More History Before 1967

Arabs living under governance of Israel vote in Israeli elections and have members of parliament that represent them.

Arabs living under governance of the Palestinian Authority and Gaza vote in those respective parliamentary elections.

Arabs living under the Jewish boot of a racist occupation have no vote in elections determining which laws they live under. If Jews prefer their nationality to democracy, they'll soon disappear into the same sewer White South Africa did.

You need to give me a link. I would be interested to know which Muslims in Israel are not allowed to vote in Israeli elections. Where do they live in Israel - which region?
Arabs living under governance of Israel vote in Israeli elections and have members of parliament that represent them.

Arabs living under governance of the Palestinian Authority and Gaza vote in those respective parliamentary elections.

Arabs living under the Jewish boot of a racist occupation have no vote in elections determining which laws they live under. If Jews prefer their nationality to democracy, they'll soon disappear into the same sewer White South Africa did.

You need to give me a link. I would be interested to know which Muslims in Israel are not allowed to vote in Israeli elections. Where do they live in Israel - which region?

BFD, what laws that were proposed by Arab legislators actually passed?
Arabs living under the Jewish boot of a racist occupation have no vote in elections determining which laws they live under. If Jews prefer their nationality to democracy, they'll soon disappear into the same sewer White South Africa did.

You need to give me a link. I would be interested to know which Muslims in Israel are not allowed to vote in Israeli elections. Where do they live in Israel - which region?

BFD, what laws that were proposed by Arab legislators actually passed?

I don't have a clue what BFD means. I want to know which Muslims in Israel are not allowed to vote in Israeli elections. Where do they live in Israel - which region?
You need to give me a link. I would be interested to know which Muslims in Israel are not allowed to vote in Israeli elections. Where do they live in Israel - which region?

BFD, what laws that were proposed by Arab legislators actually passed?

I don't have a clue what BFD means. I want to know which Muslims in Israel are not allowed to vote in Israeli elections. Where do they live in Israel - which region?

BFD means big deal. If they cannot pass legislation then their presence is merely token. It makes no difference if they are there or not.
BFD, what laws that were proposed by Arab legislators actually passed?

I don't have a clue what BFD means. I want to know which Muslims in Israel are not allowed to vote in Israeli elections. Where do they live in Israel - which region?

BFD means big deal. If they cannot pass legislation then their presence is merely token. It makes no difference if they are there or not.

Can you answer the question I ask. If not, don't twist the topic.
I don't have a clue what BFD means. I want to know which Muslims in Israel are not allowed to vote in Israeli elections. Where do they live in Israel - which region?

BFD means big deal. If they cannot pass legislation then their presence is merely token. It makes no difference if they are there or not.

Can you answer the question I ask. If not, don't twist the topic.

I asked what laws that were proposed by Arab legislators actually passed?

You are the one ducking the question.
BFD means big deal. If they cannot pass legislation then their presence is merely token. It makes no difference if they are there or not.

Can you answer the question I ask. If not, don't twist the topic.

I asked what laws that were proposed by Arab legislators actually passed?

You are the one ducking the question.

The issue is George Philips's assertion that arabs in Israel are not allowed the vote in Israeli elections. If you can answer it fine, if not then perhaps twiddle your thumbs or whatever.
Can you answer the question I ask. If not, don't twist the topic.

I asked what laws that were proposed by Arab legislators actually passed?

You are the one ducking the question.

The issue is George Philips's assertion that arabs in Israel are not allowed the vote in Israeli elections. If you can answer it fine, if not then perhaps twiddle your thumbs or whatever.

The ones still living there can but all the ones who got the boot cannot.
I asked what laws that were proposed by Arab legislators actually passed?

You are the one ducking the question.

The issue is George Philips's assertion that arabs in Israel are not allowed the vote in Israeli elections. If you can answer it fine, if not then perhaps twiddle your thumbs or whatever.

The ones still living there can but all the ones who got the boot cannot.

Well at least the ones who got the boot can vote in the Muslim country they live in now, right?
I asked what laws that were proposed by Arab legislators actually passed?

You are the one ducking the question.

The issue is George Philips's assertion that arabs in Israel are not allowed the vote in Israeli elections. If you can answer it fine, if not then perhaps twiddle your thumbs or whatever.

The ones still living there can but all the ones who got the boot cannot.

You mean people who don't live in Israel can't vote?? What a surprise !!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Arabs living under governance of Israel vote in Israeli elections and have members of parliament that represent them.

Arabs living under governance of the Palestinian Authority and Gaza vote in those respective parliamentary elections.

Arabs living under the Jewish boot of a racist occupation have no vote in elections determining which laws they live under. If Jews prefer their nationality to democracy, they'll soon disappear into the same sewer White South Africa did.

You need to give me a link. I would be interested to know which Muslims in Israel are not allowed to vote in Israeli elections. Where do they live in Israel - which region?
Area C
Arabs living under the Jewish boot of a racist occupation have no vote in elections determining which laws they live under. If Jews prefer their nationality to democracy, they'll soon disappear into the same sewer White South Africa did.

You need to give me a link. I would be interested to know which Muslims in Israel are not allowed to vote in Israeli elections. Where do they live in Israel - which region?
Area C

It that person has Israeli citizenship then he or she can vote in Israeli elections. Many arabs chose not to become Israeli citizens.
You need to give me a link. I would be interested to know which Muslims in Israel are not allowed to vote in Israeli elections. Where do they live in Israel - which region?
Area C

It that person has Israeli citizenship then he or she can vote in Israeli elections. Many arabs chose not to become Israeli citizens.
Every Arab living between the River and the sea lives under Israeli law, be it civil or military.
One in three Arabs have a vote in Israeli elections.
Jewish state or democratic state?

It that person has Israeli citizenship then he or she can vote in Israeli elections. Many arabs chose not to become Israeli citizens.
Every Arab living between the River and the sea lives under Israeli law, be it civil or military.
One in three Arabs have a vote in Israeli elections.
Jewish state or democratic state?

In Area C which is the area you wanted to know about, those arabs who accepted to become Israeli citizens have the right to vote. Not all Palestinians wanted to become a citizen of Israel.

It that person has Israeli citizenship then he or she can vote in Israeli elections. Many arabs chose not to become Israeli citizens.
Every Arab living between the River and the sea lives under Israeli law, be it civil or military.
One in three Arabs have a vote in Israeli elections.
Jewish state or democratic state?

So you're saying that those who are not citizens of Israel are not allowed to vote???
It that person has Israeli citizenship then he or she can vote in Israeli elections. Many arabs chose not to become Israeli citizens.
Every Arab living between the River and the sea lives under Israeli law, be it civil or military.
One in three Arabs have a vote in Israeli elections.
Jewish state or democratic state?

In Area C which is the area you wanted to know about, those arabs who accepted to become Israeli citizens have the right to vote. Not all Palestinians wanted to become a citizen of Israel.
In Area C, civilian Jews have increased from 1000 colonists in 1972 to over 300,000 today all in violation of the Fourth Geneva Conventions proscription against an Occupying Power filling the territory it occupies with its civilian population.

Since there are only 90,000 to 150,000 Arabs currently living on the same land, of course apologists for "creeping annexation" would suggest Arabs give up their land and water rights for a minority vote in a Jewish Ethnocracy.

How else to explain how the fact that nearly 70% of Palestinian villages are not connected to a water network that serves illegal settlers squatting on land that Arabs had lived on for centuries before Israel's Iron Wall lurched into Palestine?

Administrative divisions of the Oslo Accords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
georgephillip, Sweet_Caroline, et al,

Well, it is not exactly right; as usual.

Every Arab living between the River and the sea lives under Israeli law, be it civil or military.
One in three Arabs have a vote in Israeli elections.
Jewish state or democratic state?

In Area C which is the area you wanted to know about, those arabs who accepted to become Israeli citizens have the right to vote. Not all Palestinians wanted to become a citizen of Israel.
In Area C, civilian Jews have increased from 1000 colonists in 1972 to over 300,000 today all in violation of the Fourth Geneva Conventions proscription against an Occupying Power filling the territory it occupies with its civilian population.

Since there are only 90,000 to 150,000 Arabs currently living on the same land, of course apologists for "creeping annexation" would suggest Arabs give up their land and water rights for a minority vote in a Jewish Ethnocracy.

How else to explain how the fact that nearly 70% of Palestinian villages are not connected to a water network that serves illegal settlers squatting on land that Arabs had lived on for centuries before Israel's Iron Wall lurched into Palestine?

POINT #1: It is not a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention (GCIV) proscription. As the GCIV only addresses "transfers by force." However, it is a prima facie violation of the Rome Statues (RS-ICC). I copied them both for you to compare so that you can see the difference. The importance of this point is that while Israel is a signatory of the GCIV, it is not a signatory of the Rome Statues. (This is a very common mistake for people who don't do their own research and analysis; and have a preconceived notion or agenda. In every good piece of propaganda there a bit of truth.)

Comparison of the selected codes: GCIV 'vs' RS-ICC said:
Section III. Occupied territories - Article 49 - Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.

Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.


PART 2 - Jurisdiction, Admissibility, and Applicable Law -- Article 8 - War crimes, Para 2b(viii), Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (RS-ICC)

(viii) The transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies, or the deportation or transfer of all or parts of the population of the occupied territory within or outside this territory;


You will notice that the GCIV says: "Individual or mass forcible transfers." Wherein, the RS-ICC does not have "force" as a criteria or element of the offense.​

POINT #2: The "settlement" issue is to the Palestinians --- as is --- the "right of return" issue is to the Israeli. This is a negotiating point at any Peace Talk. The attempt by the Palestinian to use the pre-War 1967 Borders as a pre-condition to the Talks is a crafty attempt by the Palestinians to get the upper hand on the negotiation of settlements and the right of return. (Most people don't get that.)

Most Respectfully,
In Area C which is the area you wanted to know about, those arabs who accepted to become Israeli citizens have the right to vote. Not all Palestinians wanted to become a citizen of Israel.

Izreael has ultimate control and rule over all land and peoples from the river to the sea.

buty millions of palestiniansw in that land have no right to vote or the option to have the right to vote. millions of palestonioans in that land suffer legal discrimination and apartheid laws. palestinioans who marry israelis cannot move to israel even thouigh the zionists say the whole land is israel. palestinians are in essence second class citiszens.

that isn't democracy.
In Area C, civilian Jews have increased from 1000 colonists in 1972 to over 300,000 today all in violation of the Fourth Geneva Conventions proscription against an Occupying Power filling the territory it occupies with its civilian population.

Since there are only 90,000 to 150,000 Arabs currently living on the same land, of course apologists for "creeping annexation" would suggest Arabs give up their land and water rights for a minority vote in a Jewish Ethnocracy.

How else to explain how the fact that nearly 70% of Palestinian villages are not connected to a water network that serves illegal settlers squatting on land that Arabs had lived on for centuries before Israel's Iron Wall lurched into Palestine?


POINT #1: It is not a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention (GCIV) proscription. As the GCIV only addresses "transfers by force." However, it is a prima facie violation of the Rome Statues (RS-ICC). I copied them both for you to compare so that you can see the difference. The importance of this point is that while Israel is a signatory of the GCIV, it is not a signatory of the Rome Statues. (This is a very common mistake for people who don't do their own research and analysis; and have a preconceived notion or agenda. In every good piece of propaganda there a bit of truth.)

Comparison of the selected codes: GCIV 'vs' RS-ICC said:
Section III. Occupied territories - Article 49 - Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.

Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.


PART 2 - Jurisdiction, Admissibility, and Applicable Law -- Article 8 - War crimes, Para 2b(viii), Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (RS-ICC)

(viii) The transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies, or the deportation or transfer of all or parts of the population of the occupied territory within or outside this territory;


You will notice that the GCIV says: "Individual or mass forcible transfers." Wherein, the RS-ICC does not have "force" as a criteria or element of the offense.​

POINT #2: The "settlement" issue is to the Palestinians --- as is --- the "right of return" issue is to the Israeli. This is a negotiating point at any Peace Talk. The attempt by the Palestinian to use the pre-War 1967 Borders as a pre-condition to the Talks is a crafty attempt by the Palestinians to get the upper hand on the negotiation of settlements and the right of return. (Most people don't get that.)

Most Respectfully,

with all due respoect it is a violation of international law for a occupying country to do any construction in occupied lands other than for secutrity purpsoes.

housing for civilians is not security puirpsoies. roads, collages, synagogues, dams, is not for security purpsos. it is to expand the state of israel. and it is a violation of intrernational law.

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