More liberal idiocy on display

We are having a discussion about a jeweler that I bet most of us had no idea existed until about 20 minutes ago. The marketing may be glib, but it appears to have been successful.
Without a doubt. Once again leftist outrage will backfire. I'm guessing this jeweler will be selling a lot more "rocks" if the loonies keep pushing them.

Perhaps. All I know is that I have a very limited amount of daily outrage to give and I can't seem to pencil in any more today. lol
Perhaps the ones that are bothered by this ad expects others to teach their children morals , instead of taking what that sign says and talk to your own children..

I always loved driving my boys in the car, they couldn't escape so you had their attention when talking about something important..
One parent reportedly claimed that their child was offended. A second grader.....offended. Let THAT sink in for a minute.
We are having a discussion about a jeweler that I bet most of us had no idea existed until about 20 minutes ago. The marketing may be glib, but it appears to have been successful.
Without a doubt. Once again leftist outrage will backfire. I'm guessing this jeweler will be selling a lot more "rocks" if the loonies keep pushing them.

Perhaps. All I know is that I have a very limited amount of daily outrage to give and I can't seem to pencil in any more today. lol

I hear ya
The billboard was rude and endorses a man right to abuse women with expensive jewelery and women have to worry about if diamond rings, pearl earrings and emerald chains will be tossed at them!!!

As for the four year old boy, well off to GITMO for the little terrorist that one day might grow up to be someone that understand the dangers of firearms!

We must live in fear of the four year old terrorist with a .22 casing!!!

( It's Friday so more retarded than usual )
Perhaps the ones that are bothered by this ad expects others to teach their children morals , instead of taking what that sign says and talk to your own children..

I always loved driving my boys in the car, they couldn't escape so you had their attention when talking about something important..
One parent reportedly claimed that their child was offended. A second grader.....offended. Let THAT sink in for a minute.

When I hear big words coming out of a young child, I know it comes from the parents ...
The billboard was rude and endorses a man right to abuse women with expensive jewelery and women have to worry about if diamond rings, pearl earrings and emerald chains will be tossed at them!!!

As for the four year old boy, well off to GITMO for the little terrorist that one day might grow up to be someone that understand the dangers of firearms!

We must live in fear of the four year old terrorist with a .22 casing!!!

( It's Friday so more retarded than usual )

I was a tom boy throwing rocks at the boys for
The billboard was rude and endorses a man right to abuse women with expensive jewelery and women have to worry about if diamond rings, pearl earrings and emerald chains will be tossed at them!!!

As for the four year old boy, well off to GITMO for the little terrorist that one day might grow up to be someone that understand the dangers of firearms!

We must live in fear of the four year old terrorist with a .22 casing!!!

( It's Friday so more retarded than usual )

I was a tom boy throwing rocks at the boys for

Those were the girls I would date when growing up. They had to be as tough or tougher than me.

I have a scar on my cheek from a young love and her rake when we first met...

Even rattlesnakes feared her!
The billboard was rude and endorses a man right to abuse women with expensive jewelery and women have to worry about if diamond rings, pearl earrings and emerald chains will be tossed at them!!!

As for the four year old boy, well off to GITMO for the little terrorist that one day might grow up to be someone that understand the dangers of firearms!

We must live in fear of the four year old terrorist with a .22 casing!!!

( It's Friday so more retarded than usual )

I don't care who ya are, that's funny right there! :badgrin: :udaman:
The billboard was rude and endorses a man right to abuse women with expensive jewelery and women have to worry about if diamond rings, pearl earrings and emerald chains will be tossed at them!!!

As for the four year old boy, well off to GITMO for the little terrorist that one day might grow up to be someone that understand the dangers of firearms!

We must live in fear of the four year old terrorist with a .22 casing!!!

( It's Friday so more retarded than usual )

I was a tom boy throwing rocks at the boys for

Those were the girls I would date when growing up. They had to be as tough or tougher than me.

I have a scar on my cheek from a young love and her rake when we first met...

Even rattlesnakes feared her!

I hung out with the guys at work too ( as friends )....Too much drama with the back stabbing 2 faced
The billboard was rude and endorses a man right to abuse women with expensive jewelery and women have to worry about if diamond rings, pearl earrings and emerald chains will be tossed at them!!!

As for the four year old boy, well off to GITMO for the little terrorist that one day might grow up to be someone that understand the dangers of firearms!

We must live in fear of the four year old terrorist with a .22 casing!!!

( It's Friday so more retarded than usual )

I was a tom boy throwing rocks at the boys for

Those were the girls I would date when growing up. They had to be as tough or tougher than me.

I have a scar on my cheek from a young love and her rake when we first met...

Even rattlesnakes feared her!

I hung out with the guys at work too ( as friends )....Too much drama with the back stabbing 2 faced

EW, my wife says the same thing working with other women in a large doctors office.

Of course, she's a Texas 4x4 pick-up country girl and has never owned a car, so...
Protest planned over jewelry store's controversial billboard

Illinois Preschool Hands Out Painful Lesson in Zero Tolerance to 4-Year-Old Boy

The level of sensitivity taking place in our nation is beyond ridiculous. It's like people on the left are just looking for shit to cry about.
Becoming Terminal in the Long Term

They're snowconing future snowflakes. Where do you think the ones we're stuck with today came from?

I dunno, descendants of the dope-smoking, free-love, Make-love-not-war, Red-Diaper-doper-babies of the '60?

Yeah, the Counter Culture was good to me. It took my manhood, sense of humor, and common sense away from me. It made my life easier by allowing me to follow the herd and only listen to my exalted leaders so that I didn't have to face thinking for muself making a choice.
It think it's a rather funny advertisement, but then again, I am made of sterner stuff.

What's so funny about it? I think it's a shitty billboard. It's not offensive to me, it just sucks. It's not clever, it's not funny, it's terrible marketing.
Confirmed social justice warrior triggered

Bad advertising does trigger me, yes. Again, I'm not offended by the billboard, I just think it's bad advertising. (I do advertising. And this ad sucks.)

I think it was pretty damned effective, look at all then additional FREE TV time and social media discussion it generated. Also people will support the store just to piss off the protesters.
It think it's a rather funny advertisement, but then again, I am made of sterner stuff.

What's so funny about it? I think it's a shitty billboard. It's not offensive to me, it just sucks. It's not clever, it's not funny, it's terrible marketing.
Confirmed social justice warrior triggered

I have come to the conclusion that liberalism is a form of mental disease. How else can one explain the liberal mind which is devoid of logic?
Under the Masks of the Actors on the Media Stage

No sincere person could possibly believe in the idiocy on the Preppy Progressive agenda. It's all as intentionally irrational as letting 10-year-olds vote and drive cars. The logic is that they are agents of the Right Wing they were born in and purposely turn government malignant to trick us into voting for enslavement to the private-sector rulers.
Protest planned over jewelry store's controversial billboard

Illinois Preschool Hands Out Painful Lesson in Zero Tolerance to 4-Year-Old Boy

The level of sensitivity taking place in our nation is beyond ridiculous. It's like people on the left are just looking for shit to cry about.
Becoming Terminal in the Long Term

They're snowconing future snowflakes. Where do you think the ones we're stuck with today came from?

I dunno, descendants of the dope-smoking, free-love, Make-love-not-war, Red-Diaper-doper-babies of the 60s?

Decade After Decadent Decade, Generation After Degenerate Generation

Who became mind-raping teachers to make sure that their legacy lived on. Now you know the truth about the fake news about the Age of Aquarius.
Just the latest Democrat daily faux outrage scam. They'll manufacture another one tomorrow. So stay tuned... Or don't. I tune it out at this point.

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