More left-wing terrorism & hate - shots fired at truck with MAGA flag.

Locke11_21 is a rabble rouser, nothing more. The far right terrorists are active as well, as he knows.

If this keeps on the Alt Left and Alt Right, we may need detention camps for some of them who don't get it.
look - they did it. they shot at another person who shows to support trump. you wanna play fair for what is going on TODAY you can be more than free to show me the right running around shooting people.

go ahead. i'm right here waiting.


find it yet?


the right is gonna start firing back and we all know they got a LOT more guns. *and* know how to use them. we can keep going "na na both sides are mean".
You need reading lessons? I said some of the alt left and alt right. Dylan Roof is alt right. The abortion clinic shooter two years ago was alt right. The Bunyites are alt righties. Quit melting (heh), iceberg. And the alt left who do it as well. Both sides do it.
i said what is going on THESE DAYS.

show me the right shooting people again. this is not the same level of bullshit you're trying to pass it off as and i promise you that as soon as they fire back you're gonna THEN start crying foul.
I already have, iceberg. Both sides do it.

Oh, Mary, quit spouting like the little teapot you are, please.
we'll see. you can keep pretending this is your normal run of the mill business as usual but sorry - this is fucked up and until we all realize it, it will keep going on.

and to date i don't believe i've mocked or made fun of you - so if this is how you talk to people, do it again and i'll just move on.

fuck it - moving on.
Locke11_21 is a rabble rouser, nothing more. The far right terrorists are active as well, as he knows.

If this keeps on the Alt Left and Alt Right, we may need detention camps for some of them who don't get it.
look - they did it. they shot at another person who shows to support trump. you wanna play fair for what is going on TODAY you can be more than free to show me the right running around shooting people.

go ahead. i'm right here waiting.


find it yet?


the right is gonna start firing back and we all know they got a LOT more guns. *and* know how to use them. we can keep going "na na both sides are mean".
You need reading lessons? I said some of the alt left and alt right. Dylan Roof is alt right. The abortion clinic shooter two years ago was alt right. The Bunyites are alt righties. Quit melting (heh), iceberg. And the alt left who do it as well. Both sides do it.
i said what is going on THESE DAYS.

show me the right shooting people again. this is not the same level of bullshit you're trying to pass it off as and i promise you that as soon as they fire back you're gonna THEN start crying foul.
I already have, iceberg. Both sides do it.

Oh, Mary, quit spouting like the little teapot you are, please.
we'll see. you can keep pretending this is your normal run of the mill business as usual but sorry - this is fucked up and until we all realize it, it will keep going on.
Of course it is bad, iceberg. Somebody should have swept up the abortion shooter, the Bundyites, Dylan Roof, the Pulse shooter, and Hodgkinson and others. If they are making threats verbally or on line, if they are acting out and nothing is being done, then, yes, it is bad.
TipsyShitLover: "This is a war. Get it. It's a war. Kill or be killed."

So what are you packin', Annie Oakley? You Keyboard Kowgirls are a krack-up.
Tipsy is all talk no talk.

Strolling Bones will bring the Wrath of Bast down on you.
This is a war. Get it. It's a war. Kill or be killed.

As that stupidfuck Franco would say, CHANGE THE CHANNEL.

You're showing signs of brainwashing with nonsensical bullshit like this. Not to mention it is not a mentally stable thing to say.
But it is quite,true. Complete with political assassinations.
Keep pushin, tards.

Once the crackers get mad,you're done.

Sleeves? Head splatted? Yeah, Your tattoos and phone ain't gonna save ya.

STFU Bodey.

You wanna put your tongue ring, tattoos, and wallet chain up against me?

I've had better puss than you ever will, gf.

I take solace in the knowledge that I've had better than you ever will. ;)

Some were even of your umm..persuasion.
I'm sure you can stand in front of a mirror and say that as a daily affirmation....because you're good enough, you're smart enough and doggone it, people like you.
The left-wing terrorism and extreme hate continues on. A truck driving on an interstate in Indiana was shot at; the truck had a "Make America Great Again" flag. Make no mistake about it - the left is the enemy of America. The left is compiled of domestic terrorists. The left is a far greater threat to America than any radical Islamic organization. The time has come for those with far-left politics to be put on terrorist watch lists, and have their organizations and their media declared as hate organizations.

Several shots fired at truck flying ‘Make America Great Again’ flag on I-465
after over 8 years of 24 hour hate and racism by the white christer party, the chickens are coming home to roost

cry me a river bagger

This ^^^^^^^ kind of racist apologist for violence is the sort of irresponsible scum in our society that leads to terrible events. Racist low-lifes like this need to be marginalized and ignored while the rest of society leaves them behind, where they belong.

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