More hard evidence that Covid is MAN MADE

Why was fauci's institute for ALLERGY research, developing a biological warfare agent?
The virus is real, that was never in doubt. The fact that it was man made was never in doubt...except by the aforementioned gullible fools. The RESPONSE to it is the farce
Q couldn't have put it better.
You consider the sources listed/quoted in the story along with the two people discussing it quacks? Or did you even sit through the report?
more and more evidence is coming to light suggesting covid is a lab altered democrat funded killer of millions !
According to this report Obama STOPPED the program and Trump restarted it.

But just for a minute let's put our LIVES ahead of the partisan blame game and PUT THE FUCKING BRAKES ON THIS SHIT
i believe the virus came from a lab .... i believed that soon after it first started spreading in the US .. i could however be wrong .
I too believed that but was called a crackpot for believing it. I did not believe this was a ploy to "get Trump" however. That's just patently stupid
Oh it was bigger than Get Trump. It's the launching pad for The Great Reset, Global Currency, and Global Government. Sit back and watch.
Why is this not in the Rubber Room?
Because any logical person knows the Virus was man made.
And also nothing to shut the world's economies over, force people to wear the equivalent of a religious face covering, and lock people in their homes, lock their businesses down and throw them out of work.

You know, the same things we fought The British over.

Yet more evidence we have been subjected to human error for the past year.

Statement: More hard evidence that Covid is MAN MADE​

Response: And how did the virus infect and kill so many in the U.S.?​

Some Ideas:
  • Rally's without social distancing and no coverings
  • Holding parties and meetings at the:
    • White House
    • Rose Garden
    • Oval Office
    • Mir a logo
  • Misleading the public by claiming when summer (2020) comes the virus will die out.
  • Misleading the public that he knew better than the scientists, his advisers and military officers.

TDS is like a schizophrenic cat, you never know when the freak out is coming

The truth is beyond your abilities. Your post is not a response to the rules of
Why was fauci's institute for ALLERGY research, developing a biological warfare agent?
No foundation ^^^. the above is a loaded question, a logical fallacy.
You just can't make this stuff up!!
But they do, almost daily.
Mr. Crep-well, we'll have to define "they" but we're not going to agree about it. As a matter of fact, most of your views are polar opposite in nature to my own. It's a good thing to read opposing viewpoints, but they need to have reputable, neutral sources to hold any weight.

I'm always open to considering opposing viewpoints, and I'm the type who goes into hours of researching one topic. Scouring the net to find neutral sources takes more effort and time than it design it would appear (considering a browser controls what "hits" pop up and better sources often take extra scrolling to even find). It's hard to consider any "findings" from any organization, regardless of its size, that make huge profits politically and/or financially from stating a specific scientific position. It's relatively easy to spot political and monetary orgs that are most likely manipulating their "results".

Follow the money...what a simple yet eye-clearing method if the goal is to find untainted truths.
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Yet more evidence we have been subjected to human error for the past year.

Truly one of those moments to say "You just can't make this stuff up!!" Fauci providing funding for Wuhan bat lab in question has to be the most bizarre connection yet. I read that a few weeks back, but just thinking about it makes me go "Huh??" lol What a worm that one. Hey, had he come out during one of his daily public announcements and said "I provided/secured funding to this specific lab in question, but had no idea anything like this would ever happen!" But nooooo, he stayed mute. Too bad for him. The public is forgiving when told the truth..think B. Clinton..had he fessed up and not lied during his grand jury testimony and try that ludicrous "that woman" LOL.... slippery Bill would have fared better and so would have Fauci. He made his bed and it's not over for him.

Oh the irony.
  • Thanks
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We are talking about CHINA a country so stupid they let 40 ton rockets crash to earth without any clue where they will land or who they might kill. A previous uncontrolled reentry hit a village in Africa. Now these idiot Chinese are playing with deadly viruses, brilliant! #sarcasm

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