More left wing tears...Trump went up 4 points since Tuesday...

Ruh Roh..Americans see through the lies....

You Won't Believe What Happened to Trump's Approval Rating Last Week

On August 13, Trump hit 34% approval rating. By Thursday he’d gained four points, to 38%, despite having the kitchen sink thrown at him.


And keep in mind that while 38% approval is not stellar, do you know when else Trump had a 38% approval rating? November 8, 2016.
Let's see.........what happened between Tuesday and today.......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I see some people love sighting Rassmusen polls. Its a right leaning poll. Its like only looking at Huffington post poll when Obama was ok office.

I would say a 10 point increase is significant. But we're getting excited over 4 points? LolLets say its 38% now. It's terrible numbers for a POTUS who's been in the white house for only eight months. Historically low.

Is this the bar we're setting now? 38%?
1. Rassmussen was still over-sampling Democrats and was considerably off in their percentage prediction.
Our Final 2016 Picks - Rasmussen Reports™

2. IBD was the most accurate of them all. RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

3. Given how far off the polls were in many cases, we should probably take the 45% Rassmussen gives Trump today and add another 6% to get something in the ball park with Reality.
Ruh Roh..Americans see through the lies....

You Won't Believe What Happened to Trump's Approval Rating Last Week

On August 13, Trump hit 34% approval rating. By Thursday he’d gained four points, to 38%, despite having the kitchen sink thrown at him.


And keep in mind that while 38% approval is not stellar, do you know when else Trump had a 38% approval rating? November 8, 2016.

Dividing the country gets more support from his base. How disturbing.
Why did polls suddenly become viable now that they paint a positive picture on Trump? I don't think they are real.

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