More guns sure make us more safe.

A few innocent victims is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

People gotta be safe….400 million guns makes us safe
Even if some people gotta die
Yes .. yes .. just like the current small population of kids that get their genitals cut off in the name of transgenderism!! YEAH!!
If they're young white people, we see you get very upset. If they're young black people, say in Chicago killed by a drive-by shooter, we don't see you give a flying rat's patoot. No vigils, no marches demanding reforms, no demands for the gangs to get out of Chicago, nothing. Not even screaming at city government to gain control. Of course it must be stated that if the young black life is snuffed out by a police officer's bullet, the outrage shows up.

Where is the outrage as, week after week, the body count of black lives lost to senseless gang violence goes up? Is there an unstated sense that it's acceptable because black fingers are pulling the trigger?

The DemoKKKrats' "solution" to that problem is "Defund the Police!".
Are we more interested in removing guns or in stopping the killing? They are different things.
Removing guns from:
1). Law abiding Citizens…..No, law abiding citizens and their guns aren’t the problem, well unless they become not law abiding citizens.

2). People that have exhibited unstable talk and actions and brought to the attention of authorities and using RedFlag laws to temporarily take away guns….. yes
What’s the problem? Oh… let me guess….infringement????
Well, other innocent people have rights too.
Defend Defend Defend the shooters.

Now if the kids won't get off your lawn............................shoot 'em.

I'm defending nothing but the fact that YOU ass clods want to disarm the population. In other words, you assholes are the modern day Taliban, stay at home cowering.
After a plethora of Left Wing nonsense in this thread, NOT ONE SINGLE MENTION of the disgusting perp who walked up and shot into a car full of cheerleaders. You are all a disgrace to this country, well those you who are Americans. The Foreigners who are here for jollies can fuck right off.
Removing guns from:
1). Law abiding Citizens…..No, law abiding citizens and their guns aren’t the problem, well unless they become not law abiding citizens.
The vast majority of citizens are law-abiding and should face no hassle from the government for owning guns.
2). People that have exhibited unstable talk and actions and brought to the attention of authorities and using RedFlag laws to temporarily take away guns….. yes
What’s the problem? Oh… let me guess….infringement????
Well, other innocent people have rights too.
Yes, the Constitution does get in your way, keeping you from taking guns away from people who have done nothing to hurt anyone.

Now, the real problem is the killing. Taking guns away won't stop that, it will just shift to another method.
You didn't walk in the really bad parts of any of those cities at all hours of the night though did you?
You, of course, have no way of knowing such things. You can only project your fears onto me.
You couldn’t believe me even if I gave you details.

Just hide until you hear the doorbell.
Removing guns from:
1). Law abiding Citizens…..No, law abiding citizens and their guns aren’t the problem, well unless they become not law abiding citizens.

2). People that have exhibited unstable talk and actions and brought to the attention of authorities and using RedFlag laws to temporarily take away guns….. yes
What’s the problem? Oh… let me guess….infringement????
Well, other innocent people have rights too.
Everyone is a good guy with a gun right up to the moment they aren’t.
There is no mental health outreach that could cover the extent of our problem.
And the reprehensible right attempts to defend the indefensible.

The right does not need to bear arms because they own the police and the military.
It is only progressive liberals that need the population to be armed, in order to have a republic instead of a kleptocracy.
Everyone is a good guy with a gun right up to the moment they aren’t.
There is no mental health outreach that could cover the extent of our problem.

It was not a problem in the past, and is obviously getting worse, so then there has to be solutions.
Probably public health care, free college tuition, guaranteed housing and food, universal unions, ending the war on drugs, etc., would likely take care of it entirely.
Removing guns from:
1). Law abiding Citizens…..No, law abiding citizens and their guns aren’t the problem, well unless they become not law abiding citizens.

2). People that have exhibited unstable talk and actions and brought to the attention of authorities and using RedFlag laws to temporarily take away guns….. yes
What’s the problem? Oh… let me guess….infringement????
Well, other innocent people have rights too.

1) guns do not cause problems, and are essential to any republic, so "removing guns" is never an improvement. Since any one bent on murder can always easily get a gun illegally, then trying to "remove" guns just disarms all the people who should be armed, and leaves all those with arms who should not be armed. Totally backwards.

2) taking guns away based on rumor, is totally illegal. The law requires the accused be in any court proceeding that can harm them. And that makes red flag rulings totally illegal. They also make no sense at all because if you anger someone by stealing their guns, they are far more certain to be angry enough to murder, and again they can easily get guns illegally.
It was not a problem in the past, and is obviously getting worse, so then there has to be solutions.
Probably public health care, free college tuition, guaranteed housing and food, universal unions, ending the war on drugs, etc., would likely take care of it entirely.
You avoided the obvious answer

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