns.

So your Theory, from your own experience, is again....crap.
But but but..........................with all those guns the US should be safer. And the stats show that it isn't. Why is that?
You've been shown statistics, probably a dozen times in this thread alone that the U.S. IS safer after a dramatic increase in the number of guns in private hands. You continue to ignore the facts and spouting the Progressive party line.
Are you just ignorant, or simply stupid?
What’s been shown dozens of times in this thread are post hoc fallacies – not ‘statistics.’

The fact is that the U.S. IS NOT safer after an increase in the number of guns in private hands, ‘dramatic’ or otherwise:

The NRA's theory that more guns mean less crime is debunked in a new Stanford analysis

Consequently, you’re in no position question anyone’s ignorance or stupidity.

This is the guy whose research you link to.....

Likewise, an article by David Hemenway (1997a) was brazenly titled “The Myth of Millions of Annual Self-Defense Gun Uses.” In another article by Hemenway (1997b), his title implicitly took it as given that DGUs are rare, and that surveys indicating the opposite grossly overstate DGU frequency. For Hemenway, the only scholarly task that remained was to explain why surveys did this: “Survey Research and Self-Defense Gun Use: An Explanation of Extreme Overestimation.” Finally, McDowall and Wiersema (1994), although well aware of the large number of surveys yielding large DGU estimates, nevertheless flatly concluded, in extremely strong terms, that “armed self-defense is extremely rare” (p. 1884).

This conclusion was based entirely on a single survey, the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), which did not even directly ask respondents about defensive gun use.

4. The Hemenway Critique of the National Self-Defense Survey Hemenway’s paper was not an attempt to produce a balanced, intellectually serious assessment of estimates of defensive gun use. Instead, his critique served the narrow political purpose of “getting the estimate down,” for the sake of assisting the gun control cause. An honest, scientifically based critique would have given balanced consideration to both flaws that would tend to make the estimate too low (e.g., people concealing DGUs because they involved unlawful behavior, and the failure to count any DGUs by adolescents), and to those that contribute to making them too high.

Equally important, it would have given greatest weight to relevant empirical evidence, and little or no weight to idle speculation about possible flaws. Hemenway’s approach was precisely the opposite––one-sided and almost entirely speculative. Readers who have any doubts about the degree to which Hemenway’s paper was imbalanced could carry out a simple exercise to assess this claim: count the number of lines Hemenway devoted to flaws tending to make the estimate too high and the number devoted to flaws making the estimate too low. Hemenway’s one-sided determination to fixate only on possible sources of overestimation was so strong that he failed to recognize even the most conspicuous sources of underestimation. He claimed that Kleck and Gertz obtained an estimate of gun ownership prevalence in their sample that was “outside the range of all other national surveys” (p. 1434), to the low side, yet was oblivious to the implication of this for DGU estimates––since DGUs are obviously more common among gun owners, any underrepresentation of gun owners in the survey sample would contribute to an underestimate of DGUs.
No, it’s clear to everyone that this is a lie – as ignorant as it is untrue and wrong.

No, it is not a lie. It is a fact. We KNOW, that terrorists are using the illegal flood to get into this country.

The worst of the lot (over 3000 dead) all came in legally. And all the rest of the mass murderers were home grown. Once again, you are using copy and paste. Try thinking for a change. Or does the GRU make a good source for your facts, comrade

Terrorists are coming in NOW. Try and keep up.

Name them. Let's see that list. Or are you copy and pasting from your handlers once again.

Time for you to remove your head from rectal defilade, dude.
Yes, We’ve Nabbed Terrorists on the Southern Border
• Mahmoud Youssef Kourani scored a visa by bribing a Mexican diplomat in Beirut. Kourani and another Middle Easterner then secured a Mexican guide who escorted them north. Kourani entered America in a car trunk in February 2001. He eventually settled among Lebanese immigrants in Dearborn, Mich., where he raised money for Hezbollah. Kourani pleaded guilty in March 2005 to giving material support to terrorists.

• Adnan El Shukrijumah was “a green-card holder from Saudi Arabia who had lived for many years in Brooklyn and south Florida,” Warren Richey explained in his exceptional article on this topic in January 15, 2017’s Christian Science Monitor. Just before the September 11 attacks, Shukrijumah vanished.

The 2003 waterboarding of al-Qaeda’s 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, yielded Shukrijumah’s name. American diplomats in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, were tipped off in 2004 to “suspect Arab extremists who have been smuggled through Mexico to the United States/Mexico border,” according to a declassified State Department document released to Judicial Watch. “The confidential source stated his family member, who is a human trafficker, knows the exact whereabouts of three Arabs who are currently being hidden in Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico,” just across the border from Douglas, Ariz. One of these three, this record states, is “likely Adnan G. El Shukrijumah, alleged to be a Saudi Arabian terrorist cell leader thought to be in Mexico.”

Shukrijumah evaded American authorities for eight years, although he was named in an eleven-count indictment in 2012 for plotting what would have been an attack by three suicide bombers on New York City’s subways. Officials grabbed the three would-be killers before they blasted rush-hour commuters.

Shukrijumah reached the Afghan–Pakistani border, where the Pakistani military fatally shot him in a 2014 raid.

• Ahmad Muhammed Dhakane was a “guerrilla fighter and human smuggler who knowingly helped move into the U.S. several potentially dangerous Somali terrorists who he believed would commit violent acts if ordered to do so,” the Texas Department of Public Safety concluded. Citing federal court documents, the Christian Science Monitor reported, “At least five of his clients were supporters or members of Al Shabab or associated Somali terror groups — and at least three of them made it into the US.” (Emphasis added.)

Federal prosecutors stated in Dhakane’s sentencing memorandum: “He admits that he knowingly believed he was smuggling violent jihadists into the United States.” Dhakane told federal agents: “All of these individuals are ready to die for the cause.”

Dhakane, a member of the Somali terrorist group Al-Ittihad Al-Islami, furnished bogus passports to his clients, bribed Brazilian immigration authorities to cooperate as his customers traversed that nation en route to the U.S., and trained them to falsify asylum claims once they reached America.

Dhakane was arrested on the border, in Brownsville, Texas, in March 2008, just across from Matamoros, Mexico. He forced one of his juvenile Somali clients to portray his wife. She “told agents that [Dhakane] kept her locked away and repeatedly raped and impregnated her prior to coming to the United States,” court documents reveal. “[Dhakane] stated that it would better his asylum chances if he had a pregnant wife.”

Dhakane pleaded guilty to lying on his U.S. asylum application, for which he was sentenced to ten years in prison in April 2011.

• Abdullah Omar Fidse walked across a bridge over the Rio Grande, from Reynosa, Mexico, to Hidalgo, Texas, in June 2008. He requested asylum, claiming to be a Somali refugee. While in custody for years as federal officials weighed his case, Fidse told another detainee that he supported al-Qaeda and al-Shabab. His cell-phone memory card included the telephone number of Mohamed Suleiman, subsequently arrested for aiding a 2010 al-Shabab suicide-bomb attack in Kampala, Uganda, which killed 70 soccer fans.

Fidse eventually admitted to an undercover informant: “We are terrorists.” As Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies reports, Fidse “believed all good Muslims must commit two acts of jihad a year.”

U.S. officials scotched Fidse’s asylum claim, prosecuted him for lying to federal agents, and sent him to prison for eight years.

• Anthony Joseph Tracy (a.k.a. Yusuf Noor) was convicted on June 4, 2010, of conspiring to smuggle aliens into the U.S. Tracy told federal investigators that Cuban diplomats used his travel agency in Nairobi, Kenya — Noor Services Ltd. — to transfer 272 Somalis from Kenya to Dubai to Moscow and then to Havana. From there, they traveled to Belize, transited Mexico, and then trespassed into America. One U.S. prosecutor complained that officials had “no idea who these individuals are that he assisted.” Tracy pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to smuggle non-citizens into the U.S.

Tracy, an American citizen who became a Muslim in prison in the 1990s, denied that he helped al-Shabab. But officials discovered an e-mail in which he casually wrote: “i helped a lot of Somalis and most are good but there are some who are bad and i leave them to ALLAH . . .”

• Said Jaziri was in a car trunk trying to enter the U.S. near San Diego when federal officers discovered him on January 11, 2011. Said said that he had traveled from his native Tunisia to Tijuana. He then paid coyotes $5,000 to whisk him north across the southern frontier. France previously had convicted and deported Jaziri for assaulting a Muslim whom Said found insufficiently devout. In 2006, Jaziri had advocated killing Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard for creating what Jaziri considered blasphemous drawings of the Prophet Mohammed.

• Four unidentified male members of the Kurdish Workers’ Party were arrested by Border Patrol agents in 2014. Washington has designated KWP as a terrorist group. Each of these men reportedly paid $8,000 to be trafficked from Istanbul to Paris to Mexico City and then on to America’s southern perimeter.

• Mukhtar Ahmad and Muhammad Azeem of Gujarat, Pakistan, were caught by Border Patrol agents just north of Tijuana in September 2015. The Washington Times reported that databases tied Ahmad to a suspected or confirmed terrorist. An unnamed foreign intelligence agency warned U.S. officials about Azeem as he headed towards this country. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, “both migrants were on U.S. terrorism watch lists.”

• Sharafat Ali Khan, a Brazil-based Pakistani human smuggler, was convicted in the U.S. in 2017 of sneaking between 25 and 99 illegals from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan into the U.S. They traveled on foot from Brazil through Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Mexico before breaking into America via Texas and California. Khan’s clients included, the Washington Times reported, an Afghan “who authorities said was involved in a plot to conduct an attack in the U.S. or Canada and had family ties to members of the Taliban.”

Border Crisis & Terrorism: Yes Link Is Real | National Review

Mahmoud Youssef Kourani came in with a visa illegally obtained outside the US. There were reports he smuggled in in the trunk of a car at the border when in fact, the flew in and went through customs untouched. He wasn't involved in any stateside terrorist activity. He was raising money for the Hezbolla in Lebonon. He wasn't nabbed at the border unless you think Detroit Michigan is on the border and I think people in Michigan would find fault with that.

Adnan El Shukrijumah legally entered the US as a teen with his Parents in the 1980s. His Father was a Iman and came here Legally and did not pose any threat. Adnan converted to Radical Islam and left for Pakistan where he was killed in Pakistan. Again, your data is BS. The Waterboarding testimony did cause quite a manhunt but the were looking in the wrong place. While they were looking in the US, Adnan was operating as a Terrorist in Pakistan where he died in a battle.

Al-Ittihad Al-Islami, Al-Barakat
[WDTX] Ahmed Muhammed Dhakane, a citizen of Somalia, was indicted for lying on his asylum application regarding his association with the al-Barakat and Al-Ittihad Al-Islami (AIAI), both Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGTs). The indictment further alleged that Dhakane failed to disclose to authorities that between 2006 and 2008, he resided in Brazil where he ran a large-scale human smuggling enterprise. In April 2011, Dhakane was sentenced to ten years in prison for making false statements under penalty of perjury on his application for asylum. When you sift through the BS you printed, this is all that there is. He wasn't bagged on the border either.

USA v. Abdullah Omar Fidse, et ano.
San Antonio, TX

Al Qaeda
[WDTX] Abdullah Omar Fidse and his wife, Deka Abdalla Sheikh were indicted in a federal court in San Antonio on charges of conspiring to obstruct a proceeding before a federal agency, and conspiracy to make false statements to the executive branch during a terrorism investigation. Neither is charged with acts of terrorism, although the indictment alleges Fidse had told another individual that he was supportive of Osama bin Laden. In July 2013, Fidse was sentenced to eight years in prison for admitting to making false statements during a terrorism investigation. And, no, he didn't sneak in either. He entered in with a legal Visa.

Anthony Joseph Tracy He did provide false documents through Kenya and Cuba for Somalian people. All 272 of them. There was unsupported speculation by right wing nutjob sites that they were Terrorists. When in fact, they probably were not. They just disappeared into the woodwork. Not one single person came up from the border. All came in through customs in Airports with Visas.

There seems to be a real problem but not one single real Terrorist has been bagged at the border. Not one. Real Terrorists come in with fake Visas. The only one that you listed was not a terrorist. Said Jaziri is a Iman that preached that the Danish Cartoonist should be killed and that got him sent out of the US. He paid 5000 bucks to get smuggled across the border and was was bagged. Sorry, but this one doesn't meet the criteria of a Terrorist any more than a Southern Baptist Preacher who is over the top does.

Now, show me where we have a real problem with Terrorist sneaking in across our southern border. So far you have shown that the Visa system is in bad need of work but the Border Patrol is doing a bang up job stopping people from entering hidden in vehicles.

Our "Great Society" destroyed inner city families...primarily Black families during the 1960s and 70s....while your country was recovering from the War, our families in democrat cities were devolving into single teenage girl headed households, who had multiple children from different males, with no father to raise them. This created more violence in our democrat controlled cities. That is how.....and notice....during the 1970s going to the 1990s, we had a huge spike in violent crime....then, more people began to own and actually carry guns, and our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? You have failed to address that question over and over again. Our gun crime rate went down 75%, as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....again, you fail to answer that question. And our violent crime rate went down 72% while more Americans, not fewer, bought and now carry guns......

Your entire theory has been shown to be wrong by the example here in the U.S.......of course, you won't address this since you can't explain it.

Your theory is that more guns lead to more gun crime.........this didn't happen here in the can't explain that, which is why you don't even try to explain it.

Your country banned and confiscated guns, and essentially there was no effect on gun murder or crime, other than a 10 year spike after you did can't explain that either.....Britain always had a low gun murder rate...which means it wasn't access to guns that determined the gun murder rate but rather the willingness of British criminals to murder people with those guns...

You think it is isn't. It is the mind set of the criminal....our criminals have been gun crime.
raised in fatherless homes longer than yours have.....your criminals are now catching up on that...and becoming more violent.
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Except here in the can't explain the following facts, so you ignore them...

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder goes down 49%.

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun crime goes down 75%.

More Americans buy, own, and carry guns over the last 26 years....violent crime goes down 72%.

Those are facts. That is actually what happened when more Americans own and actually carry guns...

So your Theory...more guns = more gun crime is obviously stupid...since the actual facts and reality show the exact opposite happened...

And on your side of the pond.....Britain had a low gun murder rate when they were allowed to own guns.

Britain banned and confiscated guns.

Gun murder spiked for 10 years.

After that 10 years, the gun murder rate returned to the same level as before they banned and confiscated guns.

So your Theory, from your own experience, is again....crap.
But but but..........................with all those guns the US should be safer. And the stats show that it isn't. Why is that?
You've been shown statistics, probably a dozen times in this thread alone that the U.S. IS safer after a dramatic increase in the number of guns in private hands. You continue to ignore the facts and spouting the Progressive party line.
Are you just ignorant, or simply stupid?
What’s been shown dozens of times in this thread are post hoc fallacies – not ‘statistics.’

The fact is that the U.S. IS NOT safer after an increase in the number of guns in private hands, ‘dramatic’ or otherwise:

The NRA's theory that more guns mean less crime is debunked in a new Stanford analysis

Consequently, you’re in no position question anyone’s ignorance or stupidity.
Still the same, I see, Clayton. I figured even you might learn to read something that doesn't toe the party line. Not the first time I've had misplaced faith in evolution.
he stated his opposition to Islam and blamed feminism for a European "cultural suicide."[15][16] The text called for the deportation of all Muslims from Europe[17][18] and Breivik wrote that his main motive for the attacks was to publicize his manifesto.
I saved a life last night and didn't even have to draw my pistol all it took was lift my shirt and reveal the pistol grip and they ran.
Did you file a report with the police? I didn`t think so. You would be in trouble for filing a fake police report. A bus load of home invaders pulled into my driveway last week but when I came out of the house with an armload of assault weapons they took off like scared rabbits. I didn`t call the police either. :)
Typical gun owner fantasy about chasing off bad guys

My gun makes me a bad ass
Typical response from a person who can't do anything but spout the same trite nonsense.

How many of the millions of people who legally carry a gun every day go on rampages over a parking space ?
Too many


The fact is that people who legally carry a concealed weapon are the least likely to commit any crime
Our "Great Society" destroyed inner city families...primarily Black families during the 1960s and 70s....while your country was recovering from the War, our families in democrat cities were devolving into single teenage girl headed households, who had multiple children from different males, with no father to raise them. This created more violence in our democrat controlled cities. That is how.....and notice....during the 1970s going to the 1990s, we had a huge spike in violent crime....then, more people began to own and actually carry guns, and our gun murder rate went down do you explain that? You have failed to address that question over and over again. Our gun crime rate went down 75%, as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns....again, you fail to answer that question. And our violent crime rate went down 72% while more Americans, not fewer, bought and now carry guns......

Your entire theory has been shown to be wrong by the example here in the U.S.......of course, you won't address this since you can't explain it.

Your theory is that more guns lead to more gun crime.........this didn't happen here in the can't explain that, which is why you don't even try to explain it.

Your country banned and confiscated guns, and essentially there was no effect on gun murder or crime, other than a 10 year spike after you did can't explain that either.....Britain always had a low gun murder rate...which means it wasn't access to guns that determined the gun murder rate but rather the willingness of British criminals to murder people with those guns...

You think it is isn't. It is the mind set of the criminal....our criminals have been gun crime.
raised in fatherless homes longer than yours have.....your criminals are now catching up on that...and becoming more violent.
More guns = more gun crime
Its got fuck all to do with anything else.

Except here in the can't explain the following facts, so you ignore them...

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun murder goes down 49%.

More Americans buy, own and carry guns over the last 26 years...gun crime goes down 75%.

More Americans buy, own, and carry guns over the last 26 years....violent crime goes down 72%.

Those are facts. That is actually what happened when more Americans own and actually carry guns...

So your Theory...more guns = more gun crime is obviously stupid...since the actual facts and reality show the exact opposite happened...

And on your side of the pond.....Britain had a low gun murder rate when they were allowed to own guns.

Britain banned and confiscated guns.

Gun murder spiked for 10 years.

After that 10 years, the gun murder rate returned to the same level as before they banned and confiscated guns.

So your Theory, from your own experience, is again....crap.
But but but..........................with all those guns the US should be safer. And the stats show that it isn't. Why is that?
You've been shown statistics, probably a dozen times in this thread alone that the U.S. IS safer after a dramatic increase in the number of guns in private hands. You continue to ignore the facts and spouting the Progressive party line.
Are you just ignorant, or simply stupid?
What’s been shown dozens of times in this thread are post hoc fallacies – not ‘statistics.’

The fact is that the U.S. IS NOT safer after an increase in the number of guns in private hands, ‘dramatic’ or otherwise:

The NRA's theory that more guns mean less crime is debunked in a new Stanford analysis

Consequently, you’re in no position question anyone’s ignorance or stupidity.

And the legal ownership of firearms does not add to the number of crimes committed.
Most crimes committed with guns are perpetrated by people who are legally prohibited from owning firearms. AT best as far as crime is concerned , the legal ownership of guns is a neutral variable.

So the real problem is the ILLEGAL trafficking of firearms and not legal ownership.

We already have laws on the books in every state and also federal laws that are simply not being enforced.

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